I think this quilt pattern has been secretly calling out to me to make it. Several months ago, my mom was given a huge stash of fabric and quilt books & magazines from a friend of a friend who was downsizing. My mom doesn’t sew, she knits and paints, but sewing is not her forte. So, I was the lucky recipient of all these wonderful gifts. I kept some of the fabric, and the rest I donated to Victoria Quilts Canada.
One magazine in particular caught my attention and has lived on my window ledge, on my desk, on the sewing table and on the TV hutch for the past while, calling me to pick it up every time I walk by. It is Quilting Ideas, Fall 2003 issue from Better Homes and Gardens.
See the adorable quilt on the cover? Well, imagine my surprise when I was browsing the All People Quilt web site a week or so ago and discovered this pattern, Hearts & Flowers Appliqué Quilt featured on their home page. Of course, I stared at the picture for a long time, then went in search of the magazine, and sure enough it is exactly the same pattern.
While I don’t have kids of my own, I do have a wonderful 2+ year old niece, Lucy. I’ve had great ambitions to make Lucy her first quilt since before she was even born, yet I still haven’t. I have made her a wall hanging and crocheted her a blanket. I’ve had a few patterns picked out for her, and even the fabric purchased for each, yet still no quilt.
Well, she’ll be getting this one, either for Christmas or her third birthday next February. I’ve already traced and rough cut all 70 pieces of the fusible web. I’ve been going through my stash of fat quarters picking out the various pieces of fabric. I’ll be doing the blanket stitch around each piece by hand. I can’t wait to see how this one comes together.
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