House and Building Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 22
  • Total countries: 6
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 8

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

3 Dimensional Adobe Pueblo 3 Dimensional Adobe Pueblo
By: Barb forrister,
Texas, USA

This contemporary southwest adobe is reminiscent of the neighborhood in which I grew up. The colors employ the traditional earth tone browns and peaches accented with turquoise trim and red rug weavings and chili ristras. There are 5 interconnecting units with vigas incorporated and the roofs are

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 20"

Barn Lover Barn Lover
By: Rhonda Lawton,
Texas, USA

I grew up around barns on my grandparents farm and love the shapes, the old wood and the scenery around them. This quilt was made to depict my love for them.

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 53"

barns of rural America barns of rural America
By: diane larson,
Iowa, USA

Being a farmwife I know all about the disappearing barns from the rural landscape and decided to do this quilt depicting the different styles of barns from years past. With the rising popularity of barn quilts these days I thought it even now more appropriate.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"

Buildings for Christopher Buildings for Christopher
By: Debbie Lange Quilting,
Indiana, USA

A graduation gift for my nephew for receiving his Architecture degree. Notice the skyscraper, schoolhouse, barn and silo, castle and many homes. I used prairie points for curtains in home windows and as bushes and flowers. Sun is part of a mariner’s compass. Details for the castle were fussy cut.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 79"

Center Street USA Center Street USA
By: Jean Buchanan,
Ohio, USA

This is paper pieced with applique vine, leaves, hearts and birds. It is machine pieced and quilted. I saw this quilt make up at a venders place at a quilt show and wanted to make it. The design is by Betty Neff from Canton, Pa.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Chaco I Chaco I
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

My digital photo from a trip to the Anasazi ruin Pueblo Bonito at Chaco Canyon in the 4 Corners area of New Mexico inspired this pictorial applique’ quilt. I used hand dyed cottons and batiks with added fabric paint and free motion quilting to create the details and inspire the mood.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 38"

First Home First Home
By: Denise Mitchell,
California, USA

The story behind this quilt is that this was our daughter’s first home. So while it was being built I took photo’s of the progress, start to finish! Empty lot to a beautiful home !!

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 58"

Grandma's House Grandma’s House
By: Sophia Carroll,
Oregon, USA

I made this for my daughter’s grandmother for Christmas several years ago. It has hung in her bedroom ever since. It was also one of the first quilts I ever made.

Quilt size: width: 57" height: 64"

Hime and Harvest Hime and Harvest
By: Denise French,
Ontario, Canada

Home and Harvest was designed by Erica Kaprow to be made using wool. I made my version using 100% cotton fabrics and needleturn hand applique.
The small blocks are 8 inches.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Home Is Where The Heat Is Home Is Where The Heat Is
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

I made this wallhanging several years ago from a commercial pattern which I no longer have so I am unable to give credit to the designer. I have always wanted to live in a log house by the water! The door sign was included with the pattern and the ceramic fish and loons were gifts from friends.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Homespun Houses Homespun Houses
By: Heather Scott,
California, USA

The inspiration for this quilt came from a Schnibbles pattern….except I was too frugal to buy the pattern so I created one of my own and included stars in the quilt. Homespun fabrics are among my favorites and it gave this quilt a sweet, country look.

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 60"

Life in a Rainbow Life in a Rainbow
By: Darlene Bayley,
Alberta, Canada

Inspired by a street scene from Ireland and a challenge to my Fibre Arts Club on fractures. I drafted the street scene with a “rainbow” running through it and then appilqued each section accordingly. At the end, I cut the scene along the rainbow color changes and juxtaposed it.

Quilt size: width: 18″" height: 16″"

Little Pink Houses Little Pink Houses
By: Delia Hardcastle,
United Arab Emirates

Little Pink Houses was made many years ago in expectation of a grandaughter arriving one day. Finally the blessed event will be any day now. The houses were paper pieced, the top machine stitched, and the quilt was finished with hand quilting. Every stitch was a joy.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 39"

Living Next Door Living Next Door
By: Syverkstan,

Six different individuals living together like a big family.
I made this wallhanger a while ago, using my fantasy and different technics. It was fun to make and I think it became a happy one.

Quilt size: width: 24ยฝ" height: 42"

Manarola, Italy Manarola, Italy
By: Sally Manke, Fiber Artist,
Michigan, USA

This quilted wall hanging depicts the coastline of Manarola, Italy. We stayed in this tiny village while hiking the trails though the area. The colorful buildings, rocky shore and crashing waves are recreated with raw edge applique, confetti quilting, thread painting with cottons and other fibers.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 32"

Memories of Ireland Memories of Ireland
By: QuilterKat,
California, USA

Made to celebrate my daughter’s study abroad semester in Ireland. Unfortunately, the photo doesn’t show all the embroidery details. Quilted into the border is an Irish prayer: “May the sound of happy music and the lilt of Irish laughter fill your heart with gladness that stays forever after.”

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

My house is my castle My house is my castle
By: Willeke de la Chambre – van der Velden,

In 2012, I participated in ”Building houses from scraps”
For each day of 2012, I made a house 7,5 x 7,5 cm; with a larger one in the middle. It was great fun to make the 266 houses. (but I was glad when New Year came in sight ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 63"

RENT Wall Hanging RENT Wall Hanging
By: RENT Wall Hanging,

I completed this quilt for our local theatre company to raffle, my thespian husband and talented step daughter are in this production of RENT. I free motion quilted this with a technique I had not done before, echo quilting, and feel it looks very effective and is perfect for a wall hanging.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 44"

Road Trip Road Trip
By: Claire Alexander,
Oregon, USA

The road trip is through city and country, day and night, with the buildings on the city half, of course. Because of color balance, driving as the British do worked best. The little quilt started with the black and gold fabric that became the center line.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 10"

Ryokan Ryokan
California, USA

Ryokan means ‘inn’ in Japanese. These little Japanese inns each feature a different 6″ pieced block.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 75"

Strolling Down the Block Strolling Down the Block
By: kbo,
California, USA

I collected Liberty Falls houses over the years and have more than I need, so I made “Strolling Down the Block” a calender quilt from HGTV’s website in 2003. finished in 2005. I love to embellish.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 72"

Windmill Magic Windmill Magic
By: Gene Black,
Alabama, USA

This is a quilt that I made using hand dyed fabrics. The basic pattern was designed by Laura Wasilowski in her book “Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts”
I chose different colors and shibori fabrics to enhance the design. I think the shibori for both the tulips and the windmill blades add interest

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 21"

118 responses to “House and Building Quilts”

  1. Michelle Carroll Avatar
    Michelle Carroll

    Loved the house quilts. Gave me ideas to make my own house quilt. They all did a great job, beautiful work.

  2. Dorothy Holt Avatar
    Dorothy Holt

    I liked the Mosaic Florence and the Santas Little Deer!

  3. Gunda Avatar

    Anne Sutton’s Designer Select Fat Quarter Bundle
    Celebration Collection is my favorite

  4. Amy Caldwell Avatar
    Amy Caldwell

    “Sweet Jane” Is so pretty.

  5. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    Urban Zoology FQ Bundle is my favorite. I’ve got a new great-nephew on the way & this would make a great baby quilt. Thanks.

  6. Joyce Avatar

    too many I like! but grandma’s garden caught my eyes , thinking dresden plates….hum

  7. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    Ready for cooler weather — Snowman Gatherings.

  8. Mary Avatar

    There are lots of pretties making it very hard to choose, but my favorite is Gracie Girl with Bobbins and Bits coming in a very close second!

  9. Ann Glines Avatar
    Ann Glines

    Anne Sutton’s Designer Collection is my favorite. The fabric would work wonderfully in a little girl’s quilt.

  10. barbe price Avatar
    barbe price

    High Street by Lily Ashbury is my ffavorite new collection, so pretty

  11. Eileen Keane Avatar
    Eileen Keane

    The talent of these artists is awesome! Love all the different interpretations.

  12. Rumi Avatar

    Adventures Fat Quarter Bundle
    Stephanie Marie Designs is my favorite.

  13. Jacque Avatar

    I loved all of these quilts! I have so many ideas for new quilts to create now. There are so many differing styles and personalities represented here. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Rita E in AZ Avatar

    My favorite is Lola Fat Quarter Bundle
    Dear Stella Fabrics.

  15. Colleen Avatar

    Having just visited there, I have to pick Britain’s Best.

  16. Gale Avatar

    Difficult to vote this week with such talent displayed. Will have to ponder my decision for another day. Love the Bobbins and Bits by Pat Sloan and I think you sold me on it when you started the post about the Aiming for Accuracy.

  17. Donna Klessner Avatar
    Donna Klessner

    It was hard to choose only three of the house blocks as I loved so many of them. Pippa is my favorite of the fat quarter bundles. The colors are so soft and pretty!

  18. Anya King Avatar

    What fun quilts!

  19. Nita Avatar

    Bella Solids jumped out and bit me – I’ve been noticing quilts made with solids a lot lately, and have always wanted to make an Amish-inspired quilt. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    Hard to choose only three. My favorite bundle is Grandma’s Garden Fat Quarter Bundle

  21. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    I am thinking of winter so my favorite this week is Snowman Gatherings Fat Quarter Bundle.

  22. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    Love the theme!! The bundle that catches my eye at the moment is Parisian.

  23. Kay Eyles Avatar
    Kay Eyles

    I love the High Streets bundle by Lily Ashbury, it is bright, happy and summery.

  24. Jo Avatar

    bobbins and bits is my fav. Now I have to make a house quilt.

  25. Barbara Orozco Avatar

    Sunnyside by Kate Spain for Moda is my favourite. I’m a Kate Spain Fabric addict…

  26. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    It’s so hard to pick. !
    I love them all !
    But my one pick would have to be Bobbins and Bits Prints by
    Pat Sloan for Moda Fabrics.

  27. Crystal Scheid Avatar
    Crystal Scheid

    Hot Chocolate Fat Quarter Bundle
    Nancy Mink for Wilmington Prints

    These are so cute!!! I see Christmas gift totes and stocking stuffers galore from this bundle!

  28. Michelle Young Avatar
    Michelle Young

    I love the “Santa’s Little Deer” fabric! So cute!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. nancy k Avatar
    nancy k

    Gracie Girl is Great ! I love Lola ! I often use Grandma’s Garden prints because they work for all new babies, boy or girl.

  30. Missy Avatar

    I really like Grandma’s Garden! I’m trying to build a stash of reproduction fabrics, although I do not have any yet! LOL

  31. Aimee Avatar

    Love the houses this week. My favorite new bundle is the Snowman Gatherings Fat Quarter Bundle Primitive Gatherings for Moda Fabrics

  32. Lea Avatar

    Anne Suttons Designer select caught my eye, only because I’ve a new granddaughter on the way next month! Oh cute little dresses could be made with that bundle. Thanks for the chance to win and for having these wonderful contests every week. I’m always inspired when seeing the quilts. Good Luck to all who entered!

  33. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    House quilts are my favorite! Great to see so many cute ones!

  34. Linda McCoy Avatar
    Linda McCoy

    So many beautiful, enticing choices…but right now, I like Parisian. I’m collecting blacks, greys & yellows for a project and they would make wonderful additions!

  35. LINDA Avatar


  36. Maryellen Avatar

    Great quilts!! My favorite new fabric is Sweet Jane. There’s just something that catches my eye when I see roses!

  37. Susan Avatar

    High Street Fat Quarter Bundle by Lily Ashbury ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    Love the Timeless Tonya Whelan bundle. So soft and pretty!

  39. Gayle Pulley Avatar
    Gayle Pulley

    Oh, so many pretty bundles, I like Timeless Tanya the best! I think…

  40. Jane Avatar

    I like the Bermuda Urban Zoologie, would make a great quilt for a little one!

  41. Denise Avatar

    Super house quilts in the contest.
    My favourite bundle is by Kim Diehl Perfect Pairing.

  42. Afton Avatar

    My fav is Parisian.

  43. Betsy Avatar

    Sweet Jane is very pretty

  44. Kristal Avatar

    Gracie girl ๐Ÿ™‚ but since I should pick something else I really like Arizona sky ๐Ÿ™‚ thx!!

  45. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    Beautiful quilts! But why does the “How to Vote” say we can vote for six but three is the minimum?

  46. laurie Avatar

    I think my favorite bundle is Blogger’s Choice, or maybe Sweet Jane.

  47. Annmarie Avatar

    Love the bright colors in Timeless by Tanya Whelan for Free Spirit. Love looking & voting every week too!

  48. Susan H. Avatar
    Susan H.

    The 3-D Pueblo is just amazing and I love it. Is it really classified as a quilt?

  49. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    I do so like Nevada Sky Tule. Thanks.

  50. Sarah Avatar

    Adventures, for sure! Love those purples ๐Ÿ˜‰

  51. DeborahGun Avatar

    Gorgeous house quilts. And thankyou FQS for a lovely giveaway – I love Lola by Dear Stella.

  52. Laurie Edwards Avatar
    Laurie Edwards

    Hands down my favorite is “Adventures” by Stephanie Marie Designs. Think this bundle will be on my next order, LOVE it !!!! Thanks for the chance at this give away.

  53. Julie Newman Avatar
    Julie Newman

    The Anne Sutton designer FQ’s are so fresh looking, spring is around the corner here and they would make a lovely spring quilt.

  54. Terry Avatar

    What pretty quilts!!! My favorite bundle is Hot Chocolate by Nancy Mink…thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  55. Barbara Colvin Avatar
    Barbara Colvin

    I love Perrymint by Dear Stella. I also really enjoy viewing all the wonderful quilts. Thanks!

  56. DebV Avatar

    Gracie Girl is my favorite. Thanks for a chance to win. The clocks and watches really catch my eye in this set.

  57. Gene Black Avatar

    My favorite is probably the New Moda Bella solids, but I also love the Bermuda Urban Zoologie Fat Quarter Bundle.

  58. Margaret Schindler Avatar
    Margaret Schindler

    High Street Fat Quarter Bundle Lily Ashbury for Moda Fabrics
    Loving that bundle . I also love Gracie girl. Have my fingers crossed Thanks.

  59. Sharon Joyner Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Joyner Griffith

    Great contest….I am really stuck on two so I have to say Pippa and Perfect Pairing are my favorites….Good luck everyone.

  60. Leslie Lackey Avatar
    Leslie Lackey

    Love these contests, so many beautiful quilts hard to pick just one, lots of talent out there.

  61. Barbara Williams Avatar
    Barbara Williams

    I love all the quilts. It was so hard to vote. I also loved all the fat qtrs but think the New Bella Soliods are great because I am always looking for a little bit of a soliod for something I’m doing.

  62. Tammy Avatar

    Timeless by Tanya Whelan is gorgeous

  63. Karen H Avatar

    Mosaic Florence is my fave. Love the soft greens!

  64. Sandy Barker Avatar
    Sandy Barker

    I think Perfect Pairing by Kim Diehl would be a perfect pairing for a new English Paper Piecing project for me!

  65. Alfonsina Avatar

    I love all the quilts I also loved all the fat quarters but think the Pippa are great because I am always looking for a little bit of a texture.

  66. Shawn Avatar

    I really like all the quilts, it was hard to just pick three. Thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  67. Four dogs and one quilter Avatar
    Four dogs and one quilter

    Would love to add Snowman Gathering to my stash.

  68. Barb in MI Avatar

    What a variety of beautiful house quilts! Checked out the new FQ bundles and love Nevada Sun Tule FQ bundle. Thanks so much!

  69. Pam Avatar

    Thanks for another great contest. I really enjoy looking at the quilts every week. The Spring Urban Zoology bundle is my current favorite at the Fat Quarter Shop.

  70. Jessica Avatar

    I like the Burmuda Urban Zoologie…I’m on an elephant kick. I have to make myself put elephant fabrics back on the shelf at the LQS or I’d walk out with all of them ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. Bonnie Reed Avatar
    Bonnie Reed

    Love all the quilts such creative work . My favorite fat quarters are Hot Chocolate such fun

  72. Kristi Avatar

    I liked the Not So Spooky Halloween bundle. Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Patty Avatar

    Gracie Girl is my favorite.

  74. Judy Avatar

    Awesome quilts this week! It was so hard to pick just three. I must have trouble making decisions, I couldn’t pick just one bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop either. Love Gracie Girl and Snowman Gathering…. and Truly Crazy for Christmas Flannel!

  75. Debbie Avatar

    I like the New Bella Solids.

  76. Bonnie Pfrimmer Avatar
    Bonnie Pfrimmer

    Nice quilts!! Everyone is so talented. My favorite fat quarters are Grandmas Garden. Love it..

  77. Elaine Avatar

    Truly crazy for Christmas, because I truly am….beautiful quilts too.

  78. Sophia Carroll Avatar
    Sophia Carroll

    I am in love with all things Lily Ashbury. So High Street is on my Must have list.

  79. beverly Avatar

    bella solidsโ€ฆ.i am designing a quilt now that needs themโ€ฆ.thanks

  80. Pam Avatar

    I like the Hot Chocolate group.

  81. Jeanette Avatar

    I liked the Bella Solids.

  82. Delia Hardcastle Avatar
    Delia Hardcastle

    What fabulous competition. It was truly difficult to choose from the great quilts on display.

  83. Carla Finley Avatar
    Carla Finley

    Pretty quilts. Hot chocolate is nice.

  84. Sandra Starley Avatar

    Love the snowman gatherings or Kim Diehl’s perfect pairings. Thank you.

  85. pam sterling Avatar
    pam sterling

    I like the house quilts….. I love pre-cuts they allow so much variety for the price per yard of fabric — I love prints but I am looking more and more at solids to add a different look to my quilts so my pick would be the Bella Solids……

  86. April Hurley Avatar
    April Hurley

    I love Lola by Dear Stella!!

  87. Michele Gailey Avatar
    Michele Gailey

    THANK YOU for the opportunity to win this week’s prize, Fat Quarter Shop! I love the bundle Perfect Pairing by Kim Diehl.

  88. Barb N Avatar

    I really like Vickie Eapen’s Blogger’s Choice Fat Quarter Bundle

  89. carla bynum Avatar

    Hi!!!! I love most of them!!!! I love love the Cozy Kitties!!!! I know a little girl who would love them too!!!! Thanks for the fun give away!!!!

  90. Joan Avatar

    I like Cozy Kitties. One of my grand daughters wants me to make her a kitty quilt, and this fabric would be perfect. Thanks for giving me a chance to win this beautiful fabric.

  91. isa13 Avatar

    I love quite all the bundles but if I had to chose only one it would be Fresco Florence by Denyse Schmidt. Thank you for the great work you do with your blog. Hugs from France

  92. anne carter Avatar

    lo lo lo lo lo lola!

  93. Fran Wiest Avatar
    Fran Wiest

    Congratulations to all the quilters, such fabulous projects. This is the first time I have participated in the voting, this is a great event and I will check back next week!

  94. Karen Avatar

    High Street Fat Quarter Bundle is my favorite..

  95. Susi Avatar

    Fabulous quilts, each and every one!

  96. Deb Frazier Avatar
    Deb Frazier

    Loved the house quilts. Such unique ideas. Had to vote for the RENT because my husband is a property manager AND I liked it.

  97. motley Avatar

    Lovely quilts, folks!
    I’m new at this quilting thing, and I’m just building up a stash. The new bella solids from Moda are both practical and vibrant.

  98. Betty H Avatar
    Betty H

    The Kozy Kitties bundle is my favorite!

  99. Mary Spriet Avatar
    Mary Spriet

    Love all the different ideas. I’d love to make one of my own one day.

  100. Cecilia Avatar

    I like Snowmen Gathering. Thanks for the giveaway.

  101. Karen Avatar

    I like “Grandmother’s Garden Fat Quarter bundle by Darlene Zimmerman.

  102. Sara Avatar

    I like Arizona Sky Tule Fat Quarter Bundle

  103. Claire Alexander Avatar

    I should say Nevada Sun to prepare to survive the NW gray and rainy season coming up, but I’m going to say Bella Solids because I really like working with solids these days.

  104. Colette Avatar

    Grandma’s Garden fat quarter bundle. All I can think of is how sunny and full of promise the fabrics are especially since the summer is winding down so quickly.

  105. Yvonne Avatar

    Love the rich tones and colors in the Perfect Pairings.

  106. Mary Avatar

    I love Britain’s Best Fat Quarter Bundle. Thanks for the chance to win.

  107. Marilyn Avatar

    It is so kind and gracious of you to donate this fabric. All of them are lovely and if I win, will be most excited about using the material.

  108. Mary Anne Avatar
    Mary Anne

    I like Kim Diehl’s Perfect Pairing

  109. lee Avatar

    I love the Grandmothers’ Garden bundle!

  110. lindawwww Avatar

    I love Perfect Pairing by Kim Diehl.

  111. Lynn Avatar

    It was hard to name just one but I love the Snug as a bug fat quarter bundle by Melly and Me for Riley Blake!

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the fabric!

  112. Barbara Avatar

    Love Honor Quilted in Honor Fat Quarter Bundle. Would be nice to win this for my first quilt!

  113. Debbie Lange Avatar

    I see endless potentials with Grandmas Garden Fat Quarter bundle Darlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman.

  114. Jeanne Avatar

    I like Gracie Girl. Thanks for the chance to win.

  115. Kathy Leake Avatar
    Kathy Leake

    “Courage Quilted in Honor” caught my eye.

  116. Judy Marchand Avatar
    Judy Marchand

    Lola! Luv the pattern and colours. Want to paint my family room to match!

  117. Patti Avatar

    Adorable You Whoo! Thanks for the opportunity!

  118. Pauline Avatar

    Scrumptious by Bonnie and Camille has me wanting to play with fabric. A bit thank you to the Fat Quarter Shop for the chance to win Girlie Girl Rolie Polies. Happy stitching!!

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