Below is one quilter’s appeal to helping the victims of the Bushfires in Australia. Also check out this web site for other efforts: Handmade Help.


A few days ago, I sat down in my favourite chair, reached out and picked up my current patchwork project and began to sew. I suddenly realised that for many of the fire victims their “stash” has gone – along with their quilts, embroideries, cross stitches and tapestries, not to mention all of the other crafts and hobbies that they may have been interested in. If they are insured, their machine may be replaced, even the sewing table, but the cupboard will still be bare…. and it is hard to bring yourself to spend on a ‘luxury’ when you are still struggling for the basics.

For those who do not craft, I am trying to get together a ‘home sewing kit’ containing the basics that every home needs – including an assortment of buttons, threads, needles, tape measure, scissors etc. Quilting threads in basic colours – black, grey, white, navy and cream.

For quilters and needle crafters I am seeking decorative buttons that may be used as embellishments on a small quilt or wall hanging.

For quilters, I am trying to gather the basics of their craft, a fat quarter, some pencils, white, yellow, grey lead for marking, maybe even a spare quilter’s ruler, or your old rotary cutter, or even a blade, some wadding to back a wall hanging, a larger piece of fabric for a back. Do you know a small business owner who would donate needles, quilting threads, pins, buttons or a tape measure or thimble. Maybe even some extra craft magazines for inspiration. Anything that you think they may be able to use to begin to reravel the frayed threads.

My aim is to collect as much as possible and to ‘kit it up’ and then to liaise with the various area co-ordinators to come and distribute them to anyone who is, or wants to learn the skills of a hand needle crafter.

My aim is not to present a completed item, this is being done by the VQA, but to give the tools and fabrics of their craft back, so that they can begin to create a new series of memories and rebuild community groups, and friendships. We all know how lost we are if our craft is not at hand.

I hope you can help me. I can be contacted on the email below, or by phone on 0421 607 561. Thank you for your consideration of this most urgent need.

Pieces of Love
c/o Denise Evans
38 Carroll Road
South Oakleigh VIC 3167

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