I read over on Erin Russek’s blog earlier this week, that’s she’s created this gorgeous dresden plate with appliqué pattern and all proceeds from sales are going to help a little girl, Miss Kyra, and her family in need from Erin’s local community.


Erin is one of the most generous quilters I know and I wanted to lend some support too. I was very touched by Kyra’s story. So, I purchased six copies of Erin’s pattern, all proceeds are going to Kyra’s family. I’ll be keeping one pattern for myself and have five to give away here.

I don’t know about you, but I feel guilty that I don’t have the time in my life right now to offer more support to the wonderful quilting charities out there. So, when I see an opportunity that I can do a small part to help, I’m happy to do it.

Erin is selling her pattern for just $5.00… a steal if you ask me. You can find it in her Etsy Shop. I’d like to encourage you all to purchase the pattern and help support Kyra.

I have five copies to give-away. If you purchase the pattern yourself, awesome! Still enter my give-away. If you win a copy from me, give it away to one of your own blog readers or to a friend.

You don’t have to purchase Erin’s pattern to enter my give-away … it’s just a suggestion! To enter my give-away, leave a comment below telling me if do any charity quilting or help out others in your local community. Again, it’s not a requirement that you do charity work to win … I just love reading your stories.

Thanks to Erin for her generosity.. it’s quilters like her that make me smile and love the quilting community.

I’ll pick my five winners next Friday, March 16th.

Winners have been notified and sent the PDF pattern. Congratulations to:

#128 Inge Lise
#108 Jody
#78 Jodi G.
#30 Cheryl
#64 Ruth Robinson

130 responses to “Helping someone else = a lovely give-away for you!”

  1. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    I have made quilts for MCC before, both with material given to me, and some out of my own stash. Also worked on some little bitty blankets for Linus blankets. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Betsy Lynn Avatar
    Betsy Lynn

    Ha! I just purchased one a couple of days ago! I know who I’ll give one to if I win. Thanks for the chance Michele!

  3. Melissa Avatar

    I do lots of quilting for charity – I am part of Do. Good Stitches and Quilting for Kids. Also, I have donated all of the proceeds from my first published pattern to charity. Thank you for your generosity Michele!

  4. Kathyl Avatar

    That’s a lovely dresden plate! And I usually don’t care for that pattern. I belong to the local quilt guild and we donate quilts to several places. Two hospitals, the Veteran’s hospital also and we often donate quilts to charity auctions. My small group just finished a donation quilt to be given to the guild this week!

  5. Cynthia Avatar

    The quilt club Stitch & Chatter i belonged to in Missouri main focus was giving to our community. My hearts desire was the Oncology Clinic in Maryville. We made quilted tites for all the cancer patients and when someone found out theyhad some type of cancer, we made lap quilts to go with the quilted totes. My husband waz one of those patients.

  6. Rhonda Gillette Avatar

    I use to crochet baby blankets, booties, etc. for a charity group. But have not been doing much lately due to financial issues here at home.
    I love this quilt pattern by Erin. Thanks for the opp. to enter.

  7. Cynthia Avatar

    Sry that should say quilted totes

  8. Shirley in Canada Avatar
    Shirley in Canada

    When my time permits, I help piece comfort quilts that are cut & kitted by members of my quilt. I have helped them cut one time and it was most enjoyable too.

  9. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I just bought one of the Kyra patterns, but thought I may as well sign up for your giveaway too. If I win, I’ll donate it to our local quilt guild for their raffle.

  10. Renea Avatar

    I make quilt tops for veterans that return from combat injured.
    Most are lap sized.
    some of my quilt tops go to children who loose a parent. it really does comfort them to know someone cares when their whole world has stopped.

  11. Heather Avatar

    Our guild makes quilts for Bags of Love. The local Bags of Love group puts together bags of ‘necessities’, a toy and a quilt or blanket which are provided to the Childrens Protective Services to be given to a child who has to be removed from their home for protection. We also make doll quilts and pillowcases for the Salvation Army for their Christmas distribution.

  12. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I have not made a quilt yet for charity but once a month I sew with Salt Rock CEOS, last month we made pillowcases for children. Our county made 450 pillowcases in the last couple years. This month we are making Clothing Protectors for Hospic. I feel blessed so I like to give back even if it is in a small way. Just think if we all did one little thing a month how much we could all help others.

  13. Lise Avatar

    Our guild makes cuddle quilts for our community, we all participate, also make blocks for our cancer hospis for when the patient passes the family can take home a little gift.. I feels good to give….thanks..

  14. M-R @ Quilt Matters Avatar

    I’ve made a few simple quilts for charity, as well as a quilt for a Silent Auction that helped a charity. I’m currently helping a friend learn to quilt so she can make a quilt for her sister’s baby. Wonderful giveaway for a great cause, Michele!

  15. Geraldine Avatar

    Would love to win this. Thanks for all you do Michele

  16. wendy Avatar

    This quilt is beautiful.I have made. Quilts for children’s hospital. But very beautiful..thanks. for the chance.

  17. Mary Avatar

    My church is working on little dresses for Africa. and I have made pillowcases for the million cases charity through various local quilt shops. I love how everyone helps others in the quilting community. Just wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated. I already bought a pattern from Erin.

  18. Shari L. Avatar
    Shari L.

    Wow that sure is a nice story and nice pattern. I and my PVQ Guild are making baby quilts for babies and children in hospital; knitted hats for preemies and prothesis that are also knitted, for breast cancer patients. We are all donating our time and materials needed. These will all go to the hospitals in Halifax, NS were there is the childrens hospital and cancer centers. Myself I have knitted mittens and hats for churches in my area too. Thank you for all you do!

  19. Jeanne j. Avatar
    Jeanne j.

    I quilt for two charities – Healing Hugs, for cancer center in my community. Our motto is to put a prayer in every stitch. The other charity is Journey of Hope -quilts for children who have experienced a trama.

  20. Wanda Avatar

    I am a member of a quilting guild of 108. We have an Outreach Committee and we always have several projects each year for local charities. Last year we all made pillowcases for the national challenge and we made 11 preemie incubator covers. This year we are making turbans for cancer patients and making quilts for the new Ronald McDonald House opening here in the Spring.

  21. What Comes Next? Avatar

    what a beautiful pattern, and what a generous person is Erin – I’m off to buy one – thanks Mishka!

  22. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    I just finished up two charity quilts, one for the homeless shelter and one for a children’s bereavement camp. I think it’s important to give to the community. Thanks for the giveaway. kathie L in Allentown

  23. Margie Gross Avatar
    Margie Gross

    I have just finished 5 “quilt blankets” (no batting) for donation to a children’s orphanage in Ethiopia. The collection of these “woobies” is organized by a fellow quilter on FaceBook. I also have 3 quilt tops currently at the long-arm quilting service that are slated for donation to local shelters. The quilting service is also donating their work on these tops.

  24. Rhonda D. Avatar
    Rhonda D.

    I quilt with a group of ladies that make quilts for children, and we also enter a large hand quilted quilt each year for
    the Baptist Children’s Home that is auctioned off.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. Karen Avatar

    I’m part of a group called Quilts From The Bluffs. We meet the 2nd Saturday of every month and make quilts for Project Linus and 3 or 4 local charities. Love the sewing, quilting and friendship of this group.

  26. Sharyn Hutchinson Avatar
    Sharyn Hutchinson

    I do approximately 4 quilts a month for Quilts for Kids. I belong to a group that meets once a month to work on the quilts and I also go to their headquarters in Fairless Hills, PA.

  27. Donna kirkland Avatar
    Donna kirkland

    The Dresden plate pattern is my favorite. I find making the blades relaxing since I do it by had. It is an easy take along project.

    It would be an honor to make this quilt.

  28. Beth Patrick Avatar

    My friend and I make quilts for local organizations that help women and kids. It lets us try different techniques from piecing to machine quilting – and share our efforts with someone who needs a little help.Right now I have 6 ready to go as soon as I get the binding on them.
    I also like to do the Quilts for Kids kits. They are so fast and so easy, and they too, go to a great cause.
    I believe in sharing my talents to help others not as fortunate as we are.

  29. Peggy M Avatar
    Peggy M

    What a lovely pattern. I hope she is successful raising a lot of money for Miss Kyra. My quilt guild donates approximately 400 children’s quilts to various charities and hospitals and fire and police departments every year.

  30. Cheryl Avatar

    I make quilt tops with my local Quilts of Valor group (links on my blog). We meet the first Tuesday of each month, and sometime during the month, too. I’ll be helping to man the QoV booth at the Sewing Expo in the Chicago area. The local Juki dealer is providing machines, and we’ll be helping people to make blocks for more QoV quilts. Ours is a very active group. We work with the local Naval base with their Returning Warrior Weekends. They ask for about 90 quilts every 3 months for that. We also give out quilts to other veterans in our area, too. One of my quilt guilds makes premie quilts for the local hospital. We are also making lap quilts for the veterans hospital in Chicago.

  31. Nancy W Avatar
    Nancy W

    Just starting quilting a few months ago and it’s opening a whole new world. I do many volunteer things in my community and to be able to add quilting for charity would be bliss. Really loving this pattern so I’m off to get it. If I win I can pass it to assist my new found friends and create more. Thanks for brining this to my attention.

  32. Cecilia Young Avatar
    Cecilia Young

    I make quilts for Project Linus, the local NICU, a children’s hospital pillow cases for ConKerr cancer. My weekly sit n sew group work on these projects once a month. I love this pattern! Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. Lindy Avatar

    Let’s see…Quilt club donates to any and all fundraisers for cancer victims, fire victims, crisis pregnancy center, QOV, etc. Quilt Guild donates to hospice, the spouse left behind after loved one’s death, hospitalized babies. I knit, crochet and quilt for above groups and on my own when a need comes in view. The quilted flowers and butterfly I made for the quilt festival in Ireland will be donated by them to children’s hospital/Senior care homes.

  34. Kristen Avatar

    I am knitting some chemo caps for a dear friend who started chemo yesterday. I try to make at least one cap for those I know going through the horrors of chemo and losing their hair. I never think of it as charity, just spreading a little love and hope to those going through a terrible time. Wonderful what you are doing to help a little girl! 🙂

  35. Krista Avatar

    About 1/2 of the quilts I make go to charity. My local guild donates quilts to the local Children’s Hospital, so I try to have a few to take with me to meetings. I love quilting, and even more I love seeing what I’ve made go to someone in need.

  36. Billie K Avatar

    I’ve only sew one quilt for Downy quilts for children.

  37. Jennifer Dancy Avatar

    I’ve been drooling over that pattern! would love to own it! I make quilts for the Lucille Packard Children’s hospital at Stanford – Their Cardiac ICU holds a very special place in my heart! Oh – and the Forever Young Zone in the hospital, funded by Steve Young (former 49’ers QB)… Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Estou nessa de colchas 8/9 anos e fiz um proposito:a cada 4 vendidas 1 para doar,e tem aqueles quadros que sobram(sou exagerada e só trabalho com sucatas)que sempre vou fazendo e doando,chamo de extras.sem contar outras peças como almofadas e caminho de mesa que vão para rifas ou bingos de ongs e asilos.Esta quinzena só estou trabalhando para doação.Faxina durante o dia e costura a noite.Eu só tenho que agradecer o retorno espiritual,saber que aqueci uma pessoa,que eu tive tempo para minha família e amigos,e que cada amigo ou parente também tem alguma peça presenteada por mim.Próxima segunda o batente é forte,tenho que dar fim a 300 flores de hexágono,100 de cada tamanho, estou eufórica e ao mesmo tempo temerosa…será que vou dar conta?…a mão ou a máquina?..não sei.E pensar que estou fazendo algumas peças de decoração para minha filha que se casa em julho ou setembro ainda não decidiu.Tenho alguns acabamentos de colchas que fiz para os netos:tenho um neto de 18 meses TOBIAS,e em abril chega neta MARIA RITA.Obrigada pela chance,Obrigada por tudo,fique com DEUS e tudo de melhor para você e os seus.Beijos e Bençãos.

  39. Sandi Butler Avatar
    Sandi Butler

    One of the quilt guilds I belong to does a “community project” every year. One year we did pillowcases for the local nursing home. The residents absolutely loved them! One year we did Quilts of Valor. We have done the Project Linus. Last year we made quilts and receiving blankets for the Christmas Store for underpriveleged to receive for their familes. This year we are making baby blankets for local hospital. Another group I belong to donates to Project Linus and then in December we donate to DOVEs. We also donate pillowcases w/pillows, and hygiene and paper goods to them also. It’s a wonderful feeling to give these quilts to others who so appreciates them.

  40. ALyssa Avatar

    Im a new quilter, so I haven’t had a chance to do much but would love too!

  41. mo Avatar

    When I can manage, I make quilts for Quilts for Kids. And today I saw a notice in my library that quilters in the community will be getting together to make quilts for homeless shelters, so I am hoping to do that this weekend.

  42. jackie Avatar

    I donate a portion of my proceeds (at the end of the year) to SARRC
    (http://www.autismcenter.org/) & Sutton’s Strokes for Little Folks (http://www.suttongolf.org/). I have a friend that has a son with severe Autism, so all my charity time is for Autism.

  43. Elizabeth Avatar

    Our quilting group makes a quilt every year. It is then raffled and the proceeds donated to a local charity. The pattern is usually such that we each make one block and help to get them all sewn together.
    I would love to make quilts for small children living in care facilities.

  44. sharon Avatar

    I have made quilts for Children’s Hospital for the children there and I’ve also made a valor quilt for an injured soldier. I can’t get to them very often, but when I can, I do.

  45. Ruth Avatar

    I started a charity in our town to give quilts to children in Care. (Children’s Aid Society) In the last five years we have made over 800 quilts! Each one is a special hug to a child who needs one!

  46. JoanieinNC Avatar

    I am in the process of making a charity quilt – a strippy scrappy quilt. I have plans to make at least 2 this year and more if time warrants it. I have made several cuddle quilts for our local quilt guild that are given to either children in the hospital or women with cancer, and have organized Quilts of Valor projects via a quilting group online. All are so rewarding knowing someone is getting a big hug in their time of need.

  47. Jacquelyn Avatar

    I also love to give. I do give to my 6 children and their families (one of them is out of work in this economy it is hard for them) BUT outside of home and hearth, there are many organizations that would love some help. My friend introduced me to ‘Wounded Warriors’ and so I have donated my beloved “Butterfly Kisses” quilt to that cause. I am touched by the needs and generosity of the organization. As a retired nurse who has a daughter serving in Afghanistan, I am proud of the young men and women from all nations that provide us with our safety and freedom. Thank you for letting me share.

  48. Jessica Avatar

    I crochet much faster than when I quilt so I tend to donate more from that. Some of my students and I got together last year and crocheted a bunch of baby hats and donated them to one of the national charities. It’s a beautiful pattern and it makes me feel good to know that people are so willing to help others!

  49. Cynthia Avatar

    I quilt for the Linus Connection and various other community groups that our guild selects. I think I prefer quilting for chairity more so than anyone esle. I feel they are more appreciated (especially when they don’t even know you). Thanks for a chance to win this pattern is is beautiful.

  50. Pam C Avatar

    I feel that making quilts for charities and people in some kind of a need is one of the best ways I can help. I recently used the same fabric as is in this quilt pattern (Terrain) for two charity quilts.

  51. Dolores Avatar

    My friends and I make hand quilted quilts and donate them to small charities so that they can raffle them off to make money. I would love to win this pattern. Thank you for the chance.

  52. Krista Robbins Avatar
    Krista Robbins

    I had thought about it but hadn’t yet done any charity work but plan to donate some quilts and crocheted blankets to St. John’s Mercy Children’s Hospital here in St. Louis. In December my son got very ill and over New Years he was admitted to the PICU and diagnosed with Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes as well as having to have surgery on his leg for an infection that was complicated by the diabetes. My son was given a pillowcase and a beautiful quilt and the ladies there were so sweet. It was really a really special gift and made him feel good when he was feeling so sick. The ladies indicated that they get alot of small quilts but they don’t get many things for teenagers – and they get alot of teens in there too.

  53. Kelly Avatar

    I recently gained access to a long arm, so I have started doing the quilting on charity quilts that my friends have pieced. Thank you for the chance to win!

  54. Heather Avatar

    I have made several quilts and donated them to charities through quilt guilds that I belong to. I also like to make quilts for people I know that are going through a rough time, especially teenagers who are struggling with life issues. I love this pattern, thanks for the chance to win.

  55. Mary on Lake Pulaski Avatar

    Our quilt guild has been donating quilt to Quilts of Valor for the past two years. We share making the blocks, putting the quilts together and have wonderful long arm quilters that donate their time to quilt them.

  56. Louisa Lawson Avatar
    Louisa Lawson

    I make large traditional quilts as raffle prizes for my local church and primary schools.They usually have lots of appliqué on them. In the past I have used Beth Ferrier block of the month designs. she is always very supportive and has given permission for my quilts to be donated. My small quilting group also make quilts for our local children’s hospice – last time we had a day quilting lots of disappearing nine patch quilts. I would love to win this give-away and would use the pattern for another charity quilt.

  57. Susanne Avatar

    I would love to participate in a charity bee. But it seams this isn’t common in Europe. So maybe I sew a charity quilt on my own.
    This pattern is lovely 🙂

  58. Christine Avatar

    Yes….I get together with a group, once a week to make quilts for the hospital.

    I have so much fabric, that I also give my fabric away to those who need it or are working on charity items.

    This pattern is beautiful..I love the Dresden Plate pattern and the applique adds that special touch.

  59. Betty Dietz Avatar

    My guild, the MAIN LINE QUILTERS does some fabulous charity work, Through our ‘Pieces of Love‘ program, in which we make and donate over 100 small (for infants) quilts a year to hospitals, shelters for battered women with children, and other human services organizations. For the infants, we make small quilts, 36 x 48 to go to a NICU unit for the smallest babies.

  60. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    I have done charity quilts in the past. The quild members made 40″ squares and we gave them to a senior care facility. I quit making them when I found out they were being hung on the wall not being given to the patients. I made 2 full size quilts and gave them to a sister and a friend when they were diagnosed with cancer.
    I love Erin’s work and follow her blog. Chance to win this pattern..much appreciated and will be advising other quilters to purchase.

  61. Susan Avatar

    I ahve not made any quilts for charity myself, but our sewing circle at church makes PJs for charity and we cut up the left over fabric into strips or squares which are then taken by some of the ladies and made into quilts for the local children’s hospital.

  62. KatieQ Avatar

    The majority of items I make are for donation. Last year my goal was to make 11 in ’11 and wound up making 22 quilts which I donated to various charity groups and challenges. This year my goal is 12 in ’12. I don’t think I will be able to double my goal this year, but I am on track with 3 tops made and 1 quilt finished.
    My current favorite is Basic Housing Inc. which is championed by Victoria at Bumble Beans.

  63. Ruth Robinson Avatar
    Ruth Robinson

    Personally, I do 3 big donation quilts a year.

    One is for our local fire dept annual Lenten meals raffle.

    I make a Teddy Bear quilt for our local Ronald McDonald house in Troy, NY for their Fall Fund Raiser

    I also make a quilt for the Slingerlands Community Care Givers for their auction in the Fall.

    I also belong to 2 quilt guilds and we make Preemie quilts and pillow cases for our local hospital. Our group also made 56 quilts for a local school district who had 56 families homeless after Hurricane Irene.
    I have also made quilts for Quilts For Kids.

    I get no greater joy than when I donate a quilt for a wonderful cause. It is the best feeling in the world.

    I love, love, love the Dresden plate pattern. So happy to find your site!!

  64. Roine Oquist Avatar
    Roine Oquist

    I haven’t done a lot of quilting for charity other than donating quilts for children in need. I just can’t stand the thought of a child without a bankie! I still have to have mine with me.

    5 little bucks a copy for this beautiful quilt pattern is a great way for us to reach out.

    Kudo’s to you for such a great idea!

  65. Edie Avatar

    I love how the dresden plate is making a great come back – in a new and vibrant way! Every other applique quilt (made by hand) I make I donate to an organization to be raffled off. It kills two birds for me – I love to do applique by hand, but don’t always have an appropriate place to hang or use the quilt myself, and secondly it allows me to give back to my community.

  66. Debbie Avatar

    I have made and given several quilts for raffles for local charities…Relay for Life…local cancer victims, church missions, etc. Quilts for kids, Quilts of valor, Project Linus are other ones that I have donated quilts too…I love the pattern…will go now and buy a coupoe….If I win, it will be given away…Pay it foward

  67. Chelsea Avatar

    Such a beautiful pattern and reason behind the giveaway!

    My guild is very active charitably and I’ve just finished 2 baby quilts for the local hospital. My goal is to make one a month, hopefully I can stick to it!

  68. SewCalGal Avatar

    What a beautiful design. I hadn’t heard about her fundraising project. Thanks for letting me know. I’m off to go check it out now.


  69. Betty Avatar

    A group of ladies and I make quilts each fall for a home for abused children.
    They are given to the home close to Christmas and we try to make at least 30 quilts. Most of the fabric, batting and money to help purchase items is donated by two of the sewers church.
    We are in the process of making 36 quilts to send to Alaska to The Fisher House. We are using our own fabric, batting and either machine quilting or some of the ladies are tying quilts. Hope to get these finished and in mail in another month.

  70. Ann Avatar

    This pattern looks wonderful. I made some charity quilts and donated them to some wonderful causes. thanks for the giveaway!

  71. Jackie Avatar

    A group of us from church made 5 quilts for a mum who has brain cancer. she wanted the quilts for her 5 children but didn’t have the skills herself to do them. We incorporated a photo of each child on the the label and she has wrapped them up in boxes for them to open when she is no longer around.

  72. Kim West Avatar
    Kim West

    I generally help out with my guilds charity – na Lima aloha ( the hands of love). I also help with “operation kid comfort” – where kids of deployed service members are given photo quilts of the deployed member. Wounded warriors is another I help with that is local; for wounded marines while they are still in the hospital. One that I am concentrating on this month is not for local recipients, “operation friendship” – little 12″ square quilt-lets that go to the victims of last year’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I have 50 that I will be sending this month.

  73. Lauren Stokes Avatar
    Lauren Stokes

    Before I started my business, I used to teach ladies and their children at a battered women’s shelter how to do crafts. It was such a rewarding thing for me and it helped to take their minds off of their problems for a while =)

  74. Siobhan Avatar

    For the last 16 years my guild has made a “donation” quilt that raises several thousand dollars for a local camp for children with cancer. Also I’ve made at least a dozen QOV, almost as many quilts for the local Ronald McDonald house, and this weekend we are making a quilt for an injured vet to give him during the key ceremony next month when he moves into his new accessible home!

  75. Robyn Avatar

    I have not made any quilts for charity. I still have a house full of little children still. I look forward to one day having the time to do extra quilts. i started going to a quilt guild they are making a quilt to raffle off. They said that they try to do it every year. maybe next year I will have something different to say.

  76. Liliana Avatar

    Hi Michele. in my country, Argentina, exist a little community who lives in the middle of the mountains, near a beatifull place named HUMAHUACA. Is a very humble group of houses They are adults and childrens (someone of them in local elementary and superior school) but the totality of this comunity are no too more of 40 people. The life in there is so hard because they didnt have hospital or doctors near just in case one emergency and also depend off plants can be grown in a unhospitable land. The weather is very cold in winters with strong winds and in summer the heat is extremly haig. These place is named CORAYA.
    My husband and I send help to families every 3 or 4 months in packages of food, school supplies and clothing. One of the last packages had included a big national flag to the school. thank you very much, Michele, for letting me tell you about this poor but beautiful people, living in a distant part of my country

  77. Jodi G. Avatar
    Jodi G.

    What a beautiful quilt! I don’t know if I would have picked these colors but they all work great together. I love quilts that also include applique. I try and do what I can and time permits to help charity. Every month, Kristy at Hopeful Threads suggests different charities, usually involving children, with different projects and ways to participate and help. I’ve sewn diaper covers as well as I’m crocheting some as well. Create H.O.P.E Designs is another site that the sell of patterns help charity. I’ve also made dog beds for our local animal shelter and helped in food drives.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win. Thanks as well for letting us know about this pattern and what it supports.


  78. Julie Stephens Avatar
    Julie Stephens

    I started talking quilting classes a few years ago and one summer our classes made quilts to donate to children’s hospitals. It was a great feeling to know that our quilts would help comfort a child who was sick.

  79. Evelyn G Avatar

    I have made quilts and blankets for LDS Foundation and lap robes for our local nursing home. The pattern is beautiful. Thanks for the chance.

  80. apple blossom Avatar

    when my girls were in Girls Scouts we did community service but not since thanks

    beautiful quilt pattern love to win it.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  81. jean Avatar

    I haven’t done much charity quilting either. Between my fulltime job and teaching quilt classes, so much to do! I love this pattern however. Thanks for the chance to win.

  82. Jeanne G Avatar

    I do do charity quilting. I always make a quilt for a “pink ribbon” giveaway in memory of my Sis, I am in the process of making baby quilts and blankets for St. John’s Hospital in Joplin (they are finally rebuilding) and I stay excited about that. Thanks for the chance to win

  83. Maryellen M Avatar
    Maryellen M

    That quilt is really sweet! Great cause.
    I’ve made blocks for QOV and pillowcases for ConKerr. I like to help when I can, even if it’s just a little thing. Thanks for helping Erin’s cause. That’s sweet!

  84. Sue Avatar

    I’ve also brought a copy from Erins site. I belong to a Sewing group that is presently working on a Quilt for Children’s Diebeats Assoc. and we were able to donate 35 quilts to flood victums a couple of years ago. Now we have more floods here in Australia, so we will be working hard this year to help those people who have lost everything again as this is the second time that the region has been flooded, some of the folks only recently got back into their homes. I would love to donate a copy to my sewing group and produce some of Erin’s beautiful colorful quilts.

  85. Rebecca Grace Avatar

    I am kept busy with my own little ones, and until recently working full time, so I don’t have a lot of time for volunteering other than at their school or through our church. We do Loaves & Fishes food drives and donate to the homeless shelters, but I wish I could do more to help others. I’m hoping to have more time for sewing AND for volunteer work now that I’m no longer working outside the home (although, of course, that means I won’t be making as many cash donations to charities, either).

    This is a gorgeous pattern. Applique and Dresden Plates are both on my “Have-to-try-that-someday” list, and this quilt design combines the two beautifully!

  86. dawn Avatar

    I have done several blocks for charity. My most recent is a asterisk block for a teenage girl. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful pattern.

  87. Peggy Avatar

    I have made quilts for our Guild that are donated to the local hospital or homes for the aged. I’d love to win the pattern. It is beautiful.

  88. Brenda Avatar

    Funny you should ask that. Our now defunct quilt guild is just finishing up a quilt that we are giving to one of the women’s shelters here. I am just finishing the binding !!! Thanks for a chance to win this gorgeous pattern.

  89. Sherri D Avatar

    I make several a year and also help our guild by doing the quilting and binding of several a year. It always feels so good to do such things!

  90. Lisa Avatar

    I’ve been seriously looking at making baby quilts for charity. Mainly because there are a lot of babies and kids out there that need quilts and it will also give me a chance to try out different patterns.

  91. Kathy H Avatar
    Kathy H

    Our church ladies group make bears and other specific items to help women who have breast cancer (seat best cushions and tubing bags) for our local hospice center. We have also just found a simple pattern for lap quilts which we may add to our items we donate. We hold dinners at our church to raise funds to purchase our fabric and notions to help in our endeavor. Have a beauty-filled day!!

  92. Tammy Avatar

    The quilt is beautiful. It is great that she is doing this for charity.

  93. Linda C Avatar

    Beautiful quilt and wonderful gesture on your part. Thank you both! I’ve been involved in some wonderful donation quilt projects and most of them are on our blog site, http://www.nvqbees.blogspot.com We made quilts for the children of military dependents while their parent(s) were deployed to Afghanistan. This project had support throughout northern Nevada and we made more than 70 quilts. This year we are making quilts for Victims of Domestic Violence. We are also donating quilts for Project Linus to Miss Teen Nevada who set a goal of collecting 100 quilts!

  94. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    What a lovely quilt. I have made Linus quilts and would like to do more.

  95. Sharon Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Griffith

    Hi there this is wonderful what you are doing and I too believe that us quilters are the most generous people out there. I am going to purchase a copy and if I win I will give it to a lady who is dyer need of even a sewing machine. Because she does do allot of charity quilting here at home. I am trying to find her a used sewing machine just for the purchase of shipping if need be but it has been a hard task. I know that there is someone out there that will be able to offer maybe a second or third used sewing machine that they might not need anymore but for now if I win I will give her the pattern…thanks for the give a way….proudspirit57@gmail.com

  96. Jessica Avatar

    I made quilts last year for victims of the floods in Queensland, and also made some sewing kits for quilters and sewers who lost all there sewing supplies in the same floods.

  97. Christine Avatar

    Hi, I have been teaching for more years than I sometimes care to remember so have lots of teaching samples. Five years ago, I was involved in a car accident and as a result had to change the way I did things. It took me a while to come to terms with the situation, but two years later I rang up our Quilters Guild Charity group and asked if they wanted some of my stuff. At that time we managed to fill totally a large four wheel drive van as well as a station wagon. Filled with books, magazines, quilts and quilt tops, fabrics, threads and so on. I did keep quite a few and over the next three years I have gradually been quilting these tops. Currently as one is finished, it is donated to a nursing home for the young disabled (my younger daughter has multiple sclerosis) and they choose whether they will raffle it or whether there is someone who is in need at that time. Since the beginning of this year I have finished 4 more and still have more to go. I have a lot more fabric to sew and I really like this pattern, I am sure that it would benefit someone here in Adelaide South AUstralia.

  98. Patty Avatar

    My church has a basket that we make up every month for our pre-memee’s. In that basket is all kinds of stuff that people buy for babies in low income families that has special needs. There is always a blanket quilted and some hats crocheted in there, I do my best to help out in that project with whatever I make.

  99. Carolyn Stewart Avatar
    Carolyn Stewart

    For a while I sponsored making sleeping bags for the homeless out of castoff fabrics. Mostly I assist the guild in producing quilts for charity projects…last year we made about 20 quilts for the people in Hinkleburg (sp?) AL who had lost everything in last spring’s tornadoes. I particularly enjoyed making a number of “pillowcase” dresses from my stash for our mission team to take to an African orphanage last fall. Next I’m going to try using little T-shirts and sewing fabric on the bottom for the skirt.

  100. Gone Stitchin' Avatar

    I would LoVe to win this pattern and have a give away on my blog too.
    I make drainage bags for the cancer care unit for my daughters hospital and I make Blankets of Love for our local hospital for their neo-natal unit.
    Two very worthwhile causes!
    Fingers crossed xxx 🙂

  101. Carol Jordan Avatar
    Carol Jordan

    I have made numerous Quilts of Valor. My husband served 23 years in the US Navy – so near and dear to my heart. Love the pattern. Hope I get it.

  102. Susan Entwistle Avatar

    Love this pattern and would also love to win a copy. I’m working on a stack of preemie flannel quilts for a local hospital. I’ve also done a couple QFK quilts. Once I get caught up on projects I’ll be making a Quilt of Valor. One of our LQS sponsors a program that provides them to vets in a local nursing home. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern!

  103. Karen O Avatar

    I don’t have time or resources to do charity quilting. Hopefully in the future I will.

  104. Carmen Wyant Avatar
    Carmen Wyant

    Our local stitching group does several quilts a year for various causes. We do quilts for our local Quick Response Unit to carry in the ambulance, donation quilts for raffles to benefit the local historical society and for the Community Hall to raise funds for much needed upkeep. This Hall is used by almost everyone in the community for a variety of things-including our quilt group which meets there twice monthly. We donate fabric, piecing, longarming & binding, everyone contributes.

  105. Lisa Conant Avatar

    a friend is doing quilts of valor, for the military and I’m hoping to take part in that.

  106. Susan Avatar

    I have made many pillowcases, blocks, and quilts for various charities. Some of the groups I joined were via the Internet and most of them were in support of our military men and women. That is a cause that is very near and dear to my heart as my Son is military. I also give locally, and two of my favorites are the domestic violence shelter and the other is an organization that helps the elderly. I believe strongly in giving to others and will continue to do so as long as I am able.

  107. Jody Avatar

    Love the pattern! I have a long arm and quilt some of the tops made by others in the “Stitches of Love” group that donates quilts to foster kids in our area.

  108. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I would like to win this beautiful quilt pattern. I have made blocks for the wounded warriors and various other small charity gifts for people on my on-line quilt groups.

  109. Erin Hutchinson Avatar

    My guild gives away comfort quilts to local community members in need, and I try to donate one quilt a year to this effort. Unfortunately, as a hand quilter, my finishes are few and far between, but I have met my goal most years. Thanks for the chance to win!

  110. Ruth Ann Hurst Avatar
    Ruth Ann Hurst

    That’s a beautiful pattern that Erin designed.
    My daughter was adopted from Korea in 1988. We were able to make a trip there in 2005. We took many little quilts – some I had made, others had donated, and some I made from blocks and fabric donated to me. We gave them to the agency from where she was adopted. Each year I try to make a few little quilts for them from blocks that adopted children decorate at Korean Heritage camp in the summer.

  111. Cindy Avatar

    I like doing charity “quilts”, but mine are often not quilts. I do landscape scenes on towels and donate them for the silent auctions that charities have. Next week is the Empty Bowl Supper for the homeless in Calvert County and the silent auction is always a hit. It really is fun to let my passion help another need. If I don’t win the pattern, I will buy it because it really is pretty and goes to a good cause. Thank you for sharing the story.

  112. Rebecca Dean Avatar
    Rebecca Dean

    I am a machine quilter and I love to do charity work. I get to experiment with my quilting, and do what ever designs I choose. The funny thing is that those quilts usually end up being the ones I like the best.

  113. Ellen Williams Avatar
    Ellen Williams

    I have been making cage mats for the Local SPCA and these mats go with the animal once it is adopted so they have something familiar to take to their new home. I love animals and since I can’t afford to join a Guild and I also don’t drive to get to one lol this is something I can do on my own for my community and I love animals.

  114. SewGramySew Avatar

    I normally just make items to donate to our church for a bizzaar in December of every year. The proceeds go to our sister church in Mexico. When we go on our Mexico Mission trip each year, we are amazed at what they did on or around the church with that money. It just makes us want to make more and donate it. This year, our daughter came to me asking me to make my grandaughter who is in Kindergarten a quilt to donate to their carnival to be raffled off so they can make money for their school. I said ok. That is the first quilt I have ever quilted on top of, and It turned out stunning. There were three Kinder classrooms that signed their name on some fabric that I had given to them. That yellow fabric was bordered with navy blue, and on the front, I made 12, 12.5 inch pinwheel blocks. The whole quilt was made with their school colors. I wish I could post a picture, it turned out great. My daughter says that she wants one now. I guess we all will be buying some raffle tickets for that.

  115. SewGramySew Avatar

    There are so many quilters on here that deserve the patterns. It just amazes me how they have the time to make and donate a quilt as often as most of them do. I applaud you all. I homeschool my 7th grade grandson and quilt daily, I still do not have time to donate any of my work. It is all for christmas presents for my family. I just make some items for our church for a bizzaar @ Christmas time. That wears me out enough. I am inspired by all of you who have commented on here. Keep up the awesome work that you do.

  116. Sheppard Avatar

    I’ve been coordinating a charitable knit/crochet group for a few years now and am expanding into my real love – quilting – for charity and hope to get a group together for that. Currently working on a quilt to give to a friend’s guild who does massive charity quilting.

  117. Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts Avatar

    Our quilt guild is supporting Quilts of Valor and making pillowcases for service people. I have been helping with this. Thanks for the chance on Erin’s lovely pattern!

  118. Colleen Amarillas Avatar
    Colleen Amarillas

    What a beautiful pattern. I love Erin’s patterns and her work is gorgeous.

  119. Kris Jarchow Avatar
    Kris Jarchow

    I have been supplying my mom with fabric and quilt batts and pieced quilt tops for her to hand quilt and give to project linus. I also joined my local quilt guilds project called Cuddle Quilts which supports foster children and many others and I help a wonderful lady with Quilts for kids which make quilts for seriously ill children in our community. It has been so much fun and so rewarding. This last month I made my first Quilt of Valor with the help of my 93 year old mom. I see lots more quilts and quilting in my future. 🙂

  120. Christine M Avatar

    Our quilting guild make community quilts. Many go to women’s refuges for the mother’s and their children who have fled their homes with nothing.

  121. Lisa Cox Avatar
    Lisa Cox

    I just moved to my area so I really don’t know anyone yet. I have contacted someone in the 4H club and am trying to volunteer there.

  122. leanne Avatar

    gorgeous pattern and fabulous story – I’m in one of the do.good stitches bees and love that blocks that I make are going into quilts to be given away for charity – the making of those blocks is extra special 🙂

  123. Kathy M Boice Avatar
    Kathy M Boice

    I have never been involved with any sort of charity quilting, however I would like to make it my goal! I think it is an awesome way to give of yourself! Alot of hard work and hours go into making such a wonderful gift. Blessings on those who do charity quilts! What a gift of love!!

  124. Sue Goodin Avatar
    Sue Goodin

    I do quilts for Project Linus.

  125. char Avatar

    What a lovely give a way…thanks for the chance…I don’t do any local charity but have done quilts for kids…

  126. Barb in MI Avatar

    Most of my quilts are donation quilts or gifted to friends – not that long ago I finally kept one for myself… BASCICS from V is the charity I love to support and QoV. Thanks so much – what a great idea of selling patterns for charity/ Kyra!

  127. Inge Lise Avatar
    Inge Lise

    jeg har ikke syet patchworktæpper ret længe, men er med i en gruppe, der syr til et projekt for børn, se evt. her:
    Jeg ville elske at vinde, men det kan jo også købes.
    Tusind tak for det.

  128. Janet Avatar

    Our little group of quilters in my town make baby quilts which we give to the nursing station to give to new babies as they see fit. We also make quilts sometimes for people who give a lot to our community. I have made some charity quilts for online organizations but I’ve found that sometimes there isn’t even an acknowledgement that they have received items, which has turned me off a bit. I do a lot of volunteer work in my community. I live in a small town – 450 people – and there is a small cadre of volunteers who help with everything. But I know volunteerism is disappearing a bit.

  129. Bonnie L Avatar
    Bonnie L

    LOVE the pattern. I’m goint to buy one for myself. If I win I will donate it to my guild for a prize. Everyone will want one too!

  130. Sarah Monroe Avatar
    Sarah Monroe

    My quilting guild makes charity quilts for Women and Children”s Shelters, for children in community that have sickness,lost family members,etc; also for babies that need heart surgery at local hospital and soldiers of valor quilts. I have made 4 quilts for friends with life threatening illness or terminal cancer. I love quilting and the joy it gives to those who need joy and happiness in their lives. I think that dresden plate pattern is a beautiful rendition of a dresden plate. I have made a regular dresden plate quilt in the past.

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