Help me decide …

We have a long weekend up here in Canada this coming weekend. I’ll be spending some time working on a couple of new pillows. Here are my fabrics:

mom-fabrics - Copy

I fell in love with the multi-coloured print, then chose the coordinating fabrics. Below are a couple of layout options. The multi-coloured print is represented by black in the diagrams. I only have a fat quarter of the lime green, so will need to use that sparingly.

Which option do you prefer? I can’t decide … I do want to make them matching pillows.

Option 1
Option 1
Option 2
Option 2

Thanks for the help!!

42 responses to “Help me decide …”

  1. Robin Avatar

    I Like number 1 it catches the eye better!

  2. Sophie Avatar

    I prefer #2 … but only you know if you’d like the multicolor print to dominate or be an accent to the bold colors in your other fabrics.

  3. PegD Avatar

    I like #1 and love the fabric choices

  4. Tricia Avatar

    I like #2

  5. Judy C Avatar
    Judy C

    I like # 2.

  6. Nicole Avatar


  7. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I like #2. I think it’s more balanced.

  8. Lisa Bailey Avatar
    Lisa Bailey

    #1. The multi pattern forms the star within the block, and it will jump out. That fabric is too proud to be merely an accent, as it would be in block#2. It’s GORGEOUS.

  9. maxine Avatar

    I like # 2

  10. Andrea Avatar

    I vote for Number 1 – love them both, but think #1 will highlight your lovely print more dramatically. Have a great long weekend!!!

  11. Donna Phelps Avatar
    Donna Phelps

    I prefer #2.Beautiful fabric.

  12. Ann Winters Avatar
    Ann Winters

    I would love nr.1

  13. Kathy Avatar

    I like # 2 better. 1 seems like a group of pieces, while 2 is a star and has a clear design.

  14. Pam Collins Avatar
    Pam Collins

    My eyes is captured by #1. I find it quite pleasing 🙂

  15. Maribel Avatar

    Creo que la opción B parece más juvenil sobre el dibujo, saludos desde Barcelona, Spain, espero que disfrute con la labor que seguro le quedará bonita.

  16. Lori Avatar

    I like 2

  17. BillieBee Avatar

    #2 is for me….grin. It just feel like it opens up. Your fabrics are so gorgeous….wow and wow.

  18. Ellie Avatar

    I like #1 best but either will look good with your lovely fabrics.

  19. Ellen Avatar

    I like number 1.

  20. Nan Avatar

    I like #1 because of the way the colors are contained by the black but yet look like they want to burst forth.

  21. Irai Avatar

    I choose number #1..the black colour in that part..its more attractive than number #2 ..^^

  22. Sue Avatar

    I like option #1- I think it’s more dramatic

  23. Tammy Avatar

    I adore option #1. I feel the pattern would show off the print fabric better. Although both options are a beautiful choice for a pillow.

  24. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    The larger pieces for the print fabric will show up well.

  25. Sandy zielinski Avatar
    Sandy zielinski

    I like both. Make one of each,it we’ll be more interesting that way.

  26. Ashley Avatar

    I’d say #2!!!

  27. Connie Avatar

    # 1

  28. Domaris Foss Avatar
    Domaris Foss

    Personally I Lik Numbe 2.

  29. Terri Avatar

    I love all your fabrics! My favorite pillow is #2.

  30. Jean Avatar

    I like #1, shows off more of the multicolor.

  31. Barb Avatar

    My choice would be #1, as the black would be more prominent.

  32. Gale Avatar

    #2 is my pick!!! Hope it helps you. Have fun sewing and enjoy your long weekend.

  33. Beda Avatar

    Option 1-it will show more of the focus fabric. I’d love to get my hands on that fabric. It’s gorgeous.

  34. Debra Miller Avatar
    Debra Miller

    Please let us know what fabric line the purple and black print are from! I would love to make my bff a quilt with them

  35. Jacque Avatar

    I love your fabrics!
    my vote would be for #2

  36. bobbiesews Avatar

    I like #1 best. That being said I LOVE your main fabric!

  37. DebV Avatar

    I like number 1. It will show off the print better.

  38. Lynette, From NZ Avatar
    Lynette, From NZ

    I like option 2, the star in the middle star stands out better

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