Anybody out there??
Yes, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. Several months in fact. A far longer break than I ever intended, but ya know, life sometimes gets in the way.
So, what’s been happening … while much of what has been going on is very personal in nature, and not blog-worthy, here’s a very condensed list:
Server Move – far more work than I thought it would be. It’s almost all done, except for one client site that breaks, no matter what we do. Still needs more investigation.
Cold – a nasty cold that lasted several weeks, encompassing all of my supposed vacation-time… yuck! This cold left me drained and without energy for weeks! A bad one for sure. I guess I was overdue since I had managed to escape the cold/flu season for a few years.
My Foot – for 2.5 years, I’ve had a problem with my right foot. The Doctors have been unable to help, completely perplexed by my pain.
Well, one day in late April, the foot pain MOVED from the right side to the TOP of the foot. How does this happen? The pain was so bad, I had to go down the stairs to my bedroom on my butt. I was unable to walk at all on my right foot.
I ended up going to a chiropractor, across the street from me, and miraculously, he has fixed MY pain. Not only my initial complaint of my right foot, but he’s actually fixed the bummed knee that I hurt when moving. Seriously, this has been a huge, miraculous accomplishment. I only hope it lasts. We’re about to move into the management phase of my treatment, instead of the critical phase, I only hope that I can continue to be pain-free.
So, in addition to the above, we, my family and I, have had some serious drama going on. This is the part that I’m not willing to share on-line, but it IS something that has weighed heavily on me. Right now, I’m doing what’s right for me. If you are the praying type, please include my Dad in your prayers. We’ll know more in the coming months.
Ok, let’s get on to the quilting FUN stuff.
2015 Quilt-Along
Earlier this year, I launched my latest quilt-along, Aiming for Accuracy II. I am so thrilled with this project and with the accomplishments of my students.
Shown below are MY blocks for Lessons 1 to 7.
One of the questions I get asked the most is, “Can I join the quilt-along now”. My answer is “OF COURSE”. My lessons are being taught in such a way that participants LEARN from previous lessons and gain confidence.
If you wish to join the quilt-along NOW, please do so here: Aiming for Accuracy II.

Here’s a group photo of the lessons completed to date, minus the sashing. Lessons 1-7, which includes half-square triangle blocks.

A4AII Quilt-Along
Have my blocks piqued your interest in this quilt-along? If so, shown below is a diagram of the completed A4AII quilt.
I hope you’ll jump on board and join this quilt-along!!
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