Happy 142nd Birthday Canada! For those that don’t know, I live in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. This city has been buzzing with excitement all week leading up to the best day of the year.
My apartment has been cleaned, beer is cooling in the fridge, and groceries purchased for a BBQ. The weather is looking rather dicey, but then again it’s changed a dozen times the last few days, so we’ll see what the day brings. I was very lucky to see the snowbirds do three flybys over the city yesterday, one right over my head.
Scroll below for two give-aways from a new Canadian online fabric retailer. Best of all, you don’t have to be Canadian to win; read the details carefully though.
I have GREAT NEWS for my fellow Canadian quilters. We’re getting our own Canadian quilting magazine. Yes you read that right. It’s called Quilter’s Connection Magazine. It will be a national magazine, published quarterly for now and bi-monthly next year. Their web site is not ready yet, believe me I’ll be sure to post as soon as it is. For now you can find out more information on their blog or join their Facebook Fan Page. I’ve exchanged several emails with Heather, the editor, and this is going to be fantastic for us.
I’ve come across another great Canadian site this week, that I wanted to share: Indie North: a Canadian indie business collective. Definitely one to watch, and they have a Friends of Indie North site too, where small Canadian businesses can get listed for free.
Wishing all of my Canadian friends a wonderful Canada Day. (Please Mother Nature you can rain all day on Thursday, just leave us dry today.)
Canadian National Anthem
We are a bilingual nation, English and French. No, I don’t speak French and can only read it poorly. Below is our Anthem, taken from the Canadian Heritage site.
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Listen: English | French | Bilingual | Instrumental
Canadian-Themed Free Patterns
- Fluttering Leaves
- Quilt Canada
- Canadian Comfort and Remembrance Project
- Paper Pieced Canadian Flag
Give-Aways from a Canadian Online Fabric Shop
Pink Panda Fabrics has graciously offered to help me celebrate Canada Day with the Quilting Gallery readers by offering two fat quarter packs as prizes to two lucky winners… see details below on how to enter. One fat quarter pack includes 6 fabrics from Paula Prass’ Flights of Fancy, and the other is 10 fabrics from Sandi Henderson’s Farmer’s Market.

Pink Panda Fabrics is a Canadian-based online retailer of designer fabrics that are a little bit funky, sometimes cheeky, very cute and always modern. This is not your run of the mill fabric store!
You’ll find affordable fabrics by well known designers and manufacturers such as Amy Butler, Michael Miller, Heather Ross, Free Spirit, Lecien, Kokka, Echino by Etsuko Furuya and much, much more.
We are a family-run business and customer service is our #1 priority. We’re a very chatty bunch — so feel free to email us, join our Facebook Fan Page, our Flickr group, tweet with us on Twitter, read our blog or contact us. We’d love to connect with you!
To enter the contest:
Two winners will be selected to win one of the FQ bundles above. One winner will be chosen from those that sign up to receive the Pink Panda Fabrics’ newsletter (bottom of left side), and one that leaves a comment below, with a twist. Double your chances by doing both.
In your comment, answer one of the following questions to be entered:
- If you live in Canada, where do you live and what do you love about it?
- If you don’t live here, but have visited, where did you visit and did you like it?
- If you don’t live here and have not visited, do you want to visit and where?
If none of the above applies, why not? We’re friendly and it’s not always winter. Leave a comment about where you live and what you love about it.
Contest closes July 9th, 2009. Winners will be chosen randomly.
Happy Birthday Canada!
UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Congratulations to #17 Linda for winning the contest on this site and to Anna N. for winning the newsletter signup draw.
Thanks to Pink Panda Fabrics for their wonderful donations. Thanks too to everyone that shared their Canada story, I really enjoyed reading everyone’s thoughts and experiences.
81 responses to “Happy Canada Day”
Awesome giveaway! I love Paris, Ontario where I live. It is both beautiful and peaceful. It has two rivers!
.-= Snugnluv’s latest post: New PDF file Pattern =-.
I live in Canada, Vancouver to be exact. I love it. Born in New Orleans, I moved to Vancouver 14 yrs ago. The people are great. The nature is amazing. I would never live anywhere else.
I live in the Vancouver area, and have my whole life. I love the natural beauty of this city, the ocean and the mountains take my breath away. And the sushi is pretty good, too. 🙂
.-= Amber’s latest post: Ferocity =-.
If you live in Canada, where do you live and what do you love about it?
I live in a small town in north eastern Ontario called Englehart. What I love about this town:
*it is small and friendly, I can safely walk down the street and see people I know, who stop and talk with me
*even people I don’t know make eye contact and say hello
*we don’t have one traffic light, but we do have a hospital and everyone who lives in this town has a doctor!
*I can get almost everything I need here without having to travel too far
*we have our own Quilters Guild!
*there are something like 8 or 9 churches here .. something for everyone
*home cooked meals at the restaurants .. just like mum used to do, but without the chore of doing dishes after
*the spirit in this town is amazing, there is always a tea, bake sale, fair, carnival, plant sale, fundraiser, spaghetti supper, roast beef dinner, etc. .. something on the go all the time – Christmas is the best … yes, we still have Christmas here too
*you can accidently dial the wrong number and still have a conversation … with a stranger! LOL
*don’t speak badly of anyone in public .. because three of their relatives are going to be standing in line with you at the grocery store! hahahaha
Julie Andrea
I’m an Australian and have only seen a little bit of Canada, unfortunately.
First – Niagara – WOW – I adore waterfalls, and that was just mind blowing.
Second – Quebec City – in January – brrr – but amazing – a singing group in the street had heaters tucked in under their robes! and we had a fabulous day at a nearby snow park. Very memorable.
.-= Kate’s latest post: Stingray migration photos =-.
I’m from New Zealand. I’d love to visit Canada, though I’m not sure exactly where…Anyplace I can see nature at it’s best, and visit quilters ofcourse 🙂
.-= Viv’s latest post: Ups and downs =-.
I’m a Canadian, currently living in south-central Ontario; I also lived in Vancouver for a number of years. Our country truly is remarkably beautiful and peaceful, with lots of opportunity for everyone. My maternal grandparents chose to come here from England, my father is American, and I’m glad my family can enjoy all that Canada has to offer.
I live in New Brunswick, on the east coast for those unfamiliar. (no, not in New Jersey. ;p )
What I love about where I live, is this time of year it is green – lush rolling verdant hills in the heart of the river valley farmland. and there’s a lake in my backyard that I can see from my craft room.
.-= Andrea_R’s latest post: Quilty Fabricy bits =-.
I live in Oshawa Ontario…..we live in the north end of the city which has everything nearby…Lake Ontario is lovely to visit for the day and we are a very short drive into metro toronto!
I’ve been to Toronto, Ont and places nearby. We crossed the border in Detroit and I was impressed at how clean Windsor was compared to Detroit! I have many Canadian relatives…so many that I don’t know them all. It is a beautiful country and very clean!!
We drove from Massachusetts to Halifax on vacation and that is how we found Downeast Maine (where we now live) Canada was wonderful- friendly, clean, rational, everything Mass. isn’t. We have been in Maine for 12 years and love it- I sometimes say that we live in DNC Maine- That’s “Darn Near Canada” since are only about 75 miles from the border
.-= Leslie in Maine’s latest post: OK, I was bad… =-.
My great-grandmother was Canadian, so I happily claim some Canadian blood.
Some of my most favorite comedians are Canadian. I love their sense of humor.
I was born in Niagara Falls, NY and lived there for the first 12 years of my life. I loved the Canadian side of the Falls. I was always excited to see the Floral Clock. We often swam at Dufferin Islands. Beautiful peaceful spot.
Okay, now I’m homesick.
I am from a small town called Winona, however I now live in a small town near Barrie. I have to say that I agree with Julie on her comments about living in a small town!!!! I LOVE living in Canada because of all its beauty!! Also where else can you go from plus 40 deg. to -30 in a matter of minutes!! Canada has so much beauty to offer if we just take the time to look around.
Happy Canada Day!! I live in New York and have never been to Canada. I would love to visit Montreal. My daughter has been there and tells me that it is beautiful and has beautiful churches. Love the fabric with the pink flowers. Pink is one of my favorite colors.
.-= Colleen Bartell’s latest post: Quilt Guild Winners =-.
Oddly enough, I just posted on our HarmonyHopes.com website a tribute to Canada Day. That means alot to us. I was born and raised in Canada and I am proud of it. Daniel is a refrugee and Canada became his new country of great opportunities. It is an amazing vast country that can celebrate peace, multiculturism, opportunity, diversity, four seasons, mountains, lakes, rivers not to mention the Atlantic, Pacific and Artic Oceans. Wow, yes we are that big. Daniel and I are very fortunate to live in Canada’s capital Ottawa. It is such a beautiful city. The great Ottawa River, The Rideau River and the ever Historical Rideau Canal. We were invited guests a couple of weeks ago to the World Refrugee Week at the West Block of Parliament Hill. That was very exilerating. We can go on and on about our city of parks and gardens, farms and markets, but I leave you with the desire to come and visit us and find out for yourself what a beautiful country Canada really is.
.-= Penny Globe’s latest post: Beading =-.
I live in Toronto, Yonge & Eglinton Area.
I love this area and so does my two children, lots of places to see and do, and it’s a friendly neighbourhood.
Only thing missing is a local fabric store :-).
Happy Canada Day!!
I live in rural south-west Ontario, on a farm (corn, soybeans & wheat, kittens and dogs). Grew up in the area, parents and in-laws nearby. Went to Kitchener/Waterloo and Toronto for university, lived downtown Toronto for a few years. High-tailed it back to the country to raise our kids near family and farm.
Totally agree with the comment about speaking carefully about others – you’re guaranteed there’s always a relative or neighbour nearby. What a good reason to speak positively – a great habit to have 🙂
We have a wonderful new-ish quilt store in our nearest town – SittingPrettyQuiltFabrics.com. These shop owners are awesome, ‘get’ rural life and have been the driving force in a new attempt at Saturday Farmer’s Markets in the town – a raging success – well done!
My husband and I have been roaming the back roads of North America by motorcycle the last couple of years, practicing for retirement. Have been to both coasts and I have to say I LOVE CANADA. All of it. So many interesting people and places.
Thanks for providing this litte forum for sharing our thoughts on Canada today! And of course, love the give-aways 🙂
.-= Linda’s latest post: Baby Spike =-.
If you don’t live here and have not visited, do you want to visit and where?
– I was all set to visit Windsor Canada when I go to visit Detroit next week until the US changed the rules on visiting Canada and Mexico last month. Now I’ll have to get my passport before I can visit but hopefully I’ll be able to go the next time I go to Detroit.
I love CANADA!! My aunt is in toronto and we can not get there often enough – so clean & “big city”yet easy to get around, friendly and rather affordable. We are glad it is so close!!
.-= kristen – gock’s frocks’s latest post: =-.
i live in beautiful vancouver bc. i LOVE canada, we live in the bestest country in the world, and i couldn’t be happier to be canadian [even if our politics are a mess sometimes]. i love vancouver, there are beaches, mountains, forests, lakes, ocean, green grass, sand, rocks and trees. what more could you ask for? we even have good shopping. best place around 🙂
.-= lesley’s latest post: canada day sale :: smidgebox etsy shop =-.
I signed up for the newsletter! Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians!
I’ve lived for many years in the land of the midnight sun, the Yukon Territory. It’s beauty is wild and wonderful in the summer. In the winter, the landscape aches for that one glimmer of sunlight that sets the mountains ablaze with purples and blues. It’s humbling. I’m originally from a Reserve in Manitoba and I miss those prairies sometimes. The way the clouds build up for a ferocious thunderstorm, the sun rising for hours. Big sky. It’s an amazing country and I’m so proud. (btw, if anyone cross stitches I have a complimentary pattern on my blog!). Thank you for the contest, what a great day!
.-= Vivian’s latest post: Good news! =-.
i live in winnipeg, and i love that there are so many lakes close to the city. we just got back from a couple of great days at the beach!
I live in CANADA, and have lived here all my life, I life in a small town in Saskatchewn, and I LOVE it. I love the peace and quiet of small town life, the lakes in the province are the very best.
Saskatchewan people are always friendly too. I love to curl and snowmobile in the winter and quadd in the summer, or go camping at one of our many awesome lakes in the province! HAPPY CANADA DAY to you all!!
Happy Canada Day!! What do I love about Canada? The people. And my internet friend I met years ago. I look forward to the day we get to meet in person.
I have been to Niagra Falls a handful of times. I was born in Rochester NY. Most of my family lives in that area.
.-= Holly’s latest post: Popcicle Time =-.
There are so many things that I love about Canada, but mostly the diversity of the people here and their heritage and culture that they add to our country.
Happy Canada Day!
.-= D.Chung’s latest post: First Digital Scrapbook Page =-.
I grew up and live in Niagara Falls, NY and can see Canada from my bedroom window!! My husband and I love going across the border. We go to see the Falls quite often and take our dog across the border on a regular basis. We go to Fort Erie for Chinese food, Crystal and Long Beaches to visit friends who cottage, and Niagara on the Lake and Port Delhousie just to relax. We have been to Montreal and Ottawa several times.
We love Canada with a passion and find Canadians to be the best people. And your donuts and Tim Horton’s coffee can’t be beat.
We will be heading up to a Blue Jays game with my son soon (he is a die hard Blue Jays fan) and plan to spend several weekends in Toronto.
Love you guys, my neighbors to the north.
I live in Windsor ON and I love our waterfront. It’s mostly parks with a beautiful fountain in the Detroit River. Right now there is a strike by the city workers and none of the parks have been mowed or maintained in 11 weeks and the fountain is not in place yet. Hopefully soon this will be resolved and our city will once again be the City of Roses.
.-= Mary-Kay Colman’s latest post: Stash Report Week #26 =-.
I live in Milton, Ontario, but am originally from England. I settled here almost 20 years ago, after coming to work for 3 months….I felt that this is where my spirit belongs, especially when I’m out in the lakes and trees of Algonquin Park or Killarney.
Hello! Thanks for a great give-away! I live in Clearwater, British Columbia. It is beautiful! I love that we have all four seasons, including a gorgeous golden fall, that I can x-country ski from my front porch and that we can grow wonderful produce in our gardens. Happy Canada Day!
.-= Barb’s latest post: ORB Quilt Along =-.
HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!! I reside in a small little central Ontario town called Washago…and I just watched our annual Canada Day parade march down the street! I love where I live! I am literally minutes away from water in all directions…rivers, lakes, streams, we got it! The waterways here are endless. Being an avid paddler, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else!
Happy Canada Day!
I live in San Marcos (North San Diego County), California
I have been to Vancouver, Canada and Victoria Island, Canada-I loved both places-so beautiful and green and scenic. People were friendly too! Would love to travel all over Canada and hope to do just that in our RV once my husband retires from the fire service in a year or two!
.-= Karen’s latest post: June, Part 2 =-.
Happy Canada Day! I live in Canton, NC in the Great Smoky Mountains.
When I was a little girl, we vacationed in Sault St Marie, MI, and my folks took us across the border into Canada for Lunch. It was a great experience, and I really liked being in a different country and still able to talk to people. It was a great experience.
More recently, my office went to Elizabeth City to stay while attending a dental conference. Canada was as nice and friendly as my 8 year old self remembered.
I got to visit Toronto when I was a senior in high school. I loved it and would love to go back someday!
My dad took be to Quebec when I was a kid. I still remember how beautiful it was to this day, and I’d love to visit again.
.-= Heather Jones’s latest post: Modern Peasant Dress in Amy Butler Daisy Chain Turquoise Pressed Flowers by Olive and Ollie =-.
Can you believe that I have never been to Canada. Down right shameful if you ask me.
I have friends that live in Ottowa and Ontario so I guess I would like to start out by visiting them. But I’ve always wanted to check out Quebec and Toronto as well.
I do not live in Canada but have visited a few times. I visited Vancover, Victoria, and Montreal. I really all 3 cities, all were very beautiful and clean! Happy Canada day.
I live in Enderby British Columbia and I love it here because it’s rural, close to nature and a close knit and artsy community. I love Canada because we are so special in our values and our respect for each other. I love BC because it is awesomely beautiful.
Love your give away!
I am proud to be Canadian (happy 142nd birthday, dear Canada!) – live in Regina, Saskatchewan and love it for so many reasons. We have an incredible quality of life – great access to affordable housing and ability to travel quickly through our small city so that we get a lot more LIVING time than we do DRIVING time…. I used to live in Calgary and was quite happy to give up my hour commute, thank you very much!
I live in Sault Ste. Marie in Northern Ontario. We are lucky to live at the “hub of the Great Lakes”. Our city is on the US Canadian border on St. Mary’s River which joins Lake Superion and Lake Huron. We are surrounded by the beauty of nature! I celebrated with friends at a dinner party with the highlight being dessert – a Canadian flag cake and we all sang OH Canada – 10 very proud Canadians!
Happy Birthday Canada
I signed up for the Pink Panda Fabrics newsletter.
I’m from near Niagara Falls Canada. I have lived in several places in Ontario, but now I am in Sarnia. Sarnia is very industrial, but the best part is the water- the St. Clair River on the west, and Lake Huron on the north, with its beaches and parks. Boaters love the summers in Sarnia!
.-= Catherine’s latest post: Boxy Bag Zippered Pouch knitting or crochet project bag – Erin McMorris fabric =-.
I live in Calgary and absolutely love that I am never more than an hour away from the Rocky Mountains.
I live in Vancouver, BC CANADA. I love that we are a great metropolis, but we still have that small town feel. I love that my children are able to grow up with a view of the mountains and a view of the beach and ocean.
I lived in St John’s Newfoundland when I was 6-8. I’ve also visited Glacier National Park.
Hi Michelle, born and raised in the capital city of Canada! but alas, met my hubby while going to grad school south of the border and… here I am to stay! Hoping to get home soon since I just got my passport (crazy rules!)
.-= upstatelisa’s latest post: Finally…. summer!!!! =-.
I live in Toronto, Ontario. I love living in a big city and taking advantage of everything it has to offer. One of the things I love most is how diverse it is, which gives my children opportunities to experience the best of all cultures.
I live in Montreal Canada. I love everything about it! The food…the people..the city itself…the fact that it is a bilingual city. And Oh..the summers in montreal are like nothing else in the world!!
.-= Zenzhey’s latest post: Diaper Bag =-.
I love the diversity. I love the fact people here speak French, English, Swahili, Indian…anything you can imagine. I love that I can eat falafel and naan on the same block. I love the fact that this what we are known for.
I live in Powell River, BC Canada, although I grew up in Vancouver. I love that in BC, you are never too far away from anything you could possibly want to do-we have forests, mountains, ocean, rain, sun, and thousands of activities to do with any of those-and you can do all of these things with people from all over the world! The diversity is beautiful. 🙂
What lovely fabrics and how generous you are to share! I live in the US, in central Maine. I have traveled many times to Montreal, and once to Toronto. I do not have fond memories of Toronto; I was only about ten, traveled there with my family for a wedding, was one of only 4 children at a very crowded reception, which was catered vegetarian. We four kids made the best of it by stealing the DJ request cards off all the tables and we got to dance to Elvis and the Beach Boys and the Beatles all night, vegetarians be darned! 😛 No really, I enjoyed my visit very much. My husband wants to take a trip to Niagara Falls and drive through Canada to get there; if we can ever find the time and the funds, I think it would be a beautiful trip.
Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
I would love to visit Canada again. I was there once on our way from IL to ME, when I was 13. Would love to visit Prince Edward Island, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver.
I’m a Canucklehead and I looooooooooove it! The best part is the wide open spaces and all the nature that we have. (Thanks for the giveaway.)
.-= sohobutterfly’s latest post: Happy Canada Day 2009! =-.
I live in Toronto – my parents came to Canada as refugees in 1971, and so I was lucky enough to be born here!!! I am so patriotic, I cry when I hear the anthem. Happy birthday Canada!!!
As an addendum to mine… I love Canada because of its cultural diversity!
I have visited Canada three times – Montreal, Sault St. Marie, and Toronto. I always love the shopping and the mix of French and Canadian cultures.
.-= Jennifer’s latest post: June Accomplishments =-.
We currently live in Winnipeg, but are originally from Ottawa (we move all over the country due to my husbands job). I love how diverse Winnipeg is. I also love how much there is to do with kids here, from sports, to shows, to programs!
Cheers and thanks for the great giveaway!
Great giveaway!
I would love to visit Canada sometime–preferably in the summer! (I am not a winter person, and have no desire to go ANYwhere north of the Mason-Dixon line after Halloween.)
I don’t know where I’d like to visit, because I haven’t really sat down and planned, but it would definitely include Prince Edward Island, because of the Anne of Green Gable series.
.-= Stephanie D’s latest post: The Predator =-.
I don’t live in Canada, and I have never visited there. However, if I were to visit, I would go to Brockville, Ontario and visit with a delightful lady I met through a mutual interest in paper crafts. Andrea makes the most amazing cards and gift boxes. I would love to visit her to learn some of her special techniques. Of course, one cannot visit without taking a gift for the hostess, can one? I would have to share some of my sewn projects with her (she doesn’t sew).
.-= Carol R’s latest post: Recent Project =-.
I live in Toronto, Ontario and I love Canada because it is the home of Pink Panda Fabrics. 😉
Another thing I love about where I live is that I have the right to breastfeed anywhere, anytime and can never be asked to move or cover-up.
.-= FamilyNature’s latest post: My Baby, My C-Sections. Random Ramblings about Babies, Growing Up and Letting Go. =-.
Wonderful fabrics! I live in Toronto now but was born in Goderich. I love many things about living in Ontario but especially being near the great Great Lakes.
I have visited Vancouver Island several times to see my sister and we always visit the Satin Moon Quilt shop..they have a beautiful selection of asian fabrics!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
.-= Jean Kritenbrink’s latest post: Off to quilt….not the baby quilt…. =-.
I live in Toronto and have really enjoyed living here. It’s a big city but still has a small neighbourhood feel. The Beaches, Leslieville, Bloor West Village, Danforth Village, Cabbagetown, High Park – these are just a few of the neighbourhoods in Toronto, each with their own architecture, style and feel. Residents of each area feel as if they’ve found the best place to live – and you know they are all right!
I Live in New England, Massachusetts actually, but have visited your country many times. I have been to New Foundland, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Tronto, and Prince Edward Island. I loved Prince Edward Island, I remember lying on the beach and watching the clouds blowing out over the ocean then watching them get blown back over the hills. I remember very blue skies and very green land.
.-= Patty’s latest post: Design Gives Back =-.
I live in a small town (450) in Saskatchewan…what I love about Canada? The seasons I can’t imagine not having them.
I would love to visit Victoria Canada. It seems so charming. Thanks for the opportunity!
.-= Vickie Angell’s latest post: Loving Color =-.
We moved to Hallock, MN April of 2008. It’s about 20 miles south of the Canadian border. I was born, raised and lived in middle Tennessee until our move last year but have always wanted to visit Canada to become an international traveler. It seemed like such a big deal going to another country living in a small southern town. Mexico is just too dangerous to me but Canada has always seemed like such a nice place with friendly people. We haven’t become international travelers yet but hopefully once we have our passports we’ll be able to visit. I look forward to seeing Winnipeg!
.-= Jenn@FFP’s latest post: Mason Jar Peach Cobbler =-.
Happy Canada Day!
I spent two glorious weeks in Eliot Lake, Ontario in 1995 (I swear it doesn’t feel like that long ago!!). We hiked, we fished, we played in the lake, we ate, we drank and made merry. On the way ‘home’ to Australia, our Canadian hosts took us to Toronto via Montreal and Niagara Falls. It was the most wonderful holiday, not least of all because Australians and Canadians just seem to ‘get’ each other.
I hope to visit again one day soon!
.-= Lily’s latest post: Swap quilt received and stash boosted! =-.
I live in Whistler, BC and don’t really love it – nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live here. I love Vancouver and we are moving back soon – anybody want to buy a townhouse? I miss the water and Stanley Park and Pacific Cinematheque and the snow on the mountains where it belongs! I also loved living in Ottawa on Canada Day, which is also my birthday. They throw a great party! One of the best things to do is to go done to Parliament Hill the night before, about 11 pm – midnight. That’s when the performers are rehearsing and you get an almost private show!
I live in Toronto! I love Canada because of our tolerance and appreciation of diversity in all its shapes and forms.
VEry pleased to find your shop! We need more great Canadian sources of cool fabrics.
Sad to say that I’ve never traveled to Canada, but I have high hopes of doing so! Love Anne of Green Gables and would love to visit PEI–for the scenery and the mussels!
.-= Tara’s latest post: Quilting Retreat with Amanda Jean! =-.
I’m from Toronto. I’ve iived in many cities around the world, and still I find that this is the place I would most rather be.
One thing I love about Canada is the thriving independent craft scene, and the sense of community crafters here have. It’s especially great to see new craft supply stores (online or on the ground) springing up so that we can support our own!
Great giveaway! I don’t live in Canada, but visited Toronto-area relatives in my youth. I’ve also been to Niagara Falls and would love to visit where some of my blogging friends live. thanks for the chance!
.-= Anya’s latest post: Ami Simms Would Be Proud =-.
I have only managed to get to Canada once, to see the falls of course. I really loved Niagara, but would love to see more of Canada in the future.
I would love to see some of the Northwest or Yukon territories. I think the nature and landscape there would be beautiful.
I would love an entry to win free fabric!
When I was still in school my dad’s job moved us to Morris Manitoba (outside of Winnipeg) for 3 years. I loved the town and loved the area and always looked forward to the Morris Stampede every year. Also always loved the fishing in neighboring Ontario (which town didn’t even matter, the whole province is beautiful). I miss pizza pops! I wonder…do they still make them? hmmm…
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is where I have made my home for nearly thirty years. Edmonton, Alberta was my ‘hometown’. Both of these cities can count themselves among the most wonderful in Canada, with plentiful trees, flowing rivers, friendly people and a vibrant arts community. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else (although when it is 4o below with a windchill I wouldn’t mind visiting the Bahama’s!) I am a brand new quilter with one quilt completed and a second one on the go. I would love to win some fabric so I can begin to build a ‘stash”. Thanks!
I live in Winnipeg MB on the beautiful Canadian prairie where it’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter… best of both worlds! We also have spring and autumn although some say we only have 2 seasons – winter and Construction!
We have a local quilt guild – Manitoba Prairie Quilters – and several quilt shops in Wpg and the area.
I’d love to win either of the FQ fabric bundles cuz they are exciting bold designs. I’ve been quilting since 1989 and love to enhance my stash of fabric especially as a new gramma.
Thanks for allowing the chance to celebrate Canada Day in this way.
I just signed up for your newsletter 🙂
I live in Montreal. What I love about it is the proximity to everything – Ottawa, the Maritimes, the US border, my proximity to some of the best restaurants in North America, the shopping.
The only thing I don’t like about Montreal – is the politics. Even that has become boring lately (phew)
Love the fabric selection & thanks for the contest!
Pictures of Canada Day Parade in Vancouver, BC on July 1st, 2009: http://www.flickr.com/photos/executivevancouverdating/sets/72157621138318492/
I love Canada and my home province Saskatchewan. We have beautiful rolling farm land, blue skies and breathtaking sunsets.
I live in Canada. I don’t know if I already posted, but just in case…
I love Vancouver, the people the weather – even the rain. I was born in New Orleans and would never move back to the states
I do not live in Canada, and I have never visited. I have a friend who grew up in Vancouver area, and she says it is beautiful, so I’d probably want to visit there.