
Did you ever wonder why I started this web site? What was behind me creating the Quilting Bloggers directory? What’s my vision for the Quilt Shop Locator?

Find these answers and more as I’m a guest blogger at Women on Quilts: Michele Foster on her Quilting Gallery, Not an Anonymous Woman Anymore.

5 responses to “I’m a Guest Blogger at Women on Quilts”

  1. upstatelisa Avatar

    wow Michele! that is so cool! Congrats! great story!
    .-= upstatelisa’s latest post: Working, Cleaning, Eating….in no particular order…. =-.

  2. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Lisa. 🙂

  3. Dorothy Avatar

    Great story Michelle, I enjoyed reading it. I hope you are able to attain your dream of owning your own quilt shop one day.
    .-= Dorothy’s latest post: "Sweet Nostalgia" Sneak Peak & Giveaway =-.

  4. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks Dorothy. My mom has promised if/when she wins the lottery she’ll buy me a quilt shop… haha! Of course, I said I’d take a house in Arizona with a pool first. 🙂

  5. Delaine Avatar

    Kim is great to work with I helped with her
    e-Book I have two stories in it and the cover is mine on her approval of course.
    Your journey was great isn’t it wonderful to have people like Kim to share stories with

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