Please join me in welcoming today’s guest blogger, Sandi Andersen as she shares with us her blogging and quilting journey. Some of you might remember Sandi as the designer of the super cute Candle Mat Swap we did last year. I happy to say that Sandi’s currently designing something extra special for our next swap starting in late July. Sandi’s giving away a surprise package here and more celebrations on her blog too.

Hello! Quilting Friends!

I am excited to be here at Michele’s Quilting Gallery to share a bit about my blog โ€ฆโ€ฆ. "A Legacy of Stitches". Some of you may be familiar with my blog. Some of you may recognize my name because I was the designer of the candle mat for Michele’s fall swap in 2010. And if you are not familiar with meโ€ฆโ€ฆ then I am so glad to meet you and I’ll share a little about me so you can get to know me.

I am a daughter, sister, wife, mom and grandma. Family inspires me and also the little town where I grew up, Lehigh, Iowa and the places I have traveled and lived in these, oh, so many years. I have been sewing and crafting for as long as I can remember. My mother, Mary, sewed dresses for my sister and me, sometimes a matching dress for her, too (and you can see them in the header on my blog). Then there were the doll clothes she would make and quilt blocks and embroidery and costumes for school events. I remember one year at Christmas time, I got up in the night and there she was at the sewing machine sewing beautiful Barbie doll gowns.

My dad’s mother, my Grandma Goldie, was a quilter and a gifted pianist. My Great Grandma Lillie quilted and so did her daughter, my Aunt Marie. Great Grandma also made rag rugs and I can see her sitting on her front porch rolling balls of fabric strips for her rugs. My Aunt Bell raised my mother and I learned late in life that she was a crazy quilter! All of these women inspired me. I remember them at Ladies Aid meetings at the church, sitting around the quilting frame and working on a quilt that would go off to missionaries around the world. I can hear their voices, see the pink and white walls of the church basement and feel the coolness of that room. I admired their tiny stitches and have yet to stitch like they did!

I was also inspired by my dad, Melvin. No, he wasn’t a quilter but he was so proud of the dresses my mother sewed and the quilts the women made. He was a great dad who never complained when he drove us to piano or voice lessons, or off to cheerleading practice. And he never complained when I would buy fabric. He was always interested in what we were sewing or crafting.

It’s partly because of my dad that I began blogging. He passed away in April of 2008. It was a hard time. I miss him still, always will. I had been reading other quilting blogs and thought I would like to do one but didn’t feel I had the technical skills. My son encouraged me that I could do this. I recently posted about him and my dad in my Memorial Day postโ€ฆโ€ฆ. I decided maybe he was right. I could do this. What did I have to lose?

I entered the required info at Blogger so that I could create my blog. I had to have a name. What could it be? I had written a poem entitled "A Legacy of Stitches" in March of 2001 when I was coordinating quilt shows in our local libraries. The poem summed up my own feelings but also those of many of my quilting friends. It was the perfect title for my blog! And so on Memorial Day of 2008, just about a month after my dad passed away, I began my blogging journey and what a journey it has been. I love blogging! It is something that I would never have dreamed of even just a few years ago but it gives me such an opportunity to share my creative fun and I get to meet other quilters all over the world.

Blogging helped me get through grief but also times of joy along the way. I hope you will visit my blog and find something that will be of interest. I am still learning each day with my blog (especially lately as Blogger has had some difficulties) and have so many ideas I want to share that just like my fabric stashโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. I will have to live two lifetimes to share it/stitch it all! LOL!

You will find that I am quilter, crafter, miniature maker, penny rug and quilting designer, and friend to "sew" many stitching buddies. I am never bored. I enjoy sharing my quilts, poems and songs at local quilt guilds and church women’s groups. My program is, of course, titledโ€ฆ.."A Legacy of Stitches". I’ve purchased my web domain name and soon, my patterns will be available for sale. In addition to my blog, I also host two Yahoo groups: one for quilters, called Seasons BOM and one for those who enjoy working with wool, called Wooly Buddies.

This week, and all during the month of June, I will be sharing some fun projects and also a few give-aways. They are in celebration of my third year of blogging and my birthday on June 2. It’s a big one. Think "retirement" age but I am so not retiring from quilting and stitching! I am excited every day for a new design or stitching on a project or meeting a new friend.

Many friends here in Blogland shared their time and talents that allowed me to be here today. Michele was one of the first. I "met" and signed into Quilting Gallery just two weeks after I began blogging. I know that many of the readers who follow me, came via the Quilting Gallery. Thanks you so much, Michele for such a great site.

As that summer passed, I "met" Nanette, Jacquelynne, Joanna and Mary Grace and others, everyone an encourager. In August of 2008, I e-mailed Michele that I might like to be a guest blogger. She was also so encouraging. But as I read more blogs, I began to think that maybe I wasn’t quite "up to par" with some of the quilting blogs and I never followed up on the e-mailโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆtill now.

I came to realize, with the passing of time, that I had found my own niche and dedicated readers and my nearby quilty friends who follow my quilting journey. There are others I "met" who were encouragers and helpful in my blogging journeyโ€ฆ.Sue H., Annemarie , Nihal, Theresa, ChookyBlue, Mary the Needled Mom, Pat C., Kaye, Crispy, Scott, Mary, Raeann, Suely, Mary K., Susan and so many others. I appreciate each one of them!!

I hope that you will visit my blog and see what I have to offer! And I would add thisโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆif you want to try your hand at blogging, go for it! You won’t know until you try it just how much fun you will have and what a difference it may make in your life or the lives of others!

I have a few favorite quilts to share. Enjoy and Happy Stitching to everyone!

A Legacy of Stitches

P.S. I have gained a bit of a reputation for my surprise gift packages. I begin filling an envelope or box with goodies – patterns, fabric, threads, etc. and then it goes off to the winner of a give-away. I thought one of you might like to win one of my surprise packages. Just leave your name here and tell me your favorite color and you might be a lucky winner. I really do love making FUN!

Michele…….Thanks so much for this opportunity to make some FUN and share my love for stitching and quilting!!!!!

From Michele/Mishka:

I must apologize to Sandi, and thank her for her patience. She was scheduled to be last week’s guest, to coincide with her Birthday and Blogiversary celebrations. Unfortunately work got in the way for me and I didn’t get this post published until today. However, you can still head over to Sandi’s blog to wish her a belated happy birthday and enter her celebration give-aways.

Just to be clear, Sandi’s giving a way a prize here and more prizes on her own site. One lucky winner will be randomly chosen to win the give-away here next Tuesday. Follow the instructions on Sandi’s blog to enter over there.

Be sure to check out the super cute strawberry pincushion and needlecase tutorials too.

61 responses to “Guest Blogger: Sandi Andersen”

  1. Virginia Hendricks Avatar
    Virginia Hendricks

    Love the designs!

    My favorite colors are blue, black and purple (it’s hard to pick one!)

  2. Karen Avatar

    My favorite color is purple.

  3. grace thorne Avatar

    favorite color? blue…love your quilts AND your blog name, you truly do have quite a crafting legacy!

  4. Judee Avatar

    My favorite color is blue. Love your work.

  5. Joanna Avatar

    Lovely post. the pillow you made for your daughter is terrific. I love pink.

  6. Deanna Avatar

    Favorite color? Wedding Dress Blue, naturally! I have read your blog from time to time and it is always charming. Thanks for sharing more of your story here.

  7. Evelene Sterling Avatar
    Evelene Sterling

    Thanks for a chance to win! My favorite color is aqua.

  8. robin Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway chance! My favorite color is red or aqua. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Pia Avatar

    Thanks for the give-away. I love all colours – it just depends on the situation. But blue is nice and …….. yes all colours.

  10. lee Avatar

    I admire your designs and thank you for the post here. I am jumping over to your blog next! I adore your table runner and I love the color purple! thank you!

  11. Chris Avatar

    Thank you for sharing. I love your quilts! thanks for the surprise giveaway – i love the color yellow!

  12. DianeH Avatar

    Great to see you here on QG, Sandi! Lovely post. My fav colour is green.

  13. Donna Avatar

    Favorite color is blue! I would love a surprise bag!

    Congratulations, Sandi for this guest blog. Happy quilting!

  14. Sarah Avatar

    Hi Sandi, I happen to be one those who follow your blog and came by your site through Michele ;o) Thanks to both of you ladies for the pleasure and enjoyment I’ve received from reading and participating in your blog activities. My favorite color is blue and I like all shades of blue :O) thanks again, Sarah

  15. Mary Avatar

    Sandi is an awesome blogger!!! I am an avid follower of hers. I love her “What’s on the Line” blogs as she always shares such interesting stories.

    My favorite color is green – any shade!

  16. Jocelyn Avatar

    Great post Sandi. I’ve been a follower for quite a long time. My favorite color is pink, no blue, no pink……….. yes pink, I think. Well either one ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. krisgray Avatar

    In awe of the crazy quilting – just beautiful!

    My fave color is blue.

  18. Nadine Brewer Avatar
    Nadine Brewer

    My favorite color varies by the day, sometimes by the hour, usually by whatever project I am working on. It is almost always a vivid color. I have followed you for a long time now, and you are always a bright spot in my day.

  19. PB from MN Avatar
    PB from MN

    Beautiful creations. Thanks so much for sharing. I love color, but have a tendency to go for the blues and greens.

  20. Karin Avatar

    Oh, gosh, just what we needed – aNOTHER interesting person, with beautiful quilts to inspire us!!! I’m hopping over there to start following her right now! My favorite color??? If I had to choose just one, I’d say it was teal and purple! Oh my, that’s 2, isn’t it? Hugs!!

  21. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    If you were to look at my stash, you’d know that I love all shades of blue-green!

  22. Sandy Kahler Avatar
    Sandy Kahler

    Turquoise is my favorite color. great guest blog Sandi

  23. Mary Grace McNamara Avatar
    Mary Grace McNamara

    Great to see you over here Sandi! We started our blogs at about the same time, and it’s been such a fun journey! It’s great to see our online friends grow and learn and spread their wings…it’s all about sharing what we love with each other!

    I love blues and greens…I saw the most gorgeous peacock blue the other day and just had to spend some time just looking at it! Now I can’t remember where I saw it, but it was so beautiful!

    have a great day!


  24. Mary Beth Avatar
    Mary Beth

    Blue is my favorite!

  25. Diane Wild Avatar
    Diane Wild

    Hi Sandi, it’s me again. My favorite color is purple/lavender/lilac. Have a wonderful day.

  26. Mary Avatar

    I have been enjoying your blog for a while now and love all the pictures from the past. Thanks for the inspiration – someday I just may start my own blog.
    My favorite color is red.

  27. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    Lifetime favorite color is and has always been blue! Many thanks.

  28. Mary Avatar

    I love blue/greens. Esp. sea foam green.

  29. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    Love your blog already! y favorite color is pink. Thanks for the chance to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Phyllis Mc Avatar
    Phyllis Mc

    My favorite color is green. Thanks.

  31. Debbie Avatar

    Loved your article here, Sandi! Thanks, Michelle, for posting it. My favorite color is orange. Thanks for counting me in.

  32. Marge Huewe Avatar
    Marge Huewe

    I would love to win one of your suprise packages. It was to read how you started blogging, I haven’t ever thought about trying it.

  33. Marge Huewe Avatar
    Marge Huewe

    I forgot to tell you that my favorite color is green

  34. Heather Noordermeer Avatar
    Heather Noordermeer

    Love your story. My favorite colour is blue. Thanks.

  35. Katie Avatar

    Thank You for sharing your story. I always find it interesting how others got ‘starting’ in quilting. Also, thank you for the opportunity to win a surprise package. The generosity of quilters is unsurpassed! As for my favorite color – I love them all! If I look at my modest stash, I see less red than any other color, but more blue to purple tones – does that mean anything? ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Diane Avatar

    I discovered your blog awhile back and have been a follower ever since. I love it! Keep up the good work.
    My favorite colors are blue and yellow and aqua.

  37. robin Avatar

    Exciting giveaway, and thanks for sharing your story. ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite color is… green or blue or blue/green!

  38. Kyle Avatar

    My favorite color is…..peach! also love peaches too.

  39. Syd Avatar

    What a fun interview! I’ll be sure to check your blog. My favorite colors are vivid oranges! Thanks for a fun giveaway!!!

  40. Debi Avatar

    By far my favorite color is green! I do love the crazy quilted pillow you did for your daughter and I totally loved the candle mat swap we did here!! Can’t wait for your next swap pattern!!!

  41. wendiq Avatar

    Today my favorite color is yellow… changes daily…LOL!

  42. Doreen Kennedy Avatar
    Doreen Kennedy

    Love pinks and burgundys! Love your tempting table runner!

  43. Sandi Avatar

    I just thought I’d add a comment here and say thanks for all the nice comments. Most of you know my favorite color is pink. In the comments above, almost every color was mentioned………except brown. That’s my grandson’s favorite color so he’s got it covered. LOL! And in case you hadn’t guessed……..the surprise basket will be color-coordinated to the winner’s favorite color. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Kristi Van Os Avatar

    I can’t wait to see what you come up with next for us to try, I love the candle mat project that we did. How about ORANGE as a favorite color. At lest that what I’m liking these days.

  45. Jo vdmey Avatar

    My favorite colour growing up was always blue but as I have grown older I seem to be loving the earthy greens. I think because it reminds me of the cottage forest. Thank you for your story and why you blog.

  46. marty askins Avatar
    marty askins

    My favorite color is blue and thank you for having a giveaway.

  47. patty Avatar

    The strawberry is darling. I love checked fabric.

  48. Jean Avatar

    Thanks for the give-away. I love all colors as well! If asked, to pick just one… it would need to be

  49. Julie Avatar

    Thanks for the give away. My favorite colors are pink and red.
    Now it’s off to check out your blog!!

  50. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    I went on the Quilting Gallery site as a quilt friend asked for votes on her postcard entry.
    What interesting blogs you both have. I have yet to set one up but after reading your story Sandra…I just might have to find some time to do one.
    My favorite colour is blue…however I have been trying to break out of the box and work with all colours. Thanks for the chance to get a surprise package..Who doesn’t love surprises!!
    Your work is spectacular..particularly like Tempting Table Runner and the Penny Rug. Made my first penny rug last year and gave it to my big sister for her birthday. She loved it.

  51. Stephanie Avatar

    I love blue, green, orange and yellow.

  52. Ramona Avatar

    I have been reading your blog for awhile now and really like it. I hope you had a wonderful birthday last week. It is hard to pick a favorite color, but I love pink, turquoise and purple. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  53. bev silvestre Avatar
    bev silvestre

    I loved this guest blogger. I have been wanting to learn how to sew on wool. Hopefully I will get up the courage soon. I love the tulip penny rug. My favorite color is blue.

  54. Freda Butler Avatar

    Sandra your work is beautiful. I too loved the tulip penny rug.

    I would have to say pinks are favorites after planting all my annuals today – mainly pinks.



  55. Patricia Avatar

    Sandra your works really is exquisite. Pinks really are my favorite color – I hate to be like almost everyone else but I can’t help it.
    Patti xxx

  56. Cheryl Avatar

    My favorite color is RED! I love any color that goes with RED! Thanks for the giveaway! I’m planning on having a giveaway of my own really soon, I just haven’t figured out what to giveaway yet. I want it to be really nice.

  57. Stitches Avatar

    My favorite color is green…loved reading your story as the guest blogger. I am one of your followers on your blog and also belong to to Seasons BOM and enjoy reading entries on both of them. You have made a difference in people’s lives with your blog. Keep up the good work.

  58. Jacki Avatar

    I’m such an indecisive person, I can’t even choose a favorite color, but my top two are definitely aqua-blue and raspberry-pink (see, I can’t even decide on the name of the color!). A great post. I sometimes think of blogging, but other commitments always seem to get in the way–maybe someday!

  59. Janet Avatar

    My favourite colour is yellow. Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Jenn Vallimont Avatar
    Jenn Vallimont

    Shades of blue are my favorites!

  61. Lindy Weber Avatar

    Sandi, when I read your memories of quilting bee, I thought I would let you know I tried to capture that flavor in a poem years ago. After reading your blog, I think you would like it.
    Scroll down until you see ‘The Bee’.

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