Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 21
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 9

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

Butterflies and Pinwheels Butterflies and Pinwheels
By: Pearlie pearll,
California, USA

Yellow, green, bluegreen and white fabric with butterflies

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

Celtic Twist Celtic Twist
By: Rita McCart,
Missouri, USA

This is Celtic Twist from McCall’s. This is the first quilt I machine quilted on my Brother 6600. I love this quilt so much. It was hard work keeping all the little corners correct. This one is my sons, I’m making another for my brother! I love it!! 🙂

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 96"

First Quilt First Quilt
By: Debbie Grasley,
Minnesota, USA

This is the first quilt I made in a class @ The Poise’n Ivy Shop in Ohio. I hand pieced it and then was hand quilted before we made the move to Minnesota. Fell in love with quilting and have continued with it since.

Quilt size: width: 93" height: 73"

Floral Rings Floral Rings
By: Barb Schan,
Nova Scotia, Canada

Floral Rings is an AnitaGoodesign special collection. I took some of the suggestions in the design and created my own version of the original 64 x 64 quilt. Throughout the long Nova Scotia winter, this has been my promise of spring. The back will be the same green floral fabric.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 105"

flowers on green flowers on green
By: Nancy Myers,
Michigan, USA

Our 2008 guild challenge was to use scraps of green to create a smaller sized quilt. I had so many scraps and chose those that were about 1″ wide. I added yo-yo flowers and fake flowers leaves from my wedding decor of almost 30 years ago.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 31.5"

for the birdwatcher for the birdwatcher
By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,

A redwork quilt in greens. The patterns for these birds I made myself.

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"

Frogs in Abundance Frogs in Abundance
By: Patricia S. Moffitt,
Alaska, USA

I really don’t like to applique, but my friend wanted frogs on her quilt and I couldn’t find anything pieced that I liked. This pattern just caught my eye and wasn’t as onerous as I had expected.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Gingham Gets Groovy Gingham Gets Groovy
By: Nouveau Stitch,
Michigan, USA

I love gingham and when I realized I could recreate gingham with solids, I had to give it a try!

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 48"

Green Christmas Green Christmas
By: Terri,
California, USA

My daughter’s favorite color is green. For the Christmas of 2008 I decided to make her a wall quilt. It turned out perfect for her. She loved it and decided to hang it in her cubicle at work. I entered its sister quilt, Blue Christmas, in the Fair and won 3rd place!

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Green Mountain Peak Quilted Necklace Green Mountain Peak Quilted Necklace
By: For Quilts Sake – Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

This is truly a miniature quilt. The fabric pendant features the Mountain Peak quilt square and is hand quilted. The cords is beaded with glass beads and hangs 13.5″.

Quilt size: width: 1.5" height: 1.5"

Green Stars Green Stars
By: marianne snijders,

Green is my colour and stars are my beloved quiltpattern. And I love to make my quilts by hand and also handquiltingans used in each block a different quiltmotif.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 72"

Kelly's Shamrocks Kelly’s Shamrocks
By: Rebecca Burch,
Wisconsin, USA

My husband’s boss was expecting a baby in March. I found this darling shamrock fabric so I made a baby quilt (“Single Irish Chain”) from it. I hand quilted shamrocks in the plain squares. As it happened, the baby was a little girl (Kelly) born on St. Patrick’s Day! So this was perfect for her!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Lucky Four Patch Lucky Four Patch
By: aggiequilter,
Texas, USA

This is a disappearing four patch quilt that I made for my 5 year old nephew who’s favorite color is green. It was just my second quilt and gave me the most trouble of the 5 I have completed thus far…but it was worth every minute when I see pictures of my nephew with it.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Simple Pleasures Simple Pleasures
By: Yvonne Bamlett,
Alberta, Canada

This green runner has the little leprechans dancing their jigs and guarding the gold! The two green tones are set of perfectly with the muted black. Very cute for decorating and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Good Luck to You All!

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 36"

St Patrick's Luck St Patrick’s Luck
By: Susan Arnold,
California, USA

I wanted a St Patrick’s wall hanging but DID NOT want to buy themed fabric. So, I went through my greens, and designed this with EQ7. Love how it turned out!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 38"

St Patricks Day (O'faigh) St Patricks Day (O’faigh)
By: O’faigh,

The theme for our 12in Mini Club was to make for a secret partner a mini quilt for St Patrick’s Day.I was stumped with inspiration for the theme. In my stash I had a small felt shamrock brooch, some suffolk puffs made in irish themed fabric. I machine quilted the background and formed a wreath.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

St. Patrick's Day ( Carrie P.) St. Patrick’s Day ( Carrie P.)
By: Carrie P.,
North Carolina, USA

My mini quilt was made from an embroidery design by Kathy Schmitz. I used a block design from Quiltmaker 100 blocks magazine. The block design is by Felicity Miller.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Sweet Peas Sweet Peas
By: Vickie Clontz,
North Carolina, USA

Our summer garden inspired me to wet-felt these little green peas wrapped in silk chiffon pods with pink silk ribbon bonnets atop hand-painted wood bead heads. The vines are wet-felted and swirl around batik leaves, all of which are stitched to a summer sky-blue batik background.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

To the Pot of Gold To the Pot of Gold
By: Sally Manke, Fiber Artist,
Michigan, USA

Thousands of pieces batik fabric are confetti cut then “painted” on quilt backing and batting. Fussy cut flowers and grass are added before covering quilt with tulle. Machine quilting w/invisible thread is completed then accented w/additional machine quilting. Bound with double fold batik fabric.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 51"

We're All Irish on St. Patrick's Day We’re All Irish on St. Patrick’s Day
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

Part of the Party With Patrick (Lose) series at our local quilt shop – I hang it on the 1st of March and it stays up for the whole month!

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"

Wheelchair Quilt Wheelchair Quilt
By: Penny,
North Carolina, USA

I made this quilt for a hunter/fisherman/all around outdoorsman who was recently in a car accident and is now paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 39"

123 responses to “Green Love (St. Patrick’s Day)”

  1. Janet Frank Avatar
    Janet Frank

    I don’t generally do hand stitching, but, when I do I use Roxanne’s. I believe they are an #8.

  2. Joyce Avatar

    I love voting each week and seeing the different quilts, this weeks are great!

  3. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    I haven’t bought any needles in ages, and most of the cards they came in are long gone. So, I usually just grab what seems appropriate from my needle cushion and go for it.

  4. Béatrice Avatar

    I use Bohin needles.

  5. Lauren aka Giddy99 Avatar
    Lauren aka Giddy99

    I don’t have a preference or a favorite, really! I use my embroidery needles for everything (because that’s what I have on hand). 🙂

  6. Rue Avatar

    I like to use #10 betweens.

  7. Susan Avatar

    I like a 20 sharp for my applique–just the right size for my hand! Love the fabrics!

  8. Vickie Clontz Avatar

    I use Colonial crewel/embroidery needles size 1/5 when stitching my wools with pearl cotton, as they don’t wear out the thread and are easy to thread.

  9. Nita Avatar

    For hand quilting I use size 10 Betweens. I prefer Piecemakers brand. For needle turn appliqué I like Piecemakers # 20 appliqué needles.

  10. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    The only hand stitching I do is binding on my quilts. I’ve had the same pack of needles for 15 years.

  11. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    I like the Roxanne’s #10 for hand stitching.

  12. Diana F Avatar
    Diana F

    I use whatever needle I can find that seems to fit when I bind my quilts or do any stitching. Terrible I know.

  13. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    I use sharps, usually a 12, for hand applique. I recently bought some assorted size milliners needles to try, but have not done so yet.

  14. Lea Avatar

    I usually use Clover hand quilting #10.

  15. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I like #12 betweens best, mostly I buy Prym.
    Thanks for the chance!

  16. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I typically use either a # 10 or 12. Thanks for the opportunity on a wonderful draw.

  17. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    betweens 12 does it for me.

  18. Joan Avatar

    I use all different sizes, but my favorite are Richard Hemming & Son sharps. I alternate between #9 and #11 depending on my fingers and my mood that day.

  19. kbo Avatar

    I do hand stitching with Jeana Kimball’s Foxglove Cottage straw needles #10 for my silk work.

  20. Pat Avatar

    For hand quilting I generally switch between John James, Richard Hemming or Roxanne, all Betweens size 10. My fingers aren’t nimble enough anymore to hang onto a #11. I’ve lately been doing a bit of hand embroidery again and for that I’ve just been using the big box store Dritz embroidery needles.

  21. Betsy Avatar

    I use a 12 from roxannes. Thanks for the chance

  22. Cassandra Avatar

    Vicki’s fabrics are SO gorgeous!! I have not yet learned hand sewing so I don’t have a favorite. Sorry!

  23. Debbie Avatar

    I like hand stitching with a straw needle because the eye is the same size as the shank of the needle and allows it to pass through the fabric easily. The hand dyes are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Patricia Avatar

    I quilt with between 10 and have for about 20 years when I hand quilt. Those are my favorite! Love Vicki’s fabrics!

  25. Mary Avatar

    John James Gold ‘n Glide needles are super; #10 is good.

  26. Christi Hocking Avatar
    Christi Hocking

    Such beautiful entries!

  27. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar

    I have many different brand needles. My criteria is that I need a large eye

  28. Rose Avatar

    I don’t have a favourite brand–whatever is around, is what I use. But I do like a larger eye, now that my eyesight isn’t what it used to be!

  29. Sally Manke Avatar

    Hand stitching? What’s that? No, seriously, if I MUST hand stitch the needle MUST fit in that little threader machine go earn real estate in my sewing kit!

  30. Susi Avatar

    Wow – the only hand stitching I do really is sewing down binding and I haven’t bought any new needles in so long I don’t even know what brand I have, only that it’s short and strong!

  31. Judy Avatar

    John James for needle turn. Any brand #9 for binding, and hand quilting. I like those longer needles for hand quilting.
    Lovely hand dyes Vicki!

  32. rosa Avatar

    I love thin needles and use shorts needles to handquilting!

  33. Judy1522 Avatar

    I don’t do a lot of hand stitching. I have needles that I bought in a package years ago that are divided by type like embroidery, crewel and such and I don’t know what brand they are. When I use them I just take from the compartment that fits the type of sewing I am going to be doing so I am not even sure of the size.

  34. Maryellen Avatar

    I pick a large eye, but sharp point when I can’t avoid hand stitching, lol. I do anything to try to do it all by machine.

  35. Garilyn Avatar

    I don’t really have a favorite. I just grab from what I have on hand and just make sure it’s size looks right for the job.

  36. Yvonne Avatar

    Loved this green display. I have my mother and grandmothers needles from over the years. My eye site is not the best so what ever needle I can get the threaded, works for me.

  37. Linda Avatar

    I’ve had a few needles of different shapes and sizes for a long time.
    I just pick the best one for the job in hand and use that!

  38. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    I’m so new to quilting..no idea bout the needle to use for handquilting….do have alot of sewing needles tho…from years of sewing regular things. I truly thought they are ok for quilting too?

    See I need to find some info huh? lol

  39. Patty Avatar

    I like using Jenna Kimbal’s straw needles. I took a class with her and love her way of quilting. I could not get the hang of rocking a needle as most quilters do.

  40. Bette Avatar

    I like to use large needles such as crewel needles so that I can use heavier thread that shows and gives texture.

  41. Cynthia Avatar

    John James
    Large Eye Quilting Needles #10 Super easy to thread!! 🙂

  42. Carol Avatar

    I have been using Clover #9 and #11 for hand applique. They are easy to use but hard to thread so have a special Clover threader for that purpose.

  43. Debbie Avatar

    My mother had a stroke she has a very long recovery, I will be spending a lot of time in the hospital then rehabilitation. I want to make her the most beautiful hand sewn quilt, any suggestions.

  44. lee Avatar

    #20 applique needles 🙂 thanks!

  45. ane Avatar

    Para coser a mano mis preferidas son las del nº 11, pero de un tiempo a esta parte tienen que tener un ojo muy grande.


  46. Kay Eyles Avatar
    Kay Eyles

    It is lovely to look at the quilts and to see the creativity there. I don’t have a favourite brand of needle but they must be small and very thin.

  47. Paule-Marie Avatar

    i’ll be the first to admit that I will use any needle I can find. Sometimes, I can’t find all the needles I have, so I just make do. That said, I do like Roxanne and John James needles.

    I found a new needle from Clover. It’s got a specially coated shaft – black. Can’t find the package to tell you what it is. BUT, the needle is slicker than black ice. It goes through fabric layers like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve got to get more of them. They are just the right size and hold up to me. It took a lot of sewing before the needle finally bent a little.

  48. Rachell R Avatar

    For hand-quilting, I use #8 betweens. I’m not sure what brand they are. Probably Dritz.
    For hand-sewing bindings, I like a longer, thicker needle because I have longer, thicker fingers and longer needles are generally easier to hold for me!

  49. Debbie Avatar

    I have no idea! Years ago I used to go for the straw needles, but now I just grab anything that’s thin and long.

  50. Missy Avatar

    I do not do a lot of handwork but when I do I like the 10 Betweens

  51. Lynette Avatar

    For back-basting needle-turn applique, I am super comfortable with some Roxanne applique needles I bought. Plus they have the cutest shell-capped tube container. What’s not to love? ;D

  52. Brenda Sanderson Avatar
    Brenda Sanderson

    I always use embroidery needles for all hand work as they are easy to quickly thread.

  53. Jenelle Boxberger Avatar
    Jenelle Boxberger

    Well I have to admit I just use whatever needle I can find when I need to do some hand stitching. Thanks for the fun.

  54. Quilter Kathy Avatar

    My favorite at the moment (and I change my mind all the time!) are the big eye John James needles.

  55. Heather Avatar

    mostly I use whatever needle I have on hand, but for applique I only use John James Straw needles.

  56. Nancy B from Many LA Avatar
    Nancy B from Many LA

    I am not familiar enough with different needles to have a favorite! I buy name brands, but don’t know the difference between them!

  57. Sam Avatar

    I also use John James needles for the small about of hand work I have done.

  58. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    I use a needle that has a big eye. The eyes are not what they use to be.

  59. Barb@Witsend Avatar

    I haven’t hand stitched yet other than small crafts. I just grab a needle from the case. I will need to learn about hand sewing needle when I start my EPP hexagon project very soon.

  60. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    I have always been partial to the Peacemaker betweens (size 10 or 12) for hand quilting and the Dritz or Peacemakers for embroidery work as well.

  61. Lizzie Avatar

    I use the needles I can readily buy– but I’m not that satisfied with them, so I plan on reading All the suggestions here!

  62. Sharon Lichter Avatar
    Sharon Lichter

    I like a #10 between needle.

  63. Candy S Avatar
    Candy S

    I love John James needles, in whatever size needed for the project at hand.

  64. Eva Avatar

    I use whatever is in my needle case, usually it is embroidery needles, they are not so sharp and easy to thread.

  65. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    So many gorgeous green quilts. All of them are lovely. I use only “Foxglove Cottage ” needles. Mainly the Red-work Embroidery style. They wonderfully thin, including the eye of the needles, but the eye will easily accommodate three strands of floss when needed. I use size 9 and 10 because they are longer but still sleek enough to glide easily through the fabric and easy for me to keep hold of even though I don’t have any feeling in the tips of my fingers. OH, and the price is right too. They have a large variety of needles including ‘betweens’ and other quilting and embroidery specialty needles including sample packs with variety of sizes. Thanks for a chance in this giveaway!

  66. Jane Avatar

    I’m another one who uses whatever needle is handy at the time. I do dearly love “cheater” needles for burying threads after quilting.

  67. Susan Avatar

    I like Milliners type needles for applique – John James and Richard Hemming are two good brands, also Jeanna Kimball straw needles.

  68. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I have some John James needles that I like. But mostly I just grab whatever’s nearby. I do like needles with extra large eyes since threading the needle is hard with my over-40 vision!

  69. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    I like to use Crewel needles because it is easier to thread the long eyes. I sew with thin needles, usually size 9.

  70. Richard Healey Avatar
    Richard Healey

    I do not normally hand stitch so when I have too its the first one I find and it will work. I prefer machine stitching every thing.

  71. Lorna McMahon Avatar

    I use an embroidery needle for all handwork because it is sew easy to thread. I have become spoiled by the automatic threader on my new Janome!

  72. Gisele Avatar

    for all kinds of hand stitching my favorite needle is a #9 Straw needle by Jeanna Kimball, it just glides through everything!

  73. Elizabeth Avatar

    I don’t do enough hand stitching to have a favorite brand. The type I use most is a large eye, smaller embroidery needle.

  74. Eileen Keane Avatar

    When I’m doing hand work, I mostly use John James brand needles. I use their sharps and milliners for my hand applique.

  75. Djoekie Avatar

    ik gebruik john james naalden
    nice give away

  76. Dawn Caines Avatar
    Dawn Caines

    As i use a needle threader can use a finer needle and prefer gold eye varieties 🙂

  77. Klara Avatar

    I use the peacemakers needles and sometimes John James, but the peacemaker needles are favorite.

  78. Cheryl Ashmore Avatar
    Cheryl Ashmore

    I use John James needles…large eyes also. I am pretty fussy when it comes to hand sewing needles…I don’t want them to bend and I have to have the large eyes. I also prefer the gold eye.

  79. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    My favorite needles are for count cross stitch.

  80. Bert Klimas Avatar
    Bert Klimas

    I admit to just using whichever one out of the pincushion that feels right for my thread/project.

  81. Cecilia Avatar

    I like a Bohin size 10 between for quilting and English paper piecing.

  82. Judy Brill Avatar
    Judy Brill

    I have used Roxanne size 11 quilting needles for years but lately I even bend and break those. I take very small stitches and use the rocking method so they bend or break very easily. I just finished a quilt and broke two and bent at least five. I wish I could find an indestructible needle.

  83. Rhonda Marshall Avatar
    Rhonda Marshall

    Very nice selection.

  84. Judy C in NC Avatar
    Judy C in NC

    I love John James straw needles for all my applique. For embroidery I use Bohin #7. Thanks for this give away from Judy C in NC

  85. Karen K at Fireball Quilts Avatar

    Nice variety of entries!

    For the limited handwork that I do, I like Dritz size 9.

  86. Edith Avatar

    I have so many needles around and in pincushions that I just pick up whatever is there, however for sewing in tail when I long-arm quilt I use Clover Self Threading Needles (assorted) and I have bought a pack of Straw Needles Size 11, as I have a few friends who use and recommend them. Time to break open the pack.

  87. Ann Avatar

    I use whatever is handy, but want to try both Roxanbe’s and John James as it is difficult to find needles the are both sharp and thread-able (with a big eye). Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    I use whatever needles I have in my sewing/quilting supplies. So many here said they use John James needles. I’m going to have to buy some and see if there is a big difference because I’m starting my hexie project in April, so anything that will make the job easier would be great.

  89. Rhoda Forbes Avatar

    Beautiful array of quilt for St Patrick’s day 🙂 And I love the giveaway 🙂

  90. Tammy Avatar

    I am not sure of the brand and size. I have had them for a long time . I got them from a heirloom sewing shop for smocking and embroidery. But They are very sharp and work great.

  91. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    I have an especially fine and rather long needle for sewing by hand, English paperpiecing mostly. It is no. 11, I purchased it years ago, and do not remember where 🙂 lol
    Love the quilts, always so inspiring!
    Inge C

  92. Carrie P. Avatar

    some really great quilts to celebrate St. Paddy’s day. I voted.

  93. Roxanne Avatar

    When it comes to hand sewing, there is not a particular brand. I have always used the ones that come in a wheel so much easier to get the needles out of it and to keep in with threads on them. The finer needles in the package of course. I have just started.

  94. Barb L. Avatar

    I love straw needles for appliqué. I would love to try Roxanne needles. The black gold needles are also great! Thank you for the chance!

  95. Sallie Avatar

    John James. I’m currently using a size 7 sharp. Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. lindawwww Avatar

    I use Dritz sharps for hand applique and betweens for hand quilting. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  97. PersimonDreams Avatar

    I actually haven’t done hand quilting…so I’m always open for suggestions on what to try if/when I decide to try!

  98. PersimonDreams Avatar

    I actually haven’t done hand quilting…so I’m always open for suggestions on what to try if/when I decide to try!

  99. Crystal Avatar

    John james, betweens. They are short & stiff & dont bend

  100. Mary Avatar

    I always use Jeana Kimball’s Foxglove Cottage Embroidery/Redwork Size 9. Use them for joining hexies, applique, and handstitching the binding. I don’t hand quilt, I FMQ.

  101. Marjorie Avatar

    For almost all kinds of sewing I like quilting betweens. Size 9 is most comfortable, but sometimes for hand piecing I use a smaller size). I use Sharps for things like hemming.

  102. Dawn Avatar

    I like a size 10 quilting between. It’s small enough to go through many layers easily, but long enough to stack a few stitches. I don’t have a favorite brand, I buy whatever I can find. I lose them too quickly and too often to care who makes them.

  103. Joni Keskey Avatar
    Joni Keskey

    Whatever is in my hand dandy pincushion.

  104. Donna Frederick Avatar

    I just pick one out that looks like it will get the job done.

  105. Maureen Latta Avatar
    Maureen Latta

    Lovely quilts but I have voted for my favourite, so hope I’m lucky

  106. Susan Avatar

    I use a 10 between for quilting. I don’t have a favorite–I buy whatever brand is available in that size.

  107. Heidi Avatar

    I have not tried hand quilting and use applique needles for my bindings and such.

  108. sara Avatar

    I use the quilting betweens – no special brand

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  109. Maggie Avatar

    Dritz seems to be the brand that I buy most often. Since I jump from quilting to smocking to tapestry I have a pin cushion full of needles all sizes and shapes. I just grab what looks comfortable for whatever project is at hand.

  110. Janet Walters Avatar
    Janet Walters

    I don’t have a favorite brand, I just buy quilting needles and use whatever’s in the package. I loose them allot!

  111. Amy K Hines Avatar
    Amy K Hines

    I like the size 9 needle because it’s easier for me to use when hand quilting since it’s larger. I don’t do enough hand quilting to use a smaller sized needle….wish I had more time to perfect that skill.

  112. susana Avatar

    Que color bello es el verde!
    Tengo muchas agujas de muchas marcas.
    Esas telas verdes de Vicki … me da una envidia verde de quien las gane.

  113. claire A Avatar

    I usually use a size 11 between for quilting; nowadays that requires a needle threader!

  114. Di Wilsey Ger Avatar
    Di Wilsey Ger

    John James as recommended by David Taylor!!

  115. vicki seals Avatar
    vicki seals

    I use whatever needle looks like it will work with what project I am doing at the time, they are all quilting needles. Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  116. Judy Stone Avatar
    Judy Stone

    I have so many needles but I like sharps best for almost everything. Don’t know the brand name – James from the UK?

  117. Jeanne Avatar

    I use the size I think will get done what I need.

  118. isabell Avatar

    I use John James needles for all my needlework.

  119. Pam Avatar

    I haven’t ventured into much hand quilting yet so I’m not sure………..but it’s on my to do list!

  120. Kris Avatar

    I am not a big handwork person but I have tons of needles. I like betweens usually 9 or 10s.

  121. Erin Hutchinson Avatar

    I hand quilt with John James Quilting Needles, usually. I prefer to use a size 12, even though they sometimes break when I am going through a particularly thick seam. Thanks for the chance to win!

  122. Gill Avatar

    I use a quilting between, whatever looks about the right size, no particular brand!

  123. Jeane Avatar

    For hand quilting I like John James Quilting #9. The needles are very sturdy and have a good eye for threading.

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