I’m happy that I finished the first two GlobeTrotting blocks before the end of the month. This is a free Block of the Month designed by Pat Sloan.

The first block is Washington, DC. It’s the largest block, finishing at 26″ square. It forms the centre medallion for the quilt. Here’s mine:


The second block is Venice, Italy. Here’s my version:


My first two blocks:


This is a colour palette that I’ve never worked with before. I’m loving it so far. Below are the fabrics I’m using for this quilt. They don’t photograph as well as I’d like in my apartment.


Are you doing this BOM too? There’s also a Flickr group for inspiration.

One response to “Globetrotting: Washington, DC and Venice, Italy”

  1. lyn Avatar

    We have approx sixteen members of our patchwork group doung this mystery quilt, there are many interesting color ways being used. Mine is pinks, burgandy n greys. Havent made any blocks yet, must get started 🙂

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