It’s time for a give-away!! Are you excited??

I ran into quilter extraordinaire Patsy Thompson at Spring Quilt Market, and she gave me a copy of her latest DVD Free Motion Fun…with Feathers! Volume 4, to give-away to one lucky Quilting Gallery reader.


You can watch an intro video on Patsy’s web site that gives you an outline on what you will learn in this DVD set.

I took a couple of photos while in Patsy’s booth. Unfortunately the lighting is poor, but you can still see some of her fabulous quilting.



I’m lucky enough to own Patsy’s other DVDs. She’s taught me so much and inspired me to actually try free motion quilting last year. Now, I love it.

How to enter: Leave a comment below sharing your favourite quilting tip. Your tip can be about free motion quilting or any part of the quilting process from cutting, piecing, quilting or binding. One random winner will be chosen Monday, July 19th.

Facebook, readers: You need to visit the Quilting Gallery blog to leave your comment and be entered in the give-away: CLICK HERE

And the winner is #120 Avery Claire. Congratulations!

193 responses to “Give-Away: Free Motion Fun…with Feathers! by Patsy Thompson”

  1. Amanda Ryan Avatar

    Machinger quilting gloves.

  2. Gladys Avatar

    Hola! Qué precioso regalo y Patsy es divina (veo siempre su blog) y sus trabajos son realmente espectaculares!!! Me alucino soñando lograr algún día un trabajo así! Por favor, anóteme para participar del sorteo! Muchas Gracias! Un abrazo!

    Google Translation: Hello! What a precious gift and Patsy is divine (I always see her blog) and his works are truly spectacular! I hallucinate dreaming someday achieve such a job! Please anóteme to participate in the raffle! Thank you very much! A hug!

  3. Gladys Avatar

    Perdón! Me olvidé de mencionar el tip. Recién hace unos meses finalicé mi primer acolchado, y lo que me resultó mas cómodo fue usar los alfileres curvos de metal para sostener el “sandwich” mientras acolchaba y luego las hebillas de pelo para sostener el binding para su costura a punto escondido! Aún no he probado el acolchado libre! Gracias!

    Google translation: Sorry! I forgot to mention the tip. Just a few months ago I finished my first quilting, and what I was using was more comfortable curved metal pins to hold the “sandwich” while quilting and then the hair clasps to hold the seam binding for almost hidden! I have not tried free motion quilting! Thanks!

  4. sophie Avatar

    Lay large sheets of tracing paper over your quilt top and draw your quilting design ideas on them to audition/plan designs for the quilt.

  5. Angela Avatar

    Definitely quilting gloves, but also ALWAYS make a small quilt sandwich using the same fabrics/batting to test your tension.

  6. Trudi Avatar

    If you have a little of the non slip mat that is usually used for draw liners, cut a couple of squares that are hand sized and use these instead of gloves, they really take the pressure off of the hands and wrists whilst free motion quilting, you get great control of the fabric, and in turn your quilting really does improve. I even use one to help when sewing on binding too!

  7. Christine M Avatar

    My favourite quilting tip is: I send it away to be quilted! LOL
    But seriously, when I do my own quilting I take my machine out to the dining table so that my quilt doesn’t drag down onto the floor.

  8. Ruth Avatar

    Remember to breathe. Long deeps breaths help ease the tension you may be feeling. Helps make you let go of the death grip you may also have :-0.

  9. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    I use the same thread for the bobbin as I do for top. Keeps the tension steady, and you cant see the bobbin stiching from the top.

  10. Erika Avatar

    Quilting gloves. Try to relax.

  11. Sylvia Avatar

    use gloves, enjoy the moment, break away often as to not get super tired

  12. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    I’m taking my first steps on the machine quilting path and boy is that HARD!! I must do something terribly wrong because it looks like, well like nothing. I’ve ordered a workshop dvd from Leah Day and read, read, read. I have my hopes set on “practice makes perfect”!!

  13. Dee Cordero Avatar
    Dee Cordero

    Cut 1 inch strips of sandpaper (small grit) long enough to wrap around your thumb and index fingers. (total 4 strips). After checking for size, hot glue ends together by overlapping, so that grit faces outward. Let cool. Use these finger “loops” to move your quilt for free motion quilting, or for thread painting free motion work. Can be made for more fingers, if desired.

  14. Jocelyn Avatar

    I agree with the others about the quilting gloves (esp Machingers). Also pin, pin, pin.

  15. Denise :) Avatar

    I mostly hand quilt, but my tip can apply to (home) machine quilting, too! If marking a quilt design on a top, make sure to test the marker on a spare piece of fabric first; both to ensure visibility *and* to make sure it will erase well, too! 🙂

  16. Jane Avatar

    Practice on a small quilt sandwich for 10 minutes or so, put some relaxing music on with a pleasant rhythm, pull on the gloves and have fun.

  17. Astrid Avatar

    Put on some music that you really like. Things go easier that way.
    When I freemotion quilt, I practice the pattern a couple of days before on paper or a dry earase board.

  18. Dolores Avatar

    Use the right size needle for the thread you have and use gloves. Machinger quilting gloves are great.

  19. Doodlebug Gail Avatar

    Golden Threads paper for drawing on and quilting through – I don’t like to mark my quilt and usually don’t have all my quilting designs fully thought out so using Golden Threads paper is a good way to audition designs …. and there’s no marking involved!

  20. Norma Avatar

    just do it! sometimes you just have to go ahead and do it. You won’t know what you are capable of and you won’t improve if you just sit around and “think” about it the whole time!

  21. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    When I am spray basting, I lay a sheet or two down on the floor first to catch the overspray. When I’m done all I have to do is throw it in the wash! (rather than wash the floor!)

  22. Vicki W Avatar

    My favorite tip is to practice. We can’t develop skills at anything without lots and lots of practice!

  23. Sally M Avatar
    Sally M

    Try to relax whilst quilting, and remember to get up and stretch every hour or so.

  24. Mary Jo Jones Avatar
    Mary Jo Jones

    I am still not as good as I would llike to be but I think practice is the key plus gloves. Everyone starts out as a beginner at some time…we just need to give it time.
    Mary Jo in Iowa

  25. Nancy Bird Avatar
    Nancy Bird

    My favorite quilting tip? Pay someone to quilt it! HAHAHA! No? I guess it would be to remember there are no quilt police, so if it’s not perfect, remember that it’s not a crime, and to keep practicing!

  26. Tammy J Avatar

    My favorite quilting tip is – it is not a race. Take your time, practice, and don’t be afraid to try. Finished is better than perfect – especially as you are starting out.

  27. Lee Avatar

    having numerous pin cushions everywhere in your sewing area ie ironing board, machine, cutting area. cleaning up after each project is a must in my mind.

  28. Linda Moran Avatar

    Go at a speed that feels comfortable when you’re machine quilting. I’ve always heard “pedal to the metal” but that doesn’t work for me. And USE GOOD THREAD! That one tip right there has been a lifesaver for me!

  29. Amy (NW WI) Avatar

    PIN BORDERS!! Once I learned how to “measure the center,” cut to length, and then pin to the sides, my “wavy-can’t-quilt-that-out” border problem all but disappeared.

  30. Marjorie Avatar

    practice, practice, try, try, try. By the way, the work in the pictures looks awesome.

  31. Wanda Robinson Avatar

    My best tip is about binding:
    That is usually the part I dread. Cutting and pressing a binding and having it prepared in far in advance makes it easy to “slap on” (carefully stitch) without so much tedious work at the end.

  32. Kathy Beeson Avatar

    I have to say that I love quilt basting spray when doing free motion on my regular sewing machine. It’s fast, easy and doesn’t gum up the needle. I use Sullivans.. it’s great stuff! I also use it for holding down machine applique pieces.

  33. Billie K Avatar

    My favorite tip was for keeping flying geese blocks in shape…..Press the seams open instead of to either side.

  34. Nancy Avatar

    I baste my quilts on my large dining room table. I use large clamps from the home center…clamp the back, lay the batting and smooth, clamp the batting and lay the top over… clamp the top and pin. Works very well and I don’t get a backache from crawling all over the floor…

    Another tip someone told me- after attaching the binding to the front of the quilt I give it a good hot press to the back and then I don’t have to use binding clips or pins to hold it while I hand sew it…

  35. Shiree Avatar

    change your needle regularly, it is amazing how a dull needle can throw out your tension pretty quickly, and I really love the ease of basting spray – great stuff! and yep, lots of practice!

  36. What Comes Next? Avatar

    get Patsy’s dvd’s and practice! Donation quilts are exvellent for doing this!

  37. sheila Craigie Avatar

    Never give up ….. practice practice practice. It gets better.

  38. Bern Johnson Avatar

    I would love to say that my favourite quilting tip is to get a long-arm machine quilter to quilt your quilt for you but that would be cheating!

    Not being a great machine quilter, I can say though that plastic gloves or those quilting gloves that you can buy especially to help manipulating the quilt around the quilting area really does help!

    Regards and thanks for a great website and wonderful E-zines,

    Bern in Caloundra, Australia (on the beautiful Sunshine Coast)

  39. Jan Houck Avatar
    Jan Houck

    Get Patsy to do it! Have seen Patsy quilt – she is awesome and makes it look so effortless but then again she has had a lot of practice too.
    I like to use Sullivan’s basting spray.

  40. Jenice Avatar

    The one thing that really helped me with my free motion is permission to play with the tension. Also I practiced my stich length and control on a pre-printed panel. I didn’t feel like I was wasting fabric and it was fun to outline the cute picture on the fabric with stitching.

  41. Janet Avatar

    Oh, so many favorite tips here! I like to get my binding ready when I finish the top. That way it is done and I don’t have to scrounge around trying to find the fabric or match it when I am ready to finish!

  42. Colleen Avatar

    PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and RELAX! Relaxing is the hardest part when I free motion quilt. I get so tense. Maybe a glass of wine?!?

  43. Lynn D in NC Avatar
    Lynn D in NC

    Don’t hunch your shoulders. Take frequent breaks to move your shoulders and neck. Use gloves or a halo.

  44. Bev C Avatar

    My tip would be to put aside time to do the quilting. It is no good rushing it. Full some spare bobbins and make sure you have a fresh needle and the appropriate needle for the job. Most of all take some breaks to stretch and have fun.
    Happy days.

  45. Sandy Allen Avatar
    Sandy Allen

    My tip would be to measure twice and cut once! Be careful when cutting with a rotary cutter, always close it if you are not using it and to wear shoes when using one in case you drop it.

    Thanks for the chance to win

  46. Debbie Clarke Avatar

    For free motion quilting….gloves, Isacord thread, music and chocolate, and practice, practice, pratice. And kick the “quilt police” out of the house–in other words, have fun and forget about all the rules.

  47. Farscapegirl Avatar

    I use these gardening gloves made with bamboo fibers… I bought them at my local foodstore. They were $2.50 a pair! And they are AWESOME! My hands never get sweaty in them and the rubber grip is incredible and hasn’t worn down yet. 🙂
    I never bought to $20-$30 pair of quilters gloves because I find cheapy gardening gloves work great for me!

  48. taylorsoutback Avatar

    I keep my prepared binding on a cardboard tube – when it is needed, easily found and ready to go. That and a glass of wine can make time at the machine less stressful!

  49. Leeann hansen Avatar

    I like to sew in all my ends of threads from machine quilting and find that a self threading needle is great. It has really sped up the process for me. With the quilting itself I think just going slow and breathing is the best advice. I don’t know where the idea of sewing fast when quilting came from!

  50. Sheree Avatar


    Oh, I’d love to be entered for a chance to win! I just did my very first quilt with all over free motion embroidery. I still need alot of practice, but it is sooo much fun!

    My tip…arrange your fabrics by color. I did this several years ago and it has been the best thing for my creativity with combining fabrics and colors! I’ve always loved to mix lines, but having the fabrics organized by color encourages that even more so and I’ve come up with many combinations that I would not have otherwise simply because two fabrics ended up next to one another on the shelf!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Crystal Hendrix Avatar

    Oh I would love to win this!! I just got a new long arm frame and machine and I have NO IDEA what I am doing!! So this would be sooo helpful to me!

    My quilting tip is to practice. I need to take my own advice! When you feel like your can’t go one, take a break and get back on that horse (machine) and soon you will become a better quilter/sewer.

  52. Maria Avatar

    My best quilting tip right now is to try to win a DVD to help you improve your quilting skills. Frankly, my quilting skills stink!!! There’s LOTS of room for improvement!

  53. Sherry Bedard Avatar

    Pick me I’m just learning on how to do free motion and would love to win. I need to learn more more and then more.

  54. Beth-Pretoria South Africa Avatar
    Beth-Pretoria South Africa

    Don’t be afraid to try something new or different. We all have our own ‘quilting’ voice. Different is not bad or good, it’s what works for YOU!

  55. Monica Avatar

    my favorite tip is to be mentally preprared with the “mantra” I sew because it is fun, not to produce a lot of projects.” And repeat that a lot while sewing. then I dont rush my projects.
    Basting spray, gloves and practice, practice and practice again.

  56. Ethne Avatar

    My tip would be to pack up the fear and actually just jump in and start trying some free motion quilting – I’ve recently only just done this myself and whilst not perfect it’s been liberating and certainly opened an new perspective to what I’ll be doing and any additional advice on domestic maching FMQ will be very very welcome

  57. Joy V Avatar

    Relax, relax, and relax. Then practice, practice, practice. These were the best two tips I have been given. To relax and practice – you will get there and your quilting will get better and better.

  58. Hannele Avatar

    Of course I’m exited! I’ve seen glimpses of Patsy’s work in The Quilt Show lessons she gave there, but would love to learn more 🙂

  59. Munaiba Avatar

    My tip is go slowly. It’s quicker in the long run. You make fewer mistakes and you don’t have to waste time unpicking.

  60. Chris Avatar

    Just keep trying and don’t give up. Start small a baby quilt or a purse. Lots of light and good music helps. Sit up straight and have fun!

  61. Kim Avatar

    These are the two things I always keep in mind when quilting. Changing needles every eight hours of sewing, gloves for machine quilting, and measure twice cut once.

  62. Rosalind Pollock Avatar

    A doodle pad for ideas
    A practice sandwich to warm up on,
    Good music,
    Coffee to the right
    Chocolate to the left,

  63. Kerstin Avatar

    my tip is a good glas of red wine and good music.

    Thank you so much for the chance in this great give away.

  64. Nadine Avatar

    Save those clear plastic resealable salad containers from the grocery store. They are perfect for storing binding, sewing projects, fat quarters or sorting out fabric bits to good to throw out but pile up everywhere. The see throught container lets you see what’s inside and you are recycling too!

  65. betsy Avatar

    Quilting tip, relax your shoulders, breathe and take many breaks.
    I learned free motion from reading Patsy’s blog. IThank you for the chance to win this coveted prize.

  66. Diane Myers Avatar
    Diane Myers

    I use a large piece of clear vinyl. Wrap the edges with duck tape. Lay this on your quilt top and use wipe off markers to try out your quilting designs.
    Tape is there so you do not get near the edge and mark on the quilt!
    Audition many quilting designs to find out what is right for the quilt!

  67. Sandy Avatar

    Great give-away. My best tip when quilting, either by hand or machine, RELAX, listen to your fav songs, have fun, have a glass of wine and let the quilting begin. Just keep the wine to only one glass, you don’t want to get carried away. 🙂

  68. TheaM Avatar

    good lighting, gloves, music, are all essential – but there is no substitute for practice!

    and use a machine with the largest possible bobbins, and a fine thread in the bobbin. clean the machine every time you change your bobbin.

  69. Maria Avatar

    Best tip: Don’t give up too quickly. Take your time and practice. It takes time to learn to make smooth lines.

  70. Trish Avatar

    When machine quilting, I like to turn on some of my favorite music – usually classic rock – and sing along while I’m quilting. In doing this, I find I’m more relaxed and my quilting reflects that fact!

  71. Suzi Avatar

    Breath, relax, and take breaks frequently…and press, press, press those seams 🙂

  72. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    My tip isa little different than the others, when putting on borders, you must measure, measure, measure. How do I know this, we’ve been to a quilt show this weekend and it was very evident whether the borders were measured properly or not, and boy can you tell the difference if you’re trying to quilt a quilt that hasn’t been measured properly!

  73. Wendy L Starn Avatar

    wind LOTS of bobbins ahead of time. Nothing more annoying than having to stop and wind a bunch of bobbins. I like to have lots of extra empties handy for the next project.

  74. Yvonne Farraway Avatar
    Yvonne Farraway

    Enjoy the moment, & don’t be in a hurry to get it finished. Try to relax, Yvonne.

  75. D Brown Avatar
    D Brown

    I would soooooo love to learn to make feathers freehanded! I mark mine so many times, and the markings always fade. Maybe one day!

    tip: for me dont start quilting by hand before the marks are visable!

  76. Jeanne McBrayer Avatar

    When I am free-motion quilting, I look for motifs in the fabrics or shapes used in the quilt top. Then I practice on paper to “imprint” how to create the flowers, leaves, swirls, or other shapes that I will be using for quilting designs.

  77. LoriD Avatar

    Make sure you have plenty of room to the left and back of your table for the quilt. There’s nothing worse than quilting along and have the quilt fall off and mess up your stitches.

  78. Wendy L Starn Avatar

    Wind LOTS of bobbins. I try to keep a bunch of empties for this. So annoying to have to stop and wind. By the time you get back to quilting, you’ve lost your pace. Also, check bobbin area (esp. on drop-in machines) for lint every time you change a bobbin and keep it from building up in there.

  79. Kim Jamieson-Hirst Avatar

    After choosing a quilt motif to stitch on my frame, I practise the pattern on a whiteboard so that I am accustomed to the motion. I also wind several bobbins before I start quilting so that I don’t have to stop and take the thread off the long-arm to wind more during the quilting process.

  80. upstatelisa Avatar

    when there is no a/c in your house, have a fan blowing on your face at all times in the sewing room! also have lots of needles on hand!. looking forward to hearing you on Creative Radio later today!

  81. Mary Avatar

    I always have some peacful music going, a large table with my machine inset into it and some great gripper gloves.

  82. jean Avatar

    look for inspiration everywhere. I recently sketched a fence that would make a great quilt border while riding the train.

  83. Darlene Staley Avatar
    Darlene Staley

    The best tip I have recieved for Free Motion is to look ahead while you are quilting. Don’t focus on where the needle is but where it is about to go.

  84. Tammy Krumwiede Avatar

    I need all the help I can get with free motion feathers!

  85. Victoria Miner Avatar

    Use a free motion slider when machine quilting. This is a teflon, sticky backed sheet that lays on your machine bed. The slippery surface allows the quilt to move so easily. I tried one when taking a class at my local quilt shop and thought it worked so well I bought one on the spot. Now I wouldn’t quilt without it.

  86. Judy Avatar

    Don’t be afraid to try new things with your quilting; FMQ, binding by machine, new patterns, machine applique, etc. You can’t expect to move ahead with your skills, ideas, & fun if you don’t try new things. Just take a deep breath, clean up your sewing room a bit, relax about making mistakes (there’s no quilt police watching you) and have fun! A quilting friend of mine told me a long time ago when I was unhappy with my points not matching…”Do you want it perfect, or do you want it finished?”….and it helped me find freedom to enjoy in my quilting.

  87. Mary Flynn Avatar
    Mary Flynn

    My best tip would be the tried and true of “practice makes perfect.” Well, I don’t know about perfect and am thinking some guidance from this DVD would help with a few finishes!!

  88. Tiny Avatar

    If you have a pattern on the fabric to draw do not do it with a pencil or a specialpen, but simpley surviving pieces of toiletsoap. You have no stripes after wards

  89. Renea Avatar

    I keep practicing this concept over and over. I love the tips that all of you have posted.

    Meandering feathers on my quilts are a must!

  90. Mary L Avatar

    Doodle every chance you get, even if it is with your finger and not a pencil. Drawing a motif several times imprints it in your brain and will make quilting the shape a snap.

  91. Char Avatar

    My favorite tip concerns what people like to call un- sewing. When you have to rip out a seam cut every third or fourth stitch and then pull the thread on the oppisite side . It comes right out, TaDa!

  92. Pat Bandura Avatar
    Pat Bandura

    My favorite tip would be to use a slider. It makes the quilt move so much easier.
    And like most others have said practice

  93. Ruth Hampson Avatar
    Ruth Hampson

    When viewing beautiful work like Patsy’s, don’t be intimidated. We all must start somewhere, so jump in and do the best you can! Your best will become better and better!

  94. SoozeM Avatar

    My best tip is if your gut tells you that what you are doing doesn’t look right then stop and try something else, don’t keep going because it will only give you more to unpick 🙂

  95. Dana Avatar

    Clean your machine often, change your needle and walk away when you start to feel stiff, it’s amazing how much my free motion changes when I’m refreshed.

  96. Vicky Barkley Avatar

    Quilting gloves. Sitting position.
    I am a beginner at free motion quilting and try practising feathers but will never achieve the great work of Patsy’s. I would be honoured to receive this great give away.

  97. Vicky Barkley Avatar

    Please enter me in your fantastic give away. Thanks

  98. Anna Avatar

    This is a lovely giveaway- The most important part of free motion quilting is to have good tools and to relax. Someone suggested a glass of wine and good music to help get your rhythm. Your winner is going to be one happy person. Regards,

  99. Valerie Wagner Avatar

    I keep a small white dry erase board in my sewing room so that I can sketch and doodle quilting designs prior to actually stitching. My board is small and does not have to be hung on the wall and tucks back onto the book shelf along with a basket holding colored dry erase markers, eraser and cleaning spray.

  100. Cory Avatar

    My favorite free-motion quilting tip is to relax. If you tense up, you end up exhausted and your movements are jerky and not smooth. I would love to win Patsy’s DVD’s. I follow her blog and love the quilting she does. Thank you. Take care and God bless, Cory

  101. Shirley in Canada Avatar
    Shirley in Canada

    My tip would be to get this video! I mean watching the clip made me think that with the help of this DVD I could actually accomplish something close to this…really I do think so! 😉

  102. jo ann Avatar

    Just saw this DVD offer and know that I need it bad. I will watch the video in a few minutes but I am already sure I need it! I have been practicing my feathers and need all the inspiration I can get. I love doing them and want to do more. This looks like a dream come ture if I win!
    Love the pictures on the blog and want to make feathers just like them!!

  103. Shawn Avatar

    I think the most important tip is to relax and enjoy the quilting process. These DVD’s are very inspiring!

  104. Tracy in SW WA Avatar

    I’m actually a pretty good machine quilter, but I am Soooooo ready to step up to the next level. I get so inspired by Patsy’s work, but I haven’t taken that leap yet.

    My tip? Sorry, ladies and gents, it’s one that you wish wasn’t so: Practice, practice, practice. Patsy didn’t quilt like that the first time or two (or TEN) that she sat down to quilt, and you probably won’t either. Don’t give up.

  105. HeatherL Avatar

    I am a hand quilter & a clueless newbie about machine quilting, so my tip is about binding.

    I always make bias binding in large amounts, even when dealing with all square corners. It’s easy once you get the hang of it and excess can be stored around cardboard for craft projects, mini quilts, and/or charity quilts so you can whip them up in no time and it doesn’t take up much storage space.

    Plus, I don’t dread the last step to completion! =) You’ve got to love that!!

  106. Kristi Van Os Avatar

    It is very helpful to draw your design and trace over it a few times. It gets your brain into the rhythm of the design so when quilting you automatically know the way to go.

    Also practice, practice, and practice some more.

  107. Arlinda Avatar

    My best tip is enjoy the process. Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and stitch. Remeber it doesn’t have to be perfect, quilting gets better the more you do it. On my freemotion I just let the fabric tell me what it wants and needs. Sounds silly but it works. Also, don’t try to go too fast. Take your time and just concentrate on the immediate area you are working on.

  108. CAROL C Avatar

    i want to learn how to machine quilt, i dont have any tips cause I am just learning, i like to surround myself with items like this book that knows what they are talking about. since dh lost his job and unemployment i could never buy a book like this. what an honor it would be to have it, and it is a super honor for you to offer it.

  109. Judy Stowell Avatar
    Judy Stowell

    Everyone else has mentioned quilting gloves (I love them too). But how about the “Sew Slip” sheet. Allows the quilt to just glide over the table.

  110. Michelle Avatar

    I recently learned that if I have many blocks of one type to make, that I should completely put together one block before I start mass producing block sections. I had 40 2″ border blocks with only 3 pieces in the block. Seemed simple until I realized that I’d put 2 or the 3 pieces together WRONG in all 40 blocs. I would have caught this mistake if I’d made just one of them completely first. 1/2 hour to sew together wrong, and 2 hours to rip them apart. Sigh.

  111. Subee Mohr Avatar

    I would so much love to have this giveaway…I have heard so much about Patsy!
    My tip is to always try to make the binding when you finish the quilt top. That way you do not have to search for the fabric months down the line! I have over 10 quilts waiting to be quilted and all the bindings are waiting too!
    XOXOX Subee

  112. Reeze hanson Avatar

    What a wonderful collection of great quilting tips! My tip is one I learned as a kid when my dad was teaching me to drive the tractor! He always told me to look ahead to where I was going, not where I am at the moment. The power of the machine gets me through the moment, but only my brain can get me to where I want to be. So when I machine quilt I look where I want to go and visualize in my brain how I want to get there. Or as my drivers ed teacher used to tell us, “Aim High!”

  113. Julie in WA Avatar
    Julie in WA

    I anticipate a foray into the machine quilting world as soon as my Koala cabinet gets fixed. So at this point, my best tip is to read read read, and study what the pros do, watch videos on YouTube, and best of all: read all the great tips in this comment section!

  114. Mary-Kay Avatar

    Whenever I start the quilting process, I make sure my machine is all dusted out and has a brand new needle in it. I also make sure I’m not rushed when starting out because I like to be very relaxed when quilting.

  115. Tapestry Tree Avatar

    My best quilting tip is practice, practice, practice while relaxing, relaxing, relaxing! In the beginning, I made a lot of quilt sandwiches with muslin and leftover batting and practiced for hours. It pays off!

  116. Sharon Baggs Avatar

    I set up my domestic machine’s tension by using 12″ squares of muslin+batting+muslin sandwiched together. I start with an upper thread tension of 3.0, stitch 1-2″ and mark a line with a pencil and record the setting right on the fabric. Then I move to a setting of 2.5 and stitch another 1-2″.

    Continue in this way through a few more settings, marking as you go and you will soon see what is a good setting for tension. Record on the fabric the type of thread you’re using and you’ll have a reference for the next time (pics on my blog under “preparing to quilt Andrea’s quilt).

  117. Becky Avatar

    My tip is to be sure to use a design wall for trying out ideas for your quilts. Purchase a sheet of styrofoam insulation at a home improvement store and prop it against a wall, if you don’t want to mount it permanently. It could be put away in the basement, spare room or anywhere it will fit. Pin on some flannel and put up your fabrics and blocks. You can easily pin into the styrofoam as necessary.

  118. nancy Avatar

    I use a sheet of clear plastic and a wet erase marker to draw lots of ideas for my quilting. I can erase it and start over and over again until my design is just right. When I’m done, I simply clean it off for the next time.

  119. Avery Claire Avatar

    I absolutely adore feathers….they look so elegant on a quilt. My favorite quilting tip is to do a LOT of practice quilting by making baby quilts. They don’t take much time and you always have a gift on hand and what better way to get really good at your quilting!

  120. Carole Avatar

    Oooooh… would love this one.
    My tip… relax those shoulders, turn up the music and ‘dance’… with those feed dogs down.
    Have fun!

  121. Christine Avatar

    I love using scotch tape to hold down applique pieces while hand appliqueing.

  122. Sally Avatar

    To practice a quilting design, get a large white board, use wipe-away markers, and repeat the pattern over and over using large arm movements (not just the hand as in normal handwriting), until filling the space with the design is fluid and natural. When you move to your machine, don’t watch the needle, but look ahead to the space you want to fill with your quilting pattern. Practicing and looking ahead will prevent working yourself into a corner.

  123. Marlene Avatar

    I like to try different feet like I discovered the Bernina # 55 Leather Roller foot is great for free motion quilting curves and I like to use the #34 Clear Sole foot when paper piecing you can see more.

  124. Jo Anne Avatar
    Jo Anne

    Sounds strange, but the way my sewing machine works, I sometimes have more control with the feed dogs UP.

  125. Lisa Avatar

    I am still working on my machine quilting skills and I find that I do best if I trace the designs onto thin paper (I use rolls that are used in exam rooms in Dr’s offices). I then sew right through the paper following the design. It takes time to pull the paper out but it is worth it for me.

  126. Debbie Avatar

    I’ve seen Patsy’s videos on The Quilt Show and she’s great!

    My tip: Don’t be in a hurry. Slow down, take your time, take time out – with piecing, construction and quilting. Avoids lots of undoing!

  127. Raylee Avatar

    I love Patsy’s designs also. My tip, Practice practice, practice, muscle memory is a great thing, and the practice builds confidence.

  128. Marianne Avatar

    What a great question to ask Michele, I have learned a lot of tips by reading through everyone’s great replies.
    The only thing I can add is to watch someone do some free motion quilting, maybe a friend, a you tube clip, or a dvd, then practice on some 12″ sandwiched blocks that you can later make into a quilt (the QAYG method).
    If you end up doing LOTS of practice you could donate the finished quilt/s to a children’s cancer ward, or another worthy cause.

  129. Chris Teague Avatar

    1. Keep a selection of needles in stock and ALWAYS use a fresh one for every quilt.
    2. Brush lint from the bobbin area frequently (I do this every time I change bobbins.
    3. I machine quilt standing and breath in as I shift the weight on one foot and breath out as I take the step to the side.
    4. I wear ear guards to muffle the noise and protect my hearing
    5. I visit Patsy’s tutorial website (365 Days) for inspiration and encouragement. She is an excellent instructor.

  130. kathy Avatar

    I am new to free motion quilting so my tip would be practice a lot. It take time to know the right speed to move fabric.

  131. Linda Avatar

    I to have started free motion quilting I am only learning stippling so far but would love to branch out and this book would really help.

  132. Emily Avatar

    My favorite tip is to pin the heck out of the loose borders! I’ve caught my extra backing fabric too many times and had to rip out some great free-motion quilting.

  133. Willa Avatar

    Use the hardware department to shop for quilt tools. One of my favorite is a telescoping magnet. Stretches from the size of a ball point pen to about 24 inches. Great for picking up pins etc.

  134. Jacque Avatar

    practice, practice, practice.. dry the tears and practice some more.

  135. duff Avatar

    Quilting tip: Remember, there are no mistakes, only design opportunities!

  136. fleurette Avatar

    Practice! thats what I’ve been doing a lot lately. Use a kitchen timer set for half an hour to remind you to get up and stretch , take a break to rest your eyes, shoulders, back, arms and hands.

  137. Liz Tius Avatar

    My tip is to make sure you have lots of prewound bobbins.

  138. Pam/Hope Avatar

    Love the tips given..THANK YOU!

    I rolled my binding around my hand and then placed on the spindle (back) of my kitchen chair that I sat in for sewing … the binding hanging behind my shoulder was perfect for streaming down for sewing.


    practise on a smaller version of the same sandwich you will be quilting on..for color choice decision and design!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  139. Quilter Kathy Avatar

    I have heard so much about this DVD…if I don’t win it, I’m buying it 🙂
    My quilting tip…draw your designs in pencil to practise and when you have a design you like, then practise running over the lines with your finger until you can do it in your sleep!
    Loved the interview on Pat Sloan’s radio fun to listen to you chat!

  140. HeyJudee Avatar

    When I want to quilt certain shapes like leaves and want the leaves to look the same, I cut out a template using freezer paper and use my clover iron to press it in the place to be quilted. Then I free-motion around it, peel it off and then press it in the next place to be quilted. The same freezer paper piece can be used over and over before you have to make another. I wanted to quilt maple leaves around blocks on a quilt. Used this method to quilt 80 leaves!

  141. Carol Avatar

    I love feathers, and have tried making them “free-motion” but have never been satisfied with the results, and have had to frog stitch “ripit-ripit” and start over. . . I’m still hoping to learn how to sew free-motion feathers with such beautiful results! You are inspiring me to believe that I can do it!

  142. deanna gipson Avatar

    my tip would be to wear quilting gloves!

    and a cute little story….my daughter was sewing on her little machine (she was five or six i think at the time?) and i look over at her and she is wearing a pair of her pretend garden gloves that she dug out of her toy box!

  143. Danielle Avatar

    I’ve never wanted to win another giveaway as much as I want this. I’m dying to try one of her dvd’s because I LOOOOOVE her stencils.

    Anyway, my best tip I have is that when something works well, to stick with it. I long arm, and my quilts don’t shift when quilting them. I tried a shortcut (floating the top), and then I ended up with terrible results– so now I just do what works without worrying about shaving off time.

  144. Linda Jenkins Avatar
    Linda Jenkins

    My quilting tip is: relax, breath deep,soothing music, take breaks often.

  145. Barb in MI Avatar

    Practise , practise, practise – and don’t give up! As a beginner I like EZ boards to get the hang of the quilting motion. Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. Janet Avatar

    My tip: take courage and try. And don’t worry if it isn’t perfect, probably no one else will notice. They’ll be too busy admiring.

  147. Jeanne Cupertino Avatar

    My tip is to not be afraid of any new technique! Mistakes made are simply opportunities for learning.

  148. sharon kruml Avatar
    sharon kruml

    My tip: Always try something new it keeps you young and you can never learn enough. It makes you stronger and more interesting as a person. You can also help new people in quilting to want to go farther and to learn more. It helps make people new to quilting learn to enjoy it and not to be afraid and to give up,

  149. Barb Powers Avatar
    Barb Powers

    I love using Sharon Schamber’s red ring for quilting. I hate having my hands covered with gloves!

  150. Lisa Avatar

    My tip is for marking the quilt before quilting. I like to use Crayola washable crayons (test on the fabric you’re using) because they come in a multitude of colors and have always washed out for me. My words to live by are ‘enjoy the process’ and don’t rush through the project.

  151. Shady Avatar

    Relax; Practice; Play; Experiment; and just do what makes you happy when you are quilting that quilt top!! Happy accidents have produced some of the best surprise results!! Oh, and the “Quilt Police” don’t really exist – but if your local quilt guild has a few “wannabee quilt police” – then just DON”T invite them over, and DON’T show them your finished quilts!! That should cut your stress level in half – at least!! 🙂

  152. Rafael's mum Avatar

    That is amazing quilting, I love it!! Would love to try… My tip is something I learned at bernina course.. Use a pastry brush to clear out fluff from your bobbin housing. the fluff with cling to the pastry brush and come out, something even the brushes designed for the purpose do not seem to do. (and clean out frequently of course, as has been said before)

  153. Daryl Avatar

    I too like to use Machingers gloves and the supreme slider and Magic genie bobbin washers to make quilting easier. Also experiment with different threads when quilting.

  154. polly columbus Avatar
    polly columbus

    I can’t do anything without my little white gloves.

  155. Jules Avatar

    Well I have only just really started to really go for free motion quilting, so would love any help/tips/encouragement this DVD would give…… top tip is to get a pair of quilting gloves, i really noticed the difference after i started wearing them, wouldn’t be without them now :))

  156. Janet Friedrich Avatar
    Janet Friedrich

    My fave tip for MQing came from Patsy Thompson herself … have a glass of wine before you start!

    That and Machingers help a bunch.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  157. Linda Smith Avatar

    I will never be as awesome as Patsy at MQing but Im OK with that. I love every aspect of MQing and find it so much fun. My tip would be to just relax and slow down and also to try lots of different methods and different threads and needles til you find what you like the best. Hope to win the DVD because I am moving on to feathers soon.

  158. Jackie Avatar

    My machingers disintegrated and got white specks on everything, so I use a Clover product that you apply to you finger tips and it holds the quilt in place.

  159. Pam Avatar

    My favorite tip and one that I had forgotten is to pin!!! I had been wondering why things weren’t turning out well and I read a post about pinning …my blocks are much better now.

  160. inge Avatar

    I’m an absolute beginner in machine quilting, but I love to you quiltpounce, it helps me to work more accurately

  161. sandy rhodes Avatar
    sandy rhodes

    I place a rolled up piece of that rubber mesh shelf liner under the back of my machine, so that the machine tilts towards me…better view! Sandy in MD

  162. Vivian Avatar

    Make a small sandwich of the same fabric you are quilting to check thread and tension. Also to get in the hang of quilting before you start on the real thing.

    Oh, how I need those DVD’s.

  163. MoeWest Avatar

    Here is an interesting tip from Tricia Quirk Spitzmueller.

    When first learning to machine quilt, sing a repetitive song to yourself such as “99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall.” Funny as this may seem, it distracts the left brain and allows greater freedom of movement and a more graceful flow. I used this technique when I first practiced signing my name in cursive on my quilts. I had to trust that I knew how to sign my name, as I had done it a thousand times, and that my hands could find their own way. You’ll find yourself saying, “It’s a miracle” just like I did!

  164. Debbie Avatar

    I think that doing a test square before you begin is a must. It saves a lot of frustration later. Listening to music while quilting really calms me down and I’m less tense. Thanks for the offer. Happy Quilting!!!

  165. Kayli Taylor Avatar
    Kayli Taylor

    be courageous! I had courage to just try out free motion all by myself and now I love it. I would love to win this I haven’t tried to do a lot of feathers yet, I guess I need some more courage!

  166. Deb Avatar

    Accuracy! I have found that taking time to be accurate in cutting really makes a difference. It’s easier said than done though!

  167. Rhanda Johnson Avatar
    Rhanda Johnson

    My tip….. change needles before starting a new project or if run over a pin. Clean machine regularly. The amount of lint that collects if you don’t do this is incredible. Don’t forget to oil it, too. You’d be amazed how much better your machine will run.

  168. JOY Avatar

    while machine quilting, take your shoulders out of your ears and listen to music to give yourself a rhythm to quilt by 🙂

  169. Jennifer Wilkins Avatar
    Jennifer Wilkins

    My tip: use a lint roller to clean off any stray threads, lint, pet hair, left over threads from unpicking, any other stuff – I keep one next to my ironing board, can spread the quilt out on that and roll over to remove any unwanted fluffy bits – that way they are not quilted onto the surface, easier to remove, and your quilt is cleaner.

    Thanks for the chance to enter and maybe win these wonderful free motion quilt dvds. Isn’t it wonderful that there is a place for everyone in this quilting world of ours, from beginners to the best, we all have a place. 🙂 Jennifer in Australia.

  170. Karen Avatar

    Sometimes I like to do a decorative stitch on my binding but I am really particular on how it looks on both sides. So what I have found that works really well, is I stitch the binding to the quilt, press and then put a bead of Elmer’s School glue on the raw edge stitch line. I then fold my binding over to meet the stitch line, press for good adhesion and then I can follow the line to place a decorative stitch. By gluing, this allows the right placement with no moving.

  171. Perri Krom Avatar
    Perri Krom

    The best thing I can tell anyone is to practice, practice, practice. The more you do free motion quilting, the more it imprints on your brain and the easier and better it gets.

  172. ann c Avatar
    ann c

    Beautiful work. I really appreciate the workmanship in her work having tried machine quilting myself. I find gloves help me move the fabric under the presser foot. One mystery is what happened to one of my gloves – I have looked everywhere in my sewing room! Thank you for sharing.

  173. Marnie Ashby Avatar
    Marnie Ashby

    Learn as much as you can and share with your fellow quilting sisters. I have learned so much from these ladies and appreciate every bit of information they share with me.

  174. Kim Avatar

    As I have gotten older I learned that rotary cutting with a light colored mat makes lining things up much easy to see……unless of course your fabric is the same color as the mat.

    thanks for a chance to win……..
    happy Sewing

  175. Julianna Avatar

    Don’t practise – seriously! Don’t use worse fabric to try if you are ready to make something! Use your favourites fabrics – in such situation trying harder and you’re doing your best – the results are better than during practicing!!!

  176. Nancy Sue Phillips Avatar
    Nancy Sue Phillips

    Before free motioning, I need practice. I’m a newbie, and it takes me a few minutes to get to that sweet spot as far as speed. Just like it is hard to ride a bike very slow or very fast, there is a happy middle. I use little square sandwiches to practice before going to the quilt. Then I use these little squares to wipe off our dog’s muddy feet coming in from outside.

  177. Michelle Lange Avatar

    Quilting tip: Put all natural bulbs in your quilt/craft room lamps and fixtures. It will make a huge difference in your colors!

  178. Jenny Johns Avatar
    Jenny Johns

    this looks like an exciting video, she talks about the corners. i need help with that. I need to just practice, practice, and more practice.

  179. Jeanne Gilroy Avatar
    Jeanne Gilroy

    Use rubber fingers to hold the quilt for free motion and practice some before each session on the real quilt.

  180. Judy Domke Avatar

    get up and stretch at least once an hour and drink some water.

  181. jANET IRVINE Avatar

    When I am quilting, I try to think that I am doing it for the love that I am putting my hard work into. Try to never get frustrated, quilting is fun ,, Not a chore…

  182. Karen Strausheim Avatar
    Karen Strausheim

    I use the office sticky fingers to pick up block pieces when I am chain piecing so I don’t have to lick my fingers to seperate the pieces from a stack of cut pieces, did that make sence? well it does to me, cuz you know we are usually munching on some kind of chocolate and we do not want to get that on our blocks when we are on a mission of a project.

  183. Paula Avatar

    Machingers, chew gum, hum to your favorite song, baste the quilt on my long arm as I go along – this really helps to keep it even, and most of all use the large black horse mats that you buy at the Tractor Supply Store to stand on – great for your feet and back. Tomorrow is my birthday so it would be a really nice birthday present….hint, hint!! hehehe

  184. sewsilly Avatar

    Don’t be afraid. We all have been beginners at some point in time. Just take a deep breath and try it. See? you can do it! Release your creativity and let down your guard. You are in a new world now, on your own, nobody to bother you, and you are in control. You go girl!

  185. Barbara Campbell Avatar

    When I quilt on my DSM I love using the Halo to help hold and steer the quilt under the needle.

  186. Pat S. Avatar
    Pat S.

    Here’s one of my favorite techniques: Apply a small piece of double-sided tape to the back of a template, then position it onto the quilt top. The template will be secure, and quilting around the template will be easier and more accurate. Thanks for the chance to win one of Patsy’s excellent DVD’s!

  187. Kelly Avatar

    Relax and breath. If you are quilting on your domestic machine, remember to keep your shoulders down. It is so easy for them to creep up to your ears. If it’s on a longarm, still relax and breath, keep your shoulders loose and don’t hold the handles with a death grip.

  188. thunder Avatar

    I am just starting to learn machine quilting, have been doing by hand for many years….this book sure could help….do I dare to dream to be able to quilt like that ??!!?? WOW

  189. Kathi I Avatar
    Kathi I

    My favorite quilting tip is blue painters tape. I use it to mark lines, hold seams together, hold paper and patterns down when tracing designs. It’s kind of like duct tape is to guys-painters tape is to quilters!

  190. Paula Avatar

    My favourite quilting tip is to keep a lint roller handy. I have one that lives in my quilt room and I use it to clean up little threads from ripping out, fluff from my cutting mat, cat hair … etc. My work area is always tidy!

  191. Chris Wheeler Avatar

    I just started longarm classes today. I sure would love this

  192. MARLENE SWISS Avatar

    Just relax and not to “over think” the process. Patsy taught me that with her dvd’s.

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