Please join me in welcoming today’s guest blogger Leona as she shares some of the fun she had on a recent quilting retreat.
Hi Everyone! Leona here from Leona’s Quilting Adventure! Thank you Michele for having me over to guest blog on Quilting Gallery! I have a blog that is dedicated to paying it forward to Quilters. Leona’s Quilting Adventure has been on blogger for about three years now. My blog has a giveaway each month and shares projects and tutorials that are quilting-related.
I am a single mom with two almost grown sons. I work a full time job during the day and a part time job a few nights a week. My part time job is in a quilt shop. I work for the extremely talented designer, Karen Montgomery in her quilt shop, The Quilt Company. Once a year the ladies that work for Karen go on a Quilting Retreat to Sandscrest in West Virginia. This was a first time ever experience for me to be able to go on a Retreat! We left on a Friday afternoon and returned on Sunday. This is a picture of the main house at Sandscrest and the next picture is the group of very talented quilters that I was able to spend the weekend with:
The retreat was amazing! The rooms were comfortable and the food was oh so delicious! It was so much fun to be able to sew for several days straight and enjoy great conversations with the women that I feel blessed to work with. Each quilter that was on the retreat had a different style and really completed some beautiful projects! We bunked in the housing next to the main house. Here are some pictures of the rooms at the Sandscrest Retreat in the main house:
One of the highlights for me was to wander around when I needed to stretch my legs and visit with each of the ladies as they worked on their projects. Some tackled modern projects, others worked on more traditional quilts, while others did embroidery. There were plenty of snacks and a lot of stories and laughs that were shared by all. It really was a treat to be able to look and learn from such a nice group of ladies. I worked all weekend on Bee blocks that were due to be mailed out in March. Here are a few of the quilts that were created:
The pictures are just some of the quilts that the ladies worked on. There were many more beautiful projects created over the weekend. It was so nice to be able to just sit and sew and not have to worry about having to run to do grocery shopping, laundry, cooking or cleaning for several days. I am so grateful for being able to have experienced a weekend retreat like this. Hopefully you too will be able to attend a quilting retreat for a day or two.
Well, it’s time for me to go for now. Be sure to stop by and visit Leona’s Quilting Adventure for a chance to win my latest giveaway for fabric and notions! Have a Happy Tuesday and Happy Quilting!
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