Friendship Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 14
  • Total countries: 3
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  • Total states: 10

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A Bouquet of Friendship A Bouquet of Friendship
By: Mary C in WA, Washington, USA

This is an Original Layout Design by Mary Crowther and Lynn Wilson. We made it first as our Guild’s Raffle Quilt in 2009. We knew we couldn’t win our own Raffle. We have since each made our own and one in Pink and White. The first blocks were made by the guild members, mine uses “realistic” Flowers.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 90"

A quilt for Yannick A quilt for Yannick
By: martine bronca, France

This quilt shows the pictures of our group of quilters and it has been offered to our friend for her 50th birthday.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 39"

Across the Nation Strip Quilt Across the Nation Strip Quilt
By: KimsCraftyApple, Wisconsin, USA

I participated in the Team Quiltsy Block Exchange in 2009. Etsy quilters from across the country exchanged string block quilts to create some fabulous creations. We each sent out 12 – 12.5” string blocks to be redistributed amongst the participants. This is the quilt I came up with from my blocks!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 57"

Alina's calendar Alina’s calendar
By: Mary in MO, Missouri, USA

My friend Alina designed the blocks and setting for this quilt. On line quilter friends joined in and made the blocks and flying geese. Each of us has our own ‘special’ quilt, made by loving hands.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Behlmer Family Quilt Behlmer Family Quilt
By: Patty, Texas, USA

I made this quilt for a client for their Mothers’ 80th birthday. The quilt is embroidered with all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildrens names.

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 95"

Coming Home to Quilting Coming Home to Quilting
By: Sandi Andersen, Minnesota, USA

This quilt is a block of the month that I designed for a group of quilting friends. The blocks were inspired by time spent working at a living history site. As we made our quilts, we shared the many seasons of life. It reminds me of so many wonderful evenings with my special quilty friends.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 58"

Crazy Spring Crazy Spring
By: Maggi, United Kingdom

A crazy log cabin quilt, made from original blocks, for a Quilting Gallery swap. This was stolen on its way to France so the photo is now all that remain.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Doll Friends Doll Friends
By: Karen, Washington, USA

My mom’s doll club made 1930’s themed signature blocks for all the members and their dolls. After seeing the blocks floating around mom’s project bin for a few years, I went ahead and made them up into this quilt. The center block is a vintage picture of a little girl playing with her dolls.

Quilt size: width: 13.5" height: 13.5"

Friendship Sampler Quilt Friendship Sampler Quilt
By: Darlene Gerber, Ohio, USA

20 years ago I joined the Lake Shore Quilters. I was one of the younger members, so it was a great learning experience. We decided to do a Friendship Quilt. We choose our colors and then we made one 18″ block for everyone else. A few years ago I decided it was time to make the blocks into a quilt.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 108"

Maurine Maurine
By: Squeek, Louisiana, USA

I have a dear friend who helps me in SO many ways. She’s a quilter herself, but very OLD school. She supports me, has helped me when pregnancy has held me back, even offered to help finance my LongArm. She is AMAZING. And this quilt was given to her as a “thank you”.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Memories of Friendships Memories of Friendships
By: Debbie Grasley, Minnesota, USA

A T-Shirt Quilt made for my son, filled with memories of friendships, not only for him but for us as parents. It starts with T-Ball, Little League, Babe Ruth, Legion, High School, Summer Ball, College & goes through his 2 years in the minor system with the Seattle Mariners. Memories & Good Friends!

Quilt size: width: 93" height: 112"

Pansies for Marie Pansies for Marie
By: JOYCE COLEY, Pennsylvania, USA

For Marie who I’ve known for over 60 years. The quilt is one expression of gratitude for our friendship.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 54"

Rounding friendship Rounding friendship
By: Mamacrafty, Michigan, USA

This quilt was part of a round robin where I made many friends. It is from TWO round robins. I sent the yellow fabric and friends added their own 1930’s fabrics. The blocks come from California, Maine, Texas, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It now resides in Michigan.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 104"

Signature quilt Signature quilt
By: Dorian, California, USA

This is a quilt I designed around some 3.5″ signature blocks friends and I made and swapped.

Quilt size: width: 67" height: 67"

4 responses to “Friendship Quilts”

  1. Marcia K Avatar
    Marcia K

    Some wonderful submissions, Maureen was my favorite, but there were great choices all around.

  2. Lindy Avatar

    I really liked the quilts, as well as the stories with them. I am sorry I wasn’t able to locate the photo of the ‘quilt of hearts’ built quickly among a small group of online quilting friends. The word went out that one of our group was slipping away swiftly of cancer. Within a week all the rest had made and shipped their heart blocks, some with written messages of love, to me. I got the quilt together and shipped to our friend within a few days. Her sister emailed us when our friend had died and told us the quilt was with her from the moment it arrived until she passed. I still get sad when I think of her, but glad we could bring love and comfort. Online friends, from once unknown strangers, become family!

  3. Sandi Avatar

    A Bouquet of Friendship is just beautiful and what a lovely name for a quilt!

  4. Mary C in WA Avatar

    Thanks for voting for my quilt! My quilt buddy came up with the name- thanks LYNN! The quilting close up is even better in person, even if I say so…

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