Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had (or are still having) an enjoyable long weekend. Canada Day was Friday, so our celebrations happened then. Hope my quilting friends in the United States have a wonderful day today.


I’m excited to share with you Jacquelynne Steves FREE Block of the Month, Maggie’s First Dance. The appliqué layout version is shown below; however, you can choose to do fusible machine appliqué or embroidery for your blocks.


July is block 2 of this BOM. Here’s my embroidered version:


I used one less print, in favour of using more of the colourful dots fabric. The fabrics I’ve pulled for this project are shown below. I need a table runner for a gift later this year, so I’m thinking these pretty blocks will be perfect to use for that.


I’ve also finished the embroidery for the first block. It was a first time trying hand embroidery, and I really love the process. There’s nothing better than sitting outside on the porch stitching the summer evenings away.


Milo loves our outside office:


Yes, I made my first embroidery Oops when stitching block 2 last week. Oh well, it was quick to unstitch and redo.




To help celebrate Maggie’s First Dance BOM, I’ve giving away four copies of my Starlight Templates and Table Runner pattern.

To enter the give-away, just leave a comment below telling me how you spent your weekend. I’ll randomly choose four winners on Friday, July 8th. Winners will be notified via email.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for Maggie’s First Dance BOM to receive the two designs already released and get the future ones when they become available.

223 responses to “A Free BOM: Maggie’s First Dance and a Give-Away”

  1. LINDA Avatar

    HI,resting from work and doing a little quilting! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Joanne Larson Avatar
    Joanne Larson

    Sewing of course!! Caught up on some of the Splendid Sampler Blocks and started sashing and connecting the blocks in rows. When looking at the BIG picture, it is amazing how wonderful and different each one is and the new things I’ve tried now.

  3. Susan Avatar

    I spent the weekend buying a new computer, & working on transferring all our documents & programs over. Not a fun holiday at all!

  4. Susan Avatar

    I spent the weekend buying a new computer, & working on transferring all our documents & programs over. Not a fun holiday at all! :o(

  5. Cindy Schultz Avatar
    Cindy Schultz

    We went on a picnic with our son and grandson, his Mom got the day off. We have an area close to town in the mountains and it was fun to hang out with our son and 13 month old grandson. I was a little bit of a chore to keep him away from the campfire though. We were going to canoe a local river today but we our expecting a lot of wind so instead we invited some friends over for a BBQ tonight. Thanks for sharing your blocks and the booboo.

  6. Camille Venners Avatar
    Camille Venners

    Packing for a trip and spending time with our daughter.

  7. Louise Warren Avatar
    Louise Warren

    We did a bit of everything this weekend. A little shopping, a lot of yard work, dinner with friends,a bit of wine tasting and a bbq. I even managed to get in some sewing 🙂

  8. Debby Avatar

    Unfortunately I have had to work everyday. In the time off I have had I did a little swimming. Love to paper piece so hope I am chosen for this giveaway. Thanks for the chance and hope you are enjoying your weekend too.

  9. Kathryn Phillips Avatar
    Kathryn Phillips

    I worked Saturday but the rest of the weekend has been spent with my family. I’ve also spent some time sewing and started knitting myself a T-shirt.

  10. Kathy Avatar

    Given that I live just outside Philadelphia, there have been nightly fireworks and concerts – and a parade & cookout followed by another concert and more fireworks tonight. I’ve lived in many places but nowhere is the 4th quite like here. Such fun! kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

  11. carol n Avatar
    carol n

    I spent my weekend sewing, finishing up a Lynette Anderson quilt. Friends to come over later for the fireworks.

  12. Margaret Avatar

    I’ll be spending my day straightening up my sewing room to get ready to start a new project! Later, we will grill pork chops and sit on the deck to eat. Then, when the fireworks start, we have a spectacular view of them from the deck.

  13. Liz Horgan Avatar
    Liz Horgan

    I spent it cleaning, weeding & planting in the yard and sewing. Hope you had a happy 4th!

  14. Peggy Jurek Avatar
    Peggy Jurek

    I spent my part of my day working at a very busy grocery store, then a quick nap and off to parties and fireworks. Today (Monday) a little sewing and trying to catch up with housework.

  15. Andrea Goodison Avatar
    Andrea Goodison

    I am a Canadian so celebrated on Friday but will watch all your celebrations to-night on TV Spent one 4th in Philadephia great fun

  16. Melissa Boyd Avatar
    Melissa Boyd

    Absolutely beautiful. I’m so inspired now. By the way my weekend was spent cleaning. Family has had medical problems so no cook out this year. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO EVEYONE.

  17. Susan Butts Avatar
    Susan Butts

    I am spending my long weekend enjoying family’s time off. I am quilting, organizing and just plain relaxing the majority of the time. I loved your embroidery oops! I do that so often when I embroider, I consider it just part of every project.

  18. Debbie Avatar

    I have relaxed, worked some on some quilts, and read. Looking forward to spending time with family this afternoon to swim, eat and watch fireworks.

  19. Karen McIsaac Avatar
    Karen McIsaac

    I spent the day with my quilts friend on Saturday and then church and family on Sunday…perfect weekend…even made some hexies for another project! ?

  20. Pat Avatar

    A little quilting, yard work, house work, and cooking. And time looking at the great tutorials on Maggie’s First Dance.

  21. Carolyn James Avatar
    Carolyn James

    It was a wet weekend in England so I managed to sneak in some sewing in between the household chores and walking the dog and watching Wimbledon on the tv! Thank you 🙂

  22. Alice Benner Avatar
    Alice Benner

    I spent this weekend working on some of the kits I got these last two weeks when doing the Row by Row Experience. Sew fun!!!!! Now I’ll get busy on putting together the next block of Maggie’s First Dance.

  23. Geri Alper Avatar
    Geri Alper

    Joined friends yesterday for a wonderful potluck picnic and fireworks display!! I suppied a red, white and blue bundt cake and homemade bread! Today, I am sewing!!

  24. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    We picked and then canned 44 jars of strawberry jam. Afterwards of course had to enjoy a pitcher of sangria on the deck with the leftover strawberries!

  25. Cindy S Avatar
    Cindy S

    I tried a pressure cooker for the first time, hoping to make roast beef really tender to make BBQ with it. So far, it’s still tough!

    I sewed a little Patriotic Wall hanging and I’m trying free motion quilting hearts on it. So far, that’s still tough too!

  26. Joanna Avatar

    I’ve done the same thing while cross-stitching; it’s easy to do. I’m having a quiet weekend working on quilts and staying out of the heat.

  27. Deborah Mosley Avatar
    Deborah Mosley

    Started out making a quilt top, working on Maggie’s first dance block 2 then spend some time with family, church, and plenty to eat! Then back to sewing again! Not holiday enjoyable without sewing!

  28. Roni Avatar

    I will end the weekend with a concert and then watch the fireworks display.

  29. Geri Alper Avatar
    Geri Alper

    Baked a red, white and blue bundt cake and bread to share at friend’s annual July 4th potluck picnic and fireworks! Today, I am going to quilt!!

  30. Glenda Britten Avatar
    Glenda Britten

    Sewing Christmas quilts for a Holiday Boutique.
    I love your Starlight table runner.

  31. Billie Kretzschmar Avatar

    Celebrated yesterday with good friends.

  32. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    got together yesterday with some of the kids

  33. Susan Avatar

    Comforting my cat through all the neighborhood fireworks that went well past the city cut off time. It has been like this since Thursday. Also trying to catch up on housework, yard work, etc.

  34. Debra Ingle Avatar
    Debra Ingle

    My husband is a Volunteer Fire Fighter and every year our Fire Department organizes our community Parade and Cookout, so the wives help grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. we make desserts and side foods potato salad and baked beans. This is for anyone that wants to come, we have such a good time playing horse shoes, listening music, and just visiting with our neighbors and family. so this is how I spend my weekend.

  35. Katie Avatar

    Gardening and quilting, with a fireworks party Monday night- it doesn’t get better than that!

  36. Roberta Johnson Avatar
    Roberta Johnson

    DH and I have been camping this weekend. Just now came home in the pouring rain. Your block looks great Michele. I can start mine now that I’m home.

  37. Jane Sprague Avatar
    Jane Sprague

    We went to a friend’s house over at Deer Lake, WA (along with about 20 other friends and family!) to watch the fireworks on Sunday night and enjoy great noshies made by our hostess, and tonight we’re anticipating spectacular fireworks at our own lake (Loon Lake, WA) tonight. I think we should include some grilling in our day today, too – some burgers and potato salad! Happy Birthday, America!

  38. Elaine Avatar

    Cooking getting ready for a family bbq this evening but I’ve printed out Maggie’s first block and I may get started in a bit!! Happy 4th!! Love this country!

  39. Clara Avatar

    Cleaning, shopping, sewing, singing, keeping my children busy and so on ….

  40. Martha Carpenter Avatar
    Martha Carpenter

    I’m working on my Splendid Sampler blocks and going to a barbecue

  41. Cecilia the Avatar
    Cecilia the

    Great color choices! I had a house full of family this weekend and I’m doing a little embroidery too.

  42. Darlene Poirier Avatar
    Darlene Poirier

    I spent my weekend working on my Splendid Sampler blocks as well and working on a quilt for my 3 yr old granddaughter.

  43. Susan Greene Avatar
    Susan Greene

    Hi! I went to Open Sewing at Queen B’s Quilt Shop in Antioch, CA on Saturday – bound a miniature curved log cabin quilt by machine and attached the binding to a round-robin charity quilt in between shopping and helping a friend choose fabrics for an upcoming class that I’m teaching. Yesterday was brunch at a local coffee shop with my husband, followed by packing the car and making a run to the storage unit (we’re getting the house ready for sale and the fabric has to move out for a while). Today is more packing followed by an indoor picnic of hotdogs and potato salad. Whew!

  44. Nancy Avatar

    Visiting family out of state!!

  45. Marsha Bradford Avatar
    Marsha Bradford

    I spent my weekend cleaning and doing a little embroidery at night. I did work on my splendid sampler blocks a bit too. Good luck to all!

  46. Vicki Mannion Avatar
    Vicki Mannion

    I got to babysit my granddaughter. And now I’m resting so I have the energy to work on Block 2 of Maggie’s First Dance!

  47. donna Avatar

    spending my weekend relaxing and organizing my craft room.

  48. Judys Avatar

    I had a wonderful weekend; needed to get three baby blankets (rag quilts) made for my daughter’s charity going on this month so I worked on those, need to finish up today!

  49. Holly Nielson Avatar
    Holly Nielson

    I spent my holiday doing what I love! I worked on Splendid, Farmer’s Wife 30’s, Maggie’s First Dance and Bee-utiful Quilt Along blocks! It’s been wonderful. 🙂

  50. Deb Avatar

    I spent my weekend helping my husband put up insulation in the ceiling of his workshop
    He has been so awesome at helping me put my sewing space together that it was was only fair that I help him!!!

  51. Debbi Avatar

    Went to Oregon for my niece’s wedding came home yesterday ahead of the traffic. Now today just catching up on emails and then off to do a little quilting and gardening later today! Happy 4th!

  52. Alison Nevin Avatar
    Alison Nevin

    What a cute block!! Thank you. I work nights at a police department. My weekend is attempting to sleep during the day while the neighborhood is shooting off fireworks. Not much sewing time.

  53. Sally Ann Avatar
    Sally Ann

    Love your block! Spent the weekend relaxing at home, working on several quilting projects!

  54. Sue Hook Avatar
    Sue Hook

    I have spent the weekend sewing as it has rained all weekend. Don’t tell anyone but I am very happy it has been rainy 🙂

  55. Betsy Avatar

    Cleaning my flower beds and taking a dip in the pool every few hours when I got scorching hot!

  56. Mary Banks Avatar
    Mary Banks

    I spent my rainy weekend finishing up Block 1 of Maggie’s First Dance and playing with our newly adopted Australian Shepard. I love the BOM and looking at everyone’s version of the Block 1. I am so excited about doing this quilt. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

  57. mindi Avatar

    Love your version of Maggie’s Dance Block 2.
    Your Starlight pattern is so pretty! That’s a generous giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!
    I spent the weekend helping a neighbor move furniture, then helping her eat the tasty spread she provided. Yum! Tonight…fireworks!
    Happy 4th!

  58. Edith Gorzo Avatar
    Edith Gorzo

    Spent the weekend watering plants in my garden and relaxing inside with my sewing. I had to chuckle when I saw your fabric folded under and stitched into the back, I have done that too many times when I do hand applique. Your blocks look wonderful. Thanks for the draw.

  59. Pam Jolly Avatar
    Pam Jolly

    I went to my sister’s for dinner and enjoyed seeing my nephew who was home from college.

  60. Pati Cook Avatar
    Pati Cook

    HI and happy 4th of July. I have spent the weekend resting and sewing and sorting. Had to take my sewing machine in for some work and need to set up a backup. So using some of the time sorting projects and straightening up the sewing room.
    Have a good Day everyone.

  61. Carol FishI Avatar
    Carol FishI

    I’m trying to get over a bad cold, supposed to go back to work tomorrow, missed 2 weeks. Got 2 charity quilts quilted for my guild and a bit of sewing.

  62. Shellie Gum Avatar
    Shellie Gum

    Went to the family farm up in the mountains of Highland Co Virginia , did a little sewing and alot of relaxing

  63. lee Avatar

    I spent my weekend at home relaxing! My husband was on call for work so we just hung out! Lots of reading and some sewing!

  64. Julie Zeigler Avatar
    Julie Zeigler

    Saturday I sewed,yesterday I went to a flea market and helped weed in my sister’s garden. Today I watched a boat parade and will be grilling tonight for family. A very lovely weekend!

  65. Sandra Knight Avatar
    Sandra Knight

    Just tried to stay cool and catch up on reading.

  66. Pat Avatar

    A little quilting, cleaning, yard work, and cooking. Staying cool and trying to catch up.

  67. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Sew delighted to see your offering pop up on Maggie’s First Dance BOM! Embroidery has been part of my life on and off for over #0 years! Sometimes it is fun to revisit old friends in handwork and relive the memories they bring. (Spent the weekend relaxing and doing a bit of sewing on Splendid Sampler. Next is to start cutting out Maggie’s quilt.)

  68. Debi Miller Avatar
    Debi Miller

    Had a traditional 4th of July lunch…hamburgers and the works with the family. Getting ready to do some quilting.

  69. Judy Avatar

    Your block is very pretty and you did a great job on the embroidery. This weekend I spent 2 days washing windows so today we are having a barbecue and relaxing.

  70. Leanne Avatar

    I spent my weeekend sewing up a quilt top that I’ve been working on for over a year !! I was so happy to have it finished !

  71. Connie R Avatar
    Connie R

    cooked out, had family over, the usual. I like the embroidery on the block. I did the same thing on an embroidery project for my son last weekend. Had to rip out a lot of stitches.

  72. Cindy Proehl Avatar

    I love your block! I don’t often hand embroider but I will be making this quilt and doing all the embroidery blocks. My weekend was scattered all over the place: Doctors appointments, one day at a convention, one day just chilling out, laying out fabrics and planning my next quilt project using A4A-1.

  73. Sherry VF Avatar
    Sherry VF

    I recovered a ring bearer pillow with my daughter’s wedding colors, grilled ribs (yumm) and tonight will be fireworks! sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  74. MaryColgan Avatar

    Nicely done! Our day was a ‘family gathering’. My evening will be spent quietly quilting and recalling the fun we shared while stitching.

  75. Kathy E. Avatar
    Kathy E.

    So glad your “oops” was caught early enough to undo! Very lovely stitching!
    We spent our holiday weekend quietly at home, enjoying the great weather. We did some yard work, grilled out a few times and watched the neighbor kids shoot off some fireworks.

  76. Diana Rayward Avatar

    Hello. I’m an Aussie downunder girl so no 4th of July holiday here. However my hubby and I did celebrate the day with friends we had not seen for a long time, as the 4th of July was the date my hubby retired from Defence in 2008 – very appropriate being Independence Day!! Am loving the 2016 BOM from Jacquelynne and have chosen the embroidery option as that is my passion. Smiled when I saw your photo as I have made that boo-boo occasionally!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift.

  77. Susan Spiers Avatar
    Susan Spiers

    I spent most of the weekend trying to finish up a couple of my WIP’s. Caught up on one, finished another. Went to bed last night after the noise of the fireworks over the lake finished up. Peaceful & quiet when I finally crawled into bed.

  78. Sarah Edwards Avatar
    Sarah Edwards

    I spent the weekend: painting my master bathroom, downloading and printing quilt patterns, catching up on email, taking a nap.

  79. Sarah Avatar

    I spent a lazy weekend at home. School finished on Thursday (for students) and I had lots to do to wrap up one year and prepare for the next.
    High point was driving into Toronto to see my cousin’s play at the Frinnge festival.

  80. Debbie Avatar

    Love embroidery! This Canada weekend, I first watched our local Canada Day parade, then went to the cottage with my son & his family – little biking, boating & in the water. Sunday, after everyone went home, I had a few hours to myself to appliqué. I also love stars on quilts!

  81. Norina Avatar

    Taking care of my Mom this weekend & listening to the neighborhood fireworks

  82. Jill Avatar

    Spent the weekend with my 6 year old grand daughter…she spent the week with me for the first time!

  83. Barb Jolly Avatar
    Barb Jolly

    I spent the weekend celebrating my birthday!

  84. sam Avatar

    I spent my week end looking through my stash for fabrics to start a new quilt. Great fun, planning a new beginning.

  85. Joan M Avatar
    Joan M

    Happy July 4th! I spent the weekend with my son and his family and celebrated my grandson’s birthday. Wonderful weekend! Thank you for the chance to win.

  86. Cheryl Lea Avatar

    We are visiting my mom for the holiday, eating too much and cooling off in the pool. I got a little chuckle out of your embroidery opps. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago when I was free motion quilting my first quilt. I thought I was doing great until I ran out of bobbin thread and then saw that I had flipped the border under the quilting for about 24″! ?

  87. Cheryl Lea Avatar

    We are visiting my mom for the holiday, eating too much and cooling off in the pool. I got a little chuckle out of your embroidery oops. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago when I was free motion quilting my first quilt. I thought I was doing great until I ran out of bobbin thread and then saw that I had flipped the border under the quilting for about 24″! ?

  88. Gloria Avatar

    Saturday I fixed the oops in block of MAGGIE’S FIRST DANCE, then I finished a block for my granddaughter’s elephant quilt and cut out the next four blocks for same quilt. Sunday was church and grocery shopping and today was r & r. I love the colors in your blocks I started to do hand stitching but hubby persuaded me to change to applique.

  89. Genevieve Caswell Avatar
    Genevieve Caswell

    I spent all day Saturday getting things together for our annual garage sale. I also had alot of yard work to do. I thought that I would get everything done on Saturday & Sunday & would spend my 4th of July sewing on my Maggie’s First Dance block 1. Low & behold our electricity went out at 2:30am & it just came back on. Oh Well I still get to go watch fireworks. I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July & stopped and remember why we celebrate. 🙂

  90. Rita Avatar

    Worked in my sewing room all week-end and today. No sewing but cleaning out and sorting fabric stash.Not a hoarder yet but really really close.Working on my addiction.

  91. laurie Avatar

    It has been a slow weekend, just spending time with my family. If I had a nickel for every time I caught the edge of the fabric while doing needlework, I could have a party! Thanks for offering a chance to win.

  92. Ellie Paquette Avatar
    Ellie Paquette

    We were in Canada until July 1. We sold our cottage that we have had for 34 years—-sad, sad. We will miss our summers at the lake. We arrived home after three travel days.

  93. Ginny Scott Avatar
    Ginny Scott

    My weekend was spent walking or at the gym every morning, to come home and create lunch with delicious veggies from our garden. Afternoons have been spent sewing (blocks for a new quilt), reading and relaxing.

  94. Vickie Avatar

    Working on my first machine applique block with fusible web. It was easier than I thought it would be!.Also doing a little landscape redesign ( or trying to!). My all time favorite type of block is any pieced star…really like the starlight templates digital pattern.

  95. Joyce Avatar

    We grilled steaks and corn on the BBQ and had baked potatos. Plan on watching the fireworks later tonight. We can see them from our backyard and always spectacular.

  96. Cynthia Avatar

    I took my 91 yr. old mom out “junking” today!! We had a good time. We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner out. Went to lots of thrift/junk stores. Was a good time for just her and I to be together for the day. We got home about dark, now watching the fireworks!! Happy 4th

  97. Robin Backlund Avatar
    Robin Backlund

    Spent the weekend enjoying 2 kids and their spouses and 3 of 5 grandkids. The pontoon got a real workout as did the grill and the wine cooler! Nothing could be better than the lake cabin, touring the lake on the pontoon, and sipping wine while watching the grandkids swim. Wish we could have more holiday weekends!

  98. STH Avatar

    We had a quiet weekend here–I sewed and cooked, and my partner spent some time out on his bike. Went to a minor league baseball game on Saturday and had a great time.

  99. Debora Avatar

    Spent the weekend working. I did get some knitting done but no quilting.

  100. Lisa Avatar

    Played in my sewing room & rested. Made some red, white blue blocks for a guild challenge. Spent some time hand quilting big stitch, almost finished piecing a backroom my Halloween quilt & sewed 20 Lego blocks from 1.5 inch strips ala Tonya. A good weekend & ended with a low country shrimp boil. I love the stars.

  101. Joan Avatar

    I spent my weekend going to a flea market yesterday and working on my Splendid Sampler blocks. On vacation this week so looking forward to getting block 2 of Maggie’s First Dance hopefully completed.

  102. Chris Avatar

    Cleaning house, company coming on Wed. Oh well I have a clean house.

  103. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Relaxed, spent time with family and went to the fireworks.

  104. Shaireen Avatar

    I spent the weekend trying to get the stitch regulator working on the longarm and painting ceramic figurines with my girlfriend. Quite an enjoyable weekend.

  105. Sharee Sayers Avatar
    Sharee Sayers

    I spent Saturday doing the usual chores but woke up on Sunday feeling like I was heading for a cold. Headed to bed with my laptop late afternoon and spent some time looking at wonderful quilting sites and catching up on posts on the quilting sites I belong to. It did the trick – woke up Monday feeling fine.

  106. Monique Carroll Avatar

    I sewed Maggie’s first dance block ! I love it! It’s so happy and pretty for a summer sew !
    Thank you so , so much !

  107. Debbie Pete Avatar
    Debbie Pete

    I spent my weekend in church with family, taking care of a friend, watching fireworks and making sample crafts film the campets who arrive next weekend

  108. Mindy Marik Avatar

    I did some sewing, cooking, cleaning, and relaxing with friends – great weekend!

  109. Carol Martin Avatar
    Carol Martin

    I spent the weekend with three of my grandchildren, playing, fishing and more playing.

  110. Kate Avatar

    My son and I cleaned up the backyard on Friday morning and then I did a whole big lot of not much. Read a couple of books, made a table runner for a friend and all in all, just had a very low-key, restful long weekend.

  111. cathy k Avatar
    cathy k

    I am spending the weekend with family and lots of food.

  112. nancy lewis Avatar
    nancy lewis

    I spent the weekend cleaning the house, making raspberry jelly, and finally getting into my sewing room for some quilt top piecing. I have to make myself do the housework first, or it doesn’t get done!!

  113. Kris P Avatar
    Kris P

    We had a wonderful weekend. It seemed so long this year. Our daughters had friends over on Friday. We joined neighbors for a pool party on Saturday, on Sunday we traveled to drop off our girls at Horse Camp/Bible camp and Sunday we visited our favorite winery with my husband’s parents. It was a long and relaxing weekend. Now a child free week to sew.

  114. Renea Yarolim Avatar
    Renea Yarolim

    We had a very quiet weekend. Stayed at home and did tons of little jobs that we had been putting off until another time. 🙂 Thanks for the cutest giveaway.

  115. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I spent the weekend visiting family and attending picnics in my hometown.

  116. Cathy c Avatar
    Cathy c

    Spent a quiet weekend at home. Some sewing, a BBQ ON THE 4 th of July, and fireworks from my cozy couch on tv…

  117. Libby Avatar

    Had a lovely weekend–wonderful weather–low 80’s. Enjoyed Sunday church outside in the Glen. Spent time with friends and watched the fireworks. Thanks for the chance to win. I L+O+V+E the block—so many ways to embellish !!

  118. Katie Bock Avatar
    Katie Bock

    I had a really nice weekend doing some cooking and working on putting my current quilt project together.Happy Quilting

  119. Monica Avatar

    I had a busy weekend.

    Saturday went to a free motion quilt class and then ate crabs.

    Sunday went to a play at the Kennedy Center ‘Kinky Boots. my sister and I loved the movie so I treated. Then we went to my cousins for a cookout and more crabs. Then I went home to my grandson’s birthday cookout.

    Monday I slept all day and then visted Black Hog’s Barbecue and then came home and watch Zootopia and ate popcorn.

    A Great Weekend!

  120. Jeannie Avatar

    We spent the weekend helping my son dig out bushes, trim tree branches, shampoo the carpets and wash the dog!

  121. Esther Cullen Avatar
    Esther Cullen

    I spent my weekend sewing HST’s and visiting with family. Lovely time doing both!

  122. Teresa Landers Avatar
    Teresa Landers

    Spent with family riding in the mountains, watching fireworks and then some “me” time working in my sewing room.

  123. Kim Avatar

    I spent my holiday weekend resting with family and good food.

  124. Joyce Comfort Avatar
    Joyce Comfort

    I spent the holiday weekend with family and spent four hours on the 4th in a fun outreach for our church at the Fabulous Fourth Festival in Columbus, NC!

  125. Stacie Avatar

    I spent the holiday weekend with family & friends and participated in a 4th of July parade with my historical society.

  126. Chiska Avatar

    We spent time with family, playing,eating and watching fireworks.

  127. Pat Evans Avatar
    Pat Evans

    We attended a 3rd of July picnic at a local lake then on July 4th we drove to Harrisburg, PA to attend the American Political Item Collectors biennial national convention. I love the Starlight pattern.

  128. Debby E Avatar
    Debby E

    Your block is great – I love the bright colors! We spent the weekend down the shore at our little home away from home. Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂
    Debby E
    samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com

  129. Janan Avatar

    Enjoyed home made ice cream, vanilla of course! Stitched some red, white/cream, blue fabrics, and then watched fireworks over the lake!!

  130. Vicki Bradford Avatar
    Vicki Bradford

    I spent the week end taking the back off of an antique baby quilt. It was an absolute mess. Re-did it and it looks so much better. Would love to win your pattern. It looks like it would be fun to make.

  131. Jan Williams Avatar
    Jan Williams

    4th of July weekend was spent in the house working on UFO’s as it had rained ALL holiday weekend!

  132. Gwenna Doty Avatar
    Gwenna Doty

    I spent my weekend with family and friends visiting our lake home. We spent time on the lake and also went to the fireworks via the lake.
    We cooked dinner on the boat while waiting on the fireworks.
    Couldn’t have ask for better weather for it!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  133. carol Avatar

    I spent the entire weekend in bed after having out patient surgery. Not fun.

  134. caroline rohrer Avatar
    caroline rohrer

    I spent the weekend taking it easy, sewed for a day, picnic &neighborhood fireworks yesterday.

  135. Evelyn Wonner Avatar
    Evelyn Wonner

    I spent my weekend by catching up on some BOM’s and by getting my 2nd Maggie’s First Dance block cut out and halfway sewn together. I also finished the top of a table runner my husband asked me to make for his sister’s birthday and I started two new quilts for Christmas presents for the four foster and two grandchildren of our son and daughter-in-law. Busy sewing weekend.

  136. Cindy Worthington Avatar
    Cindy Worthington

    I had a wonderfully peaceful weekend ~ finished a 4th of July pennant flag quilt top, began cutting out and stitching blocks for a sample future BOM quilt for a local quilt shop, and finished my tuffet. A great few days off work, spent time at rest on Sunday with the Lord and praised Him Monday for blessing me with this free life I live her in the good ol’ USA!!!

  137. Maryellen Avatar

    I love the oops. I’ve done that recently, too. I spent the weekend doing some sewing, some cleaning, some baking, some shopping, and some visiting at a cookout. Nice way to spend a weekend! Thanks for the chance to win the great pattern.

  138. Anita Jackson Avatar
    Anita Jackson

    I traveled to my home in West Virginia. All roads lead home! I visited, enjoyed the property by taking a couple of rides on the Ranger and spent an hour with the Quilting Bee Ladies at the Commission on Aging Center! Flea Marketing with my honey and found a fabulous old carboy for wine making and a hand crank stone for sharpening knives. What a fabulous weekend!

  139. Tiina Jokiniemi Avatar
    Tiina Jokiniemi

    I spent my weekend practising paper piecing -technique (as I am a newbie in quilting) and trying to figure out in which order to put the blocks I have made from the prize coats won by our racing greyhounds during racing time from years 1982-1992! It Will be my Memory Quilt (wall hanging).

  140. Missy Avatar

    I spent the weekend quilting, doing laundry, and visiting with family to celebrate Independence Day.

  141. Trudi Avatar

    We went to Greenfield Village in Dearborn,MI to see and hear their salute to America program it was great!

  142. Allison Avatar

    Spent my weekend quilting – then getting food ready for a party!!!! (way too much food but fun!!!)

  143. Judy DeLaet Avatar
    Judy DeLaet

    I started my weekend meeting my boyfriends siblings, very nice people and had a good time. Then from there I went to see a few waterfalls with my boyfriend. Had quite a hike to some of them but had a great time. Weather was perfect for all the outdoor activities!

  144. Jean McKinstry Avatar

    I finished a fabric box, with 4 blocks of machine embroidered flowers, one on each side, the first of Maggie’s First Dance, photos to go onto my blog tomorrow, we had a friend stay Saturday night, then baking to do, for family, friends and grandson at Uni. Looking forward to block #2, love the way those flowers branch out. And as I am way down in New Zealand, so appreciate an international digital giveaway.

  145. Marcie Higgins Avatar

    I spent the weekend finishing up my Maggie’s First Dance Block # 1! I had forgotten about it and was scrambling to get it done before the second block was released.

  146. Tamara Carlisle Avatar
    Tamara Carlisle

    I worked on a quilt for our church quilt ministry, finished sewing an apron for my granddaughters 10th birthday and worked on Splendid Sampler blocks. Went to a few yard sales. Appreciate being able to inter for this give away. Living in Alaska leaves me out of many.

  147. Yvonne Avatar

    Relaxed, relaxed and relaxed some more. It was delightful.

  148. Paula Zduncyk Avatar
    Paula Zduncyk

    I spent a fun filled weekend traveling around our SW PA and WV quilt shops collecting Row by Row kits and pins. I am guilty of bringing home alot of new fabrics as well…. ME BAD!

  149. Dorie Avatar

    It would be so cool to win! We stayed home, and I continued my purge of clothing that’s too big. It was so hot, inside was the no place to be!

  150. Kathryn Avatar

    I spent my weekend visiting with family and then having a wonderful afternoon and evening watching live music and then the fireworks display here in my lovely little town. I also went to a couple of quilts shops on Saturday to get my local Row by Row kits – all so much fun!!!

  151. Kay Lemieux Avatar
    Kay Lemieux

    I spent the weekend doing some planting in the garden. Well first I had to do a lot of weeding 🙂

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  152. MaryAnn Hollingsworth Avatar
    MaryAnn Hollingsworth

    Start a new quilt for our first grandson to be born in October. Went to gym to exercise (ugh) and came home and enjoyed hotdogs and rib and then read. Read the instruction on how to put the quilt together and then went to bed.

  153. Lanetta Avatar

    I spent my weekend making blocks #1 and 365challenge blocks and splendid sampler.

  154. Tamara Bain Avatar
    Tamara Bain

    I’m going to sound like such a suck-up but I was away from my sewing for the whole week before, so I spent the weekend doing my blocks for Maggie’s First Dance. No, honest. I’m not making this up.

  155. Suzi Avatar

    We had a bbq with the neighbors

  156. Sandi Kelly Avatar
    Sandi Kelly

    I spent my Canadian holiday weekend, celebrating a friends birthday, as well

  157. Karen Addleman Avatar
    Karen Addleman

    I spent the weekend enjoying some “down time” with my daughters. Just relaxing was lots of fun.

  158. Nancy Lewis Avatar
    Nancy Lewis

    I spent a quiet weekend at home. Our grown children have been here already this summer, so the rest of the year I will get a lot of quilting done.

  159. Sharon Melville Avatar
    Sharon Melville

    I spent the weekend with my family enjoying the warm weather.

  160. Gina Avatar

    I had to work over the 4th of July weekend, so I didn’t get a chance to do much at all. I start at 4am and work until 1:30pm on the weekends, but am so tired from getting up at 3am, that I usually take a nap after work or I just can’t function. I did make it to a friend’s wedding reception on the 3rd, as I had asked my boss if I could Monday the 4th off so I could go out of town for the reception. He let me have off, and my best friend and I went to the wedding reception, then to fireworks later that night. Monday the 4th was spent sewing and relaxing at home. My boyfriend and I grilled out and sat around a fire and just enjoyed the peaceful and gorgeous day.

  161. Linda Avatar

    I organized all my unfinished projects, hoping it would give me some renewed energy to finish at least some of them!

  162. Lois Avatar

    I spent the weekend taking antibiotics and getting over a nasty summer cold. Thank goodness for emergency clinics and the service they provide when the regular physician is getting a day or weekend off.

  163. Terry Helms Avatar
    Terry Helms

    I spent my weekend watching “drive-in movie” movies on TV with my cats taking turns sitting in my lap being brushed and scratched where it itches.

  164. Maureen Avatar

    I spent the weekend helping my daughter get ready for the birth of her son, their second child, and watching my Granddaughter. She doesn’t like loud noises, so no fireworks!

  165. Glenna Denman Avatar
    Glenna Denman

    We had a quiet weekend, except that I fell while cleaning our porch – lucky no broken bones, just injured pride and swollen ankle and foot, but it did result in our spending the time quietly. I love how you finished your Maggie #2 according to the erroneous instruction, it looks very nice. I may have to make one of each kind!

  166. Liz Avatar

    The weekend? I covered a couple bolster pillows, both came out differently, so they had to be redone…
    We bought a griddle grill, love it, cooked hamburgers and hot dogs, hung out on the hammock and then watched fireworks on tv! Sometimes the simple times are the best times! 😉

  167. Deanna Klintworth Avatar
    Deanna Klintworth

    I spent the weekend viewing some quilting videos and trying some of the technics I learned. It is so fun.

  168. usairdoll Avatar

    Love your block! Great fabric choices. I had to giggle when you showed you stitched part of the fabric by mistake. Only because I’ve done the same thing and more than once, hehe.

    The 4th holiday was spent with my family, my two kids and grandson in the pool with cousins as well. We did a BBQ and fireworks as well. It was a great day!

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  169. Deeny Avatar

    I went to my nephew’s wedding on Saturday and since we’ve had flooding here in WV, I’ve been trying to get yard cleaned up.

  170. Jessica Shull Avatar
    Jessica Shull

    I spent my weekend sewing and swimming…not at the same time..lol


  171. Rose Landon Avatar
    Rose Landon

    Spent the weekend just relaxing around the house. Did a bit of yard work and worked on a quilt for a Christmas present.

  172. Linda Avatar

    We had out of town guest for the 4th. BBQ and fishing

  173. Bronwyn Silvester Avatar
    Bronwyn Silvester

    Here in Australia its winter having cold rainy days . I will be meeting with friends making and eating soup as well as patchworking .love the new block of the month and all the other goodies on your page. Thanks

  174. Lynda Sturm Avatar
    Lynda Sturm

    Hi, Ive been reading the other replies and I think I might be the only Australian to enter. Its winter here and it rained on the weekend so most of my weekend was painting or sewing. Indoor activities

  175. Vicki L Avatar
    Vicki L

    It was a great week-end just to get some things done including cleaning up my sewing room to get ready to start some new projects. Love your Starlight pattern. Stars are a favorite for me…getting ready to make a star challenge block for our upcoming quilt guild show. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity.

  176. Bev Leischner Avatar
    Bev Leischner

    I went to a dinner theatre to help celebrate my DD & SIL’s anniversary
    so no sewing last weekend ?

  177. Karen Jones Avatar
    Karen Jones

    I weeded my garden, helped my husband finish making our dock, and then quilted for the next 1 1/2 day.

  178. Kim Avatar

    Spent my time with family and teaching my granddaughter to sew….the legacy continues

  179. Loisjean Radomski Avatar
    Loisjean Radomski

    Saturday was spent cleaning and sorting though clothes to donate what I don’t wear. Sunday was church and helping in Sunday School. Both days were spent trying to stay cool and get my sewing room back in order.

  180. Darrell Avatar

    I spent the holiday weekend with family, celebrating. And watching fireworks on TV and dealing with helping a dog who doesn’t like the loud sounds.

  181. Judi Avatar

    As it is winter here I took advantage of the sunny weather and finally pruned my roses so hope to have lots of lovely flowers come spring.

  182. Maureen Haynes Avatar
    Maureen Haynes

    I spent my weekend gardening and sewing.

  183. Deb Wood Avatar
    Deb Wood

    I played with the grand children, sewed a little, ate a lot, all in all had a good time.

  184. Quilted Gardner Avatar
    Quilted Gardner

    My DIL cooked a big meal, almost like Christmas. She, my son, their children & friends came overon the 4th. What a joy to share a fabulous me & laughter with my children. Thanks gor asking ,& thanks for the giveaway.

  185. Laurel Clarke Avatar
    Laurel Clarke

    I spent the weekend picking out countertops for my sewing room. I am looking forward to setting up my space and working on projects such as Maggie’s First Dance in my newly remodeled space

  186. Diane Fields Avatar
    Diane Fields

    I spent the weekend fussing over my new mid-arm. Had to package it back up and return it, as it’s not working properly. *sigh*

  187. Frances Graff Avatar
    Frances Graff

    I spent the weekend with my Mom, who has altzheimers and hand piecing

  188. Susan Kirby Avatar
    Susan Kirby

    Quietly quilting and enjoying the sunshine

  189. Lori Shore Avatar
    Lori Shore

    I spent the weekend with my in-laws having a barbeque and got to see my son (he moved out with his girlfriend a while ago and I don’t get to see him as much as I’d liked to).

  190. Karen Poling Avatar
    Karen Poling

    My extended weekend was spent at my daughter’s house playing with my 6 week old first great grandson, floating in the swimming pool, and visiting with lots of family. Some time was also spent gathering Row by Row patterns and fabric shopping. When I got home I printed off all the pattern downloads I missed while out of town, including block 2 of Maggie’s first dance.

  191. ritainalaska Avatar

    I had a quiet holiday weekend, reading patterns and books, knitting on my knitting projects, drawing applique pieces on fusible, hand-hemming binding a finished quilt and fusing for yet another applique project. I watched special local events on tv, too. Nice long weekend!

  192. Lynne Logue Avatar
    Lynne Logue

    I spent the weekend with my girlfriend of 47 years! We went for brunch and shopped for bedding plants, and contemplated buying cell phones & losing the land lines! I am still contemplating while doing some needlework 🙂

  193. Emm Avatar

    Had a great time with family and friends

  194. wilma Avatar

    I spend the weekend working on the 365 challenge quilt, I went to the bee in a little town called Den Dolder. I had lunch with my mother and sister an did some embroidery. The next day sunday I went to church and then I worked on my dear Jane. In the afternoon came my youngest son for the first time with his girlfriend for diner. It was a wonderfull weekend with a lot of quilting.

  195. Becky Avatar

    I spent the wkend, just relaxing. I did cook on the grill and enjoyed the fireworks! And of course, I did some quilting!

  196. Sue Grenier Avatar
    Sue Grenier

    I spent the weekend with family and friends. We enjoyed great conversation, great food and an amazing fireworks display.

  197. Rosemary Yelland Avatar
    Rosemary Yelland

    I traveled to Nashville to visit my daughter. And I didn’t sew at all.

  198. knittingdancer Avatar

    I spent my weekend with friends at a cookout.

  199. Bobbie Z. Avatar
    Bobbie Z.

    My weekend was filled with a multitude of projects and fun. I did some gardening, finished a crocheted blanket for my Prayer Shawl group, watched some movies and TV series shows that I adore and of course I ate great picnic foods. I also enjoyed the company of my entire family. As the kids get older, it is harder to have everyone together because they have busy lives too.

  200. Judith Martinez Avatar
    Judith Martinez

    I spent the weekend working on organizing my home from our move. Slowly but surely I’m making progress.

  201. Sylvia Lutz Avatar
    Sylvia Lutz

    Will be spending my weekend putting everything back where it belongs after getting my living room painted. Would rather be sewing.

  202. WendyP Avatar

    I am spending my weekend taking it easy after being in the hospital for most of the day. I think some hand sewing will be required for this.

  203. Sulyn Jones Avatar
    Sulyn Jones

    I would love to have a copy template of the Starlight pattern. I love the colors, but was thinking it would be beautiful done in Christmas fabrics.

  204. Susan Avatar

    I’ve spent my weekend getting to know my new puppy Rosco!
    He is adorable!?

  205. Anne Avatar

    I plan to decide if I’m going to do applique or free-motion motifs or embroidery. The important word here is “plan”. My dog Flora is probably coming home this weekend after staying with my sister as I continue to mend from some nasty medical things this winter….. Working on this project is much more tempting than getting AC in, organizing and shredding, finding things that are MIA.
    Susan – what kind of puppy is Rosco? They are wonderful additions to family even if they do drive one nuts!

  206. Debra Avatar

    Hi there: Happy weekend Everyone. This weekend I am working on completing an order for three Junk Jean Rejuvenation Bags. These market bags incorporate rejuvenated jeans strips and patches, are handmade with personalized embroidery and quilted patchwork. Each one is an original!

  207. Karen Oetken Avatar
    Karen Oetken

    I will be spending the weekend indoors — hot and humid outside

  208. Barbara Harrison Avatar
    Barbara Harrison

    Really a pretty pattern.

  209. Katherine Saunders Avatar
    Katherine Saunders

    Cleaning on Saturday. Church on Sunday morning and evening. Sunday afternoon will be spent looking at quilting and sewing patterns and planning projects.

  210. Donna Harrington Avatar
    Donna Harrington

    Most of the weekend will be spent fabric shopping. My husband and I will be doing a personal mini shop hop to support our local quilt stores. Truth be told, I think my husband usually buys more than I do! (Guys quilt too!).

  211. Sylvia Bryan Avatar
    Sylvia Bryan

    I had the MOST fun last weekend – took a trip to Sisters OR for their outdoor quilt show and logged in total of 23+ quilt shops between our 3 day trip there and the shops around Sisters and Bend. I understand they had over 1200 quilts up in the show, I THINK we saw every one. Maybe! Definitely a fun shopping and quilt viewing weekend. Exhausted but home now!

  212. Barb Avatar

    I live in Spokane, WA. Our weather has been cool for July. Last year it was in the upper 90’s. Our lawn is nice and green.

  213. Nancy Hutchinson Avatar
    Nancy Hutchinson

    I spent my weekend with my daughter, who is now living with me. We went Row by Row pattern collecting. We managed to collect 4 more patterns. Now to get my quilt started.

  214. Mary Turner Avatar
    Mary Turner

    Our family spent the 4th by using the time designing a Pillow and working on it. My granddaughters developed a pillow pattern to celebrate the 4th. we are planning to give the pillows to the 2 men (father and son combo) who served in Vietnam and Iraq. The son served 3 sessions and was wounded 2 times. We are giving 2 pillows to a husband and wife pair who met in their service in the Navy and married.

    Granddaughters had more enjoyment making the pillows for the honor of others than if they would have had they made them for themselves. A new family project is born!

  215. Kenna Webb Avatar
    Kenna Webb

    I spent the weekend with family mourning the loss of our mother and preparing our Dad for his move into assisted living. He made it easier for us, as he asked to go look at homes, chose the one he wanted to make his new home and decided he wanted to move on Monday, despite the loss he feels he is very happy with his new home and the new friends he is making. Today would have been their 61rst anniversary. God has been awesome getting us through this time.

  216. Janetta Dobler Avatar
    Janetta Dobler

    I spent my weekend spending time with my family – playing cards and dice games, watching TV, and I even snuck in some sewing!!!

  217. Mary Avatar

    We’ll make our monthly run to grocery shop at the commissary and then because of the heat here in NE Texas, I plan to hit my sewing room and work on this.

  218. Pegeth Avatar

    I will spend this W/E just as I spend al or most of all laundry, clearing off meals served during the week to make one dinner tonite. Planning wardrobe for upcoming week of work and of course squeezing in a little quilting time for me. I love Maggie’s Dance as it is in small bits. This is how I can get a big quilt made without the angst of I have so much to do and no time. MD just right. Thanks so much

  219. Karen J Avatar
    Karen J

    Recovering from being sick (but doing calming embroidery) and volunteer work tomorrow.

  220. gail Avatar

    Went to Hershey Quilt Odyssey yesterday. Today I just tried to stay cool, and enjoyed my grandson.

  221. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    I spent a three day weekend making a crib quilt for my niece who is due to have a baby girl any day now. It came out so cute with 30’s repro charm squares and white sashing! I only have to sew down the back side of the binding and I’ll be FINISHED!

  222. wilma Avatar

    living in the desert country and staying cool at home with quilting, cooking and completing UFO’s while enjoying company of my son who is home from university for the summer.Just completed one just now…

  223. jackie gaudet Avatar
    jackie gaudet

    I am so excited to start a new bom thank you for being so generous in sharing your talent.

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