Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 31
  • Total countries: 11
  • Total provinces: 4
  • Total states: 13

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A Poppy Garden A Poppy Garden
By: Linda, Montana, USA

The poppies were made using a combination of appliqué, thread painting, and oil pastels. The stems are painted.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 70"

Beaded Blooms Beaded Blooms
By: Linda Pearl, New Hampshire, USA

Contemporary design of a guild challenge I turned upside down – made the background based n the required blocks, then added bold florals and tons of embellishments. This was my first time using beading.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Blooming Marvellous Blooming Marvellous
By: Erica, South Africa

Enjoyed using a light background and then splashing bold vivid flowers across the top!

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 32"

Center Stage Center Stage
By: Susan Cook, Pennsylvania, USA

This is a small paper pieced wall quilt. The flower is pieced and stuffed using a trapunto technique. The leaves are dimensional and I added an embroidered butterfly.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"

Colleen's Garden Fiesta Colleen’s Garden Fiesta
By: Colleen, Oklahoma, USA

This is my first story quilt depicting my garden from my favorite spot on the porch. As i sat one day taking pictures from my chair I noticed my feet were in the lower part because they were propped up on a footstool. So began the plan of my view from my favorite spot to sit outside.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"

Crazy Quilted Flower Quilt Crazy Quilted Flower Quilt
By: Diane Matheson, Ontario, Canada

I took a course with Allison Aller on creating flowers for crazy quilts and was inspired by her wonderful quilts and the flowers we made. This has 12 – 7″ blocks, each with a hand-made flower on a green background in the centre of the block and the surrounding fabric the colour of the flower.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

Fantasy Flowers Fantasy Flowers
By: Rhianon Taylor, United Kingdom

A wall hanging I designed myself. All the flowers and leaves are 3D and I used an assortment of beads and buttons to embelish.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 32"

Floral Delight Floral Delight
By: Nellie B., New York, USA

I was determined to stitch an art quilt on cotton canvas. I love flowers so I decided to make a little tester with a floral theme. This is the result. Cotton canvas top and backing, raw edge applique, zig zag machine stitched binding and free-motion quilting make up my tiny wall hanging.

Quilt size: width: 7.5" height: 12"

Floral Log Cabin Floral Log Cabin
By: Marge Gordon, Delaware, USA

This quilt was made using all floral fabrics, lights and darks, they all had flowers printed on them. It was made totally scrappy, two paper bags held the fabrics and I drew pieces randomly.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 78"

Flower fiesta Flower fiesta
By: Catherine Parkinson, New Zealand

Flower feista celebartes the glory and beauty of flowers. This art quilt is painted and machine quilted in 4 quarters and stitiched together.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Garden of Posies Garden of Posies
By: QuiltKid, California, USA

This quilt was the first quilt made by me with my grandma when I was 9 years old, to teach me how to piece quilt blocks. (I am 12 now.)
It was machine quilted by Lorry Whetten (my Grandma).

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Gate into a flowergarden Gate into a flowergarden
By: Claudia Hager, Germany

A view into a flowergarden. Inspired by an old english garden with a wrought-iron gate. The quilt is all over applique and handquilted. The Border is machinequilted.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 52"

I Did It My Way I Did It My Way
By: Connie Haynes, Massachusetts, USA

Machine pieced machine and hand appliqued, machine quilted. This is my idea of the perfect garden: no maintenance and always in bloom.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

My Charming Sunflower Garden Table Runner My Charming Sunflower Garden Table Runner
By: Bill Locke, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

I adore sunflowers…and when designing this project I pulled from my personal choice of colors and blends, with the sunflower being my main focus….and Voila…
I also adore applique..and wanted to design a project that was beginner friendly in order to intice beginners into applique.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 45"

My Flower Garden Quilt My Flower Garden Quilt
By: FarahLin, Malaysia

There are more than 4,000 – 3/4″ hexagon pieces. Hand-pieced and hand quilted. I’ve hand appliqued the hexagon centerpiece to the borders. It was my first big quilt which I’ve started in early 2010 and the whole process took me 13 months to complete.

Quilt size: width: 85" height: 95"

My Hanging Garden My Hanging Garden
By: Jay Dodds, Texas, USA

I took class with Jane Sassaman…love her technique! And this is my result using her fusible and cut away technique! She is really a neat lady!

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 30"

Potted Beauties In My Garden Potted Beauties In My Garden
By: Linda Gilli, California, USA

This little paper pieced quilt was created from a pattern by Quilt Doodle Designs. I made it for my swap partner in the Doll Quilt Swap for May’s theme May Flowers.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Prairie Summer Prairie Summer
By: Louise R, Illinois, USA

My friend gave me the beautiful background fabric which inspired me to attempt raw-edge applique.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22"

Quilted Flower Garden Quilted Flower Garden
By: Karen Emelia, Iowa, USA

This quilted wall hanging was the result of an online machine quilting class taught by Ann Peterson. I learned so much and really improved my skills. I hope you like it!

Quilt size: width: 29" height: 30"

Quilters' Club Quilters’ Club
By: juditzsuzsanna, Belgium

Quilters’ Club is a handmade Patchwork Wallhanging certainly it could be the favourite of quilter’s lovers.
It contains traditional and modern motives which make more interesting the quilt. Its main figure is the famous traditional motif of Sunbonnet Sue who can be seen
wearing different clothing

Quilt size: width: 33.5" height: 27.5"

Rainbow Checks Rainbow Checks
By: Karen Pior, Australia

The first quilt I designed as a pattern, it is made up of Kaffe Fassett fabrics – the majority of which are big, stunning florals. It is bright and colourful and looks like a floral rainbow – hence its name.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 77"

Roses For Kate Roses For Kate
By: Kaaren Biggs, Ontario, Canada

Rose Sampler Supreme is a design by Rosemary Makhan – a group of friends each made our own version. My granddaughter Kate was 9 years old at the time and wondered where the quilt would go, so I told her it would be her wedding quilt! She is now 23 with no wedding or boyfriend in sight yet!

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 106"

Shakespeare in the Park Shakespeare in the Park
By: Mary Anne Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The pattern is by Judy Martin in “The Creative Pattern Book”. I made it (with permission) for a draw at the quilt show in New Berlin NY. We have a cancer booth each year in memory of our online quilting friend Jennie Sherlock from Australia. All the fabrics are floral.

Quilt size: width: 76.5" height: 93.5"

Splendar Splendar
By: Cheryl Hartzog, Florida, USA

I followed a pattern from a book I brought from HeartFelt on sale. The book is called Dazzling Quilts by Pamela Mostek, I used the Floral Fantasy pattern . I chose my own fabric that I brought at JoLee’s Quilt Shop in Mayo,FL.
I beaded it with all differnt kinds and sizes of beads .No two are alike

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Spring Flowers Spring Flowers
By: Debbie Allred, California, USA

For retiring co-worker. Original layout, block adapted from internet image. Partly from stash. Paper-pieced flower blocks, with hand-drawn interior detail lines in the paper-piecing sections. As a result there are variations in the stems and petals, creating unique flowers, which I really like.

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 59"

Stained Glass Garden Stained Glass Garden
By: Pam, Louisiana, USA

My mom came up with this design for a stained glass window for her door. I decided to try making a wall hanging from the same design & give it to her as a gift. All fabric is batik except background. Fusible bias tape was used for the leading lines.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 41"

Summer roses Summer roses
By: art2wear, Netherlands

Summer roses.
quilted roses, rosebuds and leaves, circle made with stencil (own design) and paintstiks.
appliquéed roses own design.
I am very proud it was published in Quilt en Zo

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 20"

Sunshine bag Sunshine bag
By: Ingrid Behnke, Germany

This bag was made from an old but favorite black jeans and black, grey and yellow scraps, assembled in hexagons to form the flower garden blocks.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 12"

Sweet Summer cottage Sweet Summer cottage
By: Teresa Felgueiras, Portugal

Last Summer I began sewing hexies without knowing exactly what I was going to do. Then I found, from a friend blogger tip, a wonderful pattern al Quiltmania Magazine. It was called Aunt Sarah Quilt. I made some alterations on the original pattern and it turned to be my Sweet Summer Cottage Quilt.

Quilt size: width: 43,5" height: 51"

Through the Garden Gate Through the Garden Gate
By: Sheila, Nova Scotia, Canada

Through the Garden Gate was a BOM a few years back and most blocks are paper pieced . This was a year long project and a great way to learn different techniques .

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 96"

Year Long Quilt Year Long Quilt
By: GwenH, Saskatchewan, Canada

In the 8 years I’ve been quilting I had never made a quilt large enough to cover and hang down the sides of a queen size bed, till one day I decided we needed a quilt for our bed, so I decided to make this alternating 4 patch, I finally got completed it in April, my hubby and I are so happy with it.

Quilt size: width: 110" height: 124"

2 responses to “Flower Gardens Quilt Contest”

  1. Julz at Simple Stitches Avatar

    I have just had a look at all of the quilts in this weeks contest…they are all just amazing…I’m glad that I don’t have to try and pick a winner!

  2. Catherine Parkinson Avatar
    Catherine Parkinson

    Great variety of quilts. Hard to pick which one it will be be.

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