Feeding Needy Children

Please join me in welcoming today’s guest, Judy Howard, as she shares some info on her efforts to help stamp out hunger. She’s organizing a quilt exhibit too and wants your entries to tour in the exhibit.


HELP Quilting Gallery Friends! I need your advice. How do I let quilters know about my charity quilt contest/touring exhibits, antique quilt and book give-away to feed needy children?

Visit my blog, share your ideas and I’ll be giving a way free copies of my “1905 Cookbook—Food for Body and Soul”. Please also send me names of your local church or town food pantries or soup kitchens or orphanages who could benefit.

1905 Cookbook—Food for Body and Soul

I’m Judy Howard and have owned Buckboard Antique Quilts for 36 years, written four quilt books and a “1905 Cookbook” for charity and sponsored three quilt contest/touring exhibits. Stories of Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts and Jessica Lange, my celebrity customers, are included in Heavenly Patchwork I and HP II.

photo with quilt cupboard

Like many of you I grew up sewing my clothes on the treadle sewing machine. As I near retirement age, it’s my privilege to give back to God my fishes and loaves (my quilt business) to feed His sheep.

As you can see on both my book/contest/exhibit web site and antique quilt and vintage textile web site, 100% of the everything I offer goes to the food charity of your choice. My latest quilt contest/touring exhibit goes along with the “1905 Cookbook” which contains 300 hilarious but useable recipes, 200 vintage photos and the heart-warming stories of our pioneers who left friends, family and comforts of first homes to homestead a barren and hostile wilderness frontier to benefit future generations.

Hope you’ll enter your 22″ Food for Body and Soul quilts to tour 4 years. Receive a free “1905 Cookbook”, free advertising for your blog or web site on your story label and a chance at $2500 in prizes. See entry, rental forms, and 200 quilt entries photos here.

Food Collage

If you’d like to hold a fund-raiser for your local food charity, I’ll provide the “1905 Cookbooks” free and waive the $100 rental fee for the Food for Body and Soul Exhibit. Any ideas?

quilt exhibit

You can help feed needy children with your purchase of books, new contest art quilts or antique quilts/tops/squares, by entering your 22″ food quilt and renting the $100 food exhibit for your next community, guild or church quilt show. Then choose the charity or designate your local food charity.


Besides supporting US grass roots food pantries, soup kitchens and orphanages, we’re feeding 960 orphans at a Christian School in Kenyon and providing clean drinking water through Water4 around the world — but no big charities that squander precious contributions on fund-raising efforts.

Christian School in Kenyon

Thanks for your help stamping out hunger and feeding hope.

One response to “Feeding Needy Children”

  1. pat van riper Avatar
    pat van riper

    I have 3 large batting material that comes in ln a roll. Was going to used as batting on inside of coffins.
    so I would like to donate it to the troops or homeless.

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