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60 By: vivke, Belgium
I made this wall quilt as a gift for the 60th wedding anniversary of my parents.
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 35"
A Year of Baskets By: Cherry Guidry, Louisiana, USA
This little quilt is raw-edge appliqued. All the little creatures are 100% wool and the rest of the quilt is cotton. I machine quilted in on my Statler. The pattern was a free block of the month offered by Bunny Hill Designs in 2009.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 48"
Anahata By: OrkaLoca, Italy
Anahata is the sanskrit name of the heart chakra. I’ve made this quilt as wedding gift for a friend, to wish her and her husband a lovely marriage.
Anahata is machine pieced and hand-quilted. To hand-quilt it took me 15 days of full-day work.
Quilt size: width: 95" height: 95"
Anticipation By: Lindy, Washington, USA
My first little art quilt trying ‘thread painting’ for a QA contest. I loved the freedom of trying something new, the beautiful photo given as the inspiration, the playing with silk and thread, cotton and adhesive. A joy to my soul, this little quilt!
Quilt size: width: 11" height: 8.5"
aunt claras quilt By: susi, Germany
i found this quilt in the book,the fabric of society,written by annette gero from australia,but it had no pattern,so i drafted a pattern myself.the quilt is handsewn with the english paperpiecing method,and i loved to make it.
Quilt size: width: 86" height: 88"
Basket Weave Strings By: Wilma Eichler, North Carolina, USA
I made this quilt from a free pattern at Quiltville. I am going to try to make all of her quilts, and this was about the 3rd or 4th one. I love the colors in this one. I quilted it on my frame using the cotton candy pantograph.
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 73"
Black Tulips By: Ine Jenniskens, Netherlands
I made this quilt for my daughter. The pattern is from Birdlock in Amsterdam. It was the “BOM” pattern from 2010.
Quilt size: width: 82" height: 82"
blue/white thousand pyramids By: grace thorne, Maine, USA
Made for a “blueberry fields forever” challenge at Maine quilts in 2010. This scrappy quilt epitomizes the traditional blue/white quilt genre, one of my favorites.
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 84"
Chubby Star By: Bubbles, Australia
I loved the Alexander Henry owl fabric when I saw it at my LQS. Took some time before deciding on a pattern from Material Obsessions. It was beautifully quilted by Karen at Quilts on Bastings and featured there during the Fall Quilt Bloggers Festival.
Quilt size: width: 120" height: 120"
Dandelions….. By: Jo, Ontario, Canada
My friend a Raku potter makes tiles. These tiles reminded me of dandelions that have gone to seed. I Googled dandelions I found that the seeds are found all over the world. The “compass” points, the tiles, a dandelion gone to seed using beads, hand embroidery and machine quilting make up my favorite
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22"
Diamond in the rough By: Linda Brown, Ontario, Canada
This quilt top was created from a Fons and Porter mag but had a cowboy theme I changed the border, and it is the second quilt that I machine stippled which I am loving doing. Enjoy Linda
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 72"
Falling Leaves By: Emma, AE (Armed Forces Europe), USA
I designed this quilt for my mom, whose favorite season is autumn. I wanted to capture what it looks like when a stiff gust of wind blows the leaves off the trees. I quilted bark on the tree, veins on the leaves, and blades of grass into the green. It’s my favorite quilt I’ve ever made so far.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"
Flying Teddies By: Leah, British Columbia, Canada
I love teddies and airplanes and decorated our nursery 10 years ago with the fabric, but never got the quilt completed.
Made for my youngest (started for her brother) daughter, and quilted by me. It is my first bed sized quilt.
Quilt size: width: 79" height: 97"
Gold Star Quilt By: Kathryn Mayer, Arizona, USA
This quilt was donated to a VFW lodge in Kansas to be given to one of their “Gold Star” moms. (That is a mom who has lost a child serving their country.) My group, Quilters for Comfort, discovered the need for these when we donated 18 patriotic themed quilts to the lodge. We were asked – we gave.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 70"
Hidden hexies By: Turid Bakken, Norway
I started this quilt when my yonger son was hurt and had to stay at the hospital for a couple of weeks. I was with him, and as I didn’t bring with me much fabric, my friend near the hospital had to come to me with her scraps. It is handsewn and handquilted, and I finished it last summer.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 86"
Home and Family By: Tammy Campsall-Morel, Ontario, Canada
I made this as a gift for my favorate Aunt. It is an applique of her home, with thread painted trees and thread sketch images of each family member. It is a wall hanging for their living room. It was a joy to create!
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Imperfect Beauty By: michele hester, Georgia, USA
The center bargello medallion is from the pattern called “jelly Bargelly.” I used two jelly rolls to make this entire bed-size quilt. The piano key border and sashing are my additions/design.
This is my first bed-sized quilt completed and quilted entirely by me on my home sewing machine.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 75"
Jezebel By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA
This is a Red Rooster pattern that I tweeked a little. My Dad’s favorite name is Jezebel (we lost him in 2010) and was a great fan of Bettie Davis and always told me I had Bettie Davis eyes. So the ‘Jezebel’ is a memory quilt for me.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"
Joe’s Turn By: Kathi Iacovelli, Pennsylvania, USA
After making quilts for his 3 sisters, it was finally my son’s turn. The block is called Broken Dishes. At the time, my son was employed at his first job, a dishwasher at a local restaurant. He hated washing dishes but loves his quilt. It was machine quilted by Debbie Laduke of Hershey PA.
Quilt size: width: 78″" height: 86″"
Lance’s Square Chase By: Debi Cutter, North Carolina, USA
Upon learning that I would be graced with my first grandson in 2010, I immediately began his “baby” quilt. As it turned out, I chose a pattern that was bigger than a baby quilt and it’s a good thing, as Lance weighed 9 lbs 8 oz and was 21 inches long!
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"
Lânskip By: Jelly, Netherlands
Naar aanleiding van een bezoek aan de schilder Ton Schulten heb ik deze quilt gemaakt. Het ontwerp getekend en mijn zelf geverfde lappen er in verwerkt.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 28"
Mod Circles By: Rebecca, British Columbia, Canada
This soft flannel quilt is made from Riley Blake’s Just Dreamy line mixed in with some coordinating solids. The quilt design alternates squares with circles on squares. The backing is a minky from Robert Kaufman’s Flower Child line. It is quilted on either side of the ditch.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Mom’s garden By: Marieke Hordijk, Netherlands
This is the first quilt I ever made. It was for my mom’s birthday. The colours of the flowers are here favorites. The gold in between is from an old satin skirt. I used the English paperpiecing method & it was very labour-intensive. I loved making the quilt! And I still love the end result!
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 30"
My sister’s stars By: Milka Rajic, Serbia
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 67"
Oriental Garden By: Ruth Allsopp, Australia
I was given the fabrics as a birthday gift. As I wanted a design to showcase these sumptuous fabrics, I chose this simple but striking pattern. My daughter fell in love with the quilt, so once I finished quilting it, I gave it to her for her birthday. Now my other two daughters want one as well!
Quilt size: width: 110" height: 110"
Paddocks & Windmills. By: Dee Soden, Australia
Bali print and Australian hand dyes. All about the various paddocs and windmills that shape and direct the path of our lives. (Read about the man it was made for at my blog.) The barbed wire print represents the last fence line a man of the land ever has to walk.
Quilt size: width: 65 approx" height: 65 approx"
Praire Star By: Shirley Jackson, Kentucky, USA
Prairie Star from Judy Niemeyer. Over 1119 paper pieced pieces. I took a class offered by our guild and learned to LOVE PP. Took exactly a year to piece, quilt, and bind this beauty. I’m very happy and eager to do another PP quilt
Quilt size: width: 100" height: 100"
Quilting in Oz By: Mary L, Kansas, USA
My second quilt made using the 169 4″ blocks from the Dutch Treat pattern by Judy Garden. I added an original border. I think I am addicted to making these litte reverse applique blocks. All hand appliqued and hand quilted.
Quilt size: width: 69" height: 69"
Ring Around the Rosy By: Mary Crowther, Washington, USA
My quilting Buddy: Lynn Wilson and I designed this quilt for a Design contest using Jackie Robinson’s “Roses” fabric line. This quilt is 1/4th of the original pattern we designed. My father grew red roses for my mother who loved them and I made this quilt in her memory. Digi-Quilting – done by me.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"
Roses and Rosemary Auction Quilt By: Jennifer Rodvold, Washington, USA
This quilt was made and donated to an organization called Roses and Rosemary for their fall silent auction and gala. They are a charity I highly support who does work helping children in Africa with AIDS. It is mostly young professionals who attend the gala so I wanted something modern and fresh.
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"
Russia Mission Quilt By: Vicki Graff, Idaho, USA
This quilt was made to be raffled for a mission trip last summer to minister to the churches and orphans in Tambov, Russia. This quilt brought in a few hundred dollars. To make it extra special, I made kaleidoscope squares out of paisley fabric.
Quilt size: width: 85" height: 85"
Spring blooms again By: majik, Missouri, USA
Double Irish chain, fabric I treasured and some a gift from the family of a late quilter friend. It made a perfect ‘spring’ project this fall and hangs up. reminding me or the renewal of seasons to come. Machine pieced and tied.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Sultry Legacy By: Kim West, Hawaii, USA
This quilt is the first quilt I have made for my own bed. I have made quilts for my kids’ bed but never my own.
The fabric, my husband bought it for me for Mother’s day 2009. I found the pattern “Emma’s Legacy” by Miss Rosie’s Quilts. I completed it in November 2010.
Quilt size: width: 95" height: 108"
The white quilt By: witquilt, Netherlands
Handmade pathched and quilted. It started with one block twisted log cabin. I liked it and made four blocks then I decided to make a blanket for our double bed.
Quilt size: width: 106" height: 97"
Wedded Bliss By: Jen, Massachusetts, USA
I made this quilt for my cousin’s wedding last year. It’s a blooming nine patch made from Asian fabrics, matching my cousin and his wife’s style. I loved this quilt so much that it was hard to give away. My cousin & I have always been close, so I was happy to give him something so meaningful.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 75"
Whirlwind Of Color By: Cheryl Hartzog, Florida, USA
I made this basket weave to represent the first one I made, the colors are slightly different and it is machine quilted instead of by hand .There are small hearts all over the border .I love to do from dark to light and to blend the colors together.
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 112"
Whooooo Loves you By: Kwilt Noob, Ohio, USA
I used Lily and Will fabric in this quilt for a baby who has still not made its way into this world as of yet.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 55"
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