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A Chicken in the Barnyard By: KathyQuilter, Arizona, USA
I designed this quilt around the big rooster block. Someone gave me an apron with that printed on it.. Well, I didn’t want to use the apron, but I loved the rooster so I made it into a quilt. I love the corn fabric in the sashing.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 30"
Baby Animals By: Maya, California, USA
I made this quilt for a friend’s son in 2006. He loves it and still calls it “Maya Aunty’s animals blanket”! ๐ It was made using a panel from Joann’s.
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 58"
Chickens & Roosters By: Freemanor, Massachusetts, USA
A Nap size Crazy Quilt, with Chickens & Roosters, centered in blocks. I thought children might like it. A good way to use up a lot of my scraps.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 52"
Farmer’s Market By: Mary Nielsen, Maryland, USA
This was a Pat Sloan BOM from several years ago but I just finished it.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
Funky Chickens By: Kelly Smith, Michigan, USA
This quilt is from a pattern designed by Rachel Pellman. She called it Chicken Hearted. I call my version Funky Chickens.
I got the black and multi-colored fabric on the outside for my birthday and wanted to do something cool with it. I love this little quilt! It was a lot of fun to make.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"
Funny Farm By: Rosalyn Drew, Kansas, USA
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"
Lancaster County Cow Path By: Kathi Iacovelli, Pennsylvania, USA
This quilt was made as a guild challenge “Black and White with a touch of Red” It’s the same block, my first attempt at sewing curves. It sort of morphed inself into the design. The back? Cows, of course, because Lancaster County has more cows then people!
Quilt size: width: 24”" height: 24”"
Log Cabin Chicks By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA
I designed these log cabin chickens – chick, hen, and rooster – last year for a group. They remind me of my youth, having the farm chore of feeding, gathering eggs, and CHASING as they always loved to get into the flowerbeds for the bugs, so added the bug/flower buttons.
Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 30"
My potholder cows By: Gunn Torild Dons, Norway
I made this pot holders to a auksjon for saving money to “the pink ribbon” organisastion. I made the pattern myself. I coosed a cow because I am a farmer in Norway, and I thought about the link between feeding babys and calfs, and how important it is to have healthy breast whithout canser.
Quilt size: width: 8,8" height: 8,5"
Sexy Rex the Rooster By: Christine M, Australia
I saw this pattern for a rooster and had to make him. I collect chickens and have 4 live ones. So it was nice to add a rooster (without the crowing!) I call him “Sexy Rex”! He was fun to make.
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 20"
Spring Storm By: Wanda Horn, Oregon, USA
I was traveling through Montana and happened to stop in a quilt shop called Bigfork Bay Cotton Company. Inside, I met the artist who designed this quilted wall hanging — her name is Toni Whitney. I’ve purchased many of her designs and she is kind enough to autograph each one for me.
Quilt size: width: 24.5″" height: 27″"
String Quilts on the Line By: Saska Koch, Oklahoma, USA
This is a series of child/youth sized quilts that our guild made to give to the local children’s shelter. I was given the job of getting the blocks sewn together, tied and bound so my clothesline made the perfect spot to display them.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
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