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- Total submissions: 6
- Total countries: 2
- Total provinces: 2
- Total states: 4
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Christmas Wishes By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA
This was Gail Pan’s 2009 BOM. I love the selection of words to express the faith and gratitude for the season – for all time. I chose subtle seasonal fabrics so this could hang from Oct – Jan. It was donated for a charity fund raiser.
Quilt size: width: 29" height: 29"
Harmony Hopes By: Penny Globe, Ontario, Canada
Although these playful angels are finished they are not finished. I continue to add more bling as I come across “stuff”. I hope this never sells in our next exhibition as the big child in me is very attached to it.
Quilt size: width: `72" height: `84"
Jars Full of Wishes for my Family By: Marcia, Massachusetts, USA
I made this quilt with fabric printed with fruits and vegetables and have this hanging (currently unfinished) in my kitchen. It’s a nice reminder of the thoughts I have for my lovely family.
Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"
Loving Hands By: GrandmaRockton, Illinois, USA
This is the Quilt that went to China to bring home my 4 grandchild SOFIA. Her mother wanted her to feel the love of FAMILY from the time she was placed in thier arms till we could tell herself! Mellissa & Steve had family trace hand and write on it , I then put it together. Sofia is OUR BLESSING!
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 41"
Renita’s Hope By: Carin Vogelzang, Michigan, USA
After my grandma’s murder in 2005 I started a non-profit called ‘Margaret’s Hope Chest’.The first quilt we gave was to Renita,the mother of one of the girls who murdered my grandma.This quilt was a symbol of the HOPE and forgiveness.I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 70"
Sisters at Heart By: Nancy Bassserman, Alberta, Canada
This quilt was made in memory of my best girlfriend Lynn who passed away in Aug 2009. Lynn and I were not only best friends, we were quilting friends and I miss her dearly. I do feel her presence in my studio and am greatful for the time we had together. I hope to raffle this quilt off for cancer
Quilt size: width: 65" height: 78"
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