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  • Total submissions: 6
  • Total countries: 2
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 4

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Christmas Wishes Christmas Wishes
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

This was Gail Pan’s 2009 BOM. I love the selection of words to express the faith and gratitude for the season – for all time. I chose subtle seasonal fabrics so this could hang from Oct – Jan. It was donated for a charity fund raiser.

Quilt size: width: 29" height: 29"

Harmony Hopes Harmony Hopes
By: Penny Globe, Ontario, Canada

Although these playful angels are finished they are not finished. I continue to add more bling as I come across “stuff”. I hope this never sells in our next exhibition as the big child in me is very attached to it.

Quilt size: width: `72" height: `84"

Jars Full of Wishes for my Family Jars Full of Wishes for my Family
By: Marcia, Massachusetts, USA

I made this quilt with fabric printed with fruits and vegetables and have this hanging (currently unfinished) in my kitchen. It’s a nice reminder of the thoughts I have for my lovely family.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"

Loving Hands Loving Hands
By: GrandmaRockton, Illinois, USA

This is the Quilt that went to China to bring home my 4 grandchild SOFIA. Her mother wanted her to feel the love of FAMILY from the time she was placed in thier arms till we could tell herself! Mellissa & Steve had family trace hand and write on it , I then put it together. Sofia is OUR BLESSING!

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 41"

Renita's Hope Renita’s Hope
By: Carin Vogelzang, Michigan, USA

After my grandma’s murder in 2005 I started a non-profit called ‘Margaret’s Hope Chest’.The first quilt we gave was to Renita,the mother of one of the girls who murdered my grandma.This quilt was a symbol of the HOPE and forgiveness.I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 70"

Sisters at Heart Sisters at Heart
By: Nancy Bassserman, Alberta, Canada

This quilt was made in memory of my best girlfriend Lynn who passed away in Aug 2009. Lynn and I were not only best friends, we were quilting friends and I miss her dearly. I do feel her presence in my studio and am greatful for the time we had together. I hope to raffle this quilt off for cancer

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 78"

2 responses to “Faith and Gratitude Quilts”

  1. Linda Avatar

    What a wonderful variety of meaningful quilts. Reading the stories has brought me to tears. So much love here, ladies! It makes it very difficult to choose. Thank you for sharing yourselves, and thank you Michelle for hosting the contest.
    .-= Linda’s latest post: Rotating Snowballs and Nine-Patches Quilt Along =-.

  2. janet Avatar

    Looking at this wonderful variety inspires all sorts of ideas!! Thanks for sharing.
    .-= janet’s latest post: I’ve been a bad bad blogger!!! =-.

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