Fabric Testers: My Boys

This was the scene the other night around midnight. Both of my boys sleeping soundly in the often fought over chair. I guess they were too tired to fight anymore and decided sleeping together wasn’t so bad after all.


The black and white one is Slade and the brown tabby is Daniel. Daniel is 10 and has been with me for 8 years. He was rescued from the streets by some kind folks in the small town where my parents live and then given to me.

Slade has been with me for 2.5 years and came from a local family up here after being rescued from the cold weather. He’s around 7, but a little harder to say for sure as his health isn’t the best. He was obviously abused and it took a good year before he’d even come out of hiding when friends came over to visit.


Daniel is a momma’s boy. He’s almost always near me, and if I sit to watch TV he’s on my lap even when I don’t want him to be. He’ll often come sit beside me as I work or stitch and demand to be picked up. He’s still very playful, loves toys and the laser pen.

Slade would be happiest if I went to bed by 9:30 and got up at 6:00 each morning. Late at night, he’s often in the bedroom meowing for me to come to bed. He’s still skittish and scares easily. He adores Daniel and always wants to cuddle with him or be close by. Daniel could care less. He loves his Aunties Julia and Linda best.


I’m not sure that alpha male is as important to cats as it is to dogs, but Daniel still has the upper hand even tho Slade far outweighs him. I’ve been expecting the power to shift, but I’m not sure it’ll happen as Daniel is too easy going to really care.

5 responses to “Fabric Testers: My Boys”

  1. Henrietta Avatar

    I am not sure that the concept of alpha ‘male’ applies to neutered but alpha is not necessarily gender specific. Boss cat in our house is a tiny #5 female and nobody messes with Shirley including a large feral tom who visits the barn cat buffet.

    Those two are such sleek and pretty boys.

    The bubblegum pink in the nine patch, is that Chanteclair or something else? I was underwhelmed by Chanteclair quality and would be interested in knowing what others use for 30’s solids.

  2. SheilaC Avatar

    Your boys are very handsome! I have two cats that were both very frightened when I adopted them. One was a true feral from the animal shelter and one was from an animal hoarder. The feral cat is now very loving and the other is still shy but loves to be petted and brushed (on his own terms).

    Gotta love them, and all their fur on our fabric! 🙂


  3. Mishka Avatar

    The female dogs my family has had over the years have always ruled the roost, so to speak. Too funny. I’ve only had 3 male cats, and Pal, my first, was definitely the one in charge.

    The quilt was made more than 15 years ago, long before the 30s fabrics came back in style. I believe I purchased all of the fabric from Joanne’s way back then. I don’t remember who made the pink, only that it was a nuisance to iron, took tonnes of steam and water, very heavy thread count.

    Sheila, I’ve taken to using a lint remover just before quilting, otherwise I end up with kitty threads in my quilt. The joys!!


  4. Susan Avatar

    I also have a fabric tester, but I like to think of him as a cat who quilts. He’s always on the fabric, especially when I’m tryinh to sew. Theodore is his name and he’s a 13 year old Maine Coon, who is finally starting to slow down a little.

    I wish I could attach the latest picture of him helping me quilt.

  5. Nataly Avatar

    Very nice cats on your pictures. And, saying truth, the picture itself indicates, that you love your small friends so much… If not – usually posted picture is without that “living” part of our love.

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