Fabric Styles

The Learning Center - Hosted by Pat Sloan

Hi everyone, it’s your host Pat Sloan here today talking about fabric styles.

When I made my ‘first first quilt’ I did not have many fabric options. Calicos, Calicos, Calicos, and solids. By the time I made my official first quilt the variety of fabrics had greatly increased, let’s do a big cheer for THAT!

Quilters now have so much variety of fabric it is wonderful, but it could be a tad confusing. When you hear someone describe a ‘style’ of fabric what do they really mean?

The other day I did a very scientific study of quilt styles when my friends showed up for sewing night. I asked the first three who arrived their thoughts on quilt Styles (well we DID have a very thorough discussion on it…. Wink!)

These are my thoughts on style, and I’m sure I’ve missed one or you will have your own take on it.. that is what our comment section is for!

Fat Quarter Shop has been super generous and allowed me to share photos from their store.. and.. hold on.. you are NOT going to believe this.. Fat Quarter Shop is sponsoring this post with a FQ bundle give-away. Which FQ bundle? Well the winner can pick the Moda bundle they want.. be still my heart!! exciting eh? See the end for how to enter.

My first observation about style is that color matters. Take the paisley above. This is a very traditional if not leaning towards civil war type print. This is a Jo Morton paisley that she is famous for.

This is NOT traditional by anyone’s terms. BUT it does have a paisley in it. Interesting eh? (I say eh to fit in with Michele.. she is Canadian ya know). And scale. Look how much larger this paisley is.. and more playful. This is what I’d call a contemporary fabric, from Heather Bailey

So let’s look at some BROAD categories (remember the comment section down there!)


In this group you will tend to find lots of warm toasty colors, some call them muddy fabric (wink!). There are really a lot of styles within the traditional category.

Civil war prints are loved by many. They are reproductions of fabrics from the civil war era and use the same colors and patterns. The photo above is classic from Judie Rothermel.

People who love and use civil war fabrics are often recreating quilts from that time period. Historian Barbara Brackman has a blog about civil war quilts… check it out to learn more!

Calicos are generally small prints… a bit harder to find in this day and age as we tend to want more from our fabric! But Calico’s are fantastic blenders.. as is shown by this piece in Prairie Paisley II from Minnick/Simpson.

I feel like a country style fabric is cozy. It does not need to be ‘brown’ but it should be warm, toasty and full of the feeling of a farm house or your grandma’s kitchen. This line from The Quilt Patch feels country to me.

Americana and patriotic, whether in a traditional design or a contemporary, is classic! This line from My Mind’s Eye is bright and fun and waves the stars and stripes proudly! Great for solider quilts and decorating for 4th of July!

The 1930s prints are like civil war, they are reproductions of a time period of fabrics. They tend to be pastels with some reds and blacks. Lots of small prints. This is a new favorite of mine from my friend Darlene Zimmerman. And this line is called Adventures with Alice… I LOVE Alice in Wonderland!

Not Traditional

There are so many fabrics that fall into what I call “Contemporary” fabrics. This line called Candid Paparazzi from Red Rooster fits the contemporary class for me. Clean shapes, clear colors, and big bold sweeps of shapes.

Fresh Cuts from Heather Bailey is a classic Contemporary fabric. So much so this is a repeat of the line loved by many! (me included!)

I asked my good friend, and 3 time winner of the Modern Quilt Guild challenge, what she thought a current modern style fabric is. Heather Jones of olive & ollie said:

I think Lizzie House’s new line, Hello Pilgrim, is a great example of a modern line. It has bright, bold colors and and the designs of the prints are really fun and whimsical. I love it because it has some really unique patterns (like Native Foliage and Falling Leaves), and also a lot of prints that would be great basic stash builders (like the Dotted Circles and Stripes).

John Adams, QuiltDad, is not only a modern style quilt maker, but one of the editors of the online quilt magazine FatQuarterly. I asked John what he considered some of the current Modern style fabrics on the market. John said …

I also think that Miscellany and Cut Out & Keep by Cloud 9 Fabrics are great examples, too. – Thank you John!

Wow oh wow are Batik fabrics POP-U-Lar!! Serious.. do you have a piece in your collection? How many… wink! Many companies produce batiks. I feel the draw of a batik is the often subtle color changes and the tone on tone ‘feel’ with more pizzazz! This is a selection from Hoffman. Fat Quarter Shop has a whole category for batiks on their left side bar.. go cruise!

Asian Style Traditional or Modern? This classic piece of Asian style fabric is from Kona Bay. They really do a wonderful job with this style. From a focus piece like this one to blenders and overall florals. Visit their web site for loads of inspiration!

Good Fortune by Kate Spain is a contemporary take on Asian fabric and I love it.. I even used it in a quilt for my latest book!


“Other” is a lovely category. A place to slot solids, Novelty prints and seasonal.. which are a form of novelty but I think they deserve their own category!

Bella Solids by Moda are so darn popular you can even get a color card!

Also Michael Miller solids.

and Robert Kaufman solids.. oh yeah!

Going Coastal by Emily Herrick is a perfect example of a novelty print. Who uses bottle caps with seaside images.. umm…err… I do!

Or Peace Love and Rock and Roll man.. yep… any fabric with funky fun images is good to be called a novelty

one more!! Space fabric from Andover.. gotta love it!

Seasonal for me are those Christmas, Halloween, St. Patrick’s day, Easter or any other fabric that is very focused on the season. I tend to make quilts using them that stay within that theme. And these tend to lean heavy towards a novelty print feel. Like this Halloween print from Teresa Kogut.

And the Fat Quarter shop loves Christmas fabrics ALMOST as much as I do.. wink! They love it so much they put them ALL in one place for us Christmas crazy collectors! I’m loving this Basic Grey line.. all for that snowman!

Kathy Miller of Michael Miller fabrics does a fantastic job on the company blog with fabric inspiration boards. I am currently obsessed with Gray and Yellow combinations, so I really loved this board she did called Citron Gray.

Cruise the fabric company blogs and web sites for great fabric selections.. here are just a few of the many fabric companies out there today:

and I could go ON and ON and ON! Love a company? Put their name in Google and see what you find!

A few weeks ago I interviewed 4 fabric designers on January 30th including Kathy Miller of Michael Miller fabrics. And I interviewed Kimberley Jolly of the Fabulous Fat Quarter shop too!


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Enter to win a Moda fat quarter bundle of your choice from the Fat Quarter Shop! Tell me below in the comments What is YOUR favorite Fabric Style?

One winner will be randomly selected next Wednesday, March 21, 2012.

Winner announced: Congratulations to #573 Renate. Check your email for a message.


Pat Sloan - The Voice of Quilting

Pat Sloan is owner and founder of the quilting design and publishing company Pat Sloan & Co. She has published over 25 books, more than 100 patterns, nearly 10 fabric lines, and has had her work featured in all the major Quilt magazines. In January 2010, Pat started hosting her weekly Internet Radio show called Creative Talk Radio.

Find Pat here:

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653 responses to “Fabric Styles”

  1. Sarah N Avatar

    My current fabric favorites are all Contemporary. I love the bright, bold colors.

    Thanks for the explanation of all the fabric styles.

    And thanks to the FQS for hosting the great giveaway!

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Thanks for the rundown, but your question is too hard! I think that I like contemporary fabrics best, but much of my stash and past projects would argue with that. I like clear colours and interesting prints- and I’m trying to use more solids and a better light/dark balance in my projects.


  3. Leo Avatar

    if it were that easy to chose a favourite style – it always depends on what you make and who you make it for – I wouldn’t use novelty for my grandma, she would like the traditional prints – my sisters on the other hand would most likely prefer a novelty print and bright colours. For myself, well I guess I would prefer a mixture of solids and small prints (Calicos). And then there is the problem that I often see the fabric I use at the moment as my all time favourite until I start the next project. So there is no definite answer. But it was nice thinkig about it.
    (And thanks for all the terminology – being not a native English speaker and not having a quilting dictionary gets me occasionally in trouble)

  4. Kathleen Deminski Avatar
    Kathleen Deminski

    I am a huge fan of Contemporary fabrics but I LOVE mixing it up. Kaffe Fassett designs drew me into to quilting and I enjoy combining batiks with his saturated colors. I like putting unexpected things together, but it’s always about the color.

  5. trillium Avatar

    My favorite fabric style is Asian. I love the florals, the emphasis on nature, and the (mostly) off-center placement of the designs. By that I mean that most Asian non-geometric designs are not symmetrical. They give the eye more chance to wander.

  6. Johanna Avatar

    A favorite style! That’s like picking your favorite child! Right now, I’m into more of a 1930’s collection shopping spree. In my fabric cabinet, there is a little of everything. Mostly Kansas Troubles fabrics. I don’t think I’ll ever be bored with those deep colors.

  7. DebrafromMD Avatar

    I love them all as my stash will tell you. Recently though, I’ve been drawn to the brights. I adore Moda fabrics so I would really love to win the giveaway.

  8. jean Avatar

    I have a hard time picking a favorite, but I am always collecting batiks, so I guess that’s it. I love Modern floral prints and Asian as well.

  9. Jennifer Schifano Eutsler Avatar

    I don’t know how I could possibly pick one favorite, but at the moment I’m drawn to batiks. Have a super day!

  10. Anne P Avatar

    I love batiks – have started to mix them in with other fabrics in my projects and they fit in perfectly.
    Also like bold colours.

  11. Del Soden Avatar
    Del Soden

    The Ocean Waves Batik has just become my current favourite on seeing them above.

  12. Cheryl Avatar

    My favorite is whatever style I’m working with at the moment. I love Civil War, and 30’s reproductions. I also love ‘blenders’ fabrics, since you can do so much with them. I’m working with batiks for the first time. Such luscious colors and patterns. Aren’t we lucky we don’t have to pick just one.

  13. martina Avatar

    I love fabric. All kind of. But I realize that I tend to make projects with countrystyle feeling and so contrystyle fabrics are mostly found in my stash. I admire all those quilts in contemporary fabrics, but never did one ….till now.
    I think I really need to get some good fortune. Just love this!

  14. Melinda Avatar

    I tend to choose contemporary and other only if I am making quilts my way. I do work with others if I am making a quilt for a specific person (got one coming up this way!). If provided with more traditional fabrics I will definitely use them though! I’m in a guild so those quilt usually get donated for compassion quilts.

  15. Missy Avatar

    I have two favorites. I use civil war prints for most everything that I make for my house, but I absolutely love contemporary fabrics.

  16. Debbie B Sam Avatar
    Debbie B Sam

    Not Traditional – anything under that category ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Kris Avatar

    I like lots of styles but it’s the batiks that get most of my attention. Love playing with them at the beginning of a project, selecting just the right cuts. And then putting them together – they just make me happy (especially Hoffman 1895 #360)!

  18. Din Milem Avatar
    Din Milem

    Thanks for this blog on fabric styles; quite good. Once I found batiks I have had a hard time looking at anything else. But now that batiks are branching out into more of a ‘print’ design I am backing off.

  19. TiffBlakey Avatar

    If I have to choose a favorite, I’ll go with contemporary. But really, I just buy whatever catches my eye at the time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Tracey Rampling Avatar

    I guess my favourites are mostly contemporary – Love Kate Spain, The Quilted Fish, Figtree & Co, Bonnie & Camille to name a few!

    But I also love Minick and Simpson and French General.

  21. Ann Finger Avatar
    Ann Finger

    I’ve always loved the country style – guess it’s because of the fabrics my grandmother used! But looking around my sewing room, batiks, blenders and contemporary are definitely in there too! A contemporary black, white and red quilt is in progress! Supposed to be a wedding gift, but might have to make a keeper too!

  22. M-R @ Quilt Matters Avatar

    My current favourite is solids, but I’d love to try more of the modern fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Susan Avatar

    I love all the fabrics described, but my favorite is batiks, at least this week.

  24. Stephanie Avatar

    I just wait for the fabric to ‘speak’ to me…most of my selections are bright, vibrant prints (my mother would call them ‘obnoxious’. So I guess my style is bright and obnoxious…like me!

  25. Ginette Avatar

    I truly love traditional country cozy fabrics. My stash is full of them! I am starting to branch out however and have a small collection of contemporary fabrics, some bolder prints with brighter colors, anything MODA really!

  26. laurel Avatar

    wow, this was really interesting to read! i’m a straight-up contemporary girl, although i could definitely see myself working with batiks in my future. i’m definitely drawn to them, but haven’t tried them yet!

  27. Pam Roberts Avatar
    Pam Roberts

    Thank you so much for providing me with a structure for my fabric love. I now realise that I am drawn to Modern Contemporary while my second love is the moody blues of Civil War fabric.

    I can now look at my fabric with different eyes.

  28. kirie Avatar

    I prefer modern prints and fresh colours, but I love the neutrals and some traditional flower fabrics also.

  29. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    I love contemporary fabrics, especially florals. Large blossoms with foliage in traditional colors abound in my stash. However, I also have some rustic prints, too. I have a fondness for those more traditional fabrics because they remind me of when we used to live in a log cabin in the woods.

  30. ~ Julie ~ Avatar

    Oh wow! Decisions, decisions, decisions. Since I’m fairly new to the quilting world I play it pretty safe when picking out fabric. Nothing too bold or that has “interesting” color combinations. I guess right now I’m pretty much a “traditional” kind of gal. I also make a lot of baby and toddler quits for my grandkids (they don’t seem to mind that I “practice” on their quilts!) so I use novelty prints as well! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. DianeH Avatar

    Fantastic post, thank you. I use all different types of fabrics but I am most drawn to the colours of “Country Style”. Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.

  32. Liliana Avatar

    Hi. I think that I choose in the Contemporary fabrics. Even I have my favourite designers which are Mr. Fassett and Hoffman Fabrics. They designs fabrics absolutly amazing ..more than beautifuls…

  33. Julie Avatar

    I’m really drawn more and more to the Civil War types of fabrics, and I’m crazy for the “Collection for…” fabrics that Moda offers. Many people are drawn toward more traditional quilts. I will say tho, that I have collected fabrics in many, many styles and agree with others that the type of fabric depends on who the quilt is intended for! Thanks for the opportunity to win something!

  34. Jocelyn Avatar

    Isn’t fabric fun?? I am a traditionalist. I love the Civil War fabrics, but also love the French General lines too. I have started quilting with modern fabrics because they are so fun, but for my own home I love TRADITION!!

  35. Sharon Hughson Avatar
    Sharon Hughson

    ONE? We only get one???? Then I will pick batiks. They are so varied and beautiful who could resist them? Not me. Second? Nautical or novelty I guess they too are varied. I guess variety is my key.

  36. Kathy Avatar

    I love all fabrics, but lately I’m really drawn to bright fabrics and kid novelty prints. My obsession started with an I Spy quilt years ago, and hasn’t stopped yet!

  37. Shirley in Canada Avatar
    Shirley in Canada

    I guess my favorite is Traditional – but the darker tones. Then again I do like the Asian fabrics and 30’s prints and Batiks… and …. Maybe I should tell what don’t like?? โ˜บ

  38. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    My favorite fabric style is sort of eclectic. I like a little contemporary, some calico, a little bit modern, but mostly batiks, solids, and traditional. It sort of depends on what I’m working on at the time. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

  39. Sunnybec Avatar

    I think it depends what mood I am in. I live Civil War fabrics and country style, I also love Fig Tree and French General.

  40. kathy Avatar

    I definitely like contemporary fabrics, especially bright colors! Thanks for the great information and the giveaway!

  41. Mary Val Avatar
    Mary Val

    I love the traditional fabrics, and the Civil War. But really, I love all of them. The modern/contemporary fabrics are my least favorite.

  42. Patti Avatar

    Thank you so much for putting all the different fabrics into groups. I suppose my latest favorite is solids but I love contemporary with bold colors too. I like almost everything to be honest.

  43. Kelly Avatar

    I love all things fabric but do have to say that I LOVE color, all color! I tend to lean to the more Contemporary fabrics… Not to say I don’t use them all but, well, there you go…

  44. Vickie Avatar

    I guess I need to say novelty. Most of my quilts start out with something cowboy/western as the focus fabric, then I build from there. I love the Bonnie and Camille lines, I made a quilt out of Ruby and one of Bliss and waiting anxiously for the Vintage Modern, (contemporary right ?) 1930 fabric is pulling at my heart strings right now and I do love a Christmas print. Maybe I should say.. if it has cotton in it…it’s my favorite !

  45. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I love batiks. We’re lucky to have a local quilt shop that has over 1,000 batiks. I didn’t like the modern/contemporary fabric at all when it first came out, but it’s growing on me and I’ll probably end up doing something with it in the near future.

  46. Rachel Avatar

    Wow, I don’t think i have a favorite style…I love clean lines, bold (brights, darks, whatever) colors. Not a huge fan of washed out looking fabrics, but can and do use them. If I could only pick one it would probably have to be (is it fair to say “cotton”? LOL) OK, ok…probably contemporary…I think. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  47. Jana Avatar

    I think I lean more towards the contemporary fabrics these days. Which is a bit sad because my stash is filled with more traditional fabric pieces. No wonder I have a stash! My taste keeps changing!

  48. Valerie Boudier Avatar
    Valerie Boudier

    I like most fabrics but at the moment am drawn towards the contemporary designs

  49. Cindy Dickinson Avatar
    Cindy Dickinson

    Favorite style? Uh, all of them! Seriously, I drool over civil war and buy them when I find them. Not too available in my area. I just finished a quilt with Good Fortune. It was a have to have! I buy all stripes that I find. I think I’m more drawn to color. I’ll buy any style of fabric if the color catches my eye and draws me to the bolt!

  50. Dianne Avatar

    I love Civil war – like Jo or Julie and country fabrics from Kansas trouble. It’s so much fun to have such amazing variety and choice.

  51. Billie K Avatar

    My favorites are usually Kansas Troubles fabrics, Minick-Simpson, reproductions, and something Sandy Garvis. I love batiks, but am never quiet sure what to do with them. The ocean ones above are gorgeous. On this page I would buy Shasta, Ocean Waves, Candid Papara…, and Adventures. That would be if I could afford it. I’m pretty much outpriced at $12 a yard. I do watch for the 40-50% off sales.

  52. steph Avatar

    Having only started sewing in the last two years, I am so thankful for the amazing array of fabrics that are available! I suppose I would have to say that my favorote style is “non-traditional,” though the mental categories I use for fabrics are quite a bit different. I love modern “cartoony” fabrics that tell a story, like Outfoxed or Little Apples or A Walk in the Woods. I guess I enjoy whimsy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. DinahT Avatar

    I am a Batik girl, I love them.
    But I will admit I am more of an Art quilter.

  54. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    Thanks for the article. Tell more about mixing styles. Can it be done tastefully?

    I hate to camp in just one spot…so I’ll say I love color. I want all of the fabrics in my quilt to play nice together, but am not convinced that all of the fabric needs to be from the same style group. (I’ve not made it work yet.)

    From a more realistic perspective I am probably a modern quilt fan.

  55. Charlotte Furchert Avatar
    Charlotte Furchert

    I’m loving the non-traditional fabrics with strong color. Love the batiks! I’m flexible when it comes to fabric. Can love it all.

  56. Debora Avatar

    Kaffe Fassett was my first love in the contemporary fabric world which has since expanded to include many designers and fabrics. It’s great that there are so many wonderful choices out there!

  57. Colleen Avatar

    I love modern fabrics, but I like some traditional ones too. For example, I like 1930 prints. I also like some of the floral traditionals too. I think I just like fabric, especially the kind they sell at FAT Quarter SHOP!!!

  58. JudyK Avatar

    I am a Moda girl! I did find that I really liked Shasta, Stars and Stripes and Candid Paparazzi though. Maybe I need give those a try! Thanks for the chance to win a Moda bundle.

  59. Jacklynn Grimm Avatar
    Jacklynn Grimm

    It is had to choose one category. I’ve been collecting 1930’s reproduction prints for years – love the bright pastels and cute prints. Novelty prints are my other favorite – looking forward to the Blitzen collection to come out for Christmas.

  60. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    I lean towards fabrics that say country like the Shasta line above by The Quilt Patch. I love Kansas Troubles.Lately maybe because Spring is coming I am loving the fabrics by Cotton Way and also Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree, What better place to go then the Fat Quarter Shop to see ALL the different fabrics available to us.

  61. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Parabรฉns pelas explicaรงรตes menina linda!.Hoje dia de costura aqui,estamos em trรชs,e a conclusรฃo que chegamos รฉ que nรฃo sabemos quais sรฃo os mais bonitos,preferidos e interessantes,atรฉ pela falta de conhecimento que tรญnhamos atรฉ o seu post.A dรบvida รฉ cruel…Mas vamos escolher um:Roberto Kaufman.Essa pilha de sรณlidos estรก nos encantando.Obrigada,quem sabe nรฃo serรก dessa vez que esses tecidos lindos viajarรก para o Brasil?Beijos e Benรงรฃos.

  62. Ranch Wife Avatar

    I have to choose just one? I love that there is such a variety from which to choose and yes, it can be overwhelming. I’m a scrappy kind of gal so I love just about everything. I adore 30’s prints, hoard western fabric, and love patriotic for QOV. If the fabric speaks to me, then I find it hard to resist.

  63. Cathy B. Avatar

    I tend to lean toward country colors. Especially those in Civil War Style prints of Jo Morton and Judie Rothermel. This is a wonderful giveaway. I will definitly check out the Fat Quarter Shop. Hugs

  64. Barbara Avatar

    I like novelty prints, especially cats!

  65. Darlene Staley Avatar
    Darlene Staley

    Batiks have stolen my heart. I love that you can get different effects from the same fabric.

  66. stevii Avatar

    I think someone drooled on those Michael Miller solids! Delish!

  67. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    I had to think about this. I am not sure if I have a fabric style. I tend to go for the colors and prints first before even thinking about traditional or modern. If you look at my “stash” You’ll see all of them — traditional, modern and even novelties. I have 30s fabrics and a few civil wars. I have Sunkissed, Pure, and some wild looking fabrics. I guess I just go with what I like and am feeling at the moment! LOL. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, I know, I’m weird. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Denise J. Avatar
    Denise J.

    I love reproductions! I just keep collecting them. My newest love are Batiks. Though I’d always appreciated their beauty they didn’t want to really join my collection until I saw a quilt that a friend had made and decided that would be the wedding quilt for my son and his fiancee. Now, I’m hooked and want to make the quilt again for myself.

  69. Robyn Avatar

    Oh that is such a hard question. I think I would have to say contemporary, all though I really love 30’s reproductions. I have little kids so novelties are very popular here too. I also really like seasonal fabrics, I guess there are too many to choose. I do know that I don’t like civil war fabrics, or home spuns they are to dark and gloomy.

  70. Lindy Avatar

    Pat! so much work you went to! And thank you Fat Quarter Shop. Yummy, yummy samples to ogle! As I read through your line up my mind nodded, said, ‘nice, pretty, unusual…’ but of course when I came to MY style my heart sang, fireworks burst, an opera singer hit a high note-Batiks!!! Amen and hallelujah!

  71. becky Avatar

    i am a mix and all over the place. i love the 30’s prints because they are small and tiny cute. however i totally go for the big noisy prints too and love the lizzie house style.
    I am for whatever can be sewn…..and color goes a long way to help the love.

  72. Laurie Avatar

    My favorite is BATIK – I love that to me there is no right or wrong side of the fabric. I like the richness of the colors.

  73. Heather Avatar

    Currently I totally gravitate toward Modern lines. I love Basic Grey and have a LOT of fabric precuts from their lines. I am currently in love with a quilt I’m making with Power Pop by Jenean Morrison. I have some country styles in my mix too, but mostly Modern.

  74. Jo Avatar

    What I like seems to change every once in a while. When I first started to make quilts I was all about novelty fabrics, then for a sort while I tried the repo’s of the 30’s fabrics. In the past year I have fallen hard for the modern style fabric, bright colors and geometrics have me hooked right now.
    Great article, thanks so much for posting it,.

  75. Jennifer Avatar

    I am definitely of the Modern school. I love the bright colors and large prints. I do sometimes like to mix it up with the more traditional fabrics; my favorite quilt I’ve ever made is from 1930s reproductions. They are perfect for little girls!

  76. MC Avatar

    I like bold modern stuff, like the Candid Paparazzi above, and novelty prints with cute animals or fun patterns (currently looking for an excuse to buy massive quantities of the Timeless Treasures Black Solar System print).

  77. Annie Avatar

    I love all fabrics but I’m now leaning towards the modern fabrics for their bright colors and clean lines. Of course, I haven’t met a batik that I did not love!

  78. Ramona Avatar

    Quite a few of my favorites are shown or mentioned here. One that I would love to have is Parson Gray’s Curious Nature. I haven’t seen the line in person yet, but have wanted it since I first saw it online.

    I would say I’m leaning more toward the modern fabrics right now. Fabric is addictive for me though and I adore so many of the patterns and color choices.

    Thanks for the great discussion on fabrics.

  79. Norma Avatar

    My taste in fabric seems to be changing. I look in my stash and it feels “old”. I confess to loving all the new modern prints although I do love many of the traditional styles as well.

  80. jean Avatar

    Oh Pat,

    I confess that I love most of them, but
    most of all I LOVE BATIKS!
    And, I like to mix them in with lots of other styles,
    themes, modern, you name it!


  81. Debbie Avatar

    I am a traditional girl at heart but love all fabric! Once I see the beautiful colors on both solids and designs I start imaging all the things to be made with them!

  82. Lynda H Avatar
    Lynda H

    I am really loving the bright geometric fabrics, my latest was the pezzy line.

  83. Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts Avatar

    I love, love, love floral fabric, not so much the new stylized versions, more the lovely lush traditional florals! Thanks so much for the chance on this giveaway!

  84. Patti Avatar

    Right now my fabric style is traditional. I really like civil war fabrics and am working on several quilts using these fabrics.

  85. Judy Avatar

    I have several favorites but I would have to say that Batiks are my all time favorite. The colors are so beautiful.

  86. Mary Avatar

    Of course, I love the batiks, but I also like the non-traditional. I do not usually go for the traditional unless there are lots of flowers. I am not a fan of the most modern designs.

  87. Betty Wildeman Avatar
    Betty Wildeman

    My fabric style is 1930’s. I love the bright colors and tiny prints. I make these fabrics into crazy quilts with hand embroidered seams. To my mind the more these quilts are used and washed the lovelier they become.Thanks for hosting the give away.

  88. Shelley Avatar

    I think you could find any of those fabric types in my stash –
    I’m a sucker for batiks but I mix them in with other fabrics all the time. I love many of the modern designers because of the clear, uplifting colors they use. In the end I think that is what grabs me first – the color not the style.

  89. Bergere Avatar

    My style right now is try something different …making myself look at different styles and color combinations, different hues, shades, tones etc. Really a steep learning curve to understand how color combination works. Lusting after every grey and yellow quilt I see right now though! Thank you for a great post and a lovely giveaway offering.

  90. Judith Avatar

    I love the classic Contemporary style, especially FreshCut by Heather Bailey. That collection was one of the first that I started sewing with and I am thrilled that it has been re-released.

  91. moose Avatar

    I love the Kona solids when they’re in a monotone palette like that. So pretty!

  92. Linda Avatar


  93. Fiona Gregory Avatar
    Fiona Gregory

    I can’t say that I have a favourite fabric ‘style’, I tend to like a particular designer and collect them. I am loving all things Denyse Schmidt right now but have collected Heather Ross, Annela Hooey and Dr Seuss prints.

  94. Leslie Avatar

    I would have to say my favorite would be country. I’m a “muddy” kind of gal. Even my house colors are “muddy”, I’ll paint burgundy/wine, but never purple or red! The modern florals are starting to grow on me, I think that happened when they introduced colors other than pink and chocolate. I’ll eat chocolate, but not decorate with it!
    I do love the brightness of batiks, and am collecting them, but I’m overwhelmed at the lqs with too large of a selection.

  95. Chelley Black Avatar
    Chelley Black

    I’m a contemporary girl!

  96. Michelle Olsen Avatar

    My favorites are moderns & batiks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  97. Kelly Wenhold Avatar
    Kelly Wenhold

    I love the 30’s fabrics but I also like using funky fabrics. For example at the last quilt show I attended I came home with bright yellow fabric with happy toasters on it. I was calling my name!

  98. Kathy MacKie Avatar
    Kathy MacKie

    These days I lean toward the Contemporary fabrics. But I’m not such a fabric snob that I would pass up on anything given to me for sure.

  99. SueAnn W from Richmond Avatar
    SueAnn W from Richmond

    I am going to say that I like the country style best BUT I also love solids and holiday fabric……..I often go with whichever fabric is calling my name at the time I have an opportunity to “handle” it!

  100. Danielle Avatar

    Really like modern/contemporary right now and solids, love solids!

  101. Janice Avatar

    Oh I definitely love civil war and the 30’s. But i love whimsical holiday, reds, whites……………………..

  102. Sallie Avatar

    Contemporary. Thanks for the giveaway!

  103. Kristen Avatar

    Right now I love the 30’s fabrics….course it might have something to do with the fact that I am doing a block a day with 30’s fabrics. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think they are so colorful and cheery…thay can make my mood happy any day, and they remind me of a time gone by that I wasn’t fortunate enough to be around for! Thanks for the chance to win.

  104. Betsy Lynn Avatar

    What a fantastic article Pat! Eh, Michele?!
    I love, love, love the 30’s prints.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

  105. Janice M Avatar
    Janice M

    I love them all. I really am more of a traditional quilter, but I love the modern prints and color combinations like citron and gray. I am currently making an orange and white quilt in a traditional pattern. It will have an orange and turquoise fabric on the back.

  106. Sher S. Avatar
    Sher S.

    My favorite fabric style is really two, I love batiks and oriental fabrics they just seem to go together. They make me feel very creative.

  107. Natalya H Avatar
    Natalya H

    I love traditional fabrics, but always throw in some contemporary fabrics. Colors and patterns that Fig Tree comes out with has lately drawn me but batiks as well.

  108. Veronica Avatar

    I like modern fabrics. I’m currently making a quilt with Sophie by Moda and I love it!

  109. Carmen Wyant Avatar
    Carmen Wyant

    Modern is my favorite followed closely by Batiks. The absolute only one I really cannot stand is anything Civil War-they just do nothing at all for me. That being said, I am working on a huge log cabin quilt done with browns, reddish browns, blacks, muddy greens & ecrus right now. It is from a retreat I went to last year. I would have picked none of these fabrics for myself, but when it is finished & quilted it is going to be gorgeous and it is going on my bed.

  110. CathyH Avatar

    I’m LOVE batiks!! Thanks for the give-away!

  111. Karen McCaffrey Avatar
    Karen McCaffrey

    I enjoy sewing with anything batik. They are so easy to work with and I love the intricacy of the designs.

  112. Wanda Avatar

    I have to say I am eclectic as I love many of the fabrics and it depends on my mood. I have quilts of all different colors and patterns, so have to say I do not fit into one box.

  113. Jane Avatar

    Oh its tricky – but I am predominantly drawn to the modern/contemporary prints – especially brights and love the modern more abstract quilts – I will make one one day soon!. I do have a hankering for some of the 1930’s reproduction prints though……

  114. Margaret Avatar

    I really like civil war fabrics, 30’s, dots, wild prints and everything else. I’m a fabriholic – I can’t help it. Maybe I should go to a FA meeting

  115. Cheryl Avatar

    Contemporary Style is me. In fact, I’m just about to order some fabrics from the Summer House collection by Lily Ashbury from Fat Quarter Shop.

  116. Pat Hersl Avatar
    Pat Hersl

    Traditional always catches my eye. Yet every once in a while I mst have a large floral and something happy. Still, I think that might enter into the traditional category.

  117. Kathy Howard Avatar
    Kathy Howard

    I guess I’m an old fashion quilter. I like calico very much. My stash is mostly made up of what ever others didn’t want anymore, so it is very much a mix. What I would like more of are batiks.

  118. Deborah Avatar

    Batiks! Batiks! Batiks!
    But then there is always 1930’s, novelty, solids….:o)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. Debra Avatar

    i always like the solids. i always think if i have the solids i can always miss and match with other styles

  120. Judith Avatar

    I love solids and tend to incorporate them with all the different style fabrics. They make the traditional fabrics look less fussy, and they provide a calm counterpoint for the more exuberant modern fabrics.

  121. Yvonne B Avatar
    Yvonne B

    I lean toward traditional but every so often a big floral print or a 30s fabric catches my eye. And while I haven’t worked with batiks too much yet some of them really take my breath away.

  122. MarciaW Avatar

    Contemporary is what I usually gravitate towards yet also like some of the others too: solids, Asian, batiks and traditional Civil War. Good Fortune would be a nice bundle from the FQS! Thanks for the informative post on fabric styles.

  123. Lynne in Hawaii Avatar
    Lynne in Hawaii

    I love batiks! I also love working with smaller scale fabric designs. (I have never purchased anything with a large scale). I do like bright color a lot!

  124. Christine M Avatar

    I love all sorts of fabric styles – civil war, shabby chic, pretty, whimsical!

  125. Mary Kastner Avatar
    Mary Kastner

    I love Civil War reproduction fabrics and anything French General.

  126. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I love the new modern type fabrics but lean more to using civil war and 1930 repo fabrics. Lately I have been collecting solids and batiks.

    This is a very informative article, it explained some question I had about the different labels people call things. It also showed great examples of the beautiful fabric to buy.

    Thanks for the giveaway Lisa http://www.intheboondocks.blogspot.com

  127. Jeanne Avatar

    I like shabby chic, classic contemporary, batiks, florals. I like most all fabric.

  128. Pamela Avatar

    I love what I call romantic florals – anything french inspired and soft pastels…. but those contemporary asians make my day as well!

  129. Melissa Avatar

    I love Modern and Contemporary fabrics. When I first started quilting 10 years ago it was mostly calicos and reproductions that were out there but now the breadth of the selection is amazing! I love cruising Fat Quarter Shops website and getting lost for hours. Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. Richard Healey Avatar

    Contemporary is probably what I like the best but I don’t make quilts only for me. So I like to do a variety of things. Granted only been quilting 3 months so only have 20 or so quilts made (yes that many for just starting) Most smaller lap or baby quilts. But I like things in almost all styles and I am not afraid to mix and mingle styles.

  131. Ashley Avatar

    I love the modern fabrics with bold color combinations and eye-catching patterns.

  132. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    I’ve made a lot of quilts with Civil War repros, bu am now edging toward more contemporary designs. Kathie L in Allentown

  133. Tina Avatar

    I love all fabric and slowing becoming a fabric hoarder..lol
    But lately, I have been leaning towards the batiks. Thanks for the giveaway Pat and Kim.

  134. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    Contemporary fabrics are my very favorites! thanx for the info!

  135. Kristy QP Avatar
    Kristy QP

    This was an interesting read! I’ve heard talk about different styles of fabric but didn’t know much about them (Ie “repro” prints were a mystery to me – I get it now!)

    I’m definitely a not-traditional contemporary fabric kind of girl. Thanks for the giveaway!

  136. Gunilla Avatar

    Thanks for a great article on fabric! I guess I like the modern style, but being brought up in Sweden, the Ikea aesthetics is something that has grown on me! But I also like denyse Schmidt, a bit oldfashioned, but with a modern feeling! Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  137. Paula Avatar

    I love love love bright modern ‘happy’ fabrics. I love everything by Heather Bailey, Amy Butler etc. But I like to use them in really traditional ways. I love traditional blocks done in modern funky fabrics! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for this series, it makes me happy to see such passion for our industry!
    Hugs Paula

  138. Mitts Avatar

    I am a traditional pattern lover with all of its variations, but gravitate to small calico type prints which seem to work best for me, when faced with large scale patterns I tend not to grasp just how I want to cut into it, so end up reverting to the smaller prints.

    Civil War repo’s are my ultimate favorite seconded by french toille prints which is about the largest type of print I can deal with. Love the article posted today and being a woman I am always susceptible to changing my mind when something wonderful catches my eye so modern whimsical can always capture me too. LOL

  139. Linda P Avatar
    Linda P

    I’m finding it very hard to choose these days. I must be going thru transition – do other people do that?? The Americana feel of the Minnick & Simpson fabrics, I love, as the Civil Wars and they all fit in with the antiques that I love. However, I lately I’ve been drawn to the more modern feels of Cosmo Cricket. I’m even feeling the draw of batiks, where I didn’t use to – they feel beachy yet can be used in the country and forrest feel. Maybe call me fickle, or just a lover of all fabrics – there is something for whatever we choose to create.

  140. Lenna Green Avatar

    I love antique florals with a few spots and stripes as well

  141. Barb in MI Avatar

    What a loaded question: I really like modern & contemporary fabrics, and am lately adding some solids to the mix. Always looking for guy-proven fabrics, be it novelty fabrics, or patriotic (non-flower) fabrics.
    Thanks so much for this generous giveaway!

  142. Linda Dutcher Avatar
    Linda Dutcher

    I typically use very traditional prints. However I also love 30’s prints and am getting started on building a small stash of Civil War prints. I think it’s safe to say that I like almost any type. If it’s fabric, I can think of something to do with it.

  143. Debbie B Sam Avatar
    Debbie B Sam

    I know I answered this earlier –

    Anything that isn’t traditional – that’s for me!

  144. De Avatar

    I guess mostly I’m non-tradiional…I really love so many of the fabrics! It’s hard to pick just one!!

  145. Vicki Avatar

    Contemporary! Fresh Modern clean fabrics! Love the post!

  146. Debbie Constable Avatar
    Debbie Constable

    I love 100% cotton! I really love the Peace, Love, and Rock & Roll themed fabric above! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  147. Carol Avatar

    My fabric style Eclectic! It’s rare that I find a fabric that I do not like. ๐Ÿ™‚

  148. Brenda Avatar

    I think I lean more toward the traditional in fabric. It fits my taste and preference though I am learning to like the modern style in fabric.

  149. Janis Avatar

    I have to say I find the Civil War fabrics beautiful. The muted color palette and richly patterned designs have an endless appeal to me.

  150. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    I have a bit of everything in my stash, from repros to batiks to contemporary. I love variety, in my quilts.

  151. Barbie Kanta Avatar
    Barbie Kanta

    I love texture! I love movement! I love when the fabric does the work for me, or appears to. I am drawn to texture in fabric and when light seems to be glowing in the pattern of the fabric. After that I have to admit I am a sucker for novelty prints… going through my stash just yesterday I discovered a fat quarter of 1950’s TV’s, TV dinners, etc…awesome!
    Bottom line, I love fabric that moves me, quite frankly…that makes me drool!

  152. Charity McAllister Avatar
    Charity McAllister

    I love 1930’s and batiks and red+aqua and civil war and retro and………………………….

  153. Lynn Avatar

    I used to be soooooo traditional (growing up in New England will do that to you – ayuh) and then I moved to the south and the brights and tropical colors just grabbed me, yet I’m also so very fond of black and whites…I’m an odd eclectic mix of a quilter…and for the moment, have to go with Contemporary – give me bold untraditional prints baby!

  154. joan Avatar

    I have to admit to being a traditionalist although you’re starting to sway me toward those beautiful modern florals.

  155. Paula Z Avatar

    I love, or my husband would, Candid Paparazzi from Red Rooster. He loves blacks and reds and you have to throw in the white to balance. A nice summer quilt would be in his future if I won this… I love these give-aways and appreciate the hard work y’all put in !!!

    Thanks and I’m crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms (right after I finish typing this…lol) and hoping I win this!

  156. Tina Michalik Avatar

    I love contemporary fabrics and solids!

  157. Debbie Guidi Avatar

    I love reproduction from late 1700’s through depresseion era 1930’s. But I also love the beautiful florals of today, esp. roses. And Bali’s, tone-on-tone, oh so many fabrics, so little time.

  158. Kay Avatar

    I love batiks, but I have to say that my favorite “style” is country and maybe what I would call “modern country.” I think there are a lot of warm, soft, cozy fabrics that say “country” but are not limited by an older style. I think of Holly Taylor and Deb Strain for some of these.

  159. Marge L. Avatar
    Marge L.

    Altho’ there are many colorful calicoes that i like I really love batiks for backings & I’m also into really colorful right colors of practically any modern print.

    I think that a quilt should be a “riot of colors.”

  160. Karen O'Connell Avatar
    Karen O’Connell

    I have always been a traditionalist in fabric choices and designs. However, lately there are so many bright, bold, delicious colors (especially with a black background), that I find myself gravitating toward them, yet I still prefer the traditional quilt patterns.

  161. hm Avatar

    My favorites are the civil war fabrics… especially the eggplant/purples and blues!
    next I like the 1930 reproductions!

  162. Kristina Maitland Avatar
    Kristina Maitland

    Although I use many different styles of fabrics when I make quilts, my favorites will always be traditional. I absolutely love 1930’s &I Civil War reproductions the most.

  163. Susette Avatar

    If I had to choose, I’d say Asian and batik with some other types of kawaii/novelty fabrics…

  164. Colleen Avatar

    I absolutely love seasonals…namely Christmas! I could make Christmas quilts all year long! I find I have to give them away as I have so many.

  165. Linda Sandusky Avatar
    Linda Sandusky

    The fabrics that always speak to me are ones with vintage roses in soft pinks and greens…just can’t resist them!!

  166. Mariah Bath Avatar
    Mariah Bath

    My current favorites are the Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler collections, but I have an ongoing love affair with Batiks and some Asian inspired fabrics (especially if they have that vintage feel). But, like most quilters, I just LOVE fabric!In past years I have made quilts using Civil War reproductions, as well as depression era prints and I really appreciate the classic black and whites to mix with it all….

  167. Debra George Avatar
    Debra George

    Modern is definitely my thing at the moment. Bright, vibrant colors and bold shapes just make my fingers sing when I’m sewing. The result is definitely NOT my mother’s quilts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  168. Cathy B Avatar
    Cathy B

    I am more of a traditional quilter an d’i love the civil war fabrics.

  169. Holly Fitzpatrick Avatar
    Holly Fitzpatrick

    I am tending towards ‘contemporary’ prints that have a sixties type feel.

  170. Ellen M. Avatar
    Ellen M.

    My favorite is definitely modern style – I love Hello Pilgrim! Thanks for the chance to win!

  171. Carole Sullivan Avatar
    Carole Sullivan

    well, who am I to turn something down? TRADITIONAL all the way with me–i LOVE them all! I do have some contemporary kits and to be honest, I may never make them up! and right now I am working a Judy Neimeyer which is TOTALLY out of my comfort zone–I just cant seem to work batiks (which I am increasing fond of) in to traditional designs! ๐Ÿ™‚ ..and I do love them…and I have made an art quilt and the list goes on….mostly whatever appeals to me –traditionally speaking ๐Ÿ™‚ *~*CAROLE*~*

  172. Aunt Marti Avatar

    Guess I’m a “not traditional.” altho I call them “modern prints.” I have a lot of Amy Butler, Heather Bailey and Kate Spain. But I also have an *extensive* collection of 30s repros!

  173. Patricia A Tate Avatar
    Patricia A Tate

    Oh thank you and fat quarter products are some of my favorite they go with so many quilt blocks. I think I would choose batik and I like that paprazzi set. Thank you for the chance.

  174. miss jamee Avatar
    miss jamee

    i have developed an obsession with bright, modern, happy. The QUITE CONTRARY fq pack has been at the top of my wish list for quite a while! Thank you for the chance to win!

  175. Kathleen Kirby Avatar
    Kathleen Kirby

    I have an obsession with fabric, in general. I like the way it feels. I like the look of it folded neatly on my shelves, all the different colors seperated, but blending so beautifully. Reproductions have been a long favorite (Rothermel/Morton), because I am so fond of the older, more primitive look. Homespuns fit in well to the older look.
    But, close behind would be what I consider “whimsicals”. Adventures With Alice and Shasta are good examples of my idea of “whimsical”, along with so very many of the children’s flannels. I’m not a contemporary kind of sewer at all, although I do very much like Baily and Butler’s fabric lines. (Just not for me ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been known to just tea dye a fabric or finished project if it doesn’t suit my style…….

  176. Bonita Reveles Avatar
    Bonita Reveles

    Fabrics, I love fabrics!… My favorites are Batiks, nature, black and whites, greens, earth tones, jewel tones, and lots of others.

  177. Anda Avatar

    I am partial to civil war prints!

  178. Judy Avatar

    My house is decorated traditional but looking at the fabrics I reallyl love the bright colors of the contemporary line. The seasonal lines, especially Christmas also pull at my heartstrings! Thanks for the chance!

  179. Jenny graham Avatar

    My favorite colors are pink and purple, but I do love anything bright and cheery, like Kaffe Fassett fabrics

  180. Shelly Pagliai Avatar

    I don’t have a favorite style. I love ALL fabric of any kind. My color preferences change every so often, altho RED is always my favorite no matter what else . . .

  181. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    My 1st choice in fabric is Traditional followed by Seasonal, followed by retro, followed by Modern,followed by Batiks. I have faced the fact that I just love fabric!

  182. Tamra Wells Avatar
    Tamra Wells

    I like country and patriotic and greens and florals – wherever they fall.

  183. Cherilyn Avatar

    That was a great discussion about different fabric styles. I think mine have changed over time but right now I love 30’s prints. I also really like classic contemporary.

  184. Judy in Idaho Avatar
    Judy in Idaho

    Boy this IS a hard question in this day and age!
    I have been a mostly traditional lover like repro’s and the
    ever so sweet 30’s. The beautiful contemporary florals are really jumping at me nowdays. These would have to
    be my choice… “at this time!!!”……:)….

  185. LeAnn Avatar

    I really love all fabric, but I would have to say that my favorite right now is 30″s prints. I can’t seem to get enough of them. Everytime I think I have enough variety I find some different ones. Thanks for the contest.

  186. Maryellen M Avatar
    Maryellen M

    I’m a traditional floral kind of girl!! I love flowers!! I love blending batiks with my prints, too. I also enjoy Civil War and 30’s prints, too, because they can be so much fun! Great post!! Thanks for the info.

  187. Jeanne Jones Avatar
    Jeanne Jones

    I love 30’s Reproductions and Civil War Repros.

  188. Laurie Sanders Avatar
    Laurie Sanders

    wow – how to pick just one? I think it depends on my mood at the time. I love the look of Fig Tree and 3 Sisters, OR anything Batik, OR 30’s, OR Kansas Troubles — oh heck, you see my point! Thanks so much for the chance to win ๐Ÿ™‚

  189. Terry Holland Avatar
    Terry Holland

    Do we Really only pick one?? Well, I guess it would
    have to be something like Basic Grey. But I also
    love Batiks, and 30s.

    I better stop.

  190. Mary Avatar

    It’s hard to pick just one. Three months ago I would say I’m more of a traditionalist but then my niece picked out a very modern large print fabric for a quilt and I’m really enjoying working with it. It’s very much in the Citron Gray colors. So who knows what tomorrow will bring but Bring It On Baby!

  191. sheri levesque Avatar
    sheri levesque

    I like it all ..love to shop.. but my favorites are designed by Sweetwater or American Jane and Joanna Fig..

  192. Karen Em K Avatar
    Karen Em K

    If it catches my eye, I’m inclined to go home with it, what catches my eye 95% of the time is batiks or Kaffe Fasset. Batiks never cease to amaze me with their versitility, I rarely complete a quilt without using a batik in it somewhere. Color (I LOVE brights and deep saturated tones), patterns that command attention. Modern, bold, and frequently in your face. But maybe I’m peculiar in this? I will not buy a fabric if it does not FEEL good, too – I have passed on many a fabric that just felt ‘wrong’, despite a great design.

  193. Brandy Maslowski Avatar

    As mad as I’ve become over batiks, I tend to dye, paint and create my own fabrics. But when it comes to a style choice for commercial designs I can’t keep my eyes off the 30s fabrics. I love making jean backed beach quilts with a vintage flair. Great contest Pat! An easy read with lots of eye candy.

  194. Stella Liwanpo Avatar
    Stella Liwanpo

    Asian inspired fabrics from Kona Bay, contemporary from Amy Butler, Kaffe Fassett, Michael Miller, anything black and white. Just had a granddaughter and her room is decorated in grey and yellow, like Citron Gray. Great colour combo! Would love to win a fat quarter bundle featuring these colours!

  195. Barb Johnson Avatar
    Barb Johnson

    I think that my favorite quilt style varies with the season! Right now, I am into brights, because it has been so grey and dreary this winter. 30s are a perennial favorite of mine, because I feel that I don’t have to worry about matching – they automatically look good together!

  196. Cecilia Avatar

    My favorite would have to be 1930s, but I also love some of the modern collections. Thank you for your article, I learned some new interesting facts about the different styles of fabric.

  197. Vicki Avatar

    I love modern prints & batiks! I love Alice Kennedy prints like Taxi and Lemon Grove!

  198. Arlene Avatar

    My favorite style is “try something new, expand your horizons”. There’s more adventure and joy in that for me.

  199. Lexie Avatar

    I love all fabric! A bit of everything in my stash, but I find that I’m always a sucker for Calico!

  200. Heather Avatar

    Definitely contemporary! The more modern the better, though Asian prints are also appealing.

  201. patty Avatar

    Mine is comtemporary!! I just bought Hello Luscious…now to get busy and make something.

  202. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    I don’t have a defined “style” because I LOVE everybody’s scraps! Novelty fabrics tend to grab my attention and then I work the scraps around them. Some of my quilts are “planned and coordinated” scrap quilts and some are random-anything goes. Interesting how all the fabrics play together so well!

  203. Debbie Gallett Avatar
    Debbie Gallett

    I can’t choose. I sort of let the quilt dictate the fabrics. I love a cozy homespun look in a prim quilt, and novelties for baby quilts. I am using civil war types for my Farmers Wife quilt. I also did a lovely wall hanging with batiks. I haven’t used much modern type fabrics yet but I bought some and am just trying to figure out the right pattern for them. Fun topic.

  204. Ella Avatar

    I’d say I’m not traditional. I also LOVE solids and batiks.

  205. Sharon Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Griffith

    Well Pat I have to tell you that I love Jan Patek, Sue Spargo, Jo Morton they are my traditional types of fabrics and prints but here in the last year or so I can see some lovely Batiks, and Amy butlers and even Pat Sloans fabrics ringing in my ears so I am saying that I am and probably always will be a fabriholic for all types of Fabric. I am not into too much solids though I like movement and bright colors at the moment. See I cannot say because I like them all….

  206. Kaye McArthur Avatar
    Kaye McArthur

    I absolutely love all country fabric from Kansas Troubles to Thimbleberries and back. Every quilt I’ve made with these “gray” tones has been wonderful – and I’ve made a lot of them! The best part is having scraps that beautifully coordinate for little quilts and table toppers.

  207. Janet Avatar

    I love “modern” fabrics but don’t find them really easy to find great patterns for. Traditional fabrics, tone on tone and those types of fabrics are often my choices.

  208. Deb Avatar

    I love the non traditional fabrics…the modern fabrics that are nothing like the fabrics of days gone past. I seem to be attracted to blues and purples, but I adore the citron gray series by Michael Miller.

  209. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    I like the modern fabrics. ๐Ÿ™‚

  210. Sue Preece Avatar
    Sue Preece

    I love bold bright colours, particular in the jewel colours but I tend to make quilts to suit who will be the eventual recipient. Sometimes batiks, sometimes Asian fabrics, all sorts really (except for country style and the 30’s prints, they don’t really appeal to me! Thanks for the opportunity!

  211. addibrae Avatar

    I tend to prefer modern fabric styles.

  212. Cindy Neidt Avatar
    Cindy Neidt

    I am a modern girl with a strong proclivity to blue and purple colors. Love those jewel tones.

  213. Lynne Avatar

    I like them all – depending on my mood, where the quilt will live and who it is for… I am using a French General range in my current project and I am cutting batiks for the next one!

  214. jeanine schittini Avatar
    jeanine schittini

    I love them all ! I am attracted by the colors used in the prints.

  215. Suz Avatar

    Definitely modern- leaning towards distinctive prints like ECHO!

  216. Paula Rosebeck Avatar
    Paula Rosebeck

    I am definitely a Traditional kind of girl……but really love all fabric styles!

  217. Tartankiwi Avatar

    Definitely modern and solids. Loving Aqua, tangerine and coal in combination at the moment!

  218. Wendy B Avatar

    My favourite style changes with the type of quilt I make….I tended to start out fairly country styled but I’ve moved on and a-d-o-r-e Kate Spain’s Good Fortune….there was a time I’d NEVER use orange or purple…..now, there’s no stopping me!!!!! I still have a soft spot for Country though……must be the farm girl in me!!!

  219. Janice Avatar

    I love them all! I am especially drawn to the traditional, country and 30’s reproduction prints, but the modern prints and solids are fun too! Thanks for the lesson!

  220. Terry Avatar

    I can see the appeal of most fabrics. I do love pastels and ‘spring’ colors, although have been using some fun bright fabrics lately. Heather Bailey’s Fresh Cuts is beautiful….

  221. Sue Graham Avatar
    Sue Graham

    My favorite fabric style is always the one I’m using at the moment. Right now it’s reds from my stash and white — for my red & white pineapple quilt!!

  222. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    I am drawn to contemporary styles of fabric – thanks!!

  223. Tiffanee Noack Avatar

    Well Pat…since I work (volunteer) in a quilt shop (spend more than I make!) its so hard because of ALL the fabric my shop carries, but I guess I would have to say more of the modern lines or non traditional lines like Citron by Michael Miller or Kate Spain’s Terrain.. Lots of big funky patterns with bold colors! I also love the seasonal with a special love for the Halloween prints!! But overall I love them all!!

  224. Lorraine Avatar

    I tend to lean toward Civil War OR Jo Morton fabric lines.

  225. Tiffany Avatar

    I like non traditional – modern fabrics. I really liked the good fortune you had featured.

  226. lisa m Avatar
    lisa m

    That’s easy, I started quilting in order to finish a feedsack top that had been saved and handed down, so I’d have to say 30’s reproductions. But I’m inching toward the moderns too,and itching to try a “rainbow” quilt top.

  227. Betty Avatar

    Right now my fabric fav’s are red, white and blue. But that will change to whatever hits my fancy. Prior to the current patriotic fabrics I was into novelty – cats.

  228. Kris Jarchow Avatar
    Kris Jarchow

    I think I am just starting to find myself. I like some older fabrics but mixed with new bigger bolder prints and solids. I am gravitating towards grays and other colors like tangerine and aqua/turquoise right now but I love blacks and whites and nature greens and browns. Oh I guess I have not found myself yet. I need more fabric to narrow it all down. ๐Ÿ™‚

  229. Dana Gaffney Avatar
    Dana Gaffney

    I love all of the contemporary fabric you have pictured. I like the prints on the fabric, but I think the real attraction for me is the color. I’ve never liked the more traditional darks. I have exactly one brown fabric in my stash and I don’t know where it came from.

  230. Lori Kay Avatar
    Lori Kay

    My favorite fabric style these days is 30s reproductions. I’m in an online swap for half-square triangles made with 30s fabrics and have been daydreaming about the quilt I’m going to make. Thanks for the giveaway!

  231. Sue Avatar

    I don’t think I have a particular style other than certain geometric patterns will catch my eye. The main thing for me when I go for my “Fabric Fix” is color and pattern. I can’t resist a juicy color or an interesting print. I also love a fun novelty fabric. I LOVE FABRIC period. ๐Ÿ™‚

  232. Laurelle Shirley Avatar
    Laurelle Shirley

    Are you kidding me? As a confirmed (and unashamed) fabricaholic, I can say without reserve, “I LOVE FABRIC!!! As a traveling hospice nurse, I quite frequently have groups of my fabric RIDE with me in my car to give me JOY and COMFORT in my work! I find that I am very traditional in my choices of both fabrics and patterns but have been known to use some Amy Butler fabrics. Overall though I LOVE everything MODA!!!

  233. Helle Avatar

    It keeps changing, but right now I always look for 1930s fabric. Thanks for the chance!

  234. annmarie Avatar

    It’s easier to tell you the styles that are definitely not my favorite – these are traditional, civil war, 30’s, americana & courntry! So I guess the Not Traditional style would be my favorite although there is so much variety there I’d have to still pick & choose! BUT if Batiks are a style, it wins hands down!!! I love my batiks & yes my stash is full of them! Great questions & great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win a bundle!

  235. Nancy B Avatar
    Nancy B

    I love so many of the new fabrics. Right now I’m looking at Good fortune by Kate Spain. I love the combination of all the colors with this group. Thanks for a the chance to win.

  236. Becky Greene Avatar
    Becky Greene

    I would have to say that Modern is my favorite style, but I have a soft spot in my heart for 30’s repros, too. Thanks so much for a fascinating article!!

  237. Karen A Avatar
    Karen A

    I have mostly traditional/civil war in my stash but lately I have been buying( and using up) more of the modern prints.

  238. Karla Avatar

    I am leaning toward loving Modern fabric right now, but generally have a hard time knowing how to use them since my style is more traditional. Color is generally more important to me when buying fabric.

  239. Gene Black Avatar

    I am in the “Not Traditional” camp with a strong leaning toward batiks. That said, there are all kinds of fabric in my stash.

  240. Sharon Avatar

    I guess I am a country girl at heart so I like the Shasta by quilt pach. I also like the 1930’s prints too. I have been working on my stach and doing a lot of scrapy quilts so I realy haven’t bought any material in a while. Good choices to pick from.

  241. Karthy Granquist Avatar
    Karthy Granquist

    I definitely use more batiks and traditional fabric in my quilts.

  242. Marjorie Avatar

    I love all fabrics, but if I have to pick one, I’d say the country color fabrics are my starting place. Then batiks, then look out cash register, here I come with my pile with a little bit of everything!

  243. What Comes Next? Avatar

    I waver – I find I’m repeatedly drawn to the warm country colours -the reds and ivories with some brown in particular – as long as they aren’t muddy. But then I really love some of the modern prints – Hello Luscious for example. Gorgeous! And I’ve got quite a good selection of batiks! So maybe not really any given style, just the individual fabrics.

  244. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    I really like novelty and calicos. You can do so much with any one of the combinations. I don’t usually follow a certain designer, just find things I like, and at least one or two other pieces that will go with it, so the least thing you can make out of it is a table runner, or pillow case. Thanks for the giveaway.

  245. robin Avatar

    I love 30’s fabrics, and anything by Sweetwater, and anything masculine – really loving the new Curious Nature line by Parson Gray. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  246. Rhonda Gillette Avatar

    Beautiful selections but to just pick one of my favorites it would be the Batik bundle Ocean Waves.

  247. Marti Parsons Avatar
    Marti Parsons

    I would have to say Country Cozy but I really also love any Batiks!!!

  248. Kathryn Duke Avatar

    I love bright fabrics and it does not matter what kind..really like greens, yellows and pinks!!
    thanks Pat

  249. Judy Brill Avatar
    Judy Brill

    I love almost any Christmas Fabric. I use to love all the Aunt Gracies but lately have gone toward themed fabrics. I guess it is because my resolution for this year is to get some UFOs done and they happen to be in fall and Christmas themes. I have one Snowman wall hanging UFO that I just completed and a fall table runner that just needs to be bound (no fabric for it yet) and am working on a Christmas table runner.

  250. Kylie C Avatar
    Kylie C

    I’m a long time lover of Batiks but Solids are really growing on me these days- I know they’re kinda the opposite ends of the spectrum but they’re both so much fun!

  251. Joanne Hanson Avatar
    Joanne Hanson

    My favorite fabrics are 1930 reproductions.

  252. Pat V. Avatar
    Pat V.

    Wow! Choose a FQ bundle — a dream come true! I checked my stash to see what type of fabric I seem to buy the most of — and it’s novelty prints! Is that odd?

  253. Gun Adrian Avatar

    Itยดs hard to choose one, hmmm…… OK, now I know! Good Fortune by Kate Spain. I think it is very beautiful. I like the small printed pattern. The colours are light and that is nice, I think.
    Gun, Sweden

  254. Danielle Avatar

    I love Bright Prints, being that I have three boys it’s kind hard to find male prints suitable for toddlers ๐Ÿ™‚

  255. Linda Avatar

    I like traditional and Civil War reproductions. I love calicos, small prints and just love fabric!

  256. KimR Avatar

    Wonderful article! I started quilting about seven years ago….then took a six year hiatus. Grad school, teaching, etc took up any spare time. Now, coming back to it, I was sorting my fat quarters. (I am thankful that is all I bought back then–because most are calicos, “muddy colors” etc….SOOOO not what inspires me now!)

    I am trying to work with them when I can,
    but I really love the 1930’s prints and the more modern designs now. I do think that the several years I have spent scrapbooking have really helped me develop my color sense and risk taking with patterns. It is a lot easier to play with a 12×12 piece of paper. Now, coming back to quilting, I want to translate those designs and color combos into quilts!

  257. jmniffer Avatar

    I’m farily new to quilting and have yet to find A style. I have done a country quilt, a reprodution quilt and am working on a contempoary wall hanging. I’m an equal opportunity quilter! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  258. Kay Avatar

    My favorite is the Candid Paparazzi. What fun this would be to sew. What would I sew???? Exciting thinking about it.

  259. Claire Avatar

    My favorite style? Hard to pick just one but….I DO love the 30s prints. Thanks for a chance to win!

  260. Becky in Georgia Avatar

    It’s so hard to choose just one:) I tend to like rich colors. If I have to choose one category, it would be reproduction. Thanks for this informative article!

  261. Jennie P. Avatar
    Jennie P.

    I really like non-traditional stuff or “other.” I love seasonal stuff and wild colors!

  262. Hueisei Avatar

    I not sure but I loved bright color fabric in 1930’s print.

  263. Debby, Chester NY Avatar
    Debby, Chester NY

    I’d have to say that I like classic contemporary.

    Chester, NY

  264. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I love dots and swirls in bright, clear colors.

  265. Dale Avatar

    Right now I’m loving the ‘Modern Style’. Basic Gray being my favorite. But my tastes change depending on new things I see. Like that board with the ‘Citron Gray’. Two of my favorite colors.

  266. Susan Avatar

    Civil War, hands down! Thanks for the chance to win a fabric bundle.

  267. terre sturtevant Avatar
    terre sturtevant

    I really like the Ocean wave batiks, It reminds me of living in the caribbean. I like the blues and teals in it.

  268. Jennyroo Avatar

    I am definitely drawn to contemporary fabric collections. I love bold bright colours and modern design elements!

  269. Birdena Avatar

    I am not sure I can pick just one sytle. I love novelty prints and seasonal…but I also love country and basic grey. So many choices….not enough time to quilt.

  270. Mhairi Avatar

    I love fabrics with cute designs on them. I love the rockets, robots and fairies. I also love owls, hedgehogs and rabbits.
    Just not in pink!

  271. Linda V Avatar

    One style? If I had to pick one, it would be Civil war prints. Thanks!

  272. Jennie T. Avatar

    I’m not sure what my style is. I like bright prints, but with a vintage feel, like Lori Holt’s Sew Cherry or Pam Kitty Morning. That’s what I find myself reaching for again and again.

  273. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I have a lot of batiks in my collection but I also have seasonal fabrics and speciality fabrics like stars and sunflowers. I have some 30’s fabrics and lots of florals . What I don’t have are much civil war fabrics – I love color and textured design so I also do not have much solid fabric. It is just not my style…
    I have quilted steadily for the past 15 years so my stash has continued to grow. My tastes have changed some but I still love color, tone on tone fabrics for background neutrals and dark rather than light backgrounds. Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway and participating in the bloghop. Thanks to the fat quartershop for their generous giveaway prize.
    Regards from western Canada,

  274. Kate Brown Avatar

    Laurel Burch style… bright,bold.whimsical and Twirl by Me and my sisters. Not sure what catagory they are in but I love them!

  275. Susan Entwistle Avatar

    My favorite fabric style is currently Modern. So many great lines available, it’s hard to choose…and the colors being used now are fabulous.

  276. mo Avatar

    I don’t know how to categorize it, but I love color. Bright, saturated, riotous color. In my house I use it straight, in my quilts I often tone it down with neutrals.

  277. Debra Lee Avatar
    Debra Lee

    I’m a modern style kind of gal!

  278. Lucija Avatar

    WOW, Civil War is beautiful!

  279. diane Avatar

    I’m definitely a modern/contemporary kind of girl, although I do love the 1930’s reproduction fabrics and some country styles too! I’m loving the new Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket line–that’s the bundle I’d choose!

  280. KrisD Avatar

    That’s a tough choice to narrow my fabric choices down to one but I’m a big fan of civil war fabrics. And I love 30s, and I love the bright colors that seem to be so popular now. I recently discovered Dandelion Daydream II and fell in LOVE! I’m making two baby quilts out of the line for my two granddaughters born 2 days apart in October. Can’t wait to get them completed.

    And how FUN it would be to choose ANY fat quarter bundle from Fat Quarter Shop? I just love the site and go window shopping frequently.

  281. Katherine Avatar

    Hmm. I have to say my taste runs more to contemporary/modern. If it has bright colors and bold prints, I’m in.

  282. Carol Avatar

    Love the 1930’s repo.

  283. sue mcmillan Avatar
    sue mcmillan

    Just can’t resist novelty prints – maybe I’m just a great big kid still!!

  284. Avis Avatar

    If I had to choose a favourite fabric it would probably be bold, bright and beautiful. I like to mix large prints with bright or light solid colours. Maybe, it is time to experiment next time ๐Ÿ™‚

  285. Kerri Clay Avatar

    I tend to gravitate to non-traditional and retro prints, like the Fresh Cuts, but I love bright colors (reds, yellows, turquoise, etc). Thanks for a chance at this awesome giveaway! Have a great day and a happy heart! ๐Ÿ™‚

  286. quilterbell Avatar

    I love modern fabrics in partiicular, but I use a bit of everything, just love fabrics in general!!!!. Thanks for the chance!

  287. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    I love the batik’s — Thanks

  288. Binks Avatar

    Aww man, I pretty new to the quilting and fabric world. I don’t really know if I have a style yet, but I’m definitely non-traditional. I guess I’m more on the side of whimsical modern.

  289. Bev C Avatar

    I love all fabric, especially floral ones with roses.
    Happy days.

  290. Marissa Avatar

    I loved the christmas fabric! Realy love it!

  291. Renee Avatar

    This is the hardest thing for me because I love all colors and styles…but the one that I really really liked was the Candid Paparazzi….

  292. cheryl Avatar

    I seem to have a little bit of everything in my stash- but right now I am very into the modern quilts and fabrics!

  293. Dia Avatar

    I love reproductions, but lately I’m drawn to red-black-whites, so I love ‘candid paparazzi’.
    Thank you for organising the blog hop and this fabulous chance to win some great fabrics.

  294. Rhonda Phillips Avatar

    I guess it would have to be comtemporary since I have been drooling over the Papparazzi line since I first saw it a few weeks ago.

  295. Michelle Harrison Avatar

    NON TRADITIONAL. My style is ANYthing batik followed by BRIGHT plaids, bold ginghams, tiny and huge, DOTS DOTS DOTS, most orange or turquoise, 40’s and 50’s retro and then, almost anything especially if it is high quality fabric and definitely if it is on sale!

    Does that mean my style is eclectic?

  296. Patty Avatar

    It’s hard for me to say what is my favorite I have very eclectic taste. I love color so many of the modern lines are right up my alley but I also love the country feel. I make quite a few baby quilts do novelty prints and my two current obsession are Halloween and Christmas. Oh and solids can’t forget those!

  297. sharon Avatar

    My fabric style changes with the wind. It seems to change with the project I’m on. I always pick what catches my eye.

  298. Loretta Avatar

    It varies a lot, especially with the seasons, for example in the fall I tend to go traditional and kind of old fashioned, but in spring I really like the bright modern/contemporary trends, like Kate Spain’s FQ shown. I am also digging the new solid trends.

  299. KT Avatar

    I love 30’s prints, maybe because the first quilt I fell in love with was from the 30’s–a sunbonnet sue made for my mom. Thanks for the overview on styles!

  300. Beth Avatar

    I switch around alot, but I tend towards the classic contemporary. Depends who I am sewing for I guess!

  301. Lorna Avatar

    Pat…. because I make give-away quilts and base the quilt fabrics on the personality of the person who is receiving the quilt, my fabric style is eclectic. Thanks for this great Give away!

  302. Lorri Avatar

    I too, have a bit of everything, but it leans toward the fresh cuts and the bright and bold, like Deja Vu from Benartex. Thank you for the giveaway.

  303. Grace Avatar

    I don’t know if I woud call it style, but rather my “likes” have changed over time. Like you, I started with calico’s too, but my favorites have changed. The 30′, the Asian inspired fabrics that are so beautiful that thye can be framed just the way they are, always patriotic fabrics, always Christmas fabrics (and Fall seasonal too). I love the beach and lighthouses too. Most recently, it’s been batiks, and the more modern designers with the big designs and splashes of color – wonderful!

  304. Linda at Roscoe's Ma Avatar

    My style varies from quilt to quilt. I want to try them all out…maybe not Civil War…but I love modern, and traditional, and 30’s prints, and the Aboriginals, and novelties for I Spy’s. I am fairly eclectic.

  305. land Avatar

    I love them all and must have them:)
    my favorites are the hoffman batiks but I do like those grey and yellows

  306. Kathe Avatar

    My favorite – all and everything. It seems that my tastes change – isn’t life just grand! Thanks.

  307. Dolores Avatar

    Personally, I like fabrics that read as solids. At the moment I am loving gray and taupe shades such as Bark Curious Nature but I also fell for those Ocean Waves Batiks.

  308. Leanne Avatar

    It seems I am a traditional girl at heart. I do enjoy patterns of all kinds but I get most excited about good old faschion traditional. I do appreciated all the wonderful work from the 30’s.

  309. Cindy Avatar

    My favorite fabric style is scrappy. I buy them all and mix and match them.

  310. Cal Avatar

    I definitely tend to go for contemporary fabric lines, especially novelties, I am a sucker for them! I seem to graviate towards Robert Kaufman fabrics a lot, as he tends to use bold colors, which I am also partial to.

  311. lee Avatar

    I am pretty traditional. But I do love the new modern twists on the traditional patterns. thanks!

  312. JudyCnNC Avatar

    Contemporary I think – or maybe I should say – anything by Kate Spain. Her fabrics speaks to me in a big way. Judy C

  313. Amy C Avatar

    I only began quilting in 2009 and have made 7 quilts (and a bunch of sewn objects/items) so I think I am still ifnding my true style, but I do gravitate towards the more modern, improv style quilts. I think this stems from my Fine Art background. Thanks for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  314. bea Lee Avatar

    I love bright colors, anything new and modern too.

  315. JudyCnNC Avatar

    I hope this is where Jolly Jabber said to post the green selection. Green Tea Tonga Treat Strips
    Timeless Treasures Fabrics is so terrific. JC

  316. carol broughton Avatar
    carol broughton

    I like traditional patterns with a modern twist, I like to take a pattern and make a couple of changes to make it unique. I love your enthusiasm and admire your energy!

  317. Seeks Avatar

    I have to say I think I fall more in the Kawaii category-super cute prints of things as random as little mushrooms or little trucks or fairy tale characters. I suppose the Alice in Wonderland bundle you mentioned is the closest to that. Thanks for the giveaway!

  318. Sally Avatar

    My fabric stash has both contemporary and traditional. If I am making the quilt for someone else I choose something that they would like regardless of my preference.

  319. Michelle Avatar

    My style leans more toward traditional, but that doesn’t mean I wont ever use modern fabric if I had the chance.

  320. Mary Tague Avatar
    Mary Tague

    I’m changing! My long time favorite has been Civil War and other ‘traditional’ fabrics. However, I have my first grand-baby on the way, so the more modern fabrics designed for babies and baby ensembles are becoming very intriguing to me.

    Thank you!

    Mary T

  321. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    My style is traditional with a contemporary twist. Thanks for the chance to win.

  322. lynn Avatar

    i think i’d call it vintage modern…

  323. Liz Avatar

    As my fabric stash shows, I love ALL fabric styles. But my current favorite is the moderns. I love the bold color combinations.

  324. Carolyn Briese Avatar
    Carolyn Briese

    I like many styles – but overall I like the outdoors – trees, greenery, forest animals. It seems that every quilt has some type of green in it.

  325. jill redding Avatar
    jill redding

    I would say my style is contemporary but I have worked with all of the styles and I am one of those people who will mix them all up. i started out with so many novelties then I scaled back but recently I have been back into the novelties. i love all of the japanese prints and have been using prints with text. Thanks for the chance to win!

  326. Cynthia Avatar

    I think my overall style is a mishmash of everything, but I lean heavily towards modern & contemporary, using bold simple prints and solids. I am also an art quilter so throw in some paint and that’s my style! ;D

  327. Annette S Avatar
    Annette S

    I’m all over the spectrum for what’s in my stash. But I would have to say batiks are what I’m drawn to. And contemporary style fabric, especially Kate Spain lines.

  328. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    I really like calicos, and specific idea patterns. Thanks for the giveaway.

  329. Deb Avatar

    I think I lean mostly toward contemporay, modern fabrics. I love bright, happy colors and fun, fresh combinations. I do love the look of a lot of traditional prints, too, but when I buy, I usually buy modern fabrics. Thanks for the chance…I don’t know how I would choose!!

  330. Maryjane Avatar

    I like the classics!! I love fat quarters cause I can explore. They are like babies though. I hate to use them unless I hv a perfect pattern ! Ha!

  331. Cynthia Avatar

    My favorite style is not the one I just used! I like to mix it up so usually I completely change directions once a quilt is finished. If it was Civil War, I next go Modern. Since my quilts are for our church ministry- that means I get to switch around alot–Maybe I have QADD- quilting Attention deficient disorder ๐Ÿ™‚

  332. Tammy Avatar

    i lean towards more modern collections; rich colors that scream spring are what i’m looking for right now. Thanks for the chance!

  333. mary Avatar

    I like all types of fabric, but brights are ususally my favorite since I make lots of baby quilts./ Thanks for the give away!!

  334. Anita Avatar

    I really like the Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I love the radiant colors and designs!

  335. Lindsay Avatar

    I am very traditional. Love the country look!

  336. Pam C Avatar

    My style is constantly evolving. Right now I am loving more contemporary fabrics, especially Kate Spain fabrics.

  337. Barbara Avatar

    I tend to lean towards updated traditional or modern fabrics most of the time, but love to branch out from that to the taste of the person I’m sewing for.

  338. Jeanne G Avatar

    I am all over the place with fabric choices. Some days it is subtle and soft, some days it is primary colors and some days it is the most wonderful modern collection. I am having crazy days with gray and citron, this has to be a favored color combo for me at the present time. David Butler’s fabric line is my choice for now. My theory on fabric right now is if you can’t find what you want in today’s market, you probably aren’t going to find it at all. Thanks for the chance to win

  339. Cheryl Avatar

    I love contemporary quilt fabrics. I love the bright colors and clean lines!

  340. Lucy D. Avatar
    Lucy D.

    My favorite leans towards pastels with a vintage feel. I enjoy playing with the civil war prints too.

  341. Barb N Avatar

    I’ve definitely been drawn into quilting again by the variety of the modern fabrics – such choices! It’s overwhelming at times, but oh, so much fun!

  342. Gwen Windham Avatar
    Gwen Windham

    I haven’t met many fabrics that I didn’t like! ๐Ÿ˜‰ However, I think that my tastes tend to be more traditional.. I really like the 30’s reproductions, Civil War prints, Shabby Chic/Victorian type florals and paisleys… but also love bold geometrics and kid’s novelty prints… I am pretty easy to please when it comes to fabrics! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the chance to win!!

  343. Linda Avatar

    I can’t say that I really have a favorite style of fabrics. I often make quilts for gifts so it is usually what I think might fit the person I am making the quilt for. So many lovely choices of fabarics shown here!

  344. Joyce Ann Avatar
    Joyce Ann

    I stay pretty traditional, every now and then get a kit or pre-cuts of something out of my comfort zone and most often I am amazed how much I love it in the end…

  345. Angie C Avatar
    Angie C

    I usually go for pretty non-traditional for myself but my mom and MIL are very traditional so I get to make a little of everything! Thanks for the chance to win!

  346. Sandy Avatar

    Wow, as a “just starting quilter” I don’t have a favorite yet but am leaning towards country fabrics.

  347. Rhonda H. Avatar
    Rhonda H.

    Definitely the contemporary fabrics; so many fun, vibrant fabrics available. Thanks for sharing the “tutorial” on fabric styles; I actually learned about some fabrics I wasn’t aware of ;>) Thanks too for the generous giveaway!

  348. Terri Betz Avatar
    Terri Betz

    Thanks for a chance to win! I love Basic Grey’s Snowman! Modern colors and fun patterns get me sewing! The peace sign fabric, Walk in the Woods, imaginative designs. Newish quilted because I made them back in the day for my kids and now for grandkids and my kids friends kids! ;/)

  349. Janet Wright Avatar

    I think sometimes I should of been Amish. I love the close to solids, preferably bali. So I tend to buy a lot of the Hoffman watercolors!!

  350. Sharon Avatar

    I gravitate toward the traditional and “other” fabrics, but like to occasionally go outside my style with the more modern fabrics.

  351. Leslie Avatar

    Thanks for the great info on different fabric styles, some fabric lines I wouldn’t have organized them the way you did, so good to know!
    I think I am more of a traditional/classic kinda gal! My clothes are too! I’m not really a modern kinda gal either!
    I melt for pinks, blues and mauves. Flowers are so pretty. My favorite designers are Fig Tree Quilts, French General and the new Sentimental Studios Summer Breeze II is real pretty too!
    Take care, Leslie

  352. Mary Avatar

    I love fabrics of all kinds, but you would find a majority of my stash is of the traditional type.

  353. Margaret Avatar

    I am very contemporary. I love bright fun fabrics. Neon colors and batiks are my favorites.

  354. patty Avatar

    My style is mostly comtemporary. But I love the old stand bys that goe with everything.

  355. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I love a lot of them but I would have to say that “Shasta” is my favorite!

  356. Sandra Timmons Avatar
    Sandra Timmons

    I found your article very interesting as well as educational. I have made quilts for myself. I have found that in the end you will somehow need blenders or solids. I am going to choose the Bella Solids by Moda. That would so make me happy.

    Sandi T.

  357. Connie Avatar

    I seem to be moving towards contemporary! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  358. Heartsdesire Avatar

    No doubt about it, I love Civil War fabrics. Can’t get enough of them. This is a fabulous giveaway, thanks so much.

  359. Susan Maguire Avatar
    Susan Maguire

    I guess after reading your information about fabric styles I lean mostly toward traditional.

  360. Sandy N. Avatar
    Sandy N.

    I would say I’m a contemporary girl since I love, love, love batiks and Good Fortune makes my heart sing!=) Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  361. Linda E in AZ Avatar
    Linda E in AZ

    Definitely NOT traditional! I love the contemporary fabrics although not necessarily the art fabrics. Batiks are my all-time favorite fabrics, you can’t have enough!

  362. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    Recently my favorite style is contemporary..

  363. Sarah Avatar

    I love ’30’s prints. I fell in love with them when my great grandmother gave me a beautiful quilt when I was 6 years old. It was made of real 30’s fabric.

  364. Lesley Avatar

    Thanks for the wonderful information. I tend to sew traditional, but love almost everything else!

  365. Melissa Avatar

    I really like the newer, bolder prints more than the traditional prints. Lately, I am really loving tone on tone red prints:) Thanks for the chance to win:)

  366. Joanna Guglielmino Avatar
    Joanna Guglielmino

    My favorites: modern geometrics, modern flowers, ferns, and leaves, dots, natural dyed solids.

    Thanks for the great post!

  367. Jeanne Lingard Avatar
    Jeanne Lingard

    I love 30 s prints

  368. Dawn Avatar

    I am a sucker for Moda’s romantic florals. All those soft flower prints with old roses and leaves. And then of course I have to have the coordinating prints that go with them. I also love tone on tone prints, especially in neutrals like cream and ivory. Can’t ever have enough of those!

  369. Joan Piercy Avatar
    Joan Piercy

    I love the sewing themed fabrics. A close second is 30s prints. But, then I like almost any kind of fabrics in the colors of yellow, red, and green. Of course, these don’t limit me to just buying those. I have tons of fabric. I keep saying I’m not going to buy any more, but then something catches my eye.
    Thanks, Pat, for the fabric info. I’m looking forward to your workshop on the 27th in Rock Hill, SC. Joan P.

  370. Ashleigh Avatar

    thanks for hosting a fab giveaway!

    I just love all fabric but would have to say that I tend to gravitate towards red white and blue fabrics. x

  371. Terry Avatar

    I’d say my style is mostly country cozy mixed with a touch of contemporary. Thanks for the chance to win!

  372. Marydon Avatar

    I love them alll & choosing will be hard tho I always lean to pink & roses.

    Happy St. Patrick’s day ~
    TTFN ~

  373. susie meier Avatar
    susie meier

    Batiks just inspire me -love them all but Hoffmans are to dye ( die) for !

  374. Kathy A Avatar
    Kathy A

    I love ALL fabrics, but I’d have to say the ’30’s and kids prints i love the most.

  375. apple blossom Avatar

    love country, homey fabrics

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  376. Flourishing Palms Avatar

    I’m a l-o-n-g time quilter, when it was “calico, calico, calico,” as you said, but I’ve gone over the hill to modern. Love, love, love it! Thanks for this great giveaway and the chance to win.

  377. Dennis Avatar

    Hi, I look for older styles of fabric, I learned about quilting from my grandmother in the late 50’s and early 50’s so that is the kind of fabric I just seem to go to when I am shop. As far as I know all of her quilts and fabric are gone, she sold her quilts at Wolworth in Covington, KY. I don’t know how to track them down because she only signed a few. That is my styl thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.

  378. Sue Griffiths Avatar
    Sue Griffiths

    Hello, I am a fabric addict and love all styles of fabric but it really depends on the project. Currently I have totally fallen in love with the new Robert Kaufman solids line….this is one time I have found the fabric before I found my project. I cannot wait to use them in a quilt!!

  379. Rhonda D. Avatar
    Rhonda D.

    My favorite fabric style is 1930s repros.

  380. Karen Avatar

    I lean more toward the contemporary fabrics, with batiks right up there at the top. That said, I do find myself drawn to the 30s reproductions as well.

  381. Michelle M Avatar
    Michelle M

    I’m in love with Civil War fabrics. But I still enjoy using modern fabrics too.

  382. Sandra Beck Avatar
    Sandra Beck

    Such a beautiful selection as always. The Bella Solids are delicious. I like the Ocean Waves they are so soothing and calming with colors that make you want to wrap yourself in them.
    Thanks and an Irish Blessing upon ya.

  383. Stephanie Martin Avatar

    I have been broadening my thoughts on which fabrics should be used for quilting and I have really got a thing now for batiks! I just can’t get enough of them!

  384. Monica Nauert Avatar

    holy fabric fun, batman! What is my favorite?…most definitely anything that is reminiscent of 30’s through 60’s feedsack materials. I love Denyse Schmidt fabrics for this reason. Others that have the ‘look’ that I am after are Holly Holderman designs of Lakehouse Drygoods, and Rosalie Quinlan designs of Lecien. I have such a hard time deciding on the perfect pattern to use before making the first, heart-wrenching, cut. ๐Ÿ™‚

  385. Lisa Avatar

    What a great article! I tend to go for blacks, reds, and whites with almost any print..almost every single time. But I’ve purchased some florals, polka dots, stripes, and other designs in pinks, blues, browns, and greens lately. Just tryin’ to change it up a little ๐Ÿ™‚

  386. Chris Avatar

    I love them all, but lately I have been into the 30’s fabrics. Who knows what next week will bring.

  387. Sharon Avatar

    Oooohhh! I LOVVVVVE all the modern styles of quilts and the new fun, bright colors and shapes. but I’m also drawn to prairie prints – my love of Laura Ingalls Wilder as a young girl ๐Ÿ™‚ But I would consider myself more modern or “other” …..maybe bringing in some of the more traditional prints in a new style…..or maybe that’s just trying to use up the prints I bought before I reallly knew what I liked ๐Ÿ™‚

  388. Sherry Avatar

    I was always drawn to the country style fabrics but I will have to say that after this year of quilting I love the contemporary fabrics.

  389. KeriB Avatar

    Wow! What an interesting article! For fabric, I tend to be drawn to contemporary prints. It is a bit surprising to me sometimes what I like! I love all of the reds, greys and blues right now. Some of the colors almost seem a bit vintage to me. Thanks for the great giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  390. Shirley Atkinson Avatar

    I love the modern look. My favorite fabric is batiks but I also love the bright fabrics.

  391. Jennifer Gail Avatar
    Jennifer Gail

    I love 30’s reproductions.

  392. Gina Avatar

    My heart is leaning toward any fabrics from Kate Spain…at least this week of my life. It must be the heartbeat of spring!

  393. Nina Avatar

    Thanks for the great post! My style is mostly comtemporary

  394. Karen Avatar

    I just love all things Amy Butler, although Kaffe Fassett does get my attention too!

  395. Janet Avatar

    My favorite fabric style depends on my mood. Sometimes I like civil war fabrics and other times it maybe contemporary. It also depends who I’m making a quilt for what type of fabric I pick.

  396. Pam K Avatar

    Batiks are my favorites.

  397. cathy erickson Avatar

    contemporary all the way!!!! but I do like retro stuff too. : )

  398. Pam bailey Avatar
    Pam bailey

    I would have said I like muted colours and traditional designs but I am finding more and more that I am working with brighter modern fabrics.

  399. Sandra V Avatar
    Sandra V

    Am in love with Batiks, blenders, marbles. So not sure which style this would be.

  400. Elena Avatar

    I love contemporary fabrics a lot right now. I think it’s the “unconventional” color combinations that do it for me. On the other hand, I’ve had a long love affair with 1930’s prints and quilts!

  401. Robin Fulkerson Avatar
    Robin Fulkerson

    My favorites depend on the kind of quilt I’m creating. Right now I love modern and Kate Spain’s Good Fortune is a favorite.

  402. Lisa Cox Avatar
    Lisa Cox

    I think I’d have to say I’m more contemporary. but I do like to mix things up a little too. I have some batiks, some traditional, some modern fabrics in my stash.

  403. sheila Avatar

    I love the civil war fabrics as well as batiks

  404. Sunni @ Love Affair Avatar

    Ooh, I love most all fabrics. I would lean more towards “Other” and Contemporary/Non-traditional, but I think that all fabrics have a great use in everyone’s stash!!
    It’s like music. I’m sure there is at least 1 song from every genre on your iPod at home!

  405. Krista Robbins Avatar
    Krista Robbins

    I really love modern contemporary fabrics and bright colors. Thanks for the giveaway!

  406. Gail Hand Avatar
    Gail Hand

    I have so many styles….30’s, batiks, civil war, contemporary….

  407. Sandyb Avatar

    Everytime I think I have a favorite, i find a project I like that changes my favorite or something new comes out or my mood changes – yes I am nuts – about fabric – but lately I have been liking the grays a lot or maybe the batiks – see what I mean – maybe this is why I still haven’t picked out the style and color of the quilt for our bed, you think:) I will keep sewing until I find one I like for us!

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

    Happy St Patty’s day – Luck of the Irish to ya!!!


  408. Robin Neal Avatar
    Robin Neal

    Wonderful choices….I like the Candid Paparazzi.

  409. Rebecca L. Ruth Avatar
    Rebecca L. Ruth

    I love contemporary fabrics, especially lime greens. Also Civil War reproductions, 30’s fabrics, and really fun artsy Christmas fabric.

  410. Stella Avatar

    I love Country, Contemporary, Current modern like Hello Pilgrim by Lizzy House. I’ve always been a fan of Robert Kaufman and buy lots of batiks.

  411. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    From the examples above I’d say I’m a mixture of the two. I like the softer colors of traditional but the fun prints of contemapory! That Basic Grey Christmas line is calling my name too!

  412. Peggy @ Pastimes Quilt Design Avatar

    I am drawn to the reproduction fabrics both Civil War and 1930’s. There are so many modern fabrics available now that I suppose I will need to start designing with some of them as well. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely fabric.

  413. Ginny F Avatar

    It seems lately I am into more modern style. I think it is the use of whites for the negative space that allow the colors to pop. But I do love scrappy in almost any form including batiks and civil war! Love the Fresh Cut from Heather Bailey above!

  414. Trudy Avatar

    My fave without a doubt are contemporary with unusual colour combinations. Thanks!!

  415. Christine L Avatar

    I guess I am a bit of everything… I am leaning towards these days the big bold bright colors and prints.. That Paparazzi fabric bundle is so very yummy looking ๐Ÿ™‚

  416. Martha Wilson Avatar
    Martha Wilson

    I really like the Basic Grey Line; especially the Christmas fabrics. I love to make items featuring snowmen and looks like there would be some great fabrics in this collection.

  417. Julie in WA Avatar

    I am soooo traditional! I do enjoy the eye candy of the Non-Traditional/Contempory, but they are too busy to me to be used in quilting. I do like the unusual as well, but my stash definitely reflects the traditional style!

  418. Lyndie Avatar

    I don’t know that I have a favorite pattern type. I love them all!!! I guess I tend to use more contemporary patterns and colors, but I just LOVE the batiks, too. Oh and the calicos….and oh I just can’t pick one!

  419. Rรฉgina Avatar

    I love and use all fabric styles, sometimes just one for a quilt, sometimes several in one. It is magical to see how a fabric changes when it is placed beside a new neighbor.

  420. Teresa in Music City Avatar

    My favorites are bright and bold, and I love all Kaffe’s fabrics, as well as every batik every made!!!

  421. Jody Avatar

    I love it all! But my stash is HEAVILY weighted on the batik and Asian end.

  422. Katherine Avatar

    I love modern and contemporary for the most part. I also like traditonal when it comes to sweet romantic prints. I’m just starting to work in the “others” category… solids… I just love lots of colour. I can spend hours on FQS admiring fabric. ;o) Thanks for the chance to win!

  423. Karen Avatar

    I am always torn because I love some aspects of traditional (design), but the vivid colours of modern.

  424. Bente Avatar

    Actually I like alle fabrics, but I could use som Judie Rotermel fabrics for a sertqn project, so I hope Iยดll be the lucky one, thanks for the chance โ˜บ

  425. Daryl Avatar

    BATIKS! My absolutely favorite is and has been batiks ever since I first found them. Hopefully the “luck of the Irish” will be with me today as it’s Saint Patrick’s Day when I am entering for the chance to win.

  426. Jill Avatar

    My favorite quilt style is traditional, but I am liking the more contemporary quilts more as I see them.

  427. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    Batiks in jewel tones are my favorites!

  428. janita Avatar

    I think more often than not I am a traditionalist. but everyonce in a while I just can’t resist something modern. the colors just draw you in. thank you fat quater shop and quilt gallery for an awesome giveaway. I am so glad I sew! Janita

  429. Gill Avatar

    I like bright and modern!

  430. corina Avatar

    My favorite fabric style is maybe not so much a style as a color theme. I love fabrics of any style, modern or traditional, as long as they are in what I call “no color colors” or muddy colors. Muted grey browns, muddy greens and warmer taupes.

  431. Paula Avatar

    I prefer modern contemporary fabrics. Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  432. AlessandraLace Avatar

    my favorite is stars and stripes, I love love it. hugs

  433. Tanis S. Avatar
    Tanis S.

    My favourites are Pam Kitty Morning, anything by Lakeside fabrics or French General. Ruby by Bonnie and Camille, Flower Sugar by Lecien- I think my style is “other”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  434. Jude Avatar

    I just love the Halloween party, its gorgeous!

  435. Elizabeth McDonald Avatar
    Elizabeth McDonald

    My favorite fabrics are geometrical – stripes and dots are types I use all of the time. Still, I have never seen a paisley that I do not love!

  436. Margaret Doro Avatar
    Margaret Doro

    Green Kaffe ClassicsFat Quarter Bundle

    Fantastic fabric for fabaholics like me!!!!!

  437. Rachel Garibay Avatar
    Rachel Garibay

    I love Novelty fabrics and Batiks!!

  438. Vanessa Dukovic Avatar
    Vanessa Dukovic

    Civil War Ladies are my favourite. Barbara Brackman has converted me in this last 12 months and this is the only fabric I want at the moment. Love it.

  439. Robyn Cordell Avatar
    Robyn Cordell

    I prefer the contemporary fabrics and the novelty ones as well. I like any colour but pink.

  440. Eddie Brown Avatar
    Eddie Brown

    I just love any fabric! But I can’t go past Reproductions without “needing” a little or a lot of something!

  441. adje bakker Avatar

    It all depends on the quilt I’m making.
    Every quilt asks for its own kind of fabric.
    The colours I use are mostly warm and /or bright!!

  442. Eileen Avatar

    My style seems to incorporate fabrics with bright colors.

  443. Ada Shave Avatar
    Ada Shave

    I love the fall colors, and small prints. tone on tones.
    never blue.

  444. Dorothy Shimamoto Avatar
    Dorothy Shimamoto

    I like the contempory style with big bold prints and colors.

  445. Zehrina Avatar

    When I made my first quilt few years ago it was with Bliss Collection by Bonnie and Camille.I love that collection it suddenly made me happy and that dark room was not dark any more.I two quilts made with Bliss.But I also love other types of fabrics to and I’m fascinated with fabric.
    Enjoy your holiday.

  446. Dianne Giles Avatar
    Dianne Giles

    I must admit to a fetish for the contemporary and modern styles. With sew many innovative designers out there it is sew hard to choose. Thanks for the chance, Dianne

  447. Michelle Young Avatar

    My favorite style right now is the 1930’s reproductions, mixed in with some modern looks such as Free Market Fancy.

  448. Kelli Avatar

    I think my style varies by day, I’m usually drawn to modern or novelty type prints, but I enjoy some of the other categories, too! :o)

  449. Cherri Hess Avatar
    Cherri Hess

    Love everything bright and batiks

  450. Lara Avatar

    I prefer the clear colors of either modern prints or solids. Bold and crisp is a wonderful thing in a fabric. But I do have a lot of traditional classic too.

  451. Alyce {Blossom Heart} Avatar

    I’m a modern contemporary kinda gal. I love Kate Spain (am currently making a Good Fortune quilt for me too!), I love a good geometric-based print – circles, dots, stripes. And modern florals are also good!! I must admit to being a huge Moda fan. I know they cover a LOT of styles, and some are not to my taste, but generally love it.

  452. Becky Avatar

    I love batiks and novelty prints, especially seasonal and/or metallics. I also love anything to do with nature, which could fall under several categories.

  453. Lizzie Avatar

    I love traditionals, like the 30’s reproductions, and a lot of the contemporaries. I follow my color preferences. And then, there’s Kaffe Fassett, who might be in a category all his own;)

  454. Hazel Green Avatar
    Hazel Green

    I love making scrappy quilts with fabrics in the same colour family. I am enjoying the modern fabrics in their clear bright colours. I prefer to not make the same pattern twice. All my quilts have green in them for my name, even a blue and white seashore quilt has a little triangle of green seaweed.

  455. Erin Stevens aka nanasrcool Avatar

    I lean toward the mixtures of Black, white, reds.. As in the Candid Paparazzi line. But I also would purchase the shasta line as well. I am not big on the pastels unless I am making something for someone else. It is funny because there are times I would lean toward the white citron or ocean line. It really would depend greatly on what room I was making something for. My bathrooms tend to go in the softer tones of greys and pastels, while my bedroom and living room would be in the more contrasting colors of browns, blacks, creams and a bright color like red, yellow or green added for a splash of color. When I make my quilts, I strongly consider who or what it will be used. I try to stick to that and it hasn’t done me wrong yet.

  456. lindawwww Avatar

    I love traditional tone-on-tone fabrics.

  457. Kim's Crafty Apple Avatar
    Kim’s Crafty Apple

    I would have to go with being a ‘modern’ fabric style. But I really do love it all – I’m a true fabric junky. My favorite is to put the unexpected together and make something truly unique!

  458. Patti Avatar

    I am really drawn to bright, bold colours. But at the same time I am doing a quilt with reproduction 1930’s fabric!! Apparently, I have multiple personalities! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway, eh!

  459. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    I can tell you more what I don’t lean to, Civil war, calicos, retro but just about everything else I enjoy and will use. It really depends on my mood and the time of year. That was a very interesting analysis. I appreciated it. Thanks.

  460. Laurie Avatar

    I love so many styles I love everything but my favorite would be modern right now I love lots of text, words, dots. You name it I love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  461. Shari Avatar

    My first go to, because of how much I love them, is batiks, but I also love contemporary styles too. The Candid Paparazzi is one line I would love to buy a bunch of for a couple of different projects!

    Love your listing of fabrics, they are so colorful, soothing, bright, sassy…just beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  462. susan Avatar

    I love the 30″s reproductions and also contemporary and civil war era. Actually I love it all!!!

  463. Anne Roche Avatar
    Anne Roche

    I love the combination of different shades of blue with white. I am also a big fan of bright green and yellow. As I am very much a beginner to quilting I guess I stick to traditional patterns. The stars and Stripes and Going Coastal fabrics really appeal to me.

  464. Nan Avatar

    I love bright and vivid colors! But then it is hard from me to walk away from blacks & whites!

  465. Jodi G. Avatar
    Jodi G.

    I think for the most part I’m a traditional girl. I do love alot of the modern prints, batiks as well as novelty. Just so many great fabrics and love seeing it all and finding new fabric that I like.

    Thank you and FQS for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win. FQS is so wonderful and Thank You for sponsoring and supporting the online quilting community.


  466. Kim Avatar

    I love it all and I think my style changes depending on the project. A child’s quilt…novelty prints and bright colors, holiday quilts……holiday fabrics…….of course I adore working with batiks it is the magic blending fabric! I hope I never have to pick just one style to work with. I love that we quilt in a time when the variety is endless! thanks for the great article and the chance to win some super beautiful new fabrics too.

    Happy Sewing

  467. Carrie P. Avatar

    These days I work in both traditional (muddy) colors and the brights. I am really torn as to which I like better.
    For my own decorating purposes it would be the traditional colors but for fun I love the bright modern fabrics.
    what a great giveaway!

  468. judee Avatar

    Batiks are definitely my favorite style. I also love contemporary and modern styles but Batiks are the best! I may not always work with them, but I love them.

  469. Ms Lottie Avatar
    Ms Lottie

    If I had to narrow it down to one it would be batik – there is such a variety within that category. They can be bold or subtle, bright or subdued, highly patterned or simple and such lovely colours !!

  470. Susan K Avatar
    Susan K

    I am all over the place with fabric styles. I like traditional, brights, modern, 30’s, batiks. I kind of go into idea overload at fabric sites and stores. My stash is huge and growing. I love to make scrappy quilts.

  471. Debbie Avatar

    I love bold/bright colors. I think bold colors paired with black to set them off are very attractive. Candid Paparazzi looks like fun!

  472. Sharyn Hutchinson Avatar

    I suppose my favorite fabric styles are civil war repro and 1930’s repro…oh, and also batik. Wow It is really hard to choose just one.


  473. Carol Hupp Avatar
    Carol Hupp


  474. Bonnie Avatar

    I love them ALL!! lol Seriously though, my favorites are civil war type colors and batiks. As many others have said, it really depends on the quilt and the recipient. Lately I’ve been really drawn to scrappy quilts with crisp white backgrounds ala crazymomquilts, Amanda Jean. Also LOVE yellow and gray or brown/aqua quilts. Like I said, I love them all!!

  475. Anne Friesen Avatar
    Anne Friesen

    favorite fabric style is civil war fabrics. And they are very hard to find up here in Canada, so I need to make trips down south to get them!!! But they are worth it!!

  476. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    Thanks to you & Fat Quarter Shop!!! Would LOVE to win!!

    My fave go-to’s have to be Shabby Chic, and Bright Sunshinery, Happy colors & prints!! Loooove ’em! ๐Ÿ™‚

  477. Althemese B Avatar
    Althemese B

    I love bright colored batiks and Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

  478. Jenni Avatar

    I really love 1800s repros, but I have all sorts of fabric in the stash. I’ve recently bought some Reunion from the Fat Quarter Shop.

  479. Judy Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to win! I love, love love Batiks!!!!

  480. Judy Blinkenberg Avatar
    Judy Blinkenberg

    I have never thought about what I like as contempory or modern until you lovely lesson. I love the classics I guess like flowers. I will say I buy any fabric from Fig Tree Quilts and I have almost every Amy Butler fabric she designs. It’s just recently I have branched out to other designers. THANK YOU

  481. Deb Avatar

    i think I must like non-traditional the best…all the Civil War fabrics just seem so dark and old and not light and airy. I guess the colorful modern fabrics are more my style.

  482. Cindy Ferrell Avatar
    Cindy Ferrell

    Anything bright and cheerful for spring. I think Good Fortune by Kate Spring would be perfect!

  483. marjorie Avatar

    I am a traditional tone on tone girl..bu tI really like Candid Papparziz
    I know I spelled that wrong…lol

  484. Bonnie L Avatar
    Bonnie L

    I prefere batiks and then bright, clean colours, usually with a smaller print and / or solids to complement. Thanks for the opportunity

  485. diane i Avatar
    diane i

    The style of fabric depend on what I am making but then I like to mix styles also. I was on a shop hop today and got civil war fabrics strips from the shops and will be mixing other style for the border. I like the candid paparazzi fabric line.

  486. Brenda Avatar

    I love the 30’s reproductions the most right now.

  487. Laurel Avatar

    Much of what I buy falls into the “Contemporaryโ€ fabrics category. I especially liked the high contrast of “Candid Paparazzi” from Red Rooster.

  488. Tiffany Avatar

    I love bold, bright, and modern! I prefer big prints over little ones.

  489. Tami Avatar

    I like classic contemporary fabrics….great blog article, very interesting! Thank you for the chance to win

  490. Kay Avatar

    I love the colors in your quilt above. I guess different shades of blues are my favorite, although I do like the Shasta line. Thank you for this opportunity.

  491. Lori Avatar

    Seasonal, especially Christmas, is my favorite fabric style. What I really love, beyond the novelty prints found in Christmas fabric, are the wonderful selections of red, green, and blues in a line. These fabrics often can work so well in quilts made for other than holiday themes. Thank you Pat. I am enjoying learning some new tips and ideas through this series.

  492. Karen L Avatar

    I love looking at all fabric styles, except maybe stuff from the 80s(!!), but I usually buy prints that are bright colors, which usually means contemporary, but not “modern.” I just don’t particularly love muddy colors, no matter the style.

  493. Hilachas Avatar

    I like the traditional styles. I love the civil war fabrics and the 1930s colors and designs. I also like the novelty fabrics. I love fabric. Thanks for the opportunity to win more fabric.

  494. Iva M Avatar
    Iva M

    My style leans heavily toward the contemporary, in addition to Batiks. I also enjoy 1930s reproductions; but absolutely do not care for seasonal fabrics.

  495. Anne Rita Avatar
    Anne Rita

    I love batiks! I also like modern prints in either bright colours or fresh pastels.

  496. Katina Avatar

    You can lump me generally in the contemporary category. Once there I split up into the sub-categories of seasonal, batiks & novelties.

  497. Mary Avatar

    I’m really liking the current modern style of fabric these days. Thanks for the chance to win.

  498. Cherise Avatar

    I love soft romantic style. ๐Ÿ™‚

  499. Gemini Jen NZ Avatar

    Hi Pat, thanks for putting that review together, must’ve taken a bit of time! Was great to see the variety of styles – I would have to say I am a patchwork myself of styles as I don’t seem to have a favourite…I love traditional fabrics (mainly country) but also get a big thrill out of using contemporary, especially using brights!

  500. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    Hi! Great give-away. Currently I have thing for 1930’s fabrics and florals and pastels. Longing for spring and summer, I guess. ๐Ÿ™‚

  501. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    I love the newer, more contemporary, brightly colored prints!

  502. Carole K Avatar

    What a great breakdown of all the different fabric styles! Thank you for your hard work, and illustrating it so well with such beautiful examples! I’m a BATIK girl!

  503. Janny Avatar

    I love contemporary prints, especially graphic style and dots.

  504. Kathy S. Avatar

    My style is scrappy romantic. Little pieces of flowers and vines go a long way. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway — and for hosting so many other giveaways!

  505. Helen Avatar

    The Adventures with Alice collection is divinely phenomenal!!

  506. leanne Avatar

    I love contemporary fabrics – bold and colourful – there are just so many fabulous fabrics on the market – thanks for the chance to win ๐Ÿ™‚

  507. Anna Nilsen Avatar

    I love Robert Kaufman solids.

  508. Cloud Mom Avatar
    Cloud Mom

    Thank you for the fabric styles update. I really enjoy non traditional fabrics like Kaffe Fassett, Sweetwater, Basic Grey.

  509. Marianne Avatar

    I like everything! But it I had to choose, probably soft pastel romantics, aka, the shabby look. I love large pastel roses on a pale background.

  510. Carolyn Avatar

    I would say the fabrics that I love the most are the bright contemporary fabrics. But I do love the 1930’s prints and always love to work with a fun novelty fabric.

  511. Missy Avatar

    I think my style depends on my mood, whether it is quilts or clothes! I love color, yet I also like the classic black, read and white combination in a quilt. I love calicos and 1930s reproductions, and batiks, what I call shabby romantic prints. You know the creams, pinks etc with little pink roses and more.

  512. karen delmarco Avatar
    karen delmarco

    I used to stick solely to traditional and muted colors and prints, im thrilled to say Ive branched out with the help of countless bloggers and facebook groups…seeing SO many wonderful patterns and colors I never would have ventured towards really inspired me!! That being said, Ive become infatuated with 30’s and feedsack prints after being given a few scraps from a friend who had some wonderful vintage fabric from her grandmother….

  513. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    If I had to pick one style, I would say bright and cheerful.

  514. Pauline Avatar

    I would say contemporary, but that being said I love pretty much all fabrics….brights, 30’s, civil war, primitive, batiks, shabby romantic florals, and solids….Free Spirit solids are wonderful. The quilting market is full of so many beautiful fabrics….thanks for the chance to win…hope your day includes some sewing, makes for a happy day!!!

  515. Crystal Wonitoy Avatar

    I think I lean toward the modern fabrics, with happy colors, but not too bright. I also love the seasonal – nothing better than Christmas and Halloween fabrics!

  516. lynda Morrissette Avatar
    lynda Morrissette

    I love the 30’s. also like civil war. Thanks, Lyn

  517. Pat Leask Avatar
    Pat Leask

    I love the contemporary fabrics and especially different patterns and ideas in which to use them in more traditional styled quilts! Your fabric groupings are devine!

  518. Peggy Skillen Avatar

    I like bright colours and I love all fabrics, I walk into a fabric store and drool. It is so hard not to buy somethimes.

  519. SewLindaAnn Avatar

    The only fabric style I do not like is the asian influence. Other than that I’m drawn to a style depending upon the mood I’m in mostly. Like now, before Spring I’m drawn to fresh white and clean colors of florals and geometrics. I’m working with Ruby right now and loving the feel of the colors.

  520. Debbie Avatar

    My style ? the 1930s. I love that fabric.

  521. Maria de la Luz Avatar
    Maria de la Luz

    I use different fabric, i change with the project, but I ever use fabric with so much color and a little vibran, I love turquesa, blue, pink, yellow … But in this moment I was looking solid color, i like try to do the summer series block. Now, I prefert the solid color fabric.

  522. Cassandra Avatar

    I like Asian style prints the best. There is something about their colors that just draws me to them! Thanks for the giveaway!

  523. Jansie Martin Avatar
    Jansie Martin

    I definitely lean more towards Contemporary, with a focus on florals. Great post!!

  524. mary ellen peterson Avatar
    mary ellen peterson

    usually bold bright pastels (is there such a color??) catch my eye. always 1930’s repros have my love. the young modern fabric designers do such a marvelous creative job, love them. novelty prints (but never seasonal)l draw me in, okay it’s like a kid in a toy shop. but i’m old. :>)

  525. michelle Avatar

    Thanks for the wonderful article. I have to say I just love all fabric. But I am really loving the new brighter colors that are coming out now. There are so many to chose from it is hard to chose one style. Love them all!!

  526. veta frenzel Avatar
    veta frenzel

    I love the green in “Seasonal Gatherings” I can almost smell the pine trees in East Texas when I gaze at it. I just like primative fabric I guess.

  527. Aurea Avatar

    I am of the old school. I like the older prints because they are not so busy but I like the more modern because of their bright colors.

  528. Colleen Nicholls Avatar

    While I tend to quilt with traditional fabrics or batiks, I love the modern colours – like the Olive and Ollie fabrics.

  529. tusen Avatar

    This is a hard question. I love many contemporary fabric lines, but also e.g. French General fabric, which have a more traditional feel. And then the solids are also wonderful… and some “wordy” fabrics, too.

  530. jsoosay Avatar

    I have to pick a favorite? I love everything but I have a soft spot for batiks.

  531. Sharon Avatar

    I hate to play favorites but the broad category of contemporary is my favorite for now. Some of the contemporaries I like best do reflect a modern take on traditional themes.

  532. Tanya Avatar

    I like contemporary, paired with solids.

  533. Michelle Avatar

    I love 1930’s repros

  534. Nancy Rowe Avatar
    Nancy Rowe

    I’d have to say I like the traditional fabrics best.

  535. Heather Roberts Avatar
    Heather Roberts

    Novelty prints are so cute and goes well with anything fun!
    thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  536. Eileen Avatar

    I prefer traditional, seasonal, patriotic and tone-on-tone.

  537. Vicki Avatar

    FRESH!! Love the fresh bold colors!

  538. Linda Avatar

    Hi Pat, I enjoyed your article and my fabric preferences tend to be modern and bright or, serene and sophisticated….depends on my fabric mood. Thanks for the chance to win more yummy fabric!

  539. Judy G Avatar
    Judy G

    May favorite, at least right now, is the non traditional. A little bit of whimsey and a big bold statement. Loving it.

  540. Raelene Avatar

    I must admit, they seem to change almost daily, with the exception of 1930’s that would have to be my fav style.

  541. Brenda Howard Avatar
    Brenda Howard

    Hi Pat, great job on this post, really made me think. I think I would have to put myself in the Not Traditional and Other category. I love the bold, modern and geometric patterns as well as the bright & pastels of solids. My favorite designs at present are from Me & My Sister; Amelia and Twirl.

  542. jane jakubowski Avatar
    jane jakubowski

    I love, love, LOVE batiks.

  543. Jane Bebermeyer Avatar
    Jane Bebermeyer

    I love ALL the fabric collections but to pick a favorite it would have to be the traditional fabrics.

  544. Simone Avatar

    I love the traditional of Reproductions and Batiks are currently my favorite to plan applique quilts. Orientals still attract me. I have a quilt with batiks another with reproductions, and a plain amish style quilt and an oriental one all on the go at the moment it’s so hard to choose a single style.

  545. Elizabeth Avatar

    I love contemporary fabrics in bright colors with interesting texture and pattern. Thank you for the descriptions.

  546. donna Avatar

    I have many loves but keep going back to the old memory inspiring 1930’s prints.

  547. Shirley Pearce Avatar
    Shirley Pearce

    Hi Pat,
    My favorite style is traditional. I also enjoy non-traditional and whimsical prints.

    A Big Thank you tothe Fat Quarter Shop for the Giveaway. Did I tell you my favorite fabric line is MODA? I can always find something wonderful by Moda.

    I would love to win the fabric from the Fat Quarter Shop. I am a regular customer and love the two BOM’s I am in there.

  548. Abby Avatar

    I can’t name just one! I like contemporary styles but often not the colors (will you guys PLEASE stop using so much PINK!), I keep buying batiks and Asian-styles, and I am drawn to novelties.
    And florals, you didn’t mention florals. I love flowers, the bigger the better!

  549. Beverley Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to win. I love all the traditional fabric lines.

  550. becky derry Avatar
    becky derry

    they are all great but ocean wave batiks and of course peace love and rock and roll caught my eye. Thank-you for the give away chance. good luck to all

  551. Betty Avatar

    I like different styles, mostly traditional, 30’s and 1800’s, florals, tone on tone, etc. For kids quilts I prefer novelty prints.

  552. Linda Avatar

    This week my favorite style is contemporary

  553. Eileen DiPietro Avatar
    Eileen DiPietro

    I’ve never met a fabric I didn’t love, but I definitely lean towards the modern and contemporary styles these days ๐Ÿ™‚

  554. Sara Avatar

    I tend to go toward the contemporary but I also love holiday fabrics.

  555. kay Avatar

    I like all styles–but really like batiks

  556. Jessie Avatar

    I love modern fabrics! The bright colors and fun prints are so fun to work with!

  557. Deanna Hirz Avatar
    Deanna Hirz

    What a trip that was…beautiful fabrics that left my heart pumping quickly and my mouth hanging ajar in awe.

    Very hard to pick a favorite, but looking them over again I stuck to my first pick and that is the Ocean Wave Batiks by Hoffman. Lovely in every way.

    Quilt fabrics have replaced my flower gardens as I no longer can care for them, but I can sure sew a stitch or more. Thank you for this opportunity

  558. Debbie Darlington Avatar
    Debbie Darlington

    Hi, I must admit to liking most styles until I went on a retreat late last year and made a quilt top using Batiks. Just so stunning.

  559. Jill Avatar

    Can I have *two* favorites? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’d have an awfully hard time choosing between batiks and Asians! Thanks for the chance to win!

  560. njeri Avatar

    I think I am in the “other” category. I like solids and the seasonal fabrics. I think those categories give a lot of choices for boy themed sewing projects since I sew mostly for my son. Speaking of which that space themed fabric is a must have!

  561. Julie Avatar

    I am leaning towards the more contemporary both in fabric and pattern design. I think the reason is if I like a fabric for its color and design, I want to see it and the larger scale blocks allow that.

  562. Lorri Avatar

    My favorite style is modern/traditional. I love the old patterns with the new colors

  563. Lori Avatar

    I’m loving the “shabby chic” look lately. And I’m finding 30’s repro is catching my eye.

  564. Erin Avatar

    While I love the look of bright, fresh contemporary fabrics, I am most comfortable using more traditional Civil War prints or 1930s repros. Thanks for the chance to win!

  565. Liz Avatar

    My favorite fabric style has to be non-traditional. I love bright colors and big patterns!

  566. Sara Avatar

    I love the Civil War prints and all the Jo Morton fabrics go with what i like to piece.

  567. Stacy Crawford Avatar

    I love reproduction prints from the 1920’s!

  568. Jennifer Dancy Avatar

    My style: Sophisticated Traditional – not country, just … well, 3 Sisters style! Thanks for the chance to win!

  569. Naomi Jorgensen Avatar
    Naomi Jorgensen

    Today my favorites are Winter Menagerie by Jason Yenter and Caroline’s Wedding Day Collection by Jennifer Chiaverini.

  570. gail Avatar

    If I could only choose one, iot would be traditional. ( I live in a 200 year old house.) My second choice would be batiks.

  571. Renate Avatar

    What a wondefully informtive post Pat! I didn’t realize there were so many categories. My favourite fabric style you ask? Why any fabric that fits into my stash of course, and if it doesn’t, I’ll make room for it on the shelf, or in a box, or in a bag.

  572. Sue Staveley Avatar
    Sue Staveley

    Love all your fabric’s ๐Ÿ™‚ but really love the soild purple stash and the batiks ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you are having a wonderful day and thanks heaps for this opportunity to blog with you ๐Ÿ™‚ Sue Staveley

  573. Rosalie Avatar

    I gravitate toward bright and happy prints – usually floral but also love batiks….I resisted batiks for the first few years, but I am on board now!

  574. Bev Silvestre Avatar
    Bev Silvestre

    I am very drawn to 30’s prints. I have collected a lot of fat quarters, but have yet to make anything with them! I think it all started a few years ago when I bought an old bow tie quilt at an antique store. It was so bright and cheery!

  575. Jeanine Avatar

    My favorites are hand dyes and batiks, I think, but really, I love ’em all.

  576. Kristen Sanderson Avatar
    Kristen Sanderson

    I love stripes and dots and I usually go for brighter colors. Thanks for the giveaway!

  577. Beverly Avatar

    hi i just am hooked on reproduction fabrics and as much as i try i cant get away from that style.thanks

  578. Bonnie L Avatar
    Bonnie L

    My fav’s are batiks, second is anything bright and springy with small prints and a light or white background

  579. Michell Avatar

    I love Civil War / Reproduction fabrics

  580. Jamie Petsch Avatar
    Jamie Petsch

    My first blog hop! Hoping to win something wonderful!

  581. Margaret Avatar

    I gravitate toward the “Contemporary” fabrics, but I’ve been known to use 30s reproductions and solids and a bit of everything else.

  582. Debbie S Avatar

    I usually prefer the more traditional lines of fabrics

  583. Jane Bitz Avatar
    Jane Bitz

    I love all fabric, but I’m tending toward bolder, more contemporary fabrics with the list above a great starting place. I have recently bought more solids and I’ve been working on free piecing.

  584. Jenelle B Avatar
    Jenelle B

    I tend to lean toward Civil War fabrics but I love so many types of fabric. Thanks

  585. Mystica Avatar

    I like spring flowers, roses and anything vintagey! Thank you ever so much for this giveaway.

  586. Karen Avatar

    I love the shabby chic style with the soft pinks, blues and greens, but also find I’m branching out to a bit brighter colour palette with the retro flowers and paisley designs. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!

  587. Nancy Avatar

    I would say that I fall under the non-traditional fabric lover. Don’t get me wrong, I dabble a bit in traditional and novelty, but mostly I like non-traditional. I also love paring fabrics with solids which I think it more modern than traditional. Thanks for sharing this fabulous giveaway with us!

  588. Naomi Vela Avatar

    I have an eclectic taste in fabrics, but going on what Pat shared, I’d say my favourite of those is contemporary.


  589. Debi Avatar

    My favorite style is mostly shabby chic, but I also adore non-traditional.

  590. Karen Combs Avatar
    Karen Combs

    I love contemporary fabric right now- but i have to say, i don’t think I have met a style I didnt’ like or couldn’t imagine what to do with it!

  591. Cherry Avatar

    Well, I love just about any fabric, but am more and more becoming a non-traditional, modern quilter!

  592. consuelo Avatar

    Thanks for this great post. I think I’ve learned a thing or two on termonology. I think I would be most interested in contemporary fabric. There are a lot of great designers out there! Thanks for the chance to win some fabric!

  593. Pam Avatar

    I have always liked the contemporary look, especially batiks!

  594. Cheryl Simser Avatar
    Cheryl Simser

    Ideas are swimming around in my mind for all these lovely fabrics. If I have to pick one, I’d choose Nina Hello Pilgrim. It is so fresh, and the warm colours are just yummy! Thanks for the chance to win some.

  595. Karen Avatar

    I am mostly traditional but I do love the holiday collections designers give us. Thanks for a fun give-away!

  596. Doris Avatar

    Love the Asian style prints..so beautiful!!

  597. megan Avatar

    Do I really have to choose? I just LOVE fabric and that’s all there is to it ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a young daughter that I love to sew for so right now i’m into fun, bright, and cute fabric!

  598. Valerie Shoates Avatar

    Oh I love the traditionals for sure!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  599. Paula Avatar

    You are talking with someone who goes into a quilt store and looks at the fabrics over and over and dreams of what I can make with them all! I love fabrics and I think I lean more towards more colorful, larger prints from time to time on my wild feeling days. Other days it is whatever comes to mind.

  600. Wanda Avatar

    I love all types of fabric. I use what would fit with the pattern. These bundles are absolutely incredible!

  601. tarabu Avatar

    I am in love with batiks at the moment!

  602. Lori Avatar

    Contemporary and batik!

  603. barbara Avatar

    I do not have a favorite – love Kaffe and Lynette Anderson

    thanks for hosting the giveaway !

  604. Alice Chancey Avatar
    Alice Chancey

    I love 30’s reproduction fabrics and civil war fabrics. Two of my favorites. I have made several 30’s quilts over the past 5 years. And now I want to use Civil war prints and make a few with those.

  605. Donna Gauch Avatar
    Donna Gauch

    I love Shasta would work great with the others I just purchased for a project
    I do like the candid papazera of black. White. And red they would play well with a pattern I plan to start at retreat.

  606. upstatelisa Avatar

    Hey Michele,
    it is hard to choose but I am probably in the non traditional (figures lol!) or other category these days! The fabrics are all so lovely though.

  607. Kathi I Avatar
    Kathi I

    You know most of my students say they have the hardest time choosing fabrics for their projects. As for me, my fabric style changes with the wind. In the past I would look for “matching” colors-boring!! And then I learned to “think out of the box”, be bold and bright, experiment and always choose a “sparkle” fabric-that one fabric that makes the quilt “pop.” Yesterday I read a quote that said “get rid of the box” !! So for me, most anything goes! I do believe we are most fortunate these days to have such talented designers who create a colorful world for us to choose from.

  608. Dee M Avatar
    Dee M

    I think I am still figuring out what my style is, as I love so many different fabrics and designs. I still cherish traditional quilt fabrics and patterns so I would say it it my basic style for now. Colors play a huge part in anything I do, whether I choose muted or vivid colorations. It is just so wonderful to see all the inspiration for quilts and other fabric creations available today!

  609. Carla Finley Avatar
    Carla Finley

    I love all fabric styles. It depends on the project at hand. Sure love that yellow and gray up there.

  610. Judy Avatar

    OMG what wonderful fabrics. I LOVE it all. But you can not lose with Moda, they design the most fantastic lines!!!!

  611. Vicki Avatar

    I seem drawn to the reproductions but florals always catch my eye too.

  612. Tamsyn Avatar

    I love the Ocean Wave Batik. Thank you for the nice giveaway!

  613. Marie G Avatar
    Marie G

    Love the new modern look. Clean and fresh.

  614. Nedlinaround Avatar

    I love ALL fabrics, and my style is constantly evolving. Presently I’m favoring batiks and bright contemporary fabrics, but would love any and all fabrics won, I’m sure! Hope to be chosen. . . ๐Ÿ™‚

  615. Jacquie Avatar

    I love all fabrics but right now I am stuck on reproduction (Jo Morton) and the thirty’s.

  616. Desiree Habicht Avatar

    Contemporary and batiks

  617. Priscilla Pride Avatar
    Priscilla Pride

    I like all fabrics but if I had to pick just one it would be batiks.

  618. Gail Alguire Avatar
    Gail Alguire

    I am a fabric junkie, I like it all, but my eclectic style supports my collection.

  619. Mary Rogers Avatar
    Mary Rogers

    I don’t have any particular style but love coordinated fabric bundles. I love pastels, love Kaffe Fassett type fabric, love Moda lines. I like to try a variety so that my quilts don’t all look the same. Just give me fabric and I’ll make something with it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  620. Deb Avatar

    I love love love love Adventure with Alice. Having said that they are all beautiful

  621. Carla Avatar

    I love all the new “funky” prints that are now out there. Thanks so much for the chance to win an awesome prize.

  622. Tina Avatar

    I love traditional reproductions and marbles.

  623. Andrea Avatar

    Ooh – my favorite right now is “Other” – I am loving solids right now.

  624. Jane Avatar

    It’s hard to say which fabric I love the most – it always depends on my mood and the reason why I am making a quilt.

    If the quilt is for my home, I usually stick to solids and batiks. If not, I rather pick classic Contemporary prints.

    My kids looooove novelty prints (of course!).

    I kinda dislike too “old fashioned” looking stuff. That’s just not me nor do I want to work with fabric that I totally dislike. Even when someone asks me to sew something for them and actually offers to pay me for my efforts I say “No way!” if they want old fashioned fabrics.

    Sewing/fabric is supposed to cheer me up – which will never happen while working with civil war style fabrics for instance.

  625. Laurie Avatar

    Oh gosh it is impossible to pick just one fabric style! I love just about all of them.

  626. Lisa Conant Avatar

    I am mainly a lover of Contemporary/Modern fabrics. I dislike overly flowery or those ‘muddy’ styles…but I do buy a small amount of other fabrics for a few reasons…

    Batiks are nice for a watercolor/rainbow kind of look sometimes.

    Seasonal fabrics – in a modern style – are such fun for the kids

    And brights and 1930’s reproductive are favorites of my 11 year old daughter, so I stock a bit in my stash.

    Great summary, and wonderful giveaway…thanks for the chance to win!

  627. Kristen Avatar

    Asking me to choose my favorite fabric style is like asking a mother to choose her favorite child. I love them all, even many of the modern ones I initially was not attracted to. But if I had to choose one, I would say solids, since I go back to them again and again, and coordinate them with every other style. How’s that for diplomatic? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks so much for the chance to win – great prize!

  628. barbara Avatar

    I love the Kate Spain modern fabrics, with lots of color, also the 1930’s.

  629. Laurie Parrack Avatar

    I love the new batiks. I love how they have color variations and how it is easy to blend those colors together to make wonderful things. I also love the fun spring prints too. It is hard to pick just one.

    Thank you so much for a chance to win.

  630. Jenny De Schutter Avatar
    Jenny De Schutter

    My absolute favourites are the reproduction fabrics, especially the 19th century once. I love history and do not only buy this fabric but also the many books showing off the beautifull antique quilts and the stories that go with them. Thank you for giving us the opportunity of winning some free fabric :-)).
    Jenny in Belgium

  631. Karen B Avatar
    Karen B

    I love Batiks at the moment. I have never made a quilt from them but have admired the ones I saw. I did buy a kit so I’m excited to try this fabric

  632. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I like mostly contemporary prints.

  633. WandaFish Avatar

    I’d say I’m mostly drawn to Modern Style fabrics – sometimes brightly coloured, sometimes soft and muted. You’ll find me drooling over some crazy novelty prints too ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the gorgeous giveaway!

  634. Lisa Avatar

    So hard to choose a favorite fabric type, but maybe batiks would be my favorite…. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  635. Lynne Avatar

    I am a primative country gal. Simple elegance is my staple.

  636. Cathy Downer Avatar
    Cathy Downer

    I guess I am hooked on 30’s prints, so much like quilts I wish I had inherited.

  637. terri swisher Avatar
    terri swisher

    Right now I have to say batiks, bold and surprising fabrics.

  638. Pamela Gilfoyle Avatar
    Pamela Gilfoyle

    I love all the bright fresh colourful fabrics Ruby Is my latest have to have I guess we are a little behind here in Australia and don’t have as much choice….am known to buy from Fat 1/4 shop….. lol great prize !

  639. Paige Avatar

    I love Modern quilts. Great bold colors & fantastic patterns. Kaffe Fassett, mmmmmModa solids, geometricals…

  640. Barb of PA Avatar
    Barb of PA

    I love civil war fabrics, but I find that my taste change and after I make a few quilts out of my current favorite.

  641. Linda Payne Avatar
    Linda Payne

    Love the Batik’s. Always a surprise for me with the variety of colors blending. I tend to use the fall colors more often but love the fresh spring greens and ocean blues as well.

  642. Tammy Hempel Avatar
    Tammy Hempel

    I have not really gotten a style yet however I am leaning toward contemporary. There are soooooo many fabrics out there that it is a hard choice at times!! he he

  643. Annaleena Avatar

    I like classic contemporary fabrics.

  644. Del Soden Avatar
    Del Soden

    At present my favourite is Peace Love And Rock And Roll.
    Being a baby boomer, this line sets a tingle in my heart.
    It’s groovey man,
    Del Soden.

    Remember, keep stitching
    We can sew our world together Peace By Piece.

    That’s my own invention. I thought it up in 1992.

  645. laurie bay Avatar
    laurie bay

    I enjoy fabric with a forgiving style…..one that will look good no matter what I choose to do with it.

  646. ikkinlala Avatar

    For me it’s a toss up between solids and batiks – my very favourite fabrics are the mottled batiks without recognizable objects (like the top corner pieces of the Ocean Waves colour card). I also love the small abstract and floral patterns in that Asian fabric. If I had to choose one style, though, it would be solids.

  647. Pat Bond Avatar
    Pat Bond

    I love, love, love BRIGHT colors, but then, I also am in love with 30’s fabric, probably because they remind me of my mom and the quilts that she used to make. Any fabric can make you feel like you have another project to add to your list!

  648. Lisa Malaniak Avatar
    Lisa Malaniak

    It’s absolutely bright and bold for me. I love working with happy fabrics, sometimes novelty, but just alot of bright pinks, turquoise, lime. I just quilted my my recent quilt with lime thread!

  649. Jqluo Avatar

    I think Im late to join the giveaway. Well, I don’t celebrate St. Patty day. I just went to my mom’s house to have dinner.

  650. tricia m Avatar
    tricia m

    hummmm the more I look the more that I realized that I LOVE those “muddy” Civil War Era fabrics like those that designers Judie Rothermel and Barbara Brackman share with us. Thank You for your time.

  651. Rebecca Strauss Avatar
    Rebecca Strauss

    I took my daughter and grandchildren for coffee/ cool drinks after baking cookies which they delivered to the neighbors after tasting a few themselves!

  652. Jan T. Avatar
    Jan T.

    Oh, I’ve liked Asian fabrics for a while, but just lately I’ve developed a real fondness for bright colors, so Good Fortune would be a great choice for me. Thank you.

  653. kass Avatar

    i’m working on my first quilt–our wedding guest book–using pieces of fabric our guests signed. my husband and i met in the military and live in texas so i used muted red, white, and blue colors for quilt top. i’m strugging to choose the boarders and backing fabrics! i don’t have a favorite fabric yet! but i’m hoping your site will help me choose ๐Ÿ™‚

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