From thejaxcollection are two great videos explaining how to do Traditional English Hexagon Patchwork created by Jackie Wills.

There are other videos by thejaxcollection worth checking out, including Part 3 that shows how to remove the paper backings from the hexagons.

3 responses to “Traditional English Hexagon Patchwork Demos”

  1. Amanda Ryan Avatar
    Amanda Ryan

    Do you know of any sites that show patterns for using english paper pieced blocks?

  2. Tatania Avatar

    Fascinating to see it done in a little video. I have always wanted to do some, I think I might have a try after watching the video’s. Thanks for sharing those.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    That’s beautiful! My daughter loves to sew so I’m looking for some inspiration for stuff we can do over the summer holidays that will keep her busy. I would like to help her with a quilt of her own, like a project she can keep going til she goes back to school, so thank’s for posting.

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