You’ve found the perfect pattern, you have a crewel needle, some stranded embroidery thread, a piece of fabric and an embroidery hoop. Your pattern has been transferred onto your fabric and you are ready to start…so now what?

Your next decision comes down to the end use for your piece of embroidery. If your design will be backed by another piece of fabric or hidden with batting or framed, it is fine to use a small knot in the end of your thread. If you are embroidering onto a handkerchief or doily, where the back will be visible, it is preferable to work your ends into the back of your stitches.

But I have  a special trick to share with you that solves this dilemma. There’s no knot and no working in of ends. This technique is perfect when using 2 strands of embroidery thread and is particularly useful when working Redwork designs.

Discover my trick here:



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