Please join me in welcoming Elisa Wilson as a guest blogger today as she gives you a glimpse into her life as a pattern designer. Share your favourite beginner’s quilting tip for a chance to win a free pattern and template of your choice.

Elisa Wilson

I have a secret life. Most of my friends and acquaintances don’t know what I do. When I meet someone for the first time, this is how the conversation goes:

Them: "Do you work?"

Me: "Yes, I have a business. I design quilts and produce patterns and acrylic templates for quilters."

Them: Blank stare, long pause. "Oh, you make quilts."

Me: "No, I make patterns and sell them to quilters who make the quilts."

Them: "Who buys them?"

Me: "Well, I sell mostly to quilt shops across the US and to distributors who sell to quilt shops."

Then another person walks up and Them introduces me: "This lady makes quilts."

Me: Sigh. "Yes, I make quilts."

For a pattern designer, life revolves around market (it is a BIG deal for us). International Quilt Market is held twice a year. In the spring it moves around to different locations and in the fall it is always in Houston. At market you will find many different pattern designers, fabric companies, publishers of magazines and quilt books, thread companies, sewing machine manufacturers and much more.

Market is about what is NEW. It is your chance to show everyone your newest creations. Immediately after market is over, you have to start on the new NEW and have it ready in time for the next market.


So what do I really do all day?

After my breakfast and morning workout I am on the computer. Computer work takes up the majority of my day. I am sending emails, posting blogs, marketing, taking online classes, designing, writing patterns and coordinating with graphic designers, printers and shop owners. Some days I even get to sew!

I truly enjoy the design the process. This is how it usually goes:

First, I receive fabric from one of the fabric companies I work with.

Then I sort through the fabric. This time there are about 30 different colors. Immediately I pull out any fabric that does not appeal to me. Fortunately there are only about 6 I do not like in this bunch. The rest definitely speak to me.

fabric choices

Next I divide the fabric into colors. I make piles of colors that seem to be the same (greens in one pile, yellows in another, etc.). Then I re-divide the fabric into lights, mediums, and darks. I re-arrange it many times.

sorted fabric

I am handling the fabric, getting familiar with the colors and patterns. I usually let it sit on the dining room table and look at it during the day. Depending upon the deadline it can sit there for a few days or a few weeks.

I begin to get a few ideas and then I go to my EQ (Electric Quilt) and play around with different blocks.

Will this be an easy pattern or something more complicated? How many fabrics do I need to use? Does it have to be a certain size? Will I be producing the pattern or am I writing it for a fabric company? Playing on EQ can take days.

Once I have a few ideas I begin to make test blocks. It is surprising that what looks good on EQ does not always translate to good in fabric. I sew a few test blocks, try a different fabric, arrange the blocks, go back to EQ, re-arrange the blocks.


Then I write down how to make the blocks. Make a few more blocks to see if my instructions really make sense. A lot of back and forth goes on. More questions: Is it a good pattern? Is it different? Does it showcase the fabric? Who will this appeal to? Is it too boring or too challenging?

Every quilt needs a name. My husband is super good at coming up with names. He writes down a bunch of names, just letting his imagination go and writing anything that comes to mind. We can get a good chuckle during the word play on names.

After the quilt top is made I have to quilt and bind it. I love the quilting but dislike the binding. I then send it off to the photographer to get its picture taken for the pattern cover. While the photographer is working, I’m writing the pattern instructions. The pattern is proof read and tested. As soon as I get the quilt photo, the graphic designer and I create the pattern cover. The instructions and cover design are sent to the printer. Everything is printed and assembled into bags.

Whew! That’s a lot of work. I usually have three or four patterns going on in different stages at one time. I work about 40 hours a week and I juggle a lot of hats.

So my secret life is out. Are you surprised? How does it sound to you? Is it what you thought it would be? I would love to hear your comments and questions.

I invite you to join me as I chronicle my life as as a designer and my adventures in the awesome Montana wilderness that is my home at Seams Sew Crazy or on Facebook. Visit my online shop, Elisa’s Backporch Design, to see my patterns, templates and video tutorials.


I am offering a drawing for a free pattern and template of your choice. Anybody who makes a comment is entered.

Timeless Stars

To enter the give-away: Leave a comment below sharing your favourite beginner’s quilting tip. Give-away ends September 8, 2010. Winner will be chosen randomly.

This contest is now closed. Congrats to #61 Brigitte!

Please continue to share your favourite quilting tips. These are awesome!

90 responses to “Elisa Wilson: Life of a Pattern Designer (with a give-away)”

  1. Lotta Avatar

    The best advice I got when I started quilting was to make the quilts I like and try to have fun while doing it. Be precise in cutting and sewing were other great advices I got.
    Lotta in Sweden

  2. The Main Twist Avatar
    The Main Twist

    I love your quilt designs! You actually make it sound quite easy and fun. I have tried writing instructions and find it very hard! I have been a tester for new patterns for a friend of mine and am envious of those with such talent! Keep up the great work!

  3. Patricia Avatar

    When you need to construct several pieces into a quilt block and you want several of the same blocks…. strip piece in steps to make sure blocks all are going in the same direction! Ask me how I learned this… LOL

  4. Jennifer Avatar

    Always make a test block to check the directions, and if you make it in related fabrics – all repros, or all Christmas fabrics – eventually you will have enough blocks for a quilt!

  5. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    A wonderful picture into the designers world. I have a friend trying to break into that world. I will send your article on to her! My tip, read the pattern all the way through, and when you’re done, read it through again!!

  6. LouAnn Avatar

    My best advice is to take any project one step at a time so the entirety of the project doesn’t overwhelm you! thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Lynn D in NC Avatar
    Lynn D in NC

    Pay attention to detail as you go. If you measure components as you go, when you assemble all components into a block and ultimately a quilt top, you’ll be much happier with the results. It’s much easier to fix something at a component stage than a whole block or quilt top stage.

  8. Kim Jamieson-Hirst Avatar

    Hi Elisa! Love your patterns and interested to hear your process (isn’t it surprising how much computer time is involved in the “design” process?!).
    My favourite beginner quilter’s tip is to take a class and learn proper techniques from the start which will help point you on the path of quilting success.

  9. Vanessa Wilson Avatar

    My best beginner’s tip would be, “Don’t stress yourself out!” Quilting is supposed to be fun & relaxing. We all strive to cut and sew our patchwork perfectly but when you make mistakes take a deep breath and remember there is no quilt police out there looking for you! :o) Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    Thank you for a look in your life. I have been thinking of becoming a pattern designer. Now I have a better idea of the steps you take to achieve your creative process. I’m good at following the lead of others, but freeze when I try and think of one on my own. I think I’ll try your process with my stash and see what I come up with!

  11. Jackie White Avatar

    Wow, impressive! My fav tip is that you can finger press seams with your nail and can iron later.

  12. Christy M Avatar
    Christy M

    Wow, love this interview….and love the quilts featured here. A new pattern is always fun so I hope I win 🙂 My best quilting tid-bit…..have fun and enjoy!

  13. Sarah Stevens Avatar
    Sarah Stevens

    My best tip is to be open minded about methods and tips. It is hard to sway someone who ALWAYS adheres to the rule to “press to the darker colored fabric”. Other ideas work in different applications. My best advice though is to “have fun quilting”.

  14. Shawna Seigel Avatar
    Shawna Seigel

    Great interview and since I am new to quilting my tip would be – Love your iron. It will become your best friend 🙂

  15. Cheryl Avatar

    I need all the help I can get…tfs.

  16. Dana Avatar

    I always use this advice, don’t let anyone tell you it is wrong, if you are enjoying yourself and your method is working, then do it, break the rules.

  17. Carla Cornelissen Avatar

    It sounds like a lot of work to me but I think you are doing a great shop for us.
    I visit Houston festival a lot of times and see (and bought) a lot of patterns but never release how much work it is to create just one pattern.
    Thank for doing this for quilters all over the world!

    The Netherlands

  18. Jocelyn Avatar

    Press as you go is my beginner advice. I find it helps to make things line up. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  19. Terry Avatar

    Great description of the life of a pattern designer. I’ve admired your work for a long time…it’s always beautiful. My favorite beginners tip: Start small, preferably in a class and give away your first project to someone you love. They won’t see the “learning” mistakes and won’t care a bit if your seams are a little bit off. Then make another one for yourself. Most of all…enjoy yourself. Life is short; quilt what you love.

  20. cityquilter Avatar

    wow, great insight into how designers actually work, love the photos and the fabric is awesome! a great tip I use often is about binding. when cutting fabric for a quilt project, i also cut the binding strips at the same time and prep them, then wind on a bath tissue or paper towel tube and they are at the ready when the quilting is done….i use this tip all the time, then i store the leftovers on the tube for future projects, again ready when i need them…

  21. Cindy Bettinger Avatar

    My best beginner’s tip – wow. How to pick only 1? When you are going to work with any kind of piecing that involves diagonal cuts, like in triangles, if you lightly starch the fabric BEFORE you begin cutting, you’ll reduce the amount of bias stretching and it will help your accuracy.

  22. Barbara Jones Avatar
    Barbara Jones

    My neighbor, Donna, helped me make my first quilt, a Trip Around the World. She helped me pick the fabrics and worked with me through every step. I think the biggest lesson I learned from her was accuracy – I unsewed several seams on that first quilt, but it was so much better for it! I’ll never forget my friend Donna and all she instilled in me!

  23. Mary Avatar

    The best beginning tip would be to perfect the 1/4 inch seam. After that all else will fall into place.

    I loved reading how you explain your job and their interpretaion.

  24. Carole Avatar

    Elisa… so nice to ‘meet’ you… I have just retired my pattern business. I love the designing part.. handling the fabric…the whole ‘9 yards’.. no pun intended.
    I certainly am wishing you every success.

  25. Deb Avatar

    Great article!

    My favorite beginners tip is to get a great seamripper that is super sharp, and has a skinny point and a wide handle that feels good in your hand. You will be using it, you might as well make the chore as painless as possible. Oh, and the seam ripper can and will get dull, so plan on replacing it ‘just because’ and not ‘when I lost it’.

  26. nellie diaz Avatar
    nellie diaz

    hello Elisa i have some of your books and patterns and just enjoy them,Elisa thank you for beening on i have learned so much from watching you there bless you for makimg our quilt patterns.nellie

  27. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    I always stress to my new students to make sure to always close the rotary cutter EVERY time they put it down esp if they have children or pets in the house. Some stitches (medical!) could have been avoided had this advise been heeded. 😉

  28. Susan Piluk Avatar

    The best quilting advice I ever got was measure twice, cut once.

  29. Susan Avatar

    I like to keep my sewing area tidy so I have a small rolling lint remover in my sewing box. Just a quick roll across my cutting mat or floor to pick up those stray threads. Also, great for removing cat hair, when your family pet decides to sit on your fabrics as you are sewing!

  30. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    My beginner tip is to join a local guild. The members are a wealth of experience and they often have workshops or mini teaching sessions. Kathie L in Allentown

  31. Jill Avatar

    I think my best suggestion is to try and keep your seams as accurate as possible. The blocks go together so much smoother. Also, don;t forget to have fun and enjoy the process!

  32. Carla Irene Avatar
    Carla Irene

    It sounds like a lot of work to me but I think you are doing a great shop for us.
    I visit Houston festival a lot of times and see (and bought) a lot of patterns but never release how much work it is to create just one pattern.
    Thank for doing this for quilters all over the world!

    The Netherlands

  33. cyndi hoeller Avatar

    my tip……have fun, don’t stressed with every little thing…’s learning process that goes on and on…… can always learn new things even if you ‘ve been sewing since the beginning of time(you know back with the dinosaurs!!! lol=!!)

  34. WilmaNC Avatar

    Use good thread. And decent quality fabric. You will be glad you did, lol.

  35. Nancy Avatar

    measure twice, cut once…


    always start at the beginning of the directions…lol

    What a great job!

  36. floribunda Avatar

    My tip would be to try to buy fabric you like — don’t buy ugly fabric just because you find it on sale!

  37. Jo Anne Avatar
    Jo Anne

    I first became acquainting with Elisa through some videos on QNN years ago. I appreciate her direct teaching style. My suggestion for quilters is to remember that even the simplest designs can be stunning with good use of color and contrast.

  38. Sandy A Avatar
    Sandy A

    Beautiful patterns! Would love to win one!

    My tip is to measure twice and cut once! One of the things I was always doing when I first started quilting was thinking I had the right measurements but being off just a little bit. It can throw the whole block off if you don’t measure correctly!

  39. Christine M Avatar

    Don’t pick anything too hard to start with. If the pattern’s too complicated, you end up getting discouraged and put it into the “too hard basket”. Choose a simple and easy pattern and enjoy yourself.

  40. Cory Avatar

    My best tip for a beginning quilter is to work on accurate quarter inch seams. Thank you for this great give-away. Take care and God bless, Cory

  41. kristin Avatar

    Love the International quilt festival! It is such an inspiring place to be! My best tip for beginners is start small and work up to a Large bed size quilt.

  42. kim Avatar

    My favorite tip is not to worry, and keep the seam ripper handy.

  43. Marjorie Avatar

    My tip is that a quilter does not need the most expensive sewing machine with all the bells and whistles, they need one that will sew a straight seam. Love your interview, people think it is so simple to design,–not. Keep up the good work.

  44. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    I loved reading about what you do. Thank you. I’ll pass along what my first quilting teacher told me. Take as many classes/workshops as you can. You always come away with at least one really good new technique, tip, etc.

  45. jackie Avatar

    am the worst quilter ever, but am learning. I have been looking for some easy and simple patterns i hope i get lucky.

  46. Robin Hrabik Avatar

    LOVE the part about “blank pause, long stare” — and the automatic assumption that you make quilts! I’m a longarm quilter, and people think I “make quilts” too! Funny how it can feel that we are speaking a foreign language at times… LOVE your patterns too!

  47. Ann at Prairie Primrose Avatar

    I enjoyed that! My best advice….enjoy the process. Too many people just want to get to the end in a hurry. I tried to teach a friend to sew and she would just shove the fabric through the machine. I couldn’t get her to understand that your job is to guide the fabric. She wanted the end result and didn’t want to wait for it.

  48. Emma Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your information. It sounds like fun. I create original sewing patterns but haven’t created any quilt patterns. My best advice for beginners is to find fabric that you love and can see a quilt in it’s future. Buy quality. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend a lot of money. Fall in love with your iron and spray starch. I am new to quilting, so this is what I’ve found out, so far.

  49. Jane McKay Avatar
    Jane McKay

    Love your blogs, Elisa, and your templates and patterns! I have used one of them for four years as the best beginner quilting pattern for my beginner students.
    My tip is: Make the seam ripper your friend, and never leave an especially badly sewn seam in your quilt. However, little mistakes in your first quilt will remind you how much you’ve improved as you progress.

  50. Sarah Vee Avatar

    Great article. Thanks for sharing your secret life with us! My favourite beginner tip would be to just start. You will learn all of the other tips once you begin. It’s so gratifying to have a quilt you’ve made yourself. Making a perfect 1/4 inch seam when patchworking would be my next tip. That one becomes pretty obvious – pretty fast! You won’t learn until you DO – so begin! Thanks for the chance.

  51. Brenda Avatar

    I love love Elisa…she has great tips and tutorials on her site…and she really truly does read other’s blogs…I have all but her melon and 6.5″ templates….Even though she is a celebrity in her own right she is still very much a down to earth girl. The tip I hear over and over again is to measure twice and cut once, but most of all have fun creating.

    Thanks for sharing with us Elisa….

  52. Brenda Avatar

    I love love Elisa….I have all but her melon and 6.5″ templates….Elisa has wonderful tips and tutorials on her site, go check them out heck post her site on your blog…..Elisa thanks for spending time with us and giving us a glimps into who you are….you are a celebrity in your own right but have remained such a down to earth kinda gal…..
    My favroite tip is measure twice cut once but always remember to have fun creating…..

    The best to you in your future as a designer and as a person


  53. Lexi Avatar

    I am a beginner, eeee!! I quickly learned that thinking about cutting before cutting is a smart idea (if going for a specific design vs. wonky anything). I also still get overwhelmed by the amount of steps & work involved in anything. So, fellow beginners, relax! Once I step back & relax, quilting is so much more enjoyable. 🙂

  54. Paula Avatar

    The best thing I did when starting quilting was take a course in rotary cutting … sounds simple, but if you do it right you will never have problems with your blocks fitting together. So my tip is take a course from an experienced quilter! Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Barbara Avatar

    My best tip for beginners is to carefully measure (twice if necessary) and cut once. Second is to check your 1/4″ seam allowance. Both of these tips will assure accurate piecing.

  56. Lynda in SPokane Avatar
    Lynda in SPokane

    I love your patterns and templates and have a few, so it was great seeing how they were born! I forwarded to the quilt group I am in, because it was so informative. I, too, ask my husband to name my quilts!

    Lynda in Spokane

  57. Karen Avatar

    Two to quilt by:

    Measure twice, cut once. (Ask me how I know.)

    Done is better than perfect. Perfection is the enemy of the good.

  58. Debi Hooten Avatar
    Debi Hooten

    My advice would be to sew a test block before cutting out the whole quilt. You can change fabric and/or fabric placement if you decide to before yards of fabric are cut.

  59. Lynne Avatar

    A great tip for beginner quilters is to not pre-wash the fabric. The sizing in the fabric as it comes of the bolt helps a beginner make accurate measurements and cuts and also the stiffer fabric is easier to position for sewing.
    thank you for hosting a giveaway.

  60. Brigitte Avatar

    My first quilt teacher always made us rip out anything that was not precise. At the time I thought it ludicrous but realized in no time she was right. Nothing would fit if it was not precise.

  61. Munaiba Avatar

    Perfection is the enemy of enjoyment. Don’t sew for perfection or deadlines. These two can ruin a good quilt and a good time.

  62. thunder Avatar

    if you use leaders, and enders, in between all of your block pieces when sewing, you can actually be working on two or three projects at the same time…..something as simple as sewing two pieces of a nine patch together…or the “cut offs”… from 1/2 square triangles…I keep a stack of squares, and a little bin of triangles next to my machine at all times…..the use of leaders and enders also saves you from having “thread tails”, and I find it helps keep triangle points more pointed, when you have fabric already at the needle. hope that is “understandable”.

    very nice post, thanks Michele and Elisa

  63. Mary Jane Avatar

    My favorite tip for beginners. Measure, measure, measure. Measure twice, cut once. If you make a mistake in your measurements when cutting, it alters the entire block. Read the instructions carefully and measure twice before you cut. If you make a mistake in sewing, it can throw off all the blocks and in turn, the entire quilt. So, I would advise sewing a practice square and do it until you have a true !/4″ seam. Measure, measure, measure.

  64. Janet Avatar

    My favorite tip? Start with washed, ironed, straightened fabric!

  65. Nancy Bird Avatar
    Nancy Bird

    Tip for newbies? Enjoy the process, and remember that there are no quilt police, so don’t sweat the quilting “Rules”. Mistakes will be made, you will learn from them, and your quilt blocks that don’t turn out just the way you wanted them can be made into pillow tops. LOL!

  66. Wendy Avatar

    You do truly amazing work! Montana’s beauty is inspiring … I live in Western Montana myself and wouldn’t prefer to live any where else in the nation 🙂

    My beginner’s tip is for matching seams … if needing to match seams on a four patch (or anything) be sure to place top seams pressed towards machine and bottom seams pressed away from the machine. Since the presser foot pushes and the feed dogs pull, the placement of your piece should securely seat the seams closely together, thereby matching the seam points.

  67. Sandy Avatar

    Two things….be aware that infinitely small sewing variances will add up to mismatched patterns, so take your time and sew accurately.
    And the secon tip is to become friends with your seam ripper. You cannot force fabric to fit. It will not work. You’ll need to think of ripping out and redoing as a natural part of the process. It’s worth it when you see the finished product.

  68. Kathleen Avatar

    Elisa — I guess there are a lot of us quilty-crafty gals in Western Montana! I think beginners should find a quilting mentor to help them get a solid foundation in the art. Attending local quilt guild meetings is a fantastic way to expand your horizons and meet people. It is amazing now when I look back and realize the opportunities I had in the quilt guild I was a member of in Oregon. There were a myriad of designers and teachers that made presentations in our monthly meetings over the years, and you can get ideas and learn something new every time. I’ve also noticed that talented ladies in church groups sometimes have special nights to get together, fellowship, and work on projects. So I guess my best advice is “Don’t be afraid to get involved!” Thank you for including me in your drawing. Kathleen

  69. Linda Avatar

    Hi Elisa great information on being a designer it really is a lot of hard work. My best tip is watch all the videos on the internet you learn so much from them, keep up the good work. Linda

  70. Tammy J Avatar

    I think the best thing a beginner can do is to take a class. So much is shared in a class and you can get help and gain confidence. Then…take another class!

  71. Wileen Avatar

    Enjoy the process. Don’t be in a rush to hurry and get it done. Take your time and make each step as accurate as possible. Then when your quilt comes together at last, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment.

  72. Julie Andrea Drevinskis Avatar
    Julie Andrea Drevinskis

    I always purchase a little more fabric than is called for in the directions – reasoning that leftover fabric doesn’t go stale, hee hee, it can always be used for small projects or a crazy quilt. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

  73. Carol Avatar

    It sounds like fun – but I will happily do your bindings. That’s one of my favourite parts of quilting.

  74. Sonja Hakes Avatar
    Sonja Hakes

    I now appreciate the time that goes into designing a quilt pattern. Thanks for your lovely work.
    Beginner’s Tip: Don’t throw away those scraps!! Sew strips of leftovers together as you create them and when you have finished your quilt you will have created a scrappy piece of material to make a pillow or cushion. It will match your project and help you avoid waste AND you won’t have to store it!

  75. Elisa Avatar

    I’m loving ALL of the comments – Thank you! I’m saving them to read over when I’m having a down day. And the GREAT tips! I have to agree with the tip on making a test block, before cutting ALL your fabric. And the one about buying extra fabric, I will have to obey that one 🙂 And to keep learning. And, well all of them, so many good things. I think the drawing is tomorrow. Stay tuned!

  76. Marcia W. Avatar
    Marcia W.

    Thank you for such a good interview. My favorite beginners tip is to make sure you sew a straight quarter inch seam so the block will fit together smoothly.

  77. Lana R Avatar
    Lana R

    Master the rulers and rotary cutter for precise and straight cutting and sew what YOU like. You’re doing it because it gives YOU pleasure.

  78. countrypat Avatar

    que interesante lo que haces,entretenido mundo de diseños y colores,soy nueva en todo ésto,tambien en computacion,cada dia descubro algo nuevo,aprendí mas o menos a volver a algun sitio de mi interes,espero visitarte otra vez,quiero ingresar a éste bello mundo del patchwork y quilting….
    saludos desde Chile

    Google translate: very interesting what you do, entertaining world of designs and colors, I am new to all this, also in computation, every day I discover something new, I learned more or less back to some place of my interest, I hope to visit you again, take me to this beautiful world of patchwork and quilting ….
    Greetings from Chile

  79. Nancy Sue Phillips Avatar
    Nancy Sue Phillips

    I do all my cutting at the same time if possible. Having a son under the age of 3, makes for challenging time management. I find that if I can “kit” up fabrics into projects in one session, and then do the sewing in another, I will have a lot more progress. I also keep projects in satchels, so they are portable to grab at the door. It’s also easier to store when you can hang projects.
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  80. Regina Avatar

    Check your seam allowances!!!

  81. Cindy's Crafty Creations Avatar

    My favorite beginner quilting tip is use good quality tools ie: scissors, cutting blade, thread etc.


    measure twice, cut once lol

  82. Rhanda Johnson Avatar
    Rhanda Johnson

    Thanks for offering this give-away! My advice, practice your 1/4″ sems. When doing the actual quilting…. Machingers (or something similar) this is a must have.

  83. Cindy Pierce Avatar

    My favorite beginning quilt tip is to be sure you press your seams carefully and often during the quilting process. It can make or break a beautiful quilt.

  84. Beverly Hicks Burch Avatar

    Actually there are two that maybe “duhs” and already mentioned, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat them time and time again.

    The first one…NEVER mark quilting lines in ball point INK!! Yes, dear friends I HAVE seen this happen by a beginner on a guild fund raiser quilt of all things!!

    Second, and I just found out the other day at a quilt shop I was visiting that even after the 24+ years that I’ve been quilting the debate rages on over the “to wash or not to wash” question concerning newly bought fabric.

    I fall in on the “TO WASH” and have since I started quilting in 1986. Why? To reduce the risk of dye migration AFTER the quilt is made and may need to be washed for some reason. Believe it or not, even though I do pre-wash my fabric I have on very rare occasion still had this happen.

    The other reason is for the shrinkage. Once everything is washed and dried it should have already “shrunk” as much as it’s going to and if the quilt need to be washed there won’t be any puckering and buckling. The quilt shop owner I talked to the other day learned her lesson when she uses a TOP NAME fabric and after washing the quilt, one row shrunk about 2 – 3 inches compared to the other fabrics. OUCH!!

    And, there are my favorite beginner’s basics…

  85. Joannie Strange Avatar

    My advice for a beginner is to have fun with the quilting process and to explore all the possibilities there is to quilting.

  86. Christine M Avatar
    Christine M

    My best tip is to buy the “stuff” recommended in the beginner books… 1/4″ & walking feet for your machine, rotary cutter, 24×6 ruler & the biggest cutting mat available are the minimum. I cheaped out on the cutter, ruler & mat… and paid for it later when I had to get new ones fairly quickly!

    Also, Best Press is the most wonderful non-drinkable liquid known to quilters. Buy it. Use it.

  87. Mary C Avatar

    My#1 tip is to PIN-PIN-PIN! Make sure those seams ‘nest’ together.
    #2 is to use a camera as you play on your design wall, take loits of pictures of the process…

  88. Ellen Banerjee Avatar
    Ellen Banerjee

    Master the 1/4″ seam allowance and you’ll reduce your frustration level!

  89. Gail Sabramsky Avatar
    Gail Sabramsky

    My best tip for a newbie quilter is, when you are making your fist quilt… and looking for fabric, don’t let anyone talk you into any of your fabric choices… If you let a quiltstore employee choose your fabric it will never be your quilt and if someone says this would be perfect for your quilt and you hate the fabric… you will hate your quilt if you use it.Even if it breaks the rules for fabric choices… if you love it before you cut it, you will love your quilt when its done!

  90. shellie Avatar

    Patience. It’s ok to mess up even though you really do not want to. This is how you will learn. Yep by messing up…. Each quilt gets better. I do not care how careful you are in cutting, measuring, sewing, etc you will mess up somewhere and fix it, rip it, sew it again. It’s ok.
    And read directions a few times.

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