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Anne’s Garden By: Melissa, Washington, USA
This is Anne’s Garden, complete with garden baskets, bags, bunnies and flowers. The baskets, bags and flowers are made from felt and are my design. The bunnies are made from cotton and I followed a tutorial from 2 Little Hooligans.
Quilt size: width: 0" height: 0"
Be Kind Wallhanging By: I QUILT FOR FUN, Kentucky, USA
This is one of 12 wallhangings I made for my sister’s housewarming present. It is from Nancy Halvorsen’s “Be Attitudes” quilt pattern and this is my favorite! The eggs are made from tiny pieces of batiks that friends gave me and I couldn’t bear to throw away! So glad they found a good home!
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"
Bunnies on Parade By: Pastimes Quilt Design, Utah, USA
I designed this quilt to depict bunnies all dressed up in their finest clothes having an Easter Parade. Making this quilt reminded me of playing paper dolls with my sisters as a child. It was fun searching through my fabric scraps to find just the right outfit for each one to wear in the parade.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 58"
Bunny Trails By: Maria, North Carolina, USA
Quilt size: width: 37" height: 46"
cath. windows easter egg hunt By: Jan Clark, Mississippi, USA
this is my Cath. window quilt. It reminds me of colored easter eggs.
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 110"
Crazy chicken By: Boriana Parvanova, Bulgaria
This quilted table runner is made for the Easter charity exhibition this weekend. I will take part with some of my quilts and will give my profit to the Bulgarian foundation “I want a baby” which supports women and families with fertility problems.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 33"
Easter Basket By: Rosemary, Massachusetts, USA
Found this adorable basket tutorial and decided to make a cute Easter Basket for the upcoming holiday. I plan to fill it up with jelly beans!
Quilt size: width: 7" height: 4"
Easter Tidings By: Carrie P., North Carolina, USA
An Easter basket full of chicks to celebrate this special holiday. My quilt is done by hand applique using cotton and wool for the flowers. The pattern is by Verna Mosquera.
Quilt size: width: 27" height: 35"
Flowers for everyday By: Bonnie Kowalski, New York, USA
I made this for a woman that is going through cancer treatment
Quilt size: width: 66" height: 75"
Hearts of Easter By: Patricia Moffitt, Alaska, USA
The heart pattern is from McCalls Quilting magazine and I decided to arrange them in the shape of a cross. It hangs in the foyer of my church during the Easter season.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 70"
Like Crocus It Will Burst Forth Into Bloom By: Julie Bagamary, North Carolina, USA
The center portion of this Quilted Art Piece minus the Scripture and frog, were purchased from a fellow quilter’s stash where I added a frog, hand embroidered
Isaiah 35:2, ” Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom, it will greatly rejoice and shout for joy.”
Quilt size: width: 23" height: 27"
Little owl By: Siobhan, Ireland
Little quilt with applique owl and prairie points.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 38"
Spring is in the Air… By: Ruthiequilts, Utah, USA
This quilt was made from a pattern that was in a magazine by the name of “Quilts with Style”. It is no longer in print… I started the blocks for this quilt several years ago when I first started paper piecing. I joined some of the blocks last spring, and just finished it today! Here it is!
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 21.5"
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