Easter Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 16
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 8

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April April
By: Lynne Dupre’, Alberta, Canada

The pattern is by PatchAbilities and is part of a monthly mini series. I made it for my daughter and two grandsons to use as part of their Easter decorations.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 14"

Bunny Stack Bunny Stack
By: Donna Bielawa, Virginia, USA

Machine applique and quilting.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 42"

Cottontail Cottontail
By: Patty D from NC, North Carolina, USA

Cottontail was created using some Bliss fabric to help decorate for Spring and Easter.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"

Easter Bargello Heart Easter Bargello Heart
By: Karen Simons, Louisiana, USA

This quilt was made with the pattern in “The Bargello Heart” book, by Nancy Podolsky. I had a lot of pastel print scraps from making smocked dresses and wanted to make a pastel quilt. I think it works as an ideal Easter hanging.

Quilt size: width: 43″" height: 55″"

Easter Eggs Easter Eggs
By: Candace, Iowa, USA

I made this little quilt just in time for Easter. I used odds and ends of trim to decorate the eggs which began as 5″ squares. It’s a quilt from my Double Nickel Quilt Challenge.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 29"

Esther the Easter Chicken Esther the Easter Chicken
By: Gail, New Brunswick, Canada

A little whimsey for Easter. A table runner I just couldn’t resist. I love the look in the eyes, as if she is totally amazed at the all the coloured eggs.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 48"

Happy Easter Happy Easter
By: Gunilla Börjesson, Sweden

I made this quilt in a class at Quilt University,
“Going in circles”, and it happened to fit in this week´s conpetition.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 13"

Hippity Hoppity Hippity Hoppity
By: Quilting Ranny, Washington, USA

Here comes Hippity Hoppity Easter Bunny delivering her basket full of flowers and bunnies to my granddaughter Emerald in Arizona. I appliqued different colored eggs, ribbons and buttons to this little quilt to help give it a decorated Easter feel.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 34"

Pastel Garden Pastel Garden
By: Deb M., Illinois, USA

Grandmother’s Flower Garden is one of my favorite patterns to hand piece! The quilt starts in a baggie and I take it everywhere with me. When I get about 20 squares, then I choose a connecting fabric and figure out how they will be arranged. Hexagons are endlessly fun!

Quilt size: width: 45″" height: 54″"

Pick a Basket Pick a Basket
By: Lorraine Bradley, Australia

My version of a BOM offered by Bunny Hill Designs “A Tisket A Tasket”. I made it using my stash with the exception of the outer border fabric. Not officially an Easter Quilt but I felt it fitted the guidelines with rabbits, eggs, chicks and baskets. Applique hand stitched – buttonhole stitch

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 53"

Pretty in Purple Pretty in Purple
By: Riel Nason, New Brunswick, Canada

Purple and yellow are Easter colours, so I thought I’d enter this Pretty in Purple quilt. It was made for my three-year-old daughter. Purple is her absolute favourite colour even though I’m not a big fan. 😉 It is a simple patchwork but it was tricky to arrange the squares so they worked well.

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 55"

Quilt in the Garden Quilt in the Garden
By: Deonn Stott, Utah, USA

Inspired by a poster designed by my daughter in her high school graphic arts class for a quilt show. Note the Momma bird encouraging her baby bird to fly…

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 31"

Rabbits Prefer Embroidery Rabbits Prefer Embroidery
By: Lorrie Gartman, Illinois, USA

Rabbits Prefer Embroidery is a Bunny Hill redwork pattern. Since it was an Easter quilt I decided to make mine “spring” by using pastel floss and floral scraps, accented with satin ribbons.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 39"

Spring Tablerunner Spring Tablerunner
By: KarenKay, New Jersey, USA

This tablerunner was made using Moda’s Sunkissed line. The colors are perfect for an Easter/Spring tablerunner. You can even find the tutorial at the Moda website.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 24"

By: janet, New Jersey, USA

I fell in love with the center embroidery on this quilt and couldn’t wait to embroider it. The tulips are all paper peiced.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 45"

Will Work For Eggs Will Work For Eggs
By: greenduckie13, Illinois, USA

After I was completely done I realized that I hadn’t sewed the nose down on the bunny. So I drew the stitches on with a marker. And nobody has noticed yet! As long as it doesn’t fall off I’m good!)

All of the fabric came out of my stash. The patterns is in the March 2005 McCall’s Quick Quilts.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 35"

7 responses to “Easter Quilts”

  1. bet Avatar

    great quilts

  2. Annmarie Avatar

    I love looking at all the great entries 7 vote every week but would like to know who wins. Where do I find the previous week’s winner each week?

  3. Stitches Avatar

    Nice quilts, all of them..it’s always fun to see what other people make for different holidays.

  4. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    yay, finally let me vote!

  5. Sandi Avatar

    Happy Easter, Michele! I love all the quilts but really liked Lorraine Bradley’s basket quilt. Made me wish that I had finished my Bunny Hill blocks. 🙂

  6. Cassie D. Avatar

    Even though I don’t normally enter the contest, I do enjoy voting for them! fun!

  7. tubakk Avatar

    Many great quilts. Unluckily I could vote for just one of them.

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