Delightful Stars Quilt-Along

Playing catch-up with the latest lessons from our Delightful Stars Quilt-Along.

Lesson 23 is block #16 and we need two of them:


With these two blocks complete, we can now finish Section D:


Lesson 24 is two of block #6, our easiest and smallest block:


Now we can complete Section B:


Lesson 25 was sent out a week early, and as such, there is no lesson this week. For this lesson, there are the last five small paper pieced blocks to finish as well as Section A:



It’s been very gloomy here, so I haven’t had a chance to get a photo of all my sections. They are currently being joined together. Sonia Ramos shared hers in our Facebook group and gave me permission to share it with you here:


I’ve also been working on the centre back. I have 64 wonderful friendship stars to incorporate. The centre will contain 48 blocks and on two sides will be eight blocks each. Can’t wait to see this altogether.


What’s Next…

The next lesson is August 26th, when we’ll be joining the major sections and completing the centre top. Then there is a break week, for Labour Day, and the last two finishing up lessons will be September 9th and 16th. I will be quilting my centre top section first, before attaching borders. I’ll share how I go about this in the upcoming lessons.

The final Delightful Stars Booklet will be available September 23rd. This booklet will contain all of the quilt-along lessons, be reformatted slightly, be reviewed by a technical editor and it will be professionally proofread for accuracy and consistency throughout. It will be approximately 200 pages.

The final booklet will increase in price too. Purchase the Booklet now, you’ll get all of the lessons released to date and you will also be able to download the final Booklet once it’s available (September 23rd).

Delightful Stars Quilt-Along

We’re also chatting and sharing our photos in the Facebook Group … come join us!

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