Dream Catcher

A beautiful quilt by Deb Karasik of Quilt Mavens.


4 responses to “Dream Catcher”

  1. Ann Miller Avatar
    Ann Miller

    You Quilt Mavens just take my breath away. Quilting is a fantastic skill and you ladies just take it to the MAX. This one is surpreme.

  2. Linda Kountz Avatar
    Linda Kountz

    Oh my it is just wonderful

  3. Alex Leigh Avatar
    Alex Leigh

    This is the most amazing quilt I’ve ever seen! Is there a pattern for this project? If there is please tell me where to find it! Thanks!

  4. Deb Karasik Avatar

    Yes…there is a pattern for this quilt. I call it DreamCatcher and it’s in my second book, Quilts With Attitude. (available on my website and everywhere else you can buy books)


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