Last year, I ran a contest here on the Quilting Gallery site, Charms for Charity. We raised 1,149 charms.
Last January a couple friends and I started a charity sewing group and invited others to join us. We meet once a month. Several of the ladies in the group have never sewn before, never mind quilted. We finally picked a name for our group, the Quarter Inch Club.
We have two quilts completed and ready to be delivered to Victoria Quilts Canada. The ladies did a fabulous job on these. One uses charms from the contest and the other fabric received from Victoria Quilts.

I’ve also completed two additional tops using the charms and these are basted waiting for me to finish quilting them this summer.

I’ve also been working on five small, 24″ square baby quilts for NICU babies. Those will be delivered to the quilt guild in September. Will share pictures before I send them off. I love working on the small projects, gives me a great opportunity to practice my free motion skills.
I have enough charms left to make one more Side Bars quilt like the one above, and another totally charmed one for Victoria Quilts. There’s a New Zealand quilt being worked on too, which I forgot to take a picture of, will get that in September.
We’d love to have some new fabrics once our group starts back in September. Is there any interest in me holding another charity drive contest? I’m thinking either Fat Quarters or 2.5″ strips. Here’s my idea:
Donate 4 fat quarters, 3 will go to charity, 1 will go into a pile to be drawn as a contest once I reach 10. OR Donate 6 strips of 2.5×40″ wide fabric, 4 will go to charity and 2 for a contest draw once I reach 12. Please vote below if you’d be interested in participating.
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