De-Stashing to Raise Cash

Last week I started working on a new web site for me: Mishka’s Playground.

Mishka's Playground

While I love the community I’ve built around the Quilting Gallery web site, I wanted a place where my own quilting and quilt designs/patterns can be the focus. Over time, I’ll be adding my own tutorials, patterns and quilts so that they are easy to find in one place.

I also decided last week that I will be giving notice to my current landlord next week and moving June 1st or earlier. In Canada, we have to give two months notice. I swore when I moved here, I’d never move again, as it was so much work and a huge hassle. The movers I had hired were jerks, but that’s another story. My rent has gone up again, as is normal here, but I really think I can get more for my dollar by going elsewhere.

No doubt I’ll be stressed until I find a new place but hopefully it won’t take too long. I have my list of criteria and June’s a good time as many students have left town leaving vacancies in my desired area(s). We’re a big University town.

Anyway, as part of the upcoming move, I’ll be de-stashing as much as I can. I’m currently listing what I have available in fat eighth bundles of hand dyed fabrics. I’ll be adding fat quarters and regular fabrics in the coming weeks too. Moving is expensive and I need to raise some cash for the move too.


2 responses to “De-Stashing to Raise Cash”

  1. Colleen Avatar

    Good luck with your move. I hate moving too, although it does give you an incentive to throw out things that are just taking up space. I’ve been in the same house for 20 years, and have I ever accumulated a lot of stuff!

  2. Janice Avatar

    I’ll keep a eye on your stash. I need a few fabrics to complete some projects.

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