Marie Bostwick Blog Hop Tour

Welcome to Day 2 of the blog hop tour for Marie Bostwick’s latest book Ties that Bind. I hope you enjoyed visting yesterday’s guests. Be sure to visit all the guests and leave comments on each site. We all have books to give away to our readers. I’m giving away two copies, so visit the Day 1 post and leave a comment there.

Here’s the complete schedule:

Tuesday, April 24

Wednesday, April 25

Thursday, April 26

Friday, April 27

Saturday, April 28

Marie is also sponsoring this week’s Wall Hangings quilt contest. Submit your quilt by Thursday at midnight EDT to enter.

Weekly Themed Quilt Contests

Baby Quilts from Today’s Guests

In Ties that Bind Philippa decides she’d like to learn how to quilt and signs up for a baby quilt class. I asked our guest bloggers to share a baby quilt they’ve made with us.

Jennifer – SewHooked

Because I learned to quilt by volunteering for a blanket making-charity, The Linus Connection, I started with baby quilts and have made many over the years, so thinking about a special baby quilt took an extra bit of thinking! When I think back to the baby quilt that stands out in my memory the most, it is the quilt that my group of sewing friends made for our friend Catherine.


My friends and I live in the Austin, Texas area. Catherine is from Australia. I met her online many years ago through a Harry Potter craft group. She and I became fast friends and online quilting buddies, and eventually, she flew to Austin to visit. My sewing circle adopted her immediately and now she’s friends to us all. When her first child was born, we all worked together to make a quilt for her.


Catherine is an Engineer and used to work on construction sites. With that in mind, we created a construction-themed quilt using a pattern from a book one of our sewing circle had. Each of us made blocks, and we finished the quilt top at our group’s annual quilt retreat. We each took on jobs of quilting, stitching the binding and making the label. It was a real group effort and meant a lot to us to be able to do this special thing for our friend on the other side of the world!


Erin – One Piece at a Time

When I first started quilting I had several friends and family members who were having babies. I found this pattern in Quiltmaker and I pretty much made it 4 or 5 times. By the time my son came along it just seemed unfair for him not to have one too so I made this one. I guess you can see that my obsession with applique started pretty early. Can you believe that quilt is HAND QUILTED!

Erin-baby quilt

Patterns for the Book

Deb Tucker from Studio 180 Designs created this adorable Hide and Seek Baby Quilt to go with the Ties that Bind book. The pattern will be available soon as a free download to those who are registered reading friends at Marie’s web site. You can register now, as there are three other patterns already available for you to download.

Hide and Seek

Also, Deb created a second pattern to go with the book. This one is Garden Dance and will be available soon. If you are interested in purchasing this one, subscribe to Deb’s newsletter to receive notification when it’s available. I have two copies of this pattern to give-away to my readers see below.

Garden Dance


Here are today’s give-aways, you can enter all of them, just follow the instructions on each post:

I have two copies of Marie’s Ties that Bind novel to give-away to my blog readers. To enter, visit the Day 1 post from yesterday and leave a comment there.

I’m also giving away two copies of the Garden Dance pattern from Studio 180 Designs. To enter this give-away, leave a comment below answering What’s your favourite method of appliqué? Winners will be chosen randomly on May 2nd.

Garden Dance - Applique

Plus, visit today’s two guests, read the answers to the FUN questions, and enter the give-aways on their blogs too:


Congratulations to the two winners of the Garden Dance pattern: #34 Julie Barrett and #6 Maria Kievit

34 responses to “Day Two: Marie Bostwick’s Ties that Bind – Blog Hop Tour”

  1. Gill Avatar

    I haven’t done a great deal of applique – mostly I use bondaweb but I’d like to try needleturn!

  2. Patti Avatar

    I had no idea about these books. I knew about Jennifer Chiaverani books but not these and I am really grateful for the introductions to these and have bought the first one. But right now I am add I am addicted to the Hunger Games books and I’m on number 2. Thanks for letting me know about these books though.

  3. Sandi Avatar

    I love applique work done in wool. It’s my favorite way to do applique. A little poetry for the day. 🙂 Am enjoying the book tour and excited to share tomorrow!

  4. Susan N Avatar
    Susan N

    Needleturn is my favorite way to applique when I do applique.

  5. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    Love the Garden Dance pattern. My favorite method of applique is using starch to turn under the seam allowances and then using a really small machine zigzag stitch.

  6. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    For applique, I learned the method of putting freezer paper behind the material, turning the edge under, and then sewing it to the quilt. Just before totally finishing that, take the freezer paper out, and you’ve got a nice crisp applique. Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    Needleturn-not that I’m so great at it, but I like the results.

  8. KarenW Avatar

    I’ve done some machine applique and am just beginning to try needleturn.

  9. faith hope cherrytea Avatar

    i’ve done the wunderunder with creative machine edging – i think it depends on the size of the applique that will determine which my fave will be for that one…
    luving this tour & the offers! TY sooo Much !
    twitter follower @_eHope and liked you on FB as well… 🙂

  10. Deb Avatar

    Most of my applique is fusible machine applique. 2nd choice is invisible machine applique, for something special. I need to back to remedial class on needleturn – I stopped doing it years ago and can’t do it any more.

  11. Sara Avatar

    I have yet to do any applique. I’m new to quilting, I actually just finished my first rag quilt and I’m almost done with my first piecing!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Pauline Avatar

    Love machine appliqué -lucky enough to have a lovely brother 40000 I which is great
    Great give away

  13. lynda Morrissette Avatar
    lynda Morrissette

    I use heat and bond lite. Then I blanket stitch on the machine. Love it.

  14. Julie Avatar

    I like the look of needle turn appliqué.

  15. Bev C Avatar

    I just love applique, I prefer using buttonhole stitch.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
    Happy days.

  16. GwenH Avatar

    I love doing machine applique. I love the Garden Dance pattern, would make a lovely wallhanging. Thanks for the mini quilt show, the quilts are all so cute, also thanks for introducing Marie Bostwicks book, sounds like an interesting book.

  17. Nick Avatar

    I generally use Wonderunder. Just finished Marie’s book and loved it. Now I’m looking forward to making Garden Dance.

  18. ~ Julie ~ Avatar

    I’ve mostly done raw edge applique because turning it under takes too much time for my liking! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a beautiful giveaway!!! 🙂

  19. frances quigley Avatar
    frances quigley

    I have tried all sorts of applique and I think the best is machine using blanket stitch. I also like to hand applique if I am on the road. It is so easy to carry and work while waiting at doctors offices.

  20. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I am not very good at applique but i like to use the iron on sheet that glues it to the fabric, then cut it out, and sew around it. I have only done it once, so maybe that is why I don’t know what it is called.

  21. Jean Avatar

    I like turned edges either by hand or machine.

  22. Diane Avatar

    Love Marie’s books and applique is one of my favorite methods. Love giveaways!

  23. Penny Brown Avatar
    Penny Brown

    I love free!
    I love Marie’s books. I have read the four previous books and can’t wait for this one. I would love to win this pattern because I want to learn to do needle turn applique. Wish I had the Friday night sewing group to teach me. Maybe Virginia would take the time to teach me!

  24. Karen Pollard Avatar
    Karen Pollard

    I’ve read every one of Marie’s books. They’re just impossible to put down once you have started one too!

    Love them all!

  25. Janet Avatar

    I like needle turn applique the best. Like how it looks and it is fun to do.

  26. Judy Avatar

    I have not done much applique so don’t really prefer one method over the other. It kind of depends on what I am making.

  27. carmen Avatar

    I love needleturn method

  28. dawn Avatar

    I haven’t done a whole lot of applique but mostly raw-edge machine applique is the method I use.

  29. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I have done a few different ways but I mostly use the needleturn method.

  30. Luann B Avatar
    Luann B

    Up to this point, I’ve always just used a blanket stitch. A dear friend is teaching me to use the needleturn method. She is really good at it, and I hope to be as proficient someday.

  31. julie barrett Avatar

    gorgeous ! giving me too many ideas of quilts i’d like to make in my lifetime.


  32. trillium Avatar

    In the ast I have only done primitive-looking overcast zig-zag, but now want to try the fusible web method after reading about it on someone’s blog.

  33. Sher S. Avatar
    Sher S.

    I enjoy needle turn appliqué when I find a pattern that just calls my name. Love the pattern you are giving away, it’s really beautiful and striking. I’ve done buttonhole stitch and I’ve used fusible but still love they way needle turn comes out.

  34. Nancy Sue Avatar
    Nancy Sue

    I blanket stitch by hand or machine, around the edge of the applique. Would love to try needle turned applique someday 🙂

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