Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 27
  • Total countries: 5
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 14

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Baby Bryce Baby Bryce
By: Afton,
New Mexico, USA

I designed this quilt using pictures of my son, his footprints & handprints, a lock of hair from his first haircut, a clock embellishment set to his birth time and a measuring tape cut to his birth length to commemorate his newborn stage. It’s hard to believe he was ever so small now that he’s 3.

Quilt size: width: 31.5" height: 36"

Bea's Stitches Bea’s Stitches
By: Lady Locust,
Oregon, USA

This is Bea. Her son and d-i-l are dear friends & are now 93 & 89 years old. In this little book are my hand copied illustrations of her stitches. This is to honor and remember her & give her the credit she is due though she is no longer with us. I realize it’s not a quilt, but it’s for us CQers.

Quilt size: width: 6.5" height: 8.75"

Black and White Black and White
By: Rita,
Missouri, USA

This is my first Dresden, I decided to make it modern. I took scrapes from all the quilts I’ve made so far, I also scattered some little leafs of the plates around to make it fun. Hope you enjoy it, I loved making it.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 52"

By: Jean,
Ohio, USA

This quilt was shown in Fons & Porter Magazine and made from old yard sale fabrics that were 36″ wide. The sashing is from an old quilt that needed to be torn apart and redone. It is machine appliqued and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 54"

College T-Shirt Quilt College T-Shirt Quilt
By: Holly Elam,
Alabama, USA

I made this quilt for a young lady who sent me her t-shirts from college. It was the first one that I free motion quilted all over.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 85"

Colorful Memories of Mom Colorful Memories of Mom
By: Karen K. at Fireball Quilts,
Utah, USA

I made this memory quilt with fabric from ~40 of my mother’s shirts. The collection, partly found in a bag in the basement, spans at least four decades. It’s precious to me, even the piece with paint splatters. The fabrics remind me of so many wonderful times with my Mom. I quilted it using FMQ.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 36.5"

Farm Memories Farm Memories
By: Sam,
Saskatchewan, Canada

Displayed on the back of the quilt are 6 ‘memory’ blocks made for my great grandmother for her 80th Birthday quilt, representing my granny’s children. I re purposed them for the back of the bed runner I made for my Granny for her 80th birthday. All 18 blocks are different and symbolize our family.

Quilt size: width: 82" height: 24"

Fractured Batiks Fractured Batiks
By: Kelly Kreft,
Colorado, USA

The design is based on Ricky Tims’ Kool Kaleidoscope tutorial. This is done all in batiks and there are 18 different colors of threads used. When my mom passed away, quilting this was my therapy at the end some very rough days. Needless to say, this has a special place in my heart and my home.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Graduation 2014 Graduation 2014
By: KT,
California, USA

Made from hand dyed batiks. This is just the top, I am still working on the back, as it will be a graduation quilt for my little sister who loves bright colors. I have a little one so this is the only picture I could get without him all over it!

Quilt size: width: 69" height: 85"

I Will Wear Purple I Will Wear Purple
By: Needled Mom,
California, USA

My sister and I made this quilt for our mom’s 80th birthday. It has 80 envelops that we had filled with letters from her family and friends recalling their memories of their love and friendship with our mother over the years. It was a huge hit.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 76"

Lilah's Memory Lilah’s Memory
By: Cheryl Hartzog,
Florida, USA

When a Great granddaughter was born with Brittle Bone Disease. the parents were told she would not live very long , they only gave her days. She lived 3 months and 12 days.
I printed pictures, orbit and a poem with her favorite butterflies, covered with plastic folders, fancy stitched around each.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 46"

Mom's Memory Quilt Mom’s Memory Quilt
By: Bobbi Wodtli,
Washington, USA

My father passed away in 2010. I made this quilt from many of his shirts. At his memorial service, I had muslin triangle blocks that people signed which are incorporated into the blocks. Some pieces even have the shirt pockets and buttons left. The pocket of one is on the back holding a photo.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"

My Dear Sweet Friend My Dear Sweet Friend
By: Bunny,
Ontario, Canada

I made this Portrait Quilt for my friend’s daughter. My friend passed away June 4/10,and I miss her. Making this portrait of her reminded me of how much fun we had quilting together. It hangs in her daughter’s home and she loves it. Marilyn Bedford was the teacher at QU. an amazing teacher.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 32"

My Family Heritage My Family Heritage
By: Karen Stenback,
California, USA

The flags in this quilt depict my heritage: In descending order, they are: American, Finnish, Saami, and Swedish.
I made this quilt for a Challenge in my guild. It is an original pattern. It is machine appliqued and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 36"

My Tag My Tag
By: Pam Gonzalez,
Illinois, USA

This is a quilt I made from taking a photo of a washer that’s in one of my gardens. I printed it on fabric, painted it, thread painted it and did some hand embroidery. It was fun to make. It’s a Magtag wringer washer but I call it My Tag.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 15"

Nancy's Candy Jar Shelf Nancy’s Candy Jar Shelf
By: Heather Pearson,
Ontario, Canada

I filled these shelves with all sort of memories of my sister’s adventures around the world, specially her favourite candies. Also shows her world travelling bunny, Barlow, and her cowboy boot . The books on the top have real titles of books representing her life’s activities

Quilt size: width: 50" height: `70"

Oma's Gartendecke/ Grandma's Garden Quilt Oma’s Gartendecke/ Grandma’s Garden Quilt
By: Sylvia Mölls,

This Quilt I made for my Grandmother. She loves the garden, but is already 98 years old. If she can not work in the garden any more, she will have the Quilt to comfort her. It is a design from Pearl Pereira, hand-applique, hand-quilted, hand stitching in Hungarian, Grandmother is from Hungary.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 90"

Opa Decke / Grandpa Quilt Opa Decke / Grandpa Quilt
By: Flickenstichlerin,

The quilt was made for my father’s 70th birthday and resembles all the important things in his life. Ice-cream, locomotives, his three children, my mother with him, church, his work at a light bulb factory and him as a handyman around the house.
Quilt is machine pieced, appliqued and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 90"

Our Secret Garden Our Secret Garden
By: Karen Giles,
Michigan, USA

This was a 50th anniversary quilt for my parents. Everyone was in on the secret when I sent out for comments from family and friends, which were scanned in for the border of the quilt. Included were lace framed portraits and doilies made by my grandmother. Tears were shed by my mom/quilt buddy.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 90"

PaPa's Western Shirts PaPa’s Western Shirts
By: Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation,
Tennessee, USA

This quilt is made from my grandfather’s shirts. He is in the end stages of Alzheimer’s, and is now in a nursing home. My grandmother asked if I would take his shirts and make four quilts, one for each of their sons. This is the first and will go to my Dad as a special reminder of his father.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Spring quilt Spring quilt
By: Tove Sherling,

This quilt I happened because of one block I made, and I Liked the colors. I made more blocks. All different just to try different techniques. A few of them are known, some stars and hexagons. The rest I designed myself. I just had fun with colors and shapes. Just one block at the time.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 50"

Stars in the Loft Stars in the Loft
By: Karen H,
Ontario, Canada

While not made in memory, it is a memory of my Dad. We shared a love of art. I was almost finished this quilt when he fell ill. I rushed to finish so he could see it before he died. He smiled & nodded when he saw it. Each time I see the quilt I think of my Dad and what a great dad he was.

Quilt size: width: 86" height: 95"

surrounded surrounded
By: Glenda Penner,
British Columbia, Canada

My friend shared some fabric bits and pieces with me that had been amongst her mother’s things after her death. I knew when I saw the embroidered girl that I would make a little quilt to give back to her. My friend lives surrounded by vineyards now, hence the grapes and vine.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"

Swan Godess Swan Godess
By: Lee Franklin,
Florida, USA

My tribute to Laurel Birch, from her book “Legends”.
She is missed.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Sylvia & Louise Sylvia & Louise
By: Lynda DeTray,
Ohio, USA

I made my Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler (Sylvia & Louise) in the year after my mother’s passing. The quilt is held together with thread and tears. My mom got me interested in all kinds of needlework from the time I was young and this quilt is in memory of her.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 106"

ward Wilson ward Wilson
By: Mary Schilke,
Vermont, USA

This is a portrait I made of my neighbor Ward Wilson. A rarity in this day and age I live in a neighborhood where we socialize and dine together on a weekly basis. After a long fight with cancer Ward has left the neighborhood.This is an original design , fused, painted,machine quilted

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 36"

Waves Waves
By: Ella & Nesta,

This quilt was made after following a course by Roberta Sperandio. The technique is called “Tidal Curves” and consists in cutting more than one layer of fabric with freehand curves. It’s really fun and effective.

Quilt size: width: 20.9" height: 20.9"

51 responses to “Creative Expression and/or In Memory Quilts”

  1. Rue Avatar

    My favorite summertime meal is probably barbecue chicken, potato salad, sweet corn on the cob, watermelon, fruit cobbler, and lemonade. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

  2. Joyce Avatar

    when we camp in summer my favorite meal is
    fried fish, fried potatoes,onion & cucumber marinated in vinegar solution, pork& beans, and watermelon for dessert.

  3. Anna Avatar

    My favourite summertime dinner would be grilled chicken and grilled mixed vegetables with a fresh green salad. For dessert a rhubarb and strawberry pie with crumbles together with vanilla ice cream or custard. Yummy! And very Swedish! 🙂

  4. Lia Avatar

    I love potato salad with fried eggs at the side! Yumm!

  5. Karen Avatar

    My favorite summertime meal is chicken or shrimp kabobs on the grill, along with corn on the cob, fresh vegetables from the garden, strawberry shortcake for dessert and sweet tea for a beverage.

  6. Rita J. McCart Avatar

    BBQ chicken, cottage cheese with tomato slices, homemade ice cream and fresh strawberries from my strawberry patch! 🙂

  7. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    My favorite summertime dinner is steaks on the grill.

  8. LINDA Avatar


  9. MoeWest Avatar

    I like anything grilled on the barbeque with fresh veggie side dishes. Stuffed grilled mushrooms are a favourite too.

  10. evelyn Avatar

    I love anything fresh from the garden, salad greens, herbs…being vegan I just can’t wait for fresh.

  11. Diana Avatar

    Nothing like a hotdog at the ballpark!

  12. Karen Anderson Avatar
    Karen Anderson

    Fresh tomato, basil and mozz cheese w/balsamic vinegar. YUMMY!

  13. Rhod Avatar

    Fresh veggies from the garden are my very favorite. The flavor is so much better than store bought.

  14. Sophie Avatar

    My favorite summer meal is Moroccan Lentil Salad and a glass of a crisp white wine. The “lentil salad a bit like stone soup because after you add the chick peas, tomatoes, sweet peppers in three colors, jalapenos, cilantro and lime … you hardly notice that there are lentils in it.

  15. Karin Avatar

    Summers in South Texas can be brutally hot, so we love nuthin’ better than some salad, tomatoes & corn straight from the garden. Very refreshing, especially when paired with sweet lemonade made with lemons picked right off the tree outside our bedroom window. mmmmhhm!

  16. Mystica Avatar

    Roast chicken and salad! thanks for a super giveaway.

  17. Colleen Avatar

    My favourite summer dinner is barbecued steak, baked potato (on the BBQ) and Caesar salad.

  18. Carolyn DiPerri Avatar

    Hambergers on the grill with fresh corn on the cob, coleslaw and blueberry pie!

  19. Carol Avatar

    Wow, outstanding quilts, as usual. I love the 2 that are portraits–how unusual!

  20. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    I think my fav Summertime dinner is grilled steak and grilled corn on the cob!! The quilts this week are outstanding. It was so hard to just pick four!!

  21. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    sumtertime dinner: cold fried chicken, potato salad, off the vine sugar snap peas, watermelon!

  22. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    great quilts. love them all. thanks

  23. Melanie Avatar

    Home mad patties & veggies cooked on the BBQ by my husband – with a homemade potato salad with home grown tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce hmmmmmmmmmm I can taste it now 🙂

  24. Nancy Avatar

    I love egg salad sandwiches for a summertime lunch.

  25. Pam Avatar

    hamburgers and watermelon!

  26. Mary Avatar

    BBQ chicken, sweet corn on the cob and watermelon. Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. I won the Saral paper once before. Absolutely love it. It great for marking letters on wool applique. Also use it for tole painting. Love you Miska, so if you pick me give it to someone else. I bought a whole role after trying out my win.

  27. Liz Avatar

    corn on the cob and BBQ hamburgs…followed by ice cream…yum yum…

  28. ROBIN Avatar

    Those portrait quilts are outstanding!

  29. Debbie Avatar

    Hamburgers and hot dogs and chicken wings on the barbecue!

  30. Karen H Avatar

    Corn on the cob with butter and pepper and a big side of fresh sliced tomatos with basil!

  31. Pauline F Avatar

    This is an easy one….there is nothing like a tomato picked fresh off the plant…and of course I luv potato salad…two of my favorite summer foods. Happy stitching everyone!!

  32. Anna Avatar

    Beautiful quilts!
    I like cold mint tea.

  33. Suzanne Avatar

    Barbecue chicken would be my favorite. And my husband would have to have potato salad to go with that, no mustard, please.

  34. Sherry VF Avatar
    Sherry VF

    My family loves Oriental Chicken Salad. I grill the chicken breast, slice and lay on top the bok choy mixed veggies with toasted Ramen noodles. Good stuff.

  35. Sheila Avatar

    My favorite summer time meal would be potato salad and chicken. Thanks for the chance.

  36. Linda P Avatar
    Linda P

    My favorite summer meal – cool chicken salad with a crusty roll, with tomato, cucumber & onion salad – eat it in the shade or on the back porch – YUM!! too hot to cook!!

    I also have to say, this was one of the hardest weeks to vote. After reading each story, I wanted to vote for each of them!!

  37. Susan Avatar

    My favorite summertime meal is grilled fish or chicken with veggie kabobs and watermelon & berries for dessert.

  38. Mary on Lake Pulaski Avatar

    My favorite summer dinner is pork chops cooked on the grill with cool sides of either potato salad or cucumber salad.

  39. shirley tener Avatar

    Ribs and corn on the cob, with a cold glass of tap beer

  40. Yvonne Avatar

    Barbeque ribs and chicken and steak. Any and all, we are easy to please and my family eats what ever is served!

  41. Patricia Lines Avatar

    My favorite meals in summer are full of fresh veggies like corn on the cob, fried squash, sliced tomatoes, cucumber salad etc.

  42. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    My favorite summertime meal is barbeque chicken, fresh tomatoes/onion/oregano salad, corn on the cob, and watermelon.

  43. Sue Avatar

    Tender steaks on the barbecue, sweet corn, cucumber salad, and vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries on the top.

  44. debra Avatar

    I love barbecue steak, with mushrooms and potatoe. and of course icecream for desert.

  45. Jane Avatar

    My favorite summer meal is tomato sandwiches, sourdough bread, home grown tomatoes and Duke’s mayonnaise. Yum!

  46. Judy Stone Avatar
    Judy Stone

    My favorite dinner is Bacon, lettuce, and fresh tomato sandwiches!! Yum!!!

  47. Sandy Y Avatar
    Sandy Y

    I love grilled pork chops!!

  48. Jean MN Avatar
    Jean MN

    My favorite summertime dinner is lobsters, steamers, mussels, and corn. Heaven!

  49. dorrell r. Avatar
    dorrell r.

    fried okra – creamed corn – sliced
    d tomatoes

  50. Linette Avatar

    I am partial to Grandma’s Garden!

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