Guest Blogger

Please join me in welcoming guest blogger Jacquelynne Steves to the blog today. She’s sharing her upcoming free block of the month project with us, plus she’s giving away two fabulous digital pattern bundles! See below for how to enter the give-away.

Cozy Afternoon Block of the Month

Thank you, Michele, for having me as a guest here today!

Today, I’d like to talk to you about a brand new FREE Block of the Month which I’m hosting, called Cozy Afternoon. When I designed this project, I was thinking about spending a cozy afternoon, curled up with a cup of tea and a favorite stitching project.

You will have 3 different options for making your blocks:

  • you can just piece them
  • OR you can applique them (hand or machine – I did machine applique)
  • OR you can do simple hand embroidery (just 2 super easy stitches – the backstitch and French knots – plus I have a YouTube tutorial for those stitches)

There’s something for everyone and the choice is yours!

Cozy Afternoon Free Block of the Month

The first block will be released on June 15th (tomorrow), and it will run for five months (not too short, not too long – just right!). We will have featured bloggers who will be showing you how their project is coming along and giving you ideas for fabric choices, plus there will also be lots of give-aways. If you did my last Free Block of the Month (Sew Sweet Simplicity), you know that there are also bonus patterns and other surprises for this event…

And, just like last time, we will have a really fun Sew Along Day! What’s a Sew Along Day? Well, on that day we will get together and have a virtual sewing party, showing our projects, sharing tips and suggestions, and giving out cool prizes. This is an international event – it’s really fun to see what our friends on the other side of the world are working on at the same time as us!

This is really going to be fun and I’d love it if you would join me for this fun event! Just click here to sign up, and every month the patterns will be delivered to your inbox.

Of course, you can use any fabric that you love! Here is the quilt done with some different fabrics – amazing how different the same exact quilt pattern looks when you play with the fabric choices:

D-Cozy Afternoon Free BOM- Jacquelynne Steves- Different Colorways

And just for fun, today we are giving away two fabulous digital pattern bundles! This bundle includes patterns for quilts, embroidery and stuffed animals, plus recipes and fun craft projects. Did I mention that it’s fabulous?? See below on how to enter!

E-Digital Pattern Bundle- Jacquelynne Steves- QG

Once again, thanks so much to Michele for having me as a guest here today! I’m sure you love her blog and web site as much as I do, it’s such a great resource for quilters and sewists.


Please note: You can sign up for the FREE BOM at any time, so don’t worry if you sign up after the start date (June 15th).

Updated Monday Afternoon

The first two blocks have been released. Aren’t they just adorable?? Read the blog post here.


What version are you making? I’m thinking about trying my hand at the embroidery. I have some yummy 12wt Aurifil threads to use.


Enter the Give-Away

There are two steps to enter the give-away to win Jacquelynne’s fabulous digital pattern bundles:

Step 1 – Sign up for the free Cozy Afternoon BOM project.

Step 2 – Leave a comment below, letting me know that you signed up and also what you have been doing this weekend? Gardening, stitching, visiting with family, whatever.

Two random winners will be selected from the comments on this blog post on Thursday, June 18th, 2015. Winners will be notified via email, so please be sure to enter your email address correctly both when you sign up for the BOM and when you enter a comment below.

Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon,


Winners Announced

Thanks so much to everyone that entered the give-away. The winners have been chosen and have already received their wonderful bundle of PDF patterns. Here are the lucky recipients:





191 responses to “Cozy Afternoon Block of the Month and Give-Aways”

  1. Susan Avatar

    Signed Up!

  2. Thunder Avatar

    Packing up a box of red, white and blue goodies, to send out for a swap. Later having dinner with a friend 🙂

    Signed up for the BOM Sew along awhile ago.

  3. Diane Avatar

    I signed up yesterday for the Cozy Afternoon BOM Project. So looking forward to this!

    I really wanted to be sewing this weekend, but I came down with a nasty bug, so am just sitting in my recliner, resting.

  4. Robyn Avatar

    i signed up last month :). This weekend has been full of errands, the only stitching I have done was piecing the back of a quilt. I did make some more progress trimming up my HSTs for another quilt though. Yesterday three of those errands were at different quilt shops at least! I picked up tear away and material for binding a quilt at the first shop, two BOM kits at the second, and at the third I got batting for one I was piecing the backing for, thread for quilting it, background fabric for yet another quilt, and a few fat quarters and notions.

    Rtgandy at gmail

  5. Tracy Hall Avatar
    Tracy Hall

    i signed up

  6. Paula Nelson Avatar
    Paula Nelson

    Finishing touches to VBS. No sewing for a week – Get to sow for a harvest instead. Looking foward to starting soon.

  7. Trish Avatar

    Unfortunately, I’m spending the weekend preparing for my younger sister’s funeral. I’m also thinking of ways to make keepsakes for her teen-aged children.

  8. Birgit Avatar

    Signed up! Hand stiching – owls…
    Greetings from Germany, Munich

  9. Candy Long Avatar
    Candy Long

    I signed up for the Cozy Afternoon BOM. A month ago, our friend decided to make a solo motorcycle trip to Namibia. On the way, in the middle of the Namibian desert, he was hit by a rather large (2 metric tons)kudo that darted onto the road. Our friend lay for six hours before another car drove by and found him. After being in the hospital for three weeks, he is finally back in Cape Town with a shattered wrist, a fractured ankle and three broken ribs. So Saturday we went to visit him and to hear all about his adventure. (the kudu by the way, is fine, not even a scratch but the bike is totaled). Oh, and I sorted and organized fabric scraps by color and size and cleaned my sewing room so I’m ready for June 15! Thank you Jacquelynne for making the Cozy Afternoon BOM available to us!

  10. Birgit Avatar

    Greeting from Munich/Germany
    Signed up! Hand stiching – owls.. ?

  11. Billie Kretzschmar Avatar

    Always stitching. I signed up.

  12. susan pappas Avatar
    susan pappas

    Such an attractive site, want to learn more – soooo signed up!

  13. Nncy Avatar

    I just signed up for Jaqueline’s block of the month. 🙂

    This weekend, I finished the border on a Veteran Quilt that I donated to Quilts of Valor. Today I am working on some items for a baby shower next weekend.

    Thanks for all you do!

  14. Jean Hogan Avatar
    Jean Hogan

    Signed up, I have been gardening this weekend

  15. Julie McCluney Avatar

    Michele, I signed up a while ago. I did the first Aming For Accuracy and loved it very much. I can not wait for this tea inspired quilt.This week I finished a top (Knitter’s Gifts – another from the internet) and trying to complete another UFO. They just seem to accumulate. Thank you for sharing your patterns with us – it is much appreciated.

  16. Mary Wright Avatar
    Mary Wright

    I just signed up!

  17. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    Have been signed up and anxiously awaiting tomorrow! Love your patterns. Will be visiting family this weekend, so no sewing, unless I do it late tonight. =)

  18. Trudy Keller Avatar
    Trudy Keller

    All signed up! Thank you!

  19. Denise Lamy Avatar
    Denise Lamy

    i just signed up for the BOM, I can’t wait for the first block! I’ve been to a wedding and a graduation this weekend, now I’m relaxing!

  20. Linda H Avatar
    Linda H

    I signed up and am looking forward to some hand applique while sitting on the porch sipping iced tea! Today was a family lunch followed by a short nap!

  21. Ginette Avatar

    I signed up for the BOM. Looking forward to this project. I have been unpacking after a 2-week road trip from Nova Scotia to TN. Wonderful trip, but it’s nice to be home….

  22. Bernice Avatar

    i signed up for the June BOM. This afternoon I’m pulling weeds, planting flowers and organizing my sewing room!

  23. Cynthia Avatar

    I had signed up already as I enjoy your last one. I didn’t want to miss out on anything. I am thinking I might to the embroidery version this time. Over the weekend I did some sewing (not enough) and cooking.

  24. JanetB Avatar

    All signed up! Went to a four-year old neighbor’s birthday party yesterday. Today, been catching up on reading my quilt magazines.

  25. Velta Grosch Avatar
    Velta Grosch

    Signed up

  26. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    Busy weekend here….just finished getting my veggie and flower garden in….finishing up a market bag….then getting ready for my week at work!! 🙂
    I’ve been signed up for a while!! Can’t wait to get started!!!

  27. CarolanneB Avatar

    Signed up & excited about this! Today I’ve been sewing…blocks for Delightful Stars. (My main focus was on adjusting any of the points in the many blocks that I have made, before I get too far along and forget to correct them). Yesterday as a very busy Yard day of work, then sewing at night. 🙂 I’m a happy girl if I can do it all !

  28. Brenda C Avatar
    Brenda C

    Signed up! Have spent most of this beautiful Sunday browsing quilt blogs and feeling very inspired! Thanks for a great give-a-way!

  29. Nancy M Avatar

    I signed up a month ago on Jacquelynne’s site and can’t wait for tomorrow’s pattern. Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Jane Avatar

    I signed up today. I’ve been to two birthday parties this weekend but also managed some stitching and some floss tubing.

  31. Helen Avatar

    Just signed up! I am baking a giant carrot cake using my Grammie’s amazing recipe and am making my son’s favourite recipe – ribs in cola. Laundry and getting acquainted with my new-to-me embroidery machine is filling out my day! Happy day everyone!!!!

  32. Ray J. Avatar
    Ray J.

    I signed up for the new BOM last week. I’ve been watching baseball and playing on my Kindle Fire. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  33. Chris Avatar

    I signed up for the quilt along long ago. Today, I am with both of my daughters, husbands and my 4 grandchildren. 4 grandkids 5 and under. Life is good.

  34. Beverly Avatar

    Just signed up. Doing Laundry. Just put house up for sale so doing lots of de-cluttering. Right now browsing on FB.

  35. Linda Mc Avatar
    Linda Mc

    I signed up and enjoyed browsing thru her site. Thanks for the introduction! No sewing for me this weekend….too many other things to get done.

  36. Liz Avatar

    I signed up, it sounds short and sweet. This weekend I finally was able to get quilting some of my own quilts.

  37. Lori Avatar

    I signed up. Thank you. My weekend was visiting with out of town friends

  38. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Signed up-looks like fun! Spent the weekend working for a friend who got sick-oh, well, can use a bit of extra pay!

  39. Wilma Simons Avatar
    Wilma Simons

    I signed up for this as I collect teapots, and quilts. I spent the weekend quilting, cleaning, and visiting my grand daughters, and the 9 year old loves her sewing machine that she named Rosie.

  40. Paula Price Avatar
    Paula Price

    I have just signed up for for the BOM. I can’t wait. I used to quit a lot, stopped for a number of years and ma just now getting back into the groove as I am retired and have lots of time to quilt. I’ve been busy today getting my quilting area ready and looking at patterns and such on Pinterest. Can’t wait!

  41. June Avatar

    I have signed up for the BOM! Today we have been celebrating Flag Day!

  42. Patricia Pretty Avatar
    Patricia Pretty

    Just signed up and I’m excited to start My cozy Afternoon block. I’m rearranging and refolding my fabric so I can find it faster. Well at least I hope this well work better for me.

  43. Holly Nielson Avatar
    Holly Nielson

    Signed up a couple days ago. Resting and cutting pieces for blocks for Michele’s A4AII quilt along.

  44. Elisa Caminoto Avatar
    Elisa Caminoto

    All the way download from Brazil i want to join this BOM, participate of the giveaway and have fin with the patterns. This weekend I finished quilting and almost finished bondinho one of My UFOs : a table runner +6 table mats

  45. Kim Leachman Avatar

    I signed up. Not doing much this weekend.

  46. Theresa Litz Avatar

    All signed up. I’ve been piecing a new quilt top and watching Downton Abbey season one DVDs.

  47. Cindy Andrews Avatar
    Cindy Andrews

    Signed up for the BOM super excited as I have not done one before. Today I finished two blocks that had been in my to do stash for 3 mos. yay me!! Thank you for sponsoring this BOM can’t wait to get started!!

  48. Sharon Avatar

    signed up
    Went to a quilting class which will be a block of the month, taught by my friend Liz. Finished quilting a baby shower gift with a lot of help from my friend Liz.
    Looking forward to this.

  49. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    I am already signed up for this BOM…since you first opened Sign-up’s! lol

    This weekend, we had our Grangirlie here & we made Loom Bracelets, Stamped & created fun Homemade Cards,made dinner for Grandpa, & she is learning to Crochet! 🙂 Wonderful time spent together! 🙂

  50. Kay Woodworth Avatar
    Kay Woodworth

    Worked all morning at the monastery, and this evening with a private client, but for 2 hours in between I went home to work with fabric to find just the perfect colors for a quilt top. My neighbor and I share this passion, so we played in her fabric room and then in mine.

  51. Bobbie St.Clair Avatar

    I’ve been signed up for ages and impatiently awaiting for this BOM! This weekend I “bean” sat and went shopping and today was our church picnic after regular services, I also got to a birthday party for a 3 yo and 4yo.tonight I’m sewing a train depot for a swap

  52. Elsie Bulva Avatar
    Elsie Bulva

    I would love to join the group Whats one more. Sound like fun and a chance to win is fun too

  53. anita Avatar

    Never got a chance to make the last one so hoping I can do
    better at keeping up this time around. I did make a trip to
    the local Joann’s store for a few essentials but no sewing –
    yard work and helping with building steps on a deck.

  54. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i spent the weekend exploring a retreat center for a possible quilt retreat. then spent time with family and put a new couch on layaway. not too bad.

  55. Debora Avatar

    Just signed up for the bom. I’m knitting this weekend, trying to finish a baby blanket for the newest member of the family.

  56. Vicki Gore Avatar
    Vicki Gore

    Hi Michele, I signed up for the Cozy Afternoon Block of the Month. I have been working on making a purse for one of my husband’s coworker’s daughter. Also today have been preparing for tropical storm which looks like is headed our way.
    Hope you have had a good weekend.

  57. Ann Curet Avatar
    Ann Curet

    I have been finishing a pair of regulation socks for Socks for Soldiers, putting stuff away after vacation and getting sewing area ready so I can work on several UFOs!

  58. raihana Avatar

    Hi,I am doing this first time. Hopefully will be able to finish the project successfully.
    Thank you.

  59. Carol Avatar

    Ive signed up and Im looking forward to starting the BOM. This weekend Ive been putting sashing & bindind on a table runner

  60. Karen Rhodes Avatar
    Karen Rhodes

    I’ve been signed up forever and am so excited to check my email later today. I’ve been working on some Facebook swaps trying to get a few months ahead so I can take some vacation time this summer.

  61. Meryl Avatar

    I signed up even though I’m swamped with projects and UFO’s. Can’t have too many, right? Saturday I went to a reunion of teachers who teach/taught at the school I retired from last year. I met people I’d only heard about and saw some that I miss seeing every day. Yesterday I went to the bridge club and reconnected with someone I went to college with in Michigan who now lives up the road and plays bridge to boot. It wasn’t a weekend for quilting, but for connecting in other ways.

  62. Carol Avatar

    I signed up! Was busy with family and strawberries this weekend with just a little bit of sewing whenever possible.

  63. Karen C Avatar
    Karen C

    I signed up a long time ago. So excited to start! We had storms all weekend so it was a good reading time. Thanks for the chance!!

  64. Karen Addleman Avatar
    Karen Addleman

    I’m signed up for the BOM. I serve as Wedding Coordinator at my church and I had a wedding this weekend, so that kept me busy. On the sewing front I also make baptism banners and I finished up 5 of them.

  65. Diane Offerman Avatar

    I signed up for the BOM. Worked on my new sewing room this weekend. Hope to get window treatments finished this week. Thanks for the chance to win and also what looks to be a fun BOM.

  66. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    I signed up for the BOM. I am spent the weekend visiting my daughter in NOLA! I love visiting the quilt store here, Mes Amis, and everywhere else that we travel. This year I have visited The Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri and Ruth’s Stitchery in Colorado Springs plus great shops in central Illinois.

  67. Kathleen Avatar

    I did sign up for the BOM a short while ago. Didn’t want to miss out on doing a cute quilt. Love Machine Applique.

    I have been sewing a binding on a quilt for veterans. Attended a mini-military reunion. Looking at new cars and trying to decide which one to buy. Still undecided.

  68. Jerry Coats Avatar
    Jerry Coats

    Hot Dog! It’s finally time for the BOM! I signed up long ago, or so it seems, but now I get to play. This project is for me. All else I’ve made over the years has gone to other homes, but this is all mine. I’m in such a dither!
    We spent the weekend visiting my brother in Owasso, Oklahoma. He has PSP and now gets about in the wheelchair with a companion 24 hours a day. Got lots of hugs and kisses so that will last a short while until the next trip. May God bless you and each one as love is stitched into every project.

  69. Siobhan Furgurson Avatar

    This looks like a great take-along project for the summer. Doing mine primarily in red, white and blue! Thanks!

  70. Eileen Avatar

    this looks like a very fun project am going to love doing it

  71. Clara Fenstermaker Avatar
    Clara Fenstermaker

    I signed up for block of the month, My wonderful daughter got married this past weekend so we have been doing wedding stuff and entertaining family all week.

  72. Karol Allred Avatar
    Karol Allred

    I just signed up for the BOM and cannot wait to make the embroidered blocks. This last weekend I spent time making a mug rug for a swap partner and finishing a quilt for my daughter’s birthday.

  73. Sharon Bramwell Avatar
    Sharon Bramwell

    I just signed up for the BOM! I am going to embroider the blocks.
    This last weekend I went stitching with friends, then helped out
    at a charity function, afterwards went to our sailboat to put
    the sails up and clean. On Sunday I went to a terrific Quilt Show. Afterwards at home, I finished a charity quilt block and I also started an applique piece for myself.

  74. Sandra Avatar

    I just signed up for the BOM!I am planning to applique the blocks. This last weekend was spent gardening and attempting to declutter the den.

  75. Judy Avatar

    I have signed up for the BOM. Over the weekend I worked on finishing the blocks in the last BOM that Jacquelynne had on her blog. I have the 4 main blocks finished and just need to do the bonus blocks. I am hoping to keep up a little better with this new BOM.

  76. Sandii Easthope Avatar
    Sandii Easthope

    I have signed up for the BOM that Jacquelynne is doing. I am excited to get to this new challenge.

  77. Vanessa B Avatar
    Vanessa B

    I have been signed up and spent my weekend working with a little sewing thrown in when I could 🙂 Thank You!!!

  78. Jenny Basque Avatar
    Jenny Basque

    I just signed up for this beautiful BOM. This weekend I traveled back home to watch my grandson play tee ball ( it got rained out) ☔️ Then traveled back to my nieces house where I have been staying to babysit her 2 month old. 2 hours each way, but it is so worth it to be able to help family out! Cant wait to get started on this quilt! Think I May embroidery this one:). Something quiet at nap time:)

  79. NancyB from Many LA Avatar
    NancyB from Many LA

    I signed up, and this weekend I’ll be heading home after taking care of my granddaughter for a few days.

  80. Carol Avatar

    I signed up a couple of weeks ago and have the first 2 blocks printed out and ready to get started. Busy with family on weekend and worked a little on Days for girls, shields at home. This Saturday coming is a DFG workshop so I will be working with other great ladies on this project in Calgary.

  81. Judy Avatar

    Another beautiful BOM project! I’m sewing this weekend to finish 3 projects before starting this one! Love your blog

  82. Barbara Thibeault Avatar
    Barbara Thibeault

    I was busy unseeing a VERY long row that I sewed inside out on a rag quilt that I am making for our VERY high sleep number bed..I was so tired of us pulling our regular size quilt back and forth that I decided to make one that would go to the floor…16 twelve inch blocks across on every row, in flannel….Has been wearing me out…I am really looking forward to doing your BOM..Thank you for generously offering !!!

  83. Dorothy Bresciano Avatar
    Dorothy Bresciano

    Love this new project…so excited to begin. Hoping to learn how to applique better than I do.

  84. Mary Reed Avatar
    Mary Reed

    I signed up for this BOM when you first announced it. Ordered your fabric kit for it when you had made it available and was so excited yesterday when the first blocks were in my inbox. I love this BOM! I spent last Saturday morning at a program that was put on by our public library entitled De-Stress with herbs and oils. Sunday was a lazy day here, spent the day reading. I am really looking forward to stitching your BOM. your work is so beautiful it makes me want to try my hand at hand embroidery, you make it looks to simple. Thank you.

  85. Eileen Avatar

    I signed up. Have been busy gardening, visiting with friends from out of town, went to the beach and took in a some live theatre and I just cut out a new quilt! There are just not enough hours in a day to get everything done!!!

  86. Maryellen McAuliffe Avatar
    Maryellen McAuliffe

    I’m signed up, and hoping to start stitching it soon. I’ve been visiting my family this weekend. It’s been fun, but busy!

  87. Patsy Ashley Avatar
    Patsy Ashley

    i spent the week end working on a star wall hanging for fall.

  88. Jeanette Jealous Avatar
    Jeanette Jealous

    I am signed up and getting ready to stitch. I think I will try the embroidery version. On the weekend I finally got back to some cross stitching, started my Mill Workd BOM, went to the cinema with my daughter to see Hot Pursuit and went with both of my children to see Jurassic World.Lots of fun.

  89. Jeanette Jealous Avatar
    Jeanette Jealous

    I am signed up and getting ready to stitch. I think I will try the embroidery version. On the weekend I finally got back to some cross stitching, started my Mill Works BOM, went to the cinema with my daughter to see Hot Pursuit and went with both of my children to see Jurassic World.Lots of fun.

  90. Melissa Avatar

    I’m all signed up. thinking of trying the applique. this weekend I finished up an I Spy quilt for my grandson and another quilt for my husband for Father’s Day

  91. Judith Newman Avatar
    Judith Newman

    I’ve been signed up for a while and also have the kit of fabrics, can’t wait to start! This weekend I’ll be caring for my Dad and sewing as much as I can!

  92. Sharon Hite Avatar
    Sharon Hite

    I just discovered this BOM today and I can’t wait to get started. I need to look through my stash and see what fabrics I can use. Might have to make a trip to the fabric store for some new stash… This weekend, I spent my time gardening and working on a cross stitch project.

  93. Cindy Proehl Avatar

    I LOVE the tea or coffee idea! I have so eagerly been awaiting the opening day!! Can’t wait to get started. I’m going to use both the hand embroidery and appliques. I also have some adorable machine embroidery designs to put in the other blank squares. 🙂

  94. Linda Avatar

    I’ve signed up and gotten the June blocks. I spent this weekend catching up on A4AII and Delightful Stars. 🙂

  95. Ginny Scott Avatar
    Ginny Scott

    This Block of the Month sounds very interesting and is so cute. What did I do last weekend?…..I pieced & quilted potholders from my scraps. The potholders will be retirement gifts. We also went to the horse races. 🙂

  96. Linda's K Avatar
    Linda’s K

    Join BOM already. Visited friends this past weekend.

  97. Marilyn Logan Avatar
    Marilyn Logan

    I love the first two patterns. Can’t wait to get started.

  98. Frances Avatar

    I am signed up and have the fabric ready to go. Spent the weekend visiting family and enjoying the warm weather.

  99. Yaffa Yassaf Avatar
    Yaffa Yassaf

    I just signed up. Spend the weekend on lesson 7 Aiming for Accuracy.

  100. Judy Stolz Avatar
    Judy Stolz

    I have already signed up for this really cute project; now all I have to do is get started DOING it!

  101. Judy Stolz Avatar
    Judy Stolz

    Woops, forgot to say what we did this weekend — Saturday I went to Foam Fest 5km run with my daughter, her family and friends! Totally enjoyed watching everyone with costumes and happy smiles getting foam and water and muddy all over. The smiles were the important part! Sunday was spend recovering.

  102. Carol Avatar

    What a pleasure that you have a plan to get back on track with blogging!

  103. Baqrbara Avatar

    I have signed up. Spent the weekend, cooking sewing, knitting and moving our local craft /gift shop to a new location.

  104. sue Avatar

    I have signed up for the Cosy Afternoon Block of the Month.
    This weekend I have been busy sewing laundry bags for my current charity I am supporting Aussie Heroes Quilts and Laundry bags charity.

  105. Linda Taylor Avatar
    Linda Taylor

    I spent the weekend celebrating my Granddaughter’s graduation from the University of Oregon School of Architecture! We are so proud of her!

  106. Sandy B. Avatar
    Sandy B.

    I have signed up!! Might try my hand at the applique version. I work every weekend – the graveyard shift no less – every Thurs night thru Mon morning. So my “weekend” is Tues and Weds when I get to baysit my grandson who is 3 1/2. That is when my fun begins!!

  107. Julie B Avatar
    Julie B

    I am signed up. I am working on a quilt for my Granddaughter’s high school graduation present.

  108. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    Signed up! I worked the weekend and gardened when I got home!

  109. Lynn Avatar

    I signed up for Cosy Afternoon yesterday. Last weekend was a quiet weekend quilting. We had been away for a few days, so it was good to be home.

  110. Anne-Mette Avatar

    Whaaat a wondefull give away. I have signed up for this cute Bom. The blocks are lovely.
    What I was doing last weekend – celebrating the birthday of our granddaugther (5 years old). Baking breads, a little quilting and knitting. Walks with the dog. A nice weekend. Greetings from Denmark, Anne-Mette

  111. Ruth Sunday Avatar
    Ruth Sunday

    Downloaded the first two patterns this a.m. Have a feeling I’ll be doing the pieced version, although I would love to mix machine applique and embroidery. Just so many hours in a day.

  112. Sue W Avatar
    Sue W

    I have signed up for this very pretty BOM.last weekend I enjoyed our very warm winter weather here by spending lots of time in the garden on Saturday & then looked after our very cute 3 year old grandson on Sunday. I cut out some Spiderman fabric on Saturday night to make bunting for grandsons room.

  113. margaret Avatar

    I am already signed up for this BOM along qith doing your aiming for accuracy too. Good to see you are on pinterest and now following you. This weekend I am off to the Yorkshire Modern quilters group where we are making bags.

  114. Jolynn Avatar

    I am so excited! This new quilt along ( I did join) looks so fun. Thank you for offering something homey. Love the teapot!

  115. Debra Ingle Avatar
    Debra Ingle

    I have signed up for the “Cozy Afternoon” BOM. Love these Blocks, just trying to decide if I want to make the applique, or the embroidered blocks, might just have to make both, and that is what I plan on doing this weekend, sitting in front of the sewing machine sewing those blocks. Looking forward to the fun, and I hope I am picked to win this bundle.:)My email is

  116. Iris-Julimond Avatar

    I signed up just at this moment, early morning in Germany.
    A lovely BOM but i am not sure about my favorite way to do it. I love all, maybe i will mix it.
    This weekend? I have to knit a little sweater and sew on my Birthday DJ. Only 20 InnerBlocks to do.
    I wish you all a good time.

  117. Chris Avatar

    I ordered the fabric for the cosy afternoon quilt along. In the meantime, I am enjoying time with my husband, daughters and their families but I am itching to get home and sew.

  118. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    I am already signed up and have received my first 2 block patterns. Stayed home and sewed this past weekend. It was raining, so our outdoor plans got changed. It was great to stay home and just do as we pleased.

  119. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i forgot to say i signed up for the BOM. planning fabric now!!

  120. Lisa D Avatar
    Lisa D

    I have signed up for the BOM and it’s just adorable!! Spent Saturday running some errands, stopped by the farmer’s market for some berries then went to a few quilt shops gathering the fabrics to make a quilt for Christmas for one of my granddaughters. Sunday was spent mostly making jam then some outside chores since the weather was so nice. 🙂

  121. Judith Robinson Avatar
    Judith Robinson

    Returned Sunday evening from a lovely holiday in South West France and Northern Spain. Catching up on the weeds which have grown like Triffids while we were away. 🙂

  122. Judith Robinson Avatar
    Judith Robinson

    Oh yes – and I’ve just signed up for the BOM.

  123. Jana Avatar

    I’ve just signed up for the BOM. This weekend I spent packing and sending my older son for his two weeks language study visit to Britain. And rest of the weekend I will look at my little dancing daughter at folk festival.

  124. Rita Avatar

    Signed up for the BOM going to appliqué my blocks. This weekend we spent time with our daughters and three grandsons, they are visiting for two weeks.

  125. Dee Avatar

    I spent my weekend cleaning up after a big quilt project. Put my 1 block wonder on the design wall to finalize the layout and start sewing the top.

  126. Liz Avatar

    I have been a follower on your blog for ages and am so looking forward to starting your BOM.
    This last weekend we went to football ( rugby)A lovely family day. Sunday Church was a blessing and a restful afternoon. Saw my little grannies lots over that time.

  127. Linda Avatar

    I have signed up because I am interested in learning to embroider. I’ve never seen a site that offers both, how unique. The patterns are just beautiful too. It all sounds perfect.

  128. sue Avatar

    Had a busy weekend doing what I like to do best. Sewing 🙂

  129. Faye Parkinson Avatar
    Faye Parkinson

    Thank you for including me, I had a busy weekend, cooked did some gardening and of cause some cutting out for a new quilt.

  130. Lee Avatar

    I signed up and would love to do the embroidery on the blocks! thanks! I spent the weekend with my husband – hiking!

  131. Susan Avatar

    I am signed up for Jacquelynne’s Cozy Afternoon BOM. We had a picnic to go to over the weekend.

  132. Jean Avatar

    I’m all signed up. This weekend we will be traveling to see our DD and DGS in LesMiserables.

  133. Dee B Avatar
    Dee B

    Looking forward to making the Cozy Afternoon quilt – I am making samples for a local quilt shop. Georgia Sewing & Quilting in Buford, GA. Great selection of fabrics and patterns!

  134. Kevyn Avatar

    I am signed up and doing the applique version, probably in Christmas fabrics. Busy weekend doing laundry, cleaning grill, outside furniture and very little sewing!

  135. Debbie Jewell Avatar
    Debbie Jewell

    I have entered the Cozy Afternoon BOM, will either do the hand embroidery or the applique, haven’t decided and maybe do both! This past weekend went to Quilts in the Court Yard so many lovely quilts. Also, ordered an embroidery machine!! 🙂

  136. Sherry Neff Avatar
    Sherry Neff

    I have joined the Cozy Afternoon BOM earlier.
    This past weekend I spent at Special Olympics Summer Games chaperoning, coaching and encouraging our athletes to do their best and have fun.

  137. Mary Chevalier Avatar
    Mary Chevalier

    I am already sign up,have my Fabric picked out.have downloaded the patterns ,and will start on the week-end.This pass weekend i was doing some sewing for our local Lighthouse craft shop.

  138. Susan Avatar

    This past weekend was quite enjoyable as the weather was beautiful; therefore, we planted some flowers and visited with family. As to what version for the BOM, not sure yet! Once I purchase the material, I will decide.

  139. Debbie Connolly Avatar
    Debbie Connolly

    I will be trying the embroidery. Some small handwork for summer. We attended 2 graduation parties over the weekend. Thanks for this opportunity.

  140. Sonia Widderick Avatar
    Sonia Widderick

    Just about to go home to Australia after spending a month with my son and his family in MA. Spent last weekend camping in a cabin on the Mohawk Trail and visited a wonderful quilt shop on the way home. Looking forward to starting this BOM!

  141. Sally Groff Avatar
    Sally Groff

    I spent this past weekend cutting out pattern pieces for an “Orange Peel Quilt” for my mom. I wanted to get a jump on that before the “Row by Row” quilt challenge starts this coming Sunday. I have 5 quilts I’d like to get made by the end of this year. Will I make it??? 🙂

  142. Gunda Avatar

    Love this nice pattern, all excited to start it. Last weekend I was working, yes, working retail sucks. So I will work today on the Christmas present for my hubby, he loves bears and this will be a log cabin with …….. oh I will show it on my blog, when the top is finished 😉

  143. Denise :) Avatar

    I am signed up for the BOM! And the first two blocks are *so* cute! It’s just my cup of tea! 😉 This weekend . . . mostly it involved getting ready for Vacation Bible School going on this week! Our ladies have planned an afternoon tea for Saturday (at a local tea shoppe)–it’s the proverbial brass ring! 🙂

  144. Lynda Morrissette Avatar
    Lynda Morrissette

    I have signed up and this weekend I was working on my Christmas exchange quilt that my friendship group do. I am getting a handle on it. will be so glad when it is done. Thanks

  145. Ilse Avatar

    I have signed up for this great free block. I am sewing a overnight bag – applique quilts – embroidery machine blocks so many projects to keep me out of trouble. Thanks for a chance to win. Cheers Ilse

  146. Deb Ross Avatar
    Deb Ross

    Hi, I have signed up for the bom, I will be quilting of

  147. Charlotte Keene Avatar
    Charlotte Keene

    I have signed up, printed the fabric requirements, intro, and instructions for the first two blocks. I’ve also collected all the fabrics i need. Now to get started cutting and piecing. This past weekend it was very hot here in southern Ohio, so spent a lot of time in my Mom’s inground pool (the water felt great in this heat wave we’re having), went to see Jurasic World, planted more flowers around my house, took care of my horses, and did some sewing! Good weekend!!!

  148. carolyn montgomery Avatar
    carolyn montgomery

    i am signed up for the cozy afternoon qal and i am making the blocks for a baby quilt.

  149. Tammie Avatar

    I have been working and cutting out quilt squares 🙂

  150. Jeanne Avatar

    I’m signed up and ready to start. The first blocks are beautiful. I collect tea pots and have made a couple tea pot quilts so I’m really excited to get going on this one. This weekend I worked on a round robin block and made backing and cut batting for a couple tops that are ready to quilt.

  151. Jill Avatar

    Just signed up! This weekend I went to Los Angeles to visit some of my husbands friends and sightsee. I also fabric shopped at Mood fabrics, where I bought some silk (I am also a garment sewer.

  152. Paula Avatar

    Hi Michelle, I signed up. This weekend I went to my father in law house and play a lot with my nephews. It was a wonderful weekend.

  153. rachelle pare Avatar
    rachelle pare

    I was working at our bi annual quilt show in Sylvan Lake. What a great time

  154. rachelle pare Avatar
    rachelle pare

    Yes I am signed up for Jackie cozy afternoon block of a month. It’s beautiful

  155. Cathy Koehm Avatar
    Cathy Koehm

    I’m excited to be a part of this fun “adventure” and to be entered into your drawing!
    This past weekend my sister flew from AZ to CA where I live to celebrate her 58th Birthday (I remember when I turned 58…). It was a fun time! My father passed last December so the birthdays are somewhat sad and strange for my 4 other siblings and I missing him celebrating with us. My mother passed 13 yrs ago next month.
    After my sister flew home I immediately started back at my part-time job as a sewing and quilting teacher at JoAnns Fabrics.
    Yesterday I had three precious little (!) girls learn to make a smocked dress! Only one girl (the youngest with her own sewing machine) had ever sat at a sewing machine before and so I prayed no one would sew their fingers!
    I have five other classes this week and only one is for adults! Stressed, yes I am as this is the first year I’ve ever taught children!
    I am thrilled for this chance to do something for myself! I only own one quilt that I’ve made! All have been gifts over the past 15+ years!
    Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your “community” of quilters!

  156. yvonne craig Avatar
    yvonne craig

    I was helping my daughter unpack. She had fire at her home several months ago, so for last two weekends we are finally moving back in! Yeah!!!

  157. Maria Slowik Avatar
    Maria Slowik


  158. caroline Rohrer Avatar
    caroline Rohrer

    This weekend I will make a nice breakfast for my husband to celebrate Father’s day . Mainly this weekend I’m making a sample quilt I will be teachin in the fall
    I signed up for the cozy quilt

  159. Susan Avatar

    I already signed up for JS’s BOM. I am probably going to try the embroidery as it is only two stitches and I haven’t embroidered for awhile. I won’t be doing too much of anything this weekend as I had major neck surgery two weeks ago and with all the restrictions I am on I don’t have that many options besides walking around. I will probably try to catch up on email, check out some new blogs and sort some beads I was given.

  160. Robn Bunch Avatar
    Robn Bunch

    Am already signed up for the BOM.
    This weekend I will be working in my yard and deciding on my next project.

  161. Fred Avatar

    I did!
    This WE, it was my niece’s wedding, in Belgium, great fiesta!!

  162. Courtney S Avatar
    Courtney S

    Just signed up (I’m thinking about doing the hand embroidery version). I had a lazy Saturday & then celebrated my youngest nephew’s birthday on Sunday.

  163. Tina Avatar

    Thanks for the BOM! This coming weekend I will be working on a Irish Chain quilt at a work day with my quilt guild. On Sunday my husband is going to transform our garage into a sewing room. This has been the idea since we moved in November. He is replacing the garage door with a wall that has a window and a door of it’s own. (Sigh)

  164. Greta Avatar

    Been signed up for a while 🙂 I am finishing UFOs until the heat breaks.

  165. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    I spent last weekend recovering from a week at the beach with the entire family and this weekend coming I will be babysitting one of my grandsons while his mom and dad go off for an out of town wedding. In either place, I will have my applique with me!

  166. Annette Bratke Avatar
    Annette Bratke

    I’m signed up for the BOM through Jaq’s website. I’d love to win these other digital patterns. This past weekend, believe it or not, I planted my summer garden. Yes, it is the middle of June but I live in Montana – enough said!

  167. Sandy Curtis Avatar
    Sandy Curtis

    I am signed up, now to decide whether to applique or embroider, maybe I’ll do both! I did a little gardening and some stitching.

  168. Cecilia Avatar

    I’m signed up and am looking forward to making these blocks. I was able to start quilting a king size quilt for my in-laws.

  169. Hagrids Mom Avatar
    Hagrids Mom

    Already signed up for this BOM at her blog. I can not believe how much extra information she gives. There are several colorways shown, not to mention the 3 ways to do the block, applique, pieced or hand embroidered. I still haven’t decided my colorway yet, much less if I will hand embroider it.!! This weekend I am still trying to get thru the incredible amount of boxes in my house labeled sewing room by the movers. Anyone interested in old quilt magazines, by the year …. do let me know. (Please!!!)

  170. carol Avatar

    I have signed up and downloaded the blocks. I don’t know what color choice or how I will do the center. This week has been dodging RAIN

  171. Kathy Kurtz Avatar
    Kathy Kurtz

    Mickele, it signed up for their block of them month,beactiful blocks. Kathy

  172. Polly Avatar

    I signed up for the BOM a few days ago. This past weekend I spent Sat. with my siblings cleaning out 54 years of “stuff” from my Moms house to get it ready to sell. Sunday I did a walk for Boston Children’s Hospital, where my grandson has been for over 4 months.

  173. Cy Avatar

    I signed up for the free BOM. Saturday was spent shopping for my sister, who has had a stroke and can not do it for herself. Have you ever tried to buy shoes for someone else when they are not with you? And as she wanted a specific brand/style that was not in stock…. Sunday after church I did some washing, I am a pre-wash the new fabric gal, then just relaxed and prepared for my out of town Dr. visit on Monday.

  174. Cindy Proehl Avatar

    I absolutely adore this pattern. I can’t start on it immediately but plan on doing it fairly quickly once I get time… so cute!

  175. LoAnn Avatar

    Hi! I haven’t decided which I am going to do yet, but leaning towards applique. Just finished “Tipsy Tumbler” and almost done with “Ladies Luncheon” quilt top from “BLOCK” magazine. These are made for

  176. Miranda Avatar

    I just signed up for the quilt along and I can’t wait to get started. This weekend I will setting up for my first craft show. I’m nervous and excited!!!

  177. Pam Avatar

    Just signed up for your cosy bom project! I will love doing this quilt because I love my tea time everyday! I usually take a break around 3 or 4 pm and make a pot of tea for myself with a cookie or two!! Doesn’t that sound nice!! The British know how to do things right! Thanks for your sweet pattern!

  178. Anita Carol Gambrell Avatar

    I am signed up and getting ready! Loving this blog hop! This past weekend I went to Florida’s Country SuperFest ! It was great! This weekend is the Big a Green Corn at the Tama Creek Tribe!

  179. Pat Bean Avatar
    Pat Bean

    I just signed up for my first BOM! I am excited to try, as I am a beginning quilter. Wish me luck! I spent the weekend working in our 5 acre “yard” – lots of mowing and trimming. I am hoping for a more relaxing weekend coming up. (and a start on my new project!)

  180. Nette Avatar

    Just caught up with your BOM through Michelle’s site. It’s really cute, and will be great for our monthly get together as a table cloth for our afternoon teas. It is freezing down here in Briagolong, Victoria – that’s in Australia. So think of us when you are sitting in your lovely sunshine. Quiet weekend sorting out my wall-hanging for this year. Bright fabrics keep you happy during the winter months -Happy Quilting – Nette

  181. Kimberly Kolter Avatar
    Kimberly Kolter

    Hello everyone!!

    I just signed up for Cozy BOM and am looking forward to it. This past weekend I slept. I did so much on Thursday and Friday while still recovering from knee surgery. All my body wanted to do is crawl under my down comforter, in my sweet spot, and sleep to my hearts content!


  182. Marjorie joseph Avatar
    Marjorie joseph

    I sign up today . like the quilt by the month .

  183. Linda Avatar

    Yes I’m signed up. I did the last one too !!! I’ve been so busy with gardening and quilting that I haven’t been reading my emails! Lol hopefully I’m not to late to enter!

  184. Elenice Avatar

    Estou inscrita.
    Adoro seus post já escolhi os tecidos e logo começo meu projeto igual ao seu em tons de azul, São lindos

  185. Blair Avatar

    I’ve been finishing my spring/summer plantings…but couldn’t resist a compulsive trip to my lqs (local quilt shop) to pick up MORE un-necessary but of course beautiful fabrics…which of course will be fabulous for this quilt-along..thanks for doing this..I know all too well the time and effort to share this…hope I win your giveaway…I give all my quilts away for charity and could use the extra resources..enjoy your day!

  186. Blair Avatar

    Oh, sorry forgot…yes I’m signed up!

  187. Ysleta Meek Avatar
    Ysleta Meek

    What a neat idea. I too will probably use this quilt to serve tea to my girlfriends next spring. Thank you. I’m signing up for the BOM!

  188. Jan Avatar

    Just signed up for this BOM. This is my first and I am a little unsure of what to do, but, here goes!

  189. Melba Avatar

    I am signed up for the BOM. I would like to win the patterns. I am always on the lookout for new patterns to make, especially ones I can adapt for baby quilts for mission hospitals our church sponsors.

  190. Marcia Avatar

    I just signed up for the Cozy Afternoon BOM. It looks like fun! Thank you for sharing your talents.

  191. Marcia Avatar

    I forgot to say that this weekend I am packing for vacation and doing some computer time.

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