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Applique Needle Case By: Jacque Bruce, South Carolina, USA
This is my very first applique project. I used the tips on Jacquelynne Steves tutorial, and they helped so much! I was scared to death to try, but I wanted to make a gift for my sister, who got me into quilting after so many years of sewing playclothes and pajamas for my kiddos!
Quilt size: width: 7" height: 6"
Aubree’s Hearts By: Deborah Cutter, North Carolina, USA
I made this quilt for my first grand child, who just happened to be a little girl! Her mama asked for bright colors and I just took it from there!! Aubree Eileen was born on June 20, 2009.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 48"
Autumn Glow By: Angela Huddart, United Kingdom
My first Rhapsody Quilt inspired after meeting Ricky at The Festival Quilts – it took me 11 months to make!
Quilt size: width: 44" height: 44"
Baltimore Surprise By: PaulineG, United Kingdom
This was made for my boss who retired as Vice Chancellor last year and I was asked to make her a quilt on behalf of the senior team in the University. I had wanted to do a Baltimore style quilt for a while and this was a perfect opportunty. It includes messages on the reverse from all the team.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"
Beauty on Ice By: quilterj, Nebraska, USA
This ice skating quilt is made for my grand niece. She is a figure skater. I thought it would be a fun quilt for her to remember her skating days.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
BeDazzled! By: Lisa Marie, Colorado, USA
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 68"
Best Buddies By: DianeH, Ontario, Canada
This simple homespun quilt is my first attempt at machine applique. For the cat and dog I used a rendition of the patterns available from this-n-that Fabrics and my own design for the quilt top.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"
Bird Pillow By: Norma, Alabama, USA
My first applique project, a pillow for my daughter
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"
Black Beuaty By: A. Carole Grant, British Columbia, Canada
Hand applique blocks, set with grandmothers fan and beautifully quilted. Used as a wall hanging.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"
Blue Bird Quilt By: Kelly, Pennsylvania, USA
This quilt was made for a challenge that had to include a bird. Hand dyed fabrics were used and it is machine quilted.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 18"
BRIDGET’S BEACH QUILT By: Helen McNaught, Australia
I made this quilt (fusible applique with hand blanket stitch) to look like a beach towel and included a set of beach theme bath squirters for fun.
The pattern is from QUILT magazine June/July 2009.
Little Bridget loved playing “match the pairs” with the bath squirters and the applique shapes.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 55"
Catching Lunch By: Jenny, North Carolina, USA
Catching Lunch was inspired by my good friend, Amelia. We were destined to become friends. After our first meeting knitting in the park, we went our seperate ways only to find each other at a La Leche League meeting two years later. Catching Lunch is a whimsical toddler quilt made for her son.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 50"
Celtic Connections By: Margaret C, United Kingdom
This quilt was made to celebrate the wedding of our two friends who had lived in Ireland and Scotland. The celtic knots are hand appliqued bias tubes, and I hand-dyed the green fabric to get the shade I wanted. Please come to my blog for a closer look at the celtic knot squares !
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
Cindy Larson By: Signs of Peace, Michigan, USA
I designed this quilt so I could show off a bunch of different batiks. I had been wanting to make a quilt for a friend going through a difficult time and she said she really liked peace signs so I designed them and add them to the quilt. There are also peace signs quilted inside the suns.
Quilt size: width: 62" height: 82"
Civil war Quilt By: Wilma NC, North Carolina, USA
Bought this as a BOM from Keepsake Quilting. All applique was done using the mylar and spray starch method. This was given as a gift to my SIl who is a Civil war buff.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
Fall’s Finery By: crstitchery, Illinois, USA
I held on to this pattern for 2 years until I came up the learning curve in order to give it a try! Appliqué pumpkins and sunflower felted pieces were sewn on by hand using blanket stitches in the center sunflower or stem stitching as on the leaves creating a 3D effect.
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 38"
Flowering Urn By: Sue C., New Hampshire, USA
I started this quilt in a class taught by the designer, Rosemary Mahkan, to learn her applique technique. It has great memories because my mother helped me pick out the fabrics. I love how it turned out and it now hangs in my living room. It is hand appliqued and quilted and machine pieced.
Quilt size: width: 43" height: 43"
Flowers of a Different Color By: Dorothy Rogers, Texas, USA
Machine blanket stitched, fused flowers on a varied neutral background of 4 inch squares. This quilt was made after making a similar one of darker flowers on a much darker backgound. My daughter loved the first one so it went to her home and I made this one in colors I love best. Thus the name.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"
Freddy the Florida Flamingo By: Karin, Texas, USA
I miss the good times we had in Florida, so I made a flamingo to remind me of the all our friends and the fun we had. Unfortunately, he got sold in under a week, so now all I have are the memories (again), until I make another one. He was made with scraps from several other projects.
Quilt size: width: 13" height: 23"
glas in lood By: ank zegers, Netherlands
patched by the hand and applicated and quilted bij the hand also
Quilt size: width: 50cm" height: 50cm"
Hearts A’Flutter By: Linda Broadbent, Iowa, USA
I found this pattern on Janome’s site and couldn’t resist to make it. I’ve received alot of comments on it. Many want to amke it also.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 26"
Kimono Girls By: Karen Wilson, Australia
I made this for friends having their first baby. The overall design was my own, but the appliqued girls came from the pattern ‘Oriental Medallion’ by Patchwork Between Friends. The flower designs down the centre are machine embroidered. This was the second quilt I’d ever made.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 37"
Kokeshi Dolls By: Quiltalicious, California, USA
Kokeshi Doll quilt, a celebration of Japanese collectibles and traditions, with fan, bonsai, kimono, tatami, parasols and tea set. I thought a lot about Japan and the earthquake/tsunami while making this quilt. Machine applique. Designed by Susan Claire.
Quilt size: width: 43" height: 55"
Liberated Flowers By: Cat, Michigan, USA
A few years ago I took an applique class with Gwen Marston. She showed us how to design our own quilt. The flowers, leaves and vase were cut free form by folding the fabric and cutting. I also made patterns from freezer paper. It was the most liberating class I ever took.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"
Lucas’ Dancin’ in the Moonlight Quilt By: Julie, South Dakota, USA
I made this quilt for my grandson. It is all needle turn applique. I didn’t know if I would get it done before he was born but I did!! Sorry about the poor picture but it is the only one I have.
Quilt size: width: 43" height: 57"
Michael’s headboard By: Ellen Patton, Florida, USA
My son asked me to make a headboard so his box spring and mattress which sit on the floor would look more like a bed. He’s a big surfer and loves the beach so I thought ferns and geckos would be perfect. I love the results! Should be delivered to his place any day now!
Quilt size: width: 63" height: 26"
my applique quilt By: susanne richter-antonijevic, Germany
i made this quilt some years ago,but i love it still
Quilt size: width: 91" height: 91"
My Farm By: Cheryl Hartzog, Florida, USA
I made this quilt with a farm in mind ,my Grandpa was a farmer and Mom grew up on one. I could not find fabric for the barn & tractor,so I drew the barn,tractor,truck,water trough and wagon wheel ,then painted with fabric dye by Jaquard ,then appilcaded them onto the farm fabric I could find .
Quilt size: width: 34" height: 40"
My third son! By: donataquilts, Switzerland
I rescued this dog almost 3 years ago: I found him tied to a tree, so that he could not go back to the home of the awful person who abandoned him. As of that moment, though, he has become the prince of my house, in fact he also has his own portrait 🙂
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 35"
Petite Points Flowers Table Runner By: MGM ~ HookedOnNeedles, Massachusetts, USA
This cheerful spring table runner is my own original design using a charm pack, and some yardage for background and backing. Pattern is for sale in my Etsy shop and would be lovely made with any spring-like fabric for your Easter table, as a housewarming gift, or for any occasion!
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 33"
Pretty in Purple By: Jeanne Meddaugh, Michigan, USA
This quilt was made for a challenge and then donated to the local Habitat for Humanity Quilt Auction. The patterns are from Faye Anderson’s book “Applique Designs” My Mother Taught Me How To Sew.
Quilt size: width: 30″" height: 30″"
Santa Domingo Birds By: Marjorie @ Applique Addict, Idaho, USA
I made this quilt in 2006 and it remains one of my favorites. I love how the birds look super modern and hip, but the designs came from traditional pottery patterns from Santa Domingo. At the time, we were spending a lot of our vacation time in New Mexico and I had started to collect pottery from
Quilt size: width: 76" height: 82"
Sherry McDonald By: Sherry McDonald, California, USA
My daughter in law saw the pattern for this quilt, designed by Melinda Bula, at a show and asked me to make it for her. The name of the pattern is Fleur di Lis. All the applique is done by needle turn method. The borders are machine pieced and the binding is hand sewn.
Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"
Simply Charming By: Jay and Angela, Virginia, USA
This is the first joint project my wife and I made together as a gift for my parents. The design is “Simply Charming” from Lori Smith’s book Fat-Quarter Quilting.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 20"
Spray the weeds not my flowers By: Deborah Cohen, Australia
This quilt was made for an exhibition about men’s sheds. The friend, whose shed I used for inspiration, was very concerned that the weed control man did not spray his flowers when I went to take photographs. For me this was a real test of the boundaries of quilting.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 35"
Spring Time By: Kristi, Arizona, USA
I made this little quilt for my Grand daughter Faye’s fourth birthday. Doesn’t it just make you smile! I quilted a dragonfly. bumble bee and a butterfly within it.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 20"
Sunday Drive By: Jean Shores, Nebraska, USA
Sunday Drive was made using a Pat Sloan pattern. I loved stepping out of my comfort zone and using oranges and teals. All of the fabric was found in my stash. The quilt was a birthday gift for a dear friend of mine. Machine applique is one of my favorite techniques.
Quilt size: width: 66" height: 66"
Table runner “Camomile Meadow”. By: Zlata Ratskevich, Russian Federation
Quilt size: width: 27,5" height: 12"
The Birds By: Marilynf, California, USA
Original quilt with fused applique – mountains, blocks, birds and bias circles. Bias circles are appliqued with a blanket stitch. Birds and block are appliqued with free motion stitching. Quilt is heavily beaded. Branches are attached in 3-D effect with hand stitching down the center with beads.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 38"
The Day After By: Darlene Bayley – Fabricpainter!, Alberta, Canada
Inspired by the book, “The Woven Quilt”, I made this landscape depicting people walking in Central Park soon after all the trauma in New York. My version of applique is all raw edge – the silhouettes, birds and tree leaves, plus other details. Life does go on – romance flourishes and families grow!
Quilt size: width: 30″" height: 50″"
The Poppies Quilt By: chris, Australia
This is reprodution quilt done in needleturn applique.
Quilt size: width: 83" height: 83"
Through the Northwoods By: wpfarmgirl, Minnesota, USA
I’d just begun quilting and found this pattern in a book at the library. It took me awhile to finish it – even quilted it myself. It’s a good thing I like applique – there was a lot of it!
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 87"
Tree of life By: Catherine Parkinson, New Zealand
This is a depiction of a scripture story. The rod that leads to the tree of life. If we hold on to the rod we will gain life with God again.
This quilt is made from scraps of fabric, threads, cotton fabric and beads. It is raw edged appliqued, machine quilted then beaded.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 25"
Umbrella girls By: barbara corbitt, Kentucky, USA
I appliqued and quilted this quilt by hand (as I do all my quilts) and gave it to a great friend going through a rough time in her life.
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 120"
Vase of Flowers By: Sunnybec, France
This is my first attempt at doing machine applique. The quilting bug only bit me last August so I am learning new skills all the time.
Quilt size: width: 21" height: 21"
Vintage Airplanes By: Elaine, California, USA
My daughter wanted to decorate her baby boys room in Vintage Airplanes, so I made her quilt, bumper and bed skirt with these vintage planes.
I found one airplane and the other I modified a coloring page to work. It was the most creative I have been with a quilt. This was a fun one!
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 69"
With love ….from Holland By: Marijke van Welzen, Netherlands
This is my coat with love ..from Holland. My pupils from all over the world were my inspiration. I appliqued faces, and symbols and attributes belonging to their home countries. see my blog for detailed photos.
Quilt size: width: M/L" height: 50"
Yellow Daisies By: Annabel Rainbow, United Kingdom
(Approx size only as I no longer have it)
Dyed cloth in greens and yellows. Raw edge applique made from painted cloth. Stitched into postition with a heavily free machined background. Lightly painted afterwards to add tone and depth.
Quilt size: width: 140" height: 29"
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