Commemorative Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 23
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 4
  • Total states: 11

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

90 Squares of a Curious Nature 90 Squares of a Curious Nature
By: Heather Acton,
Saskatchewan, Canada

This was made for our Uncle Reg on his 90th birthday. I used exactly 90 squares made up of Curious Nature fabrics and white squares with printed photos from Reg’s life. Auntie Eileen did the embroidery. Uncle Reg is an amazing man and you’d never guess his age. He’s a World War II hero, too.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 69"

Blue Ribbon Quilt Blue Ribbon Quilt
By: Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

This quilt is made using 86 ribbons that the customer’s daughter won at horse shows competitions. The ribbons were appliqued to a quilt sandwich and the final quilt weights 3.5 pounds

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 46"

Come Together Come Together
By: kc,
Texas, USA

This quilt represents the interests of my friend’s son & his new wife. There are 42 embroidered or appliqued blocks set in an attic window style. Each block represents him, his wife, or their life together. It was presented to them on their first anniversary & they loved it! It was my 2nd quilt.

Quilt size: width: 112" height: 112"

Discovery 1492 Discovery 1492
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

This was a challenge entry in 1992 celebrating the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of America. A particular line of fabric was required and I learned a new technique for piecing long narrow points. We were in Florida for that winter and I was very surprised to win first prize!

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 30"

Dixon's Wedding Quilt Dixon’s Wedding Quilt
By: Mary Manson,
North Carolina, USA

My parents have been married for 63 years. Mother gave me her wedding dress last year, and I made this quilt from the dress. It’s satin with lace overlays, and machine quilted. A wedding photo and invitation were printed on fabric and sewn on the back. They love it, it hangs in their dining room.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Elephants Elephants
By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,

I made this quilt in commission as a remembrance of someone’s late husband. The quilt is made of his neckties, all with an elephant print, combined with regular cotton prints. The quilt is quilted with eleven swallows. The fly from the right to the left and are quilted with a silver thread.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 40"

Flight of the Monarchs Flight of the Monarchs
By: Cynthia Zoller,
New Hampshire, USA

Each year millions of monarch butterflies travel up to 2,000 miles to winter in the Oyamel forests of Central Mexico. This quilt was made to honor that monumental flight.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Getting Along Getting Along
By: Penny,
North Carolina, USA

I have named my quilt “Getting Along”… since this is one of my favorite photos of my kids and it was a rare day because they were actually getting along with each other.

This quilt was machine appliqued and free motion quilted by me. In total it took about 24 hours to complete, start to finish.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 24"

Hearts Desire. My Christchurch Commemoration Hearts Desire. My Christchurch Commemoration
By: Jenny in NZ,
New Zealand

Esther Aliu Mystery BOM.
Feb 22nd 2011 I bought black background fabric. I came home to the devastation at 12.50pm of my Home City. This quilt becme my tribute. Centre block now depicts cathedrals rose window & the inner border ties that bind. Hearts for tears & bravery in a Garden City.
185 di

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 75"

Holding on to Memories Holding on to Memories
By: Anita Bidulka,
British Columbia, Canada

I had to do some major digging to find pictures. The fabrics are all related to the people, including my mother’s wedding dress fabric around their picture, this was my first attempt at a quilt like this, it will be around for many years I hope. A keepsake to be passed on. Quilt is double sided.

Quilt size: width: 74" height: 90"

ice skate ice skate
By: wildflowers,
Illinois, USA

ice skates/made for grand daughter for her ice skate/only been skating 2 years and has won 1st and 2nd in all competitions

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 102"

JJ Anniversary JJ Anniversary
By: Eileen Kane,
North Carolina, USA

My daughter designed this logo for her wedding. We had it on the “save the date”, the announcement, the blog, the invitation you name it! For their 1st anniversary, I took the logo, enlarged it and made this piece for them. It’s hangs proudly in Jenn & Jason’s living room.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 24"

Little Cowboys Little Cowboys
By: Tina Gilley,
Florida, USA

I made the blocks a few years ago with a local bee. It was on my ufo list for this year. I moved it to the first of the list to complete to celebrate the birth of my grandson Grant.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 45.5"

Marie's Life Marie’s Life
By: auntie chris,
New York, USA

Quilt was made commemorating my sister.Blocks are all pertinent to her,jazz lover,horse lover,New York block etc.Photo transfer picture is of our parents wedding day.It is heavily embellished with beads, bows,trims.Sorry the photos are pre – digital age so they are scanned images.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 82"

Mom's 70th birthday quilt Mom’s 70th birthday quilt
By: Katy(LethargicLass),
Ontario, Canada

This is the first quilt I ever made and it was for my Mom’s 70th birthday. I had family and friends from all over the world sign blocks and made the back up with them all.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

My Dear Edith version of Dear Jane My Dear Edith version of Dear Jane
By: Patti MacKinnon,
Ontario, Canada

I made this quilt in memory of my mother who taught me a lot about sewing, but she wasnt around long enough to enjoy my quilting endeavors. The block patterns came from Brenda Papadakis’ book: “Dear Jane: The Two Hundred Twenty-Five Patterns from the 1863 Jane A. Stickle Quilt.” ®.

Quilt size: width: 98" height: 98"

Pawprints for Tammy Pawprints for Tammy
By: Paule-Marie,
Arizona, USA

This quilt was made for my boss who is a cancer survivor. When she thought it was back, we gathered ‘pawprints’ of family, friends, coworkers & customers, some of whom were also cancer survivors. I even got her dogs’ pawprints.

The GREAT news after tests was that it wasn’t back.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 63"

By: Linda Douglas,
Montana, USA

“Pure Hearts” is a 24″ square Valentine Gift wall hanging quilt. Machine pieced and quilted except for the four cream stitched hand embroidered center hearts. What a fun project!

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Southern Bells Southern Bells
By: Yvonne Bamlett,
Alberta, Canada

The blocks were started in the 1970’s by my grandmother. She made one for me and one for another granddaughter, then in 1978 another grandaughter was born. Grandma passed away before it was complete. I have finished the quilt and it was given to Sharon when she was married. A great memory for all.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 96"

Tribute to M.C. Escher Tribute to M.C. Escher
By: Suzie Q Powell,
Ohio, USA

This is a Tribute to M. C. Escher, the father of tessellation also a study in black and white. This is my original design including Escher’s designs. The long arm machine design includes Dragons and Lizards to go with quilt top. This is the quilt I dreamed of making.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 67"

Up At The Villa With Michael Up At The Villa With Michael
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

Made in memory of a beloved friend who was a Roman scholar and coin collector, I used my own photo images from the Getty Villa in Malibu, CA, a place that my friend loved for a quilt to commemorate his life. Images were printed in black & white on cotton and colored and toned with Tsukineko inks.

Quilt size: width: 20.5" height: 30"

Wedding Quilt Wedding Quilt
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

To celebrate my girlfriend’s wedding; I made her this quilt in all her favorite colours to match the theme at the reception. She loved it.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 63"

Wouldn't Aunt Gene Be Proud! Wouldn’t Aunt Gene Be Proud!
By: Trish Casey-Green,
Virginia, USA

This was made as part of Ami Sims Alzheimer quilt series a few years back. I made one to donate, and one for me. Yes, that is a real tea-bag, and my Great Grandmother and Great Aunt Gene on the porch swing. Everything else is salvage/recycled/reclaimed. Even the teabag. (yes, it’s real)

Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 11"

187 responses to “Commemorative Quilts”

  1. Katy(LethargicLass) Avatar

    fall is my favourite, just cool enough for a sweater but still warm enough to be outside in the evenings

  2. Donna Keating Avatar
    Donna Keating

    Nice patterns. I love the boats one and the stars one0

  3. Lise Avatar

    My fav is fall also, just love all the rusty, browns, and all the rest, it’s the end of a new beginning

  4. Jenny H Avatar
    Jenny H

    Spring is my favorite, the shades of green and the flushes of colour appearing after winter.

  5. Terry Avatar

    Summer is my favorite…it’s warm, sunny and stays light outside till later in the evening.

  6. Linda Avatar


  7. Cheryl Avatar

    I think I like fall best. It is when it is finally cooling off after a long, hot summer. Fall is also the start of school, and that has always meant a ‘new year’ to me.

  8. Rhoda Forbes Avatar

    A beautiful selection of quilts this time, hard to make a decision but I didn.

  9. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    I love spring! The pale halo of color that the buds give the trees and the bulbs lending their bright splashes of color to a once dreary world bring joy to my heart.

  10. Debbie Avatar

    Favorite season is spring when the flowers begin to bloom and fill my sense of wonder. Floral fabrics are my staple diet!

  11. Susan Avatar

    Summer is my fav. NO SNOW in the summer!!!

  12. Barbie K In NC Avatar
    Barbie K In NC

    My favorite season is whenever the weather is 70*! B-)

  13. DeeCee Avatar

    I love winter Because there are more days you WANT to stay inside and Quilt and Sew 🙂 Summer, sprint and Fall I want outside but not winter..

    Happy Quilting al

  14. Cindy Avatar

    I love all four seasons and enjoy the change from one to the other. My favorite could be fall in New England with its mild temperatures and gorgeous color.

  15. Anna Seltzer Avatar
    Anna Seltzer

    I love fall. I love the colors of the maple trees as they change from green to yellow, bright orange, and red and the contrast of the dark trunks of the trees on a misty or rainy day. Hope to someday make a quilt of that!

  16. Penny Avatar

    I love Autumn. It has always been my favorite, as far back as I can remember. I love the breezes and the way everything smells. The feeling in the air… the colors, everything.

  17. Eldrid Avatar

    My favourite is late spring. It is warming up, the bulbs are in bloom, and we still have summer to look forward to.

  18. Tammy Avatar

    My favorite season is Fall. I love the colors – the rich golds, burgundy, orange, etc.

  19. lee Avatar

    I love fall! the colors and changing of the seasons.

  20. Gunda Avatar

    Love the fall………………love the colors ………….the crisp air…………the warm days…………the upcoming storms………….just love the fall

    Thank you for doing this Giveaway

  21. Emily C Avatar
    Emily C

    I love winter! i know, iknow, i’m the only one. It’s just so pretty. Not that fond of how cold it is though. If I could make my own season I would keep the warmth of spring/fall with the snow.

  22. Crystal Avatar

    Spring, ,,so bright and new.

  23. Cassandra Avatar

    Favorite season… hmmm…. I think winter because I absolutely love the holidays, both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s such a wonderful time of year!

  24. Karin Avatar

    I love summer, and I love that we live in South Texas, where it’s summer 10 months of the year (and spring for the other 2)!!

  25. Tina G Avatar

    My favorite tie of the year is fall. Ilove fall leaves.

  26. Patricia S. Avatar
    Patricia S.

    Spring is my favorite season. I love how nature renews itself after a long, cold Winter. Come on, Spring! Thanks sew much for this chance to win. 🙂

  27. Jo Avatar

    I love summer in the South. The sounds of frogs and crickets at nite is so soothing to me. And i don’t mind hot, humid weather at all.

  28. Debby Avatar

    my season is fall. My birthday is in the fall for one, but mostly i love it because of the colors. Raking all the colors once they fall, not so fun, but it is a great season. All of these quilts are too beautiful. It was really hard to pick only 3. Great job everyone.

  29. Nancy Avatar

    I love spring when bulbs start to bloom. It’s not too hot or too cold.

  30. Diane Avatar

    My favorite season is Spring. For a few reasons… the trees are blooming again, the temps are warming up…not too hot or too cold, people can stay outdoors longer, all nature is happier and so glad Winter is over! : )

  31. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I love every season because I love the change, from cold, crisp winter and fresh to the fresh greens and delicate blooms to the saturated greens and reds of summer and the warm hues of fall. I couldn’t live without the change of the seasons.

  32. Antonia Queren-Wolf Avatar
    Antonia Queren-Wolf

    When I vote I do not look at who made the quilt. I look at the design and the color, because thats what I learned and studied. Not everyone has perfect pictures, but you see the love going in their work. I was amazed about the great designs of the ones I voted for: their own.

  33. evelyn Avatar

    I like Winter…I can quilt all day and not feel guilty….keeps the winter “blues” away.

  34. Elizabeth Storck Avatar
    Elizabeth Storck

    Spring is my favorite season…Nature’s way of renewal & bursting with color!

  35. Lori Avatar

    I love winter and snow

  36. Shirley Avatar

    I love all seasons that, especially winter that I think of as Quilting Season. Favorite colors are same as your sample, Jewel tones in deep rich shades, so I use lots of them in winter to contrast with Snow and lack of color from the other seasons. Hope I win!

  37. Erica Avatar

    I really couldn’t choose a favorite. I love that the seasons change here in New England and I love the whole cycle.

  38. Gale Lavers Avatar
    Gale Lavers

    Fall was always my favorite, however since we are expecting our first grandbaby in June, it is now summer.

  39. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    I love Spring. All the renewal of God’s creations, just seem so very special. A promise of rebirth!

  40. laurie Avatar

    Beautiful quilts! Spring is my favorite season, it means winter is over. I also means I have summer and fall to look forward to before another winter.

  41. virgdale Avatar

    Every season has it’s own specialness. I am just thankful that I am alive to enjoy them all. About the time I am getting tired of one, the next one comes along. I try to make the most of each one.

  42. Kjersti Hill Avatar
    Kjersti Hill

    I’m happy to live in a country with four seasons, though I do have one favourite; the fall. It’s lovely colors, especially in the mountains!

  43. Pam Geisel Avatar

    My favorite season is Spring, it’s so refreshing after a long, cold, dark winter.

  44. Kathie Bate Avatar
    Kathie Bate

    I wish I could say I have a favorite season! The truth is “everything has a season” and to me the change of seasons brings a new enthusiasm with with it both in quilting and gardening.

  45. CathyC Avatar

    without doubt, Autumn is my favourite season – sunny days, and cooler nights 😉

  46. Michelle G Avatar
    Michelle G

    Spring is my favorite season.

  47. Anna E Avatar
    Anna E

    Fall is my favourite, the air turns crisp again and the colours of the trees… Also there is no shame in staying indoors, quilting! 🙂

  48. Mary on Lake Pulaski Avatar

    My favorite season is definitely summer – I love swimming in the lake!

  49. Amy Avatar

    Beautiful quilts!! And I would have to say Christmas is my favorite season! There are sooooo many beautiful Christmas prints and the patterns from wall hangings, lap quilts, tree skirts, etc are endless!!

  50. Beth Strand Avatar

    Fall…I do daycare at home so summers are busy, busy, busy! Fall is my reward time. The kids are in school and I can bury myself in my sewing!

  51. Linda B. Avatar
    Linda B.

    Spring is my favorite time…as everything seems to be coming back to life!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!


  52. Denise clason Avatar
    Denise clason

    Summer is my favorite season…gardening is the best, next to quilting.

  53. Barb Adams Avatar
    Barb Adams

    My favorite season is autumn. I grew up in the Midwest, but I’ve lived in Texas for 27 years. When the summer heat finally begins to dissipate and there’s reason to open the windows after months of air conditioning, it’s like heaven here.

  54. Wanda Avatar

    Spring is my favorite season. I love the limey green leaves as they sprout and later turn into a deeper green.

  55. Teri F. Avatar
    Teri F.

    My favorite season is Summer.
    I love all the bright colors of summer flowers. I’d love to win your fabric bundle. Your hand dyed fabrics would make a lovely quilt depicting those summer flowers. Can’t you just smell their sweet aroma?

  56. Patty Swatzell Avatar
    Patty Swatzell

    I love Springtime! The beautiful flowers and the many shades of green in the trees make for a grand renewal of life. The birds are busy making nests and critters start to roam.

  57. Suvarna Avatar

    Great quilts and great giveaway…..
    My fav season is spring…we get over winter chills and get ready for blooms, birds etc…, oh i cannot wait for spring to arrive 🙂

  58. Barb@Witsend Avatar

    I love Spring. It is cool and green and I love to watch things coming up in the garden.

  59. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    Fall is my favorite season. Its starting to get cooler and our garden is producing abundtantly, so we can can a lot.

  60. Henrietta Avatar

    I love winter, it is a time for rest and renewal before embarking on the new year, anticipation of spring and new beginnings.

  61. Kathy H Avatar
    Kathy H

    Baseball season! That’s mostly spring and summer, but some fall, too. I’ve been a baseball fan all my life, but the beginning of a new season is always exciting.

  62. todd ikey Avatar

    Late summer. NZ is geographically located around the roaring forties and the weather is typically unsettled for most of the year. The end of summer tends to have the most settled weather. Right about now!

  63. Sandra Bassett Avatar
    Sandra Bassett

    Spring is my favourite season. It is such a joy after the cold winter. I am especially looking forward to it after this particular snowy and stormy winter.

  64. Doris Avatar

    I can’t wait for spring! I love when all of the bulbs bloom because they get my quilting color ideas going. Winter is so bleak here I can’t get my color wheel going!

  65. Maria do Carmo Avatar
    Maria do Carmo

    Outono.Quando as folhas caem para aquecer , alimentar e proteger as raizes para o inverno que se aproxima,e aí sim ,vem a primavera linda e florida em plenitude.Mas se não fosse o outono……Obrigada estou querendo experimentar estes tecidos .

  66. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    Winter is my favorite season. I live in the desert, and the cold is such a treat and respite from the long, unforgiving summers.

  67. Jocelyn Avatar

    Spring, as I love to see everything blooming and coming back to life.

  68. Sheila Avatar

    I love fall the best , the temperatures are more comfortable and I love the fall Colors .thanks for the chance .

  69. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    I don’t like hot or cold weather, so my favorite time of year is Spring and Fall … a little in between.

  70. SewCalGal Avatar

    I actually love all seasons, but Spring is my absolute favorite. Love the new growth and all the colors of the this season.


  71. jean Avatar

    I love spring….the renewal of all the plants and flowers, the warmer weather….just love it all.

  72. Nancy B from Many LA Avatar
    Nancy B from Many LA

    My favorite season is winter, now. Summer is So darn hot, that the winter cool/cold is such a relief! Plus, winter’s here aren’t really long, so it’ easy to get through…

  73. Karen Stenback Avatar

    My favorite season is spring, I think, because I love the weather getting warmer and all the buds bursting out in the trees and my rose bushes. The season I miss the most is winter, because I am from Minnesota and I now live in California – I miss the crispness of the winter air and the ‘woman against the elements’ feeling I get from going about my daily life in a cold, snowy world.

  74. elaine Avatar

    I love fall-everthing about it. The shorter days, the cooler weather (I live in eastern San Diego where the summers are HOT), the leaves turning and dropping, the colors of rusts oranges, browns and purple, and lastly-apples-good crisp apples.

  75. Deanna Avatar

    Perhaps because I am an October baby, autumn has always been my favorite season…but spring is looking better all the time!

  76. LJ Avatar

    Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the feel and smell of the air. I love the colors not only of the changing foliage but also I think the flowers put on their BEST show! But…I have to say that I love the CHANGE that seasons bring and that’s why I live where they really do change.

  77. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    Well, I can think of wonderful reasons to love every season, but I think late Spring is my very favorite because that is when we can start sitting on the deck and enjoy our hummingbird feeders. Last year was our first with the new deck and we had several hummingbirds that became so used to us being out there they would buzz around our heads and get right up into our faces, at times getting close enough to make us go cross-eyed to look at them. We look forward to the same delights this coming Spring and many more in the future. Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful quilting treasure, and thank you too for hosting all the contests and giving us such wonderful opportunities to see everyones beautiful quilts. Hugs…

  78. Sallie Avatar

    I love fall! I love the cooler weather after hot summers, the color changes of the leaves, pumpkins and football. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  79. Dolores Avatar

    Spring – love the warm sun and new flowers in the garden. It’s a wonderful time to work outdoors without it being too hot. Since I mostly have iris there is an abundance of color and lots of fragrance as well. Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful fabrics.

  80. Judy B Avatar
    Judy B

    I love Fall! The colors are so beautiful. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  81. Lisa A. Parlee Carr Avatar
    Lisa A. Parlee Carr

    My favorite season is fall. When the vegtables and fruit from my garden are all picked and either canned, frozen or packed for winter and the homemade tomato sauce is lining the shelves of my basement. The sweet smell of the fall leaves fills the air. Walking in the woods is so peaceful at this time of year. I tend to walk while breathing in that crisp fall air with my little mind planning all the quilting projects that I want to get done for Christmas and the pajamas that I will make for the kids to wear on Christmas Eve.

  82. Iris Bradbury Avatar
    Iris Bradbury

    Just would love to win the fabric prize . My favourite season is Autum as all the hot weather which we are certainly having at the moment (40deg ) today. Autum brings beautiful weather and magic Autum colours. Iris

  83. Carolyn Avatar

    Autumn is my favorite season, with all those beautiful, rich colours against the blue of the sky. Gorgeous.
    Thank you for the chance.

  84. Linda Mageske Avatar

    I love Fall with all the bright colors and the smell of apples and pumpkins!

  85. Duane Avatar

    Springtime is my favorite time. I love it because of all the flowers that come to life after the long winter. Everything is so fresh. Thanks for the opportunity to win those beautiful fabrics!

  86. Judy1522 Avatar

    Fall is my favorite season. I just love the cold, crisp windy days when the leaves rustle as you walk through them. It is also the start of all the best holidays.

  87. Jana Anderson Avatar

    Since I live in Wyoming, summer is my favorite season. Most of the other seasons are cold!

  88. Kelly Cline Avatar
    Kelly Cline

    Spring–LOVE when all things come to life and love to plant my garden!

  89. Evelyn Avatar

    Sometimes Spring is my favorite because my roses come gloriously to life — and then sometimes Autumn is my favorite because the colors are so rich. Actually my favorite is whatever season it is at any given time because there’s something wonderful to like about each one.

  90. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I love Spring with all the colors coming back after Winter! Everything blooming, the earth wakes up after it’s long nap.

  91. Vivian Oaks Avatar
    Vivian Oaks

    I usually love summer the best, simply because I hate the cold (unless I’m having a hot flash, that is!). 🙂 I don’t mind late spring and early fall, but as soon as I have to start wearing a sweater or a jacket, I’m hoping for summer again!

  92. Rebecca Avatar

    If you live in south Georgia, there is only one season–HOT!!! We do get a few cool days a year, but very few. I”d love to have seasons.

  93. Quilt Rat Avatar

    SUMMER….the hotter, the better…….think I must have been a lizard in an earlier life. 🙂

  94. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I like summer the best because I want to be warm. I am freezing today and we don’t even have snow.

  95. spiritweaver Avatar

    Spring is my favorite season. I love to watch the new crocuses poke their heads out from under the spring snow

  96. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    Spring because the colors are starting to pop out after drab winter.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  97. Sharon Avatar

    Spring is the best. We get to see more shades of green that I can ever imagine. And I want to add each of them to my latest quilt project!

  98. Malia Avatar

    So hard to decide…

    I think spring is my favorite… I love getting out and starting to plant my garden! I’ve already gotten peas, radishes, onions, kohlrabi, tomatoes, and some fresh herbs planted! (I live in central Texas….)

  99. Ruth Pursell Avatar
    Ruth Pursell

    The best weather, best time to travel and amazing colors fall.
    Visiting grandkids, blueberries to pick, super fresh tomatoes, summer.
    New leaves of bright green, tulips, and warm sun, spring.
    Quiet time to quilt, snuggle cats, and hot cider, winter.
    How can I pick? I love all seasons

  100. JoAnn Hyde Avatar
    JoAnn Hyde

    My favorite season is Fall. I like fall because it cools down after a hot summer and the colors are great. It is also a time when we can have a back yard bonfire and relax.

  101. Reagan Avatar

    Fall – not too hot or cold, no mud, beautiful leaves and the beginning of great holidays.

  102. sara Avatar

    My favorite season is Winter – when it snows it is beautiful and peaceful…plus it gives me lots of time to quilt…

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  103. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    My favorite season is spring! I love to start working out in the yard in the warm sunshine. Good for the soul!

  104. hueisei Avatar

    My favorite season is spring 😀
    I love to see the flowers blooming in my garden 😀

  105. Raewyn Avatar

    My favourite season is Autumn… love the cooler days and the late growth after the summer heat and harvesting fruit and vegetables.
    Congratulations to all those who submitted quilts – they were all lovely and I would have liked to vote for more than 3!!

  106. Melanie Avatar

    Autumn – love the colours, the cooler nights and the fact we can eat comfort food without feeling guilty 🙂

  107. Suzanne Cooper Avatar
    Suzanne Cooper

    I think Spring is the best season. Life starts anew and gives us hope and joy.

  108. Connie Avatar

    I love fall! The colours and the coolness of the evenings.

  109. Crystal Avatar

    I love the spring time .. Everything comes back to life and turns bright and sunny and the birds and animals come out to play.
    We live in ohio and after being cooped up and lots of grey skies during the winter months spring time just makes everything feel a bit happier.

    This week quilts are so pretty and unique I had a hard time choosing only three favorites.

  110. Richard Healey Avatar

    I love fall love the colors of the trees in the mountains.

  111. Gemini Jen NZ Avatar

    I absolutely love the crispness of winter – the frosty mornings and the bright sunny days that we get here in Southland NZ – you don’t know you’re alive until you’ve hit the cold air of a fresh winter day! And the bareness of the trees etc mean I really appreciate the spring growth that occurs and turns the world into a wonder of colour again!

  112. Susan Avatar

    Right now, summer is my favorite season because it is warm! I can get up early and ride my horse before it gets too hot, quilt during the day and sit on the porch in the cool of the evening enjoying the smell of freshly cut hay. Nights are the best…a zillion stars in the sky and coyotes singing just over the hill!

  113. nealich Avatar

    Ich mag den Frühling sehr gern, besonders, wenn die Tage immer länger werden… Auch den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten finde ich schön, es gibt immer wieder einen Neubeginn!

  114. Klara Avatar

    I like the spring, when everything is starting to bloom and the fresh colours of the leaves. When everything awakes in the garden, thats my favorite season

  115. Linda Avatar

    I like Spring and Summer. Love the long light sunny days, find winter and it’s lack of daylight very depressing. Great Giveaway!

  116. Lorri Avatar

    Spring, is my favorite. Everything is just waking up from a long winters nap. Thx

  117. Marijke van Welzen Avatar
    Marijke van Welzen

    My favourite is Spring, when THE sun starts to warm up THE air, everything gets lighter and there is à promise in THE air.

  118. Mirjam Avatar

    I love Autumm. All the colors are so nice. Time for quilting!!!

  119. Jette Huneck Avatar

    I love the spring – in Denmark where I live, we have a long dark winter and I long for the spring when the light returnes and the nature will wake up again

  120. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    they are all wonderful and so inspiring, maybe I can someday make quilts in honour of my family members too <3

  121. Djoekie Avatar

    het mooiste seizoen is de lente.
    Heerlijk van alle mooie ontluikende bomen en struiken genieten en het gekwetter van de vogels

  122. Lois Jones Avatar

    My favorite season is Fall. I love how the air is just a little cooler and the colors are so beautiful!!

  123. Sharon Sehorn Avatar
    Sharon Sehorn

    Spring! I love it because I can start wearing my flip flops again!!

  124. Gisele Avatar

    I love the colours of spring, the fresh green of new growth & the bright yellows of all the daffodils which grow in our hedgerows……the promise of new life.

  125. Sue Preece Avatar
    Sue Preece

    Winter is my favourite season. I’m from Australia and where I live summer is just too hot for me! Our winters are not so cold as the northern hemisphere and I just love to watch the rain fall when I’m snuggled up inside (with my quilting of course!).

  126. Lynn Reynolds Makrin Avatar

    My favorite season is Autumn. The change in everything– our schedules due to the return of school, the weather, the color in the trees, etc. reminds us that we too have the opportunity to change, reflect and become new on the other side of our troubles– no matter how small they may be.

  127. Petra Avatar

    Sorry but I don’t have a favorite season. I like the most the changing of seasons…..every time of year has it’s advantages and I can enjoy them all

  128. Judy@GrandparentsPlus2 Avatar

    My favorite season is Summer because I can be outside every day gardening.

  129. Lea Avatar

    I always long for Spring after a long bone chilling winter. So one would think that Spring would be my favorite season. But Fall is my favorite. Its the smell and color of the leaves, the hard work of the warmer months is over, you can sit back relax and enjoy your bounty. Taking a walk and just enjoying the sounds and colors of fall always take my breath away. Its a love affair I’ve had since a little girl.

  130. Lizzie Avatar

    I love the fall: fire in the fireplace, gazing out at the lake and sewing, sewing and more sewing!

  131. rosa Avatar

    My favorite seasons are summer and fall.I love sunny days and the long days .Fall because I love all that beautiful colors.

  132. Laura Avatar

    My favorite season is winter. It forces the whole family to slow down and stay inside in the evening. The four of us sit in the living room, in front of the fire, some are watching tv, some are on computers, some are knitting, but we are all together.

  133. ane Avatar

    Hay trabajos precioso.


  134. Debbie M Avatar

    I prefer summer. We don’t really have much of a spring or fall. I prefer the heat to the cold.

  135. Hanke Avatar

    My favorite is spring, the nice green and yellow! And the days are brighter!

  136. Maureen Avatar

    Fall is my favorite…the air is cool, crisp and clean, the sun is bright but not too hot…perfect for long trail hikes and fall planting. Thanks!

  137. Heather Avatar

    My favorite season would have to be spring. Love to see the hint of green in the trees

  138. Jo Mack Avatar
    Jo Mack

    As I grow older I appreciate fall, the season of maturity and mellowness. Plus, it brings all those great colors as deciduous trees do their thing.

  139. Michelle Young Avatar
    Michelle Young

    My favorite season has always been fall. When growing up in Arizona it was wonderful to feel the cool air on my cheeks while playing outside until right before dinner, only to have them burn a little in the warm house. As an adult living in Maine, I believe fall is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, with the trees changing colors and letting the world know they were burning too. I also love that it is a time of trick or treat, giving thanks, and feeling the anticipation of Christmas.

  140. Deb Cline Avatar
    Deb Cline

    I love Fall. The colors are vibrant, it is not too hot, not usually too rainy, and the bugs are dying off!

  141. Daryl Avatar

    I love the fall the best. After a hot summer, it’s so refreshing to feel the cool air again. I like the color changes in the trees and living in New Mexico the skies are filled with colorful hot air balloons every October for Balloon Fiesta. The cooler weather also really gets me in the mood to do a lot of quilting and sewing.

  142. Kitty Owens Avatar
    Kitty Owens

    I love spring because it’s finally warm and all the beautiful flowers,
    I love summer because it’s beach time and family reunion time
    I love fall because it’s finally cool again and the colorful trees
    I love winter because of the fresh smell of cool air and it’s holidays
    I love every day no matter what season.

  143. Ellen Avatar

    My favorite season is spring. A new beginning with my favorite flower daffodils leading the way!

  144. Jeanie Lemmo Avatar
    Jeanie Lemmo

    I love Spring!! Everything is fresh and new!

  145. Tammy Avatar

    I love Spring the best of all. Not too hot & not too cold. I enjoy teh suns rays on me warming my bones up as I tell the kids. I also love to see all teh spring flowers blooming and I relly love to watch as the grass turns green and the trees begin to leaf and bud..It is a renewal of life. A feeling of another chance to plant and garden. It brings me peace somehow..I know that sounds weird but it is the truth. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  146. Rosemarie Graham Avatar
    Rosemarie Graham

    My favorite is fall. I love the cooling down of the weather and knowing that the holidays are upon us.

  147. Kris Avatar

    I love fall, the colors the feeling in the air.

  148. Sam Alberts Avatar

    SUMMER! SUMMER! SUMMER! I think summer is best because of cold beer, warm days, and care free driving!

  149. Sam Alberts Avatar

    OMG, not all on the same day!

  150. Lynda H Avatar
    Lynda H

    Autum is my favorite season because orange is my favorite color and I love the colors of fall. Leaves are one of my go to subjects when I paint and or quilt.

  151. Joyce Kellogg Avatar
    Joyce Kellogg

    My favorite season is Spring.I love to go in my garden and watch the bulbs peek up through the soil and watch the buds come out on the lilac bushes. Planning the planting of new annuals and
    perennials is a joy for me and I can’t wait to see the flowers in my planters. One of my great memories in the dead of winter is lying in my swing under the lilac bushes reading a good book while also watching the birds collect twigs for their nests. i can hardly wait to get back outside.

  152. Jennifer Schifano Thomas Avatar

    My favorite season is Autumn. Everything is so peaceful, the weather is not too hot, not too cold, and the colors are brilliant. Have a super day!

  153. Marie Delliazza Avatar
    Marie Delliazza

    I’d have to say autumn if I have to make a choice. It seems to present fewer problems and less work than the others, but you reach a point where you think they’re all beautiful!

  154. Leslie Schmidt Avatar
    Leslie Schmidt

    To me, spring is the best season. It holds so much promise. It means the end (finally!) to the long winter in Minnesota. I love when everything starts to green up.

  155. Kris Avatar

    Spring is the best! I can get out and clean up the garden and watch for new growth. After snow and mud a little color is such a thrill.

  156. Chris L. Avatar
    Chris L.

    Spring is my favorite season! New life and the freshness of the air is so invigorating!

  157. Patricia Hersl Avatar
    Patricia Hersl

    Summer. It feeds my soul.

  158. susana Avatar

    La primavera sin dudas .Cuando veo las primeras flores violetas de los Jacarandaes ya es agradable caminar y disfrutar del sol.

  159. lindawwww Avatar

    My favourite season is spring. I love spring flowers – tulips, daffodils, hyacinths – and seeing the first ones come into bloom.

  160. MissEnota Avatar

    I love the fall because of the smells of the leaves and harvests and the changing light. It’s the most beautiful.

  161. Cathy L in IA Avatar

    Fav season is spring. That’s the season I actually feel like getting up off my patooty to go outside and walk and check for new flowers sprouting up. I also like planting the garden which exercises some of the fat off that patooty that sits around in the winter.

  162. Chris Avatar

    I am definitely in the late summer/ early autumn category. Spring is too wet, winter is too… well winter, summer is too hot and late autumn is drab 😀 I am not too fussy!

  163. Heidi Avatar

    Since moving to Southern Nevada, my favorite season has switched from Summer to Spring. I have always enjoyed sunny weather , and springtime here is just right:-)

  164. AlessandraLace Avatar

    My favorite season is spring. It is not too hot and it is time of first flowers, I love roses and tulips. Hugs Alessandra

  165. carla bynum Avatar

    Hi!!! I love Spring!!! The sunshine!!! The warmth!!! The Flowers!!!! Green grass!!!! The renewal of life!!!! I can’t think of anything I don’t like about spring!!!! Thank You

  166. usairdoll Avatar

    My favorite season is Autumn. I live where it is over 100 degrees in the summer so once to cooler weather gets here, I’m happy! I love when the air is cool and crisp and you can bundle up, inside or outside, hehe. Also, the holidays are around the corner and lots of time to be with family and friends.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  167. Kelly @ Stitchy Quilt Stuff Avatar

    My favorite season is definitely Fall. I love everything about it, from the spicy flavors to the crisp temperatures!

  168. Kathleen Davies Avatar

    Autumn! Because I don’t have to go back to school any more! Because the weather is cool and crisp. Beacause it’s the perfect time to start quilting a big quilt to keep my heart and body warm during the cold months to come.

  169. JJ Avatar

    I love spring and planting flowers. It is so nice to be able to get outside after being cooped up all winter.

  170. Yvonne Avatar

    I love fall. The colours, the smells, pumpkin pie. Leaf piles, vegetables stored for winter. A little slower pace after the rush of summer.

  171. Shirley Avatar

    My favorite season is spring, the air fills up with promises, lovely light, fresh greens, birds singing, and not too hot yet to sit and work outside.

  172. Tammy from Avatar
    Tammy from

    My favorite season is summer. I love driving my 1965 Mustang convertible around, swimming, and going to small town fairs/carnivals!

  173. Gene Black Avatar

    My favorite season is summer. It is never cold in summer and my body can tolerate heat better than cold.
    I would say spring, but sometimes spring gets cold again.

  174. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar

    I love fall, when it’s not so hot, but weather is still nice. It’s a calm time of year.

  175. Ruth Hampson Avatar
    Ruth Hampson

    I love the crisp smell of a Fall day. The leaves turn my favorite colors and the apple orchards are ripe with fruit. Can homemade apple pies be far away??!!

  176. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    I love spring — planting the garden and getting the flower beds ready — can’t wait 🙂

  177. Maggie Avatar

    My favorite season is absolutely summer, since the beach , including the ocean and the sand and the sun is my favorite place to be. That time is my own, sinceI don’t have to be anywhere else, or doing anything else.

  178. Juile E. Avatar

    Spring is my ABSOLUTE favorite season. The cold dreary winter wakes up from its long slumber. Beautiful colorful blossoms poke their heads through the soil and the grass turns a lovely green. The warm air is scented with an enticing fragrance that lifts your spirits!

  179. Connie Avatar

    Fall is my favorite time of year, I love all the leaves falling!

  180. Joyce Avatar

    My favorite season is Autumn, I love the colors of the changing leaves and the cooler temps…but i do feel a sense of of sadness .that i dont care for.

  181. BOBBIE WARREN Avatar

    my favorite season is fall I just love the leaves changing and the way the air feels and smells.

  182. Sue Marranconi Avatar
    Sue Marranconi

    I love spring. It is the promise of all things made new again. It is the first sign of color after the long, dreary grey that fills the winter sky and the white that covers the green.

  183. Susan Avatar

    I like all the seasons for various reasons, but if I had to choose, I would say Fall is my favorite because of the colors, scents and cooler but comfortable temperatures.

  184. Tammy Avatar

    Fall is my favorite season. Football, marching band, birthday, Halloween, and Thanksgiving!

  185. Debra Avatar

    SPring is my favorite. Overnight everything seems to come alive again. Awesome!

  186. Karen P Avatar
    Karen P

    Spring! Love the budding trees and bulbs poking their way up through the soil. I love summer, too, but in CA it can get too hot to do much outside.

  187. Deborah Avatar

    Spring! I love all the flowers!

    pinkscissorsdesign@ gmail. com

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