Commemorative Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 37
  • Total countries: 5
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 20

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1930's Commemorative Quilt 1930’s Commemorative Quilt
By: Starwood Quilter, Colorado, USA

This quilt honors both of my grandmothers, who each raised a family during the difficult time of the Depression. My quilt group chose this Eleanor Burns’ quilt as our year-long project. We meet monthly to sew, eat dinner, offer quilting advice, and catch up with each other’s lives.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"

50th Anniversary Quilt 50th Anniversary Quilt
By: Fleur de Lis Quilts, Louisiana, USA

I made this quilt for my late parents to honor their 50th anniversary. My sisters and I also had a wonderful party for them. They were so happy together, now the quilt brings wonderful memories of the love they shared till death, a legacy for their daughters, grandchildren, and great-granchildren.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 100"

80th Birthday Quilt 80th Birthday Quilt
By: Jibberish Designs, California, USA

My mother is an avid cross word puzzler and plays Words with Friends Scrabble as well. I made this quilt in a scrabble board design using messages written by family and friends as the scrabble tiles for my mother’s 80th birthday. The large blocks are drawings by her great grandchildren ages 1-8.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 76"

African Footprint African Footprint
By: therese coetzee, South Africa

I made this quilt in memory of an elephant “KwaMadiba”. I went on an elephant safari and whilst on the elephant’s back, the saddle became undone and I fell to the ground ending up in hospital. The elephant was very caring and distressed about the situation and protected me throughout the ordeal.

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 43"

Betty & Bob Betty & Bob
By: Barbara Campbell, New Jersey, USA

Sepia photos printed on fabric then tinted with colored pencils. These are photos of my parents just before they were married in 1944. Dad was in U.S.Coast Guard and met Mom through a care package she sent to “any serviceman” during WWII. Lucky me – I was their first offspring.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 16"

Birdfair quilt Birdfair quilt
By: Turid Bakken, Norway

This quilt I made for British Birdfair for their 20 years aniversary. The pictures around the edge are paintings from Robert Gillmor, and they are beautiful. I transferred them on to fabric. They are the posters from every of the first 20 years of the birdfair.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 92"

Family Tree Family Tree
By: Lisa Mather, New York, USA

In celebration of my in-laws 40th wedding anniversary, my sister-in-law asked me to create a family tree for them. I created this entirely on my own, using my own designs.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Favorite Things Quilt Favorite Things Quilt
By: Tammie Jeffers, Texas, USA

This quilt was made for a young person I know through my grown children (age 32) who is fighting a brain tumor. The quilt blocks represent his FAVORITE things and the back and border is made with the “LIVE LIFE” novelty fabric meant to encourage him through his Treatment.

Quilt size: width: 81" height: 96"

Feyenoord  100 years! Feyenoord 100 years!
By: Lida Kunkeler, Netherlands

A colleague of mine was a fan of the Dutch Football club Feyenoord that celebrated their 100 year anniversary and
asked me to make this quilt for her. Because it had to be made with gold fabric it was really a difficult project and I was very happy when it was finished!

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"

Fire Patches Quilt Fire Patches Quilt
By: Karen, California, USA

This quilt commemorates my husband, Nick’s career in the fire service, 35 1/2 dedicated years. He worked his way up through all the ranks from firefighter to fire chief. Over the years he traded & collected patches from other fire depts. I made this quilt for his retirement in Oct 2010.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 75"

Forever 5: Remembering Connor Forever 5: Remembering Connor
By: TiltedEars, Pennsylvania, USA

Our elementary school lost a special student last year to brain cancer. The school hosted an Alex’s Lemonade Stand fundraiser for pediatric cancer. The gray ribbon is the color of brain cancer and the yellow commemorates our lemonade stand. This hangs in “Connor’s Corner” of the school library.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"

Fourth of July kaleidoscope  quilt Fourth of July kaleidoscope quilt
By: beaquilter, North Carolina, USA

This was my first kaleidoscope quilt that I paper pieced and designed in EQ.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Freedom Eagle Freedom Eagle
By: Sherry Bobak, North Carolina, USA

I made this little quilt in memory of my Navy veteran father for AAQI. This was one of my first attempts at fusible applique and quilting on my home sewing machine. Many thanks go to Sindy Rodenmayer of Fat Cat Patterns for the use of her eagle design which I reduced in size about 50 percent.

Quilt size: width: 9.5" height: 10.3"

Golden Anniversary Quilt Golden Anniversary Quilt
By: Nancy McEvoy, Pennsylvania, USA

I made this quilt in 1996 as a surprise for my parents on their golden wedding anniversary. Photos were photocopied onto transfer paper and ironed on to fabric, before widespread availability of inkjet printing techniques. The family photos cover the years from the 1920s on. It’s aged well.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 32"

Grama's Hankie Grama’s Hankie
By: Pam, Georgia, USA

Grama’s Hankie started with a handkerchief I inherited from my grama on her passing. I embroidered her name in her own handwriting in the middle of the handkerchief & embellished the piece with embroidery, Dresden fans, and flying geese. It’s quilted using trapunto and regular FMQ techniques.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"

Grandma Grandma
By: Jenni, Pennsylvania, USA

I made this quilt in memory of my grandma. I spent a lot of time with her when I was a child and she taught me so much. She was born in 1900 and died in 1995. Her portrait is in the center, honeysuckle and geraniums in the border – two of her favorite flowers. I hand appliqued and hand quilted it.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"

Grandma's Memory Quilt Grandma’s Memory Quilt
By: Snoodles, South Carolina, USA

For her 89th bday, I used 30’s repros, stitcheries, applique and patchwork. Embroidered memory squares showed some of her favorite toys, snippets of songs her daddy and mommy sang to her, and her nickname when she was little. One song in particular was the one she tormented her little brother with!

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 62"

I miss you, Dad! I miss you, Dad!
By: Vesuviusmama, Virginia, USA

After my dad died, I made this quilt from his t-shirts. They capture perfectly who he was – a teacher, an activist, a fisherman, a baseball player. This quilt makes the rounds in my family, spending a few months with each of us, a tangible reminder of who he was and how much he is missed.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 54"

In Memory of Nicki In Memory of Nicki
By: Sew Silly Paula, Kansas, USA

I made this quilt for the daughter of my husband’s boss. Her mother died of breast cancer while she was in high school. It was such a terrible loss. I used all sorts of pink ribbon types of fabrics and then appliqued bright flowers. She cried & was so surprised when she received the quilt.

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 88"

Jason's Guitar Jason’s Guitar
By: Sue Laughton, California, USA

This quilt was made in honor of Jason Tennies, my friends’ son, and was used to raise money at the Walk for Mental Health in Chino, CA, in May 2011. Overall, the Walk raised over $12,000 for the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 90"

Jonathan's Quilt of Valor Jonathan’s Quilt of Valor
By: Carolee Logan, Arizona, USA

My cousin’s son recently lost his leg to a landmine in Afghanistan. It’s a difficult recovery and I wanted to be sure he knew how proud we are of his commitment to duty. The red/white/blue “Spiderweb” by Elizabeth Dackson was perfect. The backing is a grey/black camo flannel to keep him warm.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 65"

Memories Memories
By: Gail, New Brunswick, Canada

With a lot of help from family and friends we were able to keep this quilt a secret for 3 years. Dear Husband had postponed retirement for 2 of those years. He was totally speechless when he saw it for the first time…hasn’t happened since.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 100"

Memories of North Dakota Memories of North Dakota
By: Kaaren Biggs, Ontario, Canada

While planning a trip from Southern Ontario to Saskatchewan several years ago, one of the things I most looked forward to was seeing fields of sunflowers as far as the eye could see. This Mariner’s Compass variation is now my constant reminder of one of the beauties of the prairies.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

My Gram My Gram
By: Leah Holland, British Columbia, Canada

I made this Quilt for my Grandmother’s 90th birthday. It is pictures of her family and her life. Included is a photo of her at aged 4, and photos of her, her parents, my grandfather,her children, grandchildren and her great-grandchildren

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Quilt for My Brother Quilt for My Brother
By: WaggonsWest, Missouri, USA

This quilt was made for my brother to commemorate a significant promotion. It was a collaborative effort with my mother doing the photo transfer, my sister helping with the quilting and my sons picking meaningful fabrics. This is my favorite block. You can see the whole thing at the blog link.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Remembering Alice Remembering Alice
By: Carla Fawcett, British Columbia, Canada

I made this quilt to remember my Grandmother who was a quilter. It is a Robyn Falloon pattern that I changed a bit.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"

Ruby Red Anniversary Quilt Ruby Red Anniversary Quilt
By: Katie Wiseman, West Virginia, USA

I made this quilt for my friends’ 40th Wedding Anniversary. Irish chain with 1″ finished squares. Heart-shaped photos appliqued in the blank areas of the “chains.” Densley quilted with trapunto.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 55"

Springtime Flowers Springtime Flowers
By: Pam in KC, Missouri, USA

My mother fell in love with this quilt when she saw it in the LQS. I went back and bought the kit, finally making it for her 70th birthday. Mom didn’t remember it, but she loved it, sleeping under it every night until her death a few weeks later.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 67"

Steve's Baseball T-Shirt Quilt Steve’s Baseball T-Shirt Quilt
By: Debbie Grasley, Minnesota, USA

I saved all of his t-shirts and jerseys since he was in Little League through his 2 years in the minor league system with the Seattle Mariners. There are alot of memories for him, but I think more so for me, when I look at it. I didn’t miss very many games, so it is a treasure of memories for me.

Quilt size: width: 93" height: 112"

Tea with Florance Tea with Florance
By: Debbie Butler Miller, New York, USA

This quilt was fate. It began with a retreat and the project was a pattern called Afternoon Tea. My Great Grandmother collected tea cups, and I was lucky enough to have one of her special tea table cloths which I took with me when I selected the fabrics for this quilt. A true labor of love.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 88"

The Lincoln Home The Lincoln Home
By: Carolyn DiPerri, New Hampshire, USA

The Lincoln Home quilt was done as a thank you to the assisted living facility that took such good care of my Grandmother. My grandmother loved it there. I made the quilt from a brochure of the Lincoln Home. I have used Heat and Bond Lite for the applique and alot of thread painting.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 20"

The Window The Window
By: teenietaters, Utah, USA

When health issues made it difficult for me to do the intricate handwork I had done all my life, I needed a creative outlet and my SIL said “Let’s learn to make quilts”. My mom always said “When God closes a door, He always opens a window”. Quilting is the window He opened for me in March of 2008.

Quilt size: width: 122" height: 124"

Thirty Years Stitching Together Thirty Years Stitching Together
By: Carole Henell, New Jersey, USA

Love Apple Quilters in Cherry Hill, NJ celebrated their 30th anniversary February 2010 and many members made a quilt commemorating the event. This quilt is my entry. Each heart highlights an aspect of the guild that makes it so special. I was honored to be their president at the time.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 39.5"

Wedding Autographs Wedding Autographs
By: Susan Ryan, Washington, USA

A week before my DSD was to get married I decided to make her a quilt using autographs from her guests using her colors of black and pink and her candy theme. I found the pattern in McCall’s long after the wedding so had to adapt it to fit. Loved putting a pic of couple in a clear pocket on candy!

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 38"

Westwood Warrior Quilt Westwood Warrior Quilt
By: patti clement, Arizona, USA

This quilt was made to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Westwood High School and was donated to the Marching Band to raffle off for a fundraiser. We have had 6 children go to Westwood as well as my husband and his siblings.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 90"

Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland
By: Sally Johnson, Massachusetts, USA

This quilt was made as a lap quilt for my friend who was staying with me last winter. It just so happened that it was Christmastime and so I created this with Christmas themed fabric.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

You Are My Sunshine You Are My Sunshine
By: Tonya Frye, Texas, USA

This quilt is my 4th quilt to date. It was made for my cousin Katrina’s upcoming wedding on 2/11/12. The hand quilted rope on the border represents a favorite scripture Ecclesiastes 4:12.
The color & many prints represent highs and lows of marriage and celebrating differences in each other.

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 72"

7 responses to “Commemorative Quilts”

  1. Lindy Avatar

    I just couldn’t bring myself to vote! As I viewed the quilts and read their stories I smiled, I teared up…how can I choose among peoples memories? Can’t! Thank you for sharing, one and all.

  2. vada liptak Avatar
    vada liptak

    I was so touched by” Forever 5″
    colors were so appropriate and the name seemed so right.

  3. Kitty Pearl Avatar

    Lindy said it all. I’m so overwhelmed, seeing so many meaningful submissions, and all great quilting too! You can see all the love in these quilts 🙂 Thanks everyone for participating!!!! –Kitty Pearl

    PS to Patti: I’m Mesa High ’85, and I was in marching band too, but I still love your Westwood quilt 🙂

  4. Dorothy Smietana Avatar
    Dorothy Smietana

    What great quilts! It was hard to pick just five.

  5. Amanda Avatar

    These quilts were all great and the stories wonderful, good luck!

  6. MaritM Avatar

    I think that all of these quilts are amazing. Nice to read all the thoughts and memories behind the quilt. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Anne H Avatar
    Anne H

    I love all of them! How can I vote!!

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