Bear Paw Banner-01

Our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop have a fun series they’ve been sharing, called the Classic & Vintage Series. The idea is to freshen up an old block with new fabrics. They are providing free downloads for the featured block pattern and a step-by-step video showing how to complete each block.

The first two featured blocks were Sister’s Choice and A Tisket, A Tasket Basket.

Today’s featured block is the Bear Paw.

You can download the FREE block pattern here or purchase the full pattern here that includes sizes for a table runner, crib, twin and king quilt!

Here’s my version of the Bear Paw block:


I had just a fat quarter of the colourful print, so thought it would be perfect to cut into for this block. I think I’ll turn this into a mini quilt for my new sewing room. I might even know where the block is currently hiding, as it was stitched long before the move!

Have you made a quilt with the Bear Paw block?

8 responses to “Classic & Vintage Series: Bear Paw Block”

  1. pam Avatar

    Your block turned out great!

  2. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    Love the bright colors of your block. The Bear Paw block was the basis of my very first quilt, in which the focus fabric featured “party bears.” It turned out really cute for a 3-year-old.

  3. Thearica Burroughs Avatar

    Your fabrics would make a wonderful child’s quilt. So bright and happy.

  4. PersimonDreams Avatar

    I love all the colorful print with the solid ‘fingers’! what fun!

  5. Patricia Cash Avatar
    Patricia Cash

    Love the bright print!

  6. Connie Avatar

    Cute block and love the colors!

  7. betty watson Avatar
    betty watson

    Love the pattern ~ looks like fun!

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