Our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop have a fun series they’ve been sharing, called the Classic & Vintage Series. The idea is to freshen up an old block with new fabrics. They are providing free downloads for the featured block pattern and a step-by-step video showing how to complete each block.
The first two featured blocks were Sister’s Choice and A Tisket, A Tasket Basket.
Today’s featured block is the Bear Paw.
You can download the FREE block pattern here or purchase the full pattern here that includes sizes for a table runner, crib, twin and king quilt!
Here’s my version of the Bear Paw block:
I had just a fat quarter of the colourful print, so thought it would be perfect to cut into for this block. I think I’ll turn this into a mini quilt for my new sewing room. I might even know where the block is currently hiding, as it was stitched long before the move!
Have you made a quilt with the Bear Paw block?
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