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When piecing, I press the seam allowance to one side. I guess the reason I do this is because it was the way I was taught when I first started quilting, but I also think that it keeps the seam stronger than if the seam were pressed open.
I press to get the least amount of bulk…so it would be both ways.
I press to one side after setting my seam. I find this method works best with seams butting against each other and allowing for less pinning.
99% of the time I press seams to one side…things just seem to “fit” better when I do this. There are those rare times when the seams will be too bulky if I do this and on those occassions, I will break my own rule and press the seam open.
I normally press seams to one side. I like to have seams butting up against each other when I sew blocks together. But if I’m foundation piecing, I usually press the seams open when I sew the blocks together because there’s usually extra bulk in a foundation pieced block. Thanks.
I press both ways depending on the block. I usually try to minimize bulk.
I press seams to the side. Makes it easier to get my seams to match.
I press them in both ways, means, it indepence on the pattern I’m doing
I press to the dark side when possible. 1. It’s easier for me and takes less time. 2. I believe it makes the seam stronger.
I usually press to one side, making it easier to butt the seams together nicely…however, I’ve been known to press open when there’s too much bulk.
I press to the dark side but will press them open if there is going to be to much bulk.
I do both — if I have a lot of seams I will press open, otherwise I press to one side.
I press to the side thanks
Normally, I press to the dark side!
I most often press to the side when piecing but occasionally will press the seams open depending on the block and the type of fabric.
I usually press open because of the bulk when quilting.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I usually press to one side.
I press to one side, because that is the way my Mother did it.
I usually press towards the dark fabric. I don’t like the seam allowance showing through the light colors.
I usually press to one side, particularly for dark/light fabric combinations but sometimes to reduce bulk I will press seams open. It all depends on the block pattern.
I press to one side because I was told to when I started to quilt. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Most of the time I press to the dark side, but when there’s a lot of bulk I press the seams open…
I usually press to one side but I press open when I have multiple seams, to reduce the bulk.
I press seams to one side, usually to darker side. Then you can nest the seams together when piecing your quilt.
I press the seams to one side. I’m no patient enough to press them open, and as I machine quilt, I don’t have any problems with bulkiness.
I try to press seams to one side, which I think hides thread a bit better, prevents batting bearding, allows the seams to nest as a sewing aid, and if pressed to the darker fabric, prevents seams from showing through light fabric. However, I sometimes do press the seams open, if the result is a flatter block.
I tend to press open when I’m doing curved pieces! however I do some tomes do both what ever floats my boat at the time!
Usually I press to one side, but there are times when pressing open is the way to go to reduce bulk.
All the quilts are unique and lovely! I usually press to one side since that’s the way I was taught, but when there is a great deal of bulk, I press seams open.
It all depends on the pattern, sometimes with seams coming all together at one point I will press open, but most of the time I press them all to one side.
I use both ways, centre of stars need to be pressed open to reduce bulk, but for matching seams I need those pressed aside seams.
I press my seams to one side – I think it’s easier to match up points.
I press to the dard most of the time, but there are lots of occasions the seams need to be pressed open. Especially when there are lots of intersections and when the bulk is in the middle I open those little centers. Hard to explain but you probably know what I mean.;)
I press to the side most often, but sometimes I press seams open if they are bulky. Looks like most of us do the same thing. Seems to me that we are all very practical in choosing how we press!
Most of the time I press to one side. thank you!
Siempre lo hago hacía un lado, considero que la costura es más fija.
I press to the dark as that is the way I learned. But always willing to try a different way if it is better.
I always press to the side. More recently, after 25 years of quilting experience, I experimented with open seams. Change is hard and I went back to pressing to one side.
When piecing I press whichever way makes least bulk where seams intersect . Mainly I press to one side but occasionally pressing open is better.
I always press to one side. Pressing them open would take too long!
I mostly press to the dark side, but when they are bulky I press open.
Thanks for the giveaway!
When pressing it depends on the block itself as to how I press. If theres a lot of seams to match I press to the dark side if possible. Pressing open when seams don’t need to match up, and when it will create less bulk for quilting.
For me the direction and method varies depending on the project.
Most times I press to the dark side, but if nesting seams I
will press in opposite directions regardless of light or dark.
I also press seams open to reduce bulk.
Whatever works best !!!
Generally I press to one side, but there have been a few patterns that it seemed better to press open. I bow down to anyone who does circles and curved seams! I am impressed!
I usually press to one side, unless I need to eliminate the bulk of a lot of seams coming together.
whatever direction takes the bulk out of the seams, wether that is to one of the sides or pressing open.
I do both depending on the fabrics I’m using and the piecing. Some blocks just lie flatter when pressed open. Also, when using solid white, I find pressing open helps minimize the show through.
I press my seams open unless it is a light color fabric that is going to have a shadow.
I press my seams to the side because I was taught that way but I recently learned it was taught this way because of the old kind of batting and with the new batting you can press your seam open.
I watched several videos and done some reading, People are split. I’ve tried both and settled with “ironing to one side”
I press to one side. I was taught the seams are stronger if pressed to the side.
I press to one side because that is the way I was shown.
I press to one side mainly because it is they way I was taught.
I was taught to press to one side and still do most of the times. There are some instances, though, where I do press the seams open. I have always been told that the threads have less pressure on them when the seams are pressed to one side.
I press to one side, toward the darker fabrics as this is how I learned.
I use both methods. When making a quilt that will be used a lot, I press to the sides … It really does give more wearability to the quilt. When making a wall hanging, however, I do press open. I have to say that it is a delight long arming quilts with seams pressed open! Needles can and do break going over heavy seams. 🙂
Sometimes open and sometimes to the side. If there are a lot of seams and intersections, I’ll press them open.
I usually press to one side but occasionally if there are a lot of seams I will press open.
I press to the dark side if possible…the way I was taught.
I press towards the dark side especially with white. It was hard to pick just two. They were all so nice. Thanks for having a give away.
I press to one side usually the “dark side”; unless the piece I’m working on has many intersecting seams — like a Leymone Star.
Depends on the pattern but I would say most of the time I press towards one side
I try to press to one side rather than open. I like to think here’s less pull on the seams.
HI!!!! So far I press to the dark fabric unless it is recommended otherwise for a particular pattern…Still learning though…so still open as far as seams go!!!!! Thanks for the fun give away!!!!!
Depends on my mood – but mostly to the one side or the other…
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
I press my seams ti the dark side when piecing and press to the outer side when sewing border strips. If I have a lot of bulk at interlocking seams I cut one quarter inch on each side of seam to the thread line and press open.
I always press to one side, because it is stronger then. Sometimes when it is thick, I may press the seams open.
I usually press to one side unless there are alot of seams coming together then I will open them and press them.
I press to one side.
A. I was taught that way
B. It is easier -and I don’t burn myself.
I press to one side (toward the darker fabric) and then stitch to a piece with seams pressed the other way to cut down on bulk and help with accuracy.
If possible I press to the dark and I will press my seams open it they are to thick…thanks for the chance…going to vote now, happy stitching!!
Hi! I press to one side because I was taught to and that it makes the seams stronger.
I press to the dark side if possible. Because I was taught that way.
I press the seams to one side. I have a better chance at accurate piecing if I can nest the seams when joining blocks/rows.
I was taught to press to one side because it makes the seams stronger. I usually press to the dark.
I press to the side on most projects. It is how I learned. I also like the way seams nestle together with the seams to one side on one and the other side on the next piece.
A few projects I press open. I do it with thin pieces for very small quilts.
I press to the side for quilts and press open for garments.
Still ironing to one side – except when pattern calls for
ironing open. I seem to have more trouble matching up when ironing open. Judy C thanks you.
If I want the fabric to lie very flat, for instance in a table runner, I press the seams flat. Otherwise, for instance in a bed quilt, I will press the seams to one side.
It depends more on the project. Most often to the side but if working with small pieces or intricate elements, I’ll manipulate the seams as needed……….
I press to one side, usually the darker side, except on very rare occasions. I believe it’s more secure. I’ve put together blocks from others with seams pressed open, and they seem loose & flimsy.
I press to the side as I was taught. I also like this method for lining up seams accurately since I can feel them lock against each other when rubbed as long as they are pressed in opposite directions.
I usually press seams to one side, however if I’m doing miniatures then pressing open sometimes helps the block to lay flat. I press to the side as it helps seams to be stronger, especially if stitching in the ditch when quilting.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
for the most part I press to the dark, when that is not possible I still press to only one side. If I am doing a star formation I press everything in the same direction, when they are joined I then open the seams at the bottom and give a bit of twist with my thumb, which spreads them and there isn’t a big wad for me to quilt over.
I press to one side most often, but if I am piecing a block with lots of intersecting seams or bulk, I will press open to help the block lay flat. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I press to one side. Just recently, I completed a quilt with the seams pressed open, and I am scared to death that the seams won’t hold! Is that an unreasonable or unfounded fear?
I almost always press to one side. Will switch hit, to the light or dark depending on how best fits.
I usually press to one side. For many patterns this allows seams to nest which helps with matching.
I usually press to the side for the seams to “nest.” However, if I am working on a really small piece, then I usually press open. I do not like to say “never” or “always” because then an “oops” happens…
I press my seams to one side, I feel it strengthens the top.
I usually press my seams to one side. It seems to help me line pieces up correctly. And it was the first way I learned when quilting. So it just seams to be a automatic function these days.
I press to the side.
to one side because that’s how I was taught.
Usually to one side.
The way I press seams depends on how many I have meeting in one place. If there are more than 2 seams meeting, I’ll press them open to keep the bulk in the seam line down. If there are only 2 seams, I press them to one side to nest them and get a better match on my seam lines.
I press the seams open.
I usually press to one side unless the pattern is better suited to do otherwise.
I usually press to one side but I have tried pressing seams open and use that method sometimes.
In my first quilting class, I was taught to always press to one side, however, after getting more experience, I have learned that pressing seams open give me a smoother appearance and my long arm quilters say that the seams are much easier to quilt because there is less bulk and when I expressed concern about the strength of the seams, I was reminded that after the project is quilted, there won’t be any stress on the seams. I do still find though, that there are times when I have to, or need to press to one side. So I use a combination of both methods and try to reduce the bulkiness of my seams.
I press to one side unless it’s going to be too bulky, then I press open.
I most often press to the dark side, because I like how the seams “nest” when joining pieces. It seem like less work too!
I usually press to the dark side but if it is a lot of seams coming into one point, I will press open.
I always press my seams open
I always press to the dark fabrics, because that is what I was told to do 26 years ago when I learned to quilt, and I always do what I am told (usually) :+) !
I ususally press mine to the side . It makes the seams nest and lay flatter. Thanks for the giveaway ! The sample is beautiful.
I almost always press to the dark side because that is how I was taught and it helps with nesting seams. However, I press open to avoid bulk when joining pieces for stars.
The short answer is Both. I used to always press to the side to eliminate some bearding of the batting; now that I don’t use poly fabric or batting, that isn’t a problem. I still find it easier to press to the side and like it for nesting when joining right angle seams. I do use open seams when I don’t know how it will be joining up because I am planning as I go.
Usually press to one side because that’s how I first learned. However, if I need to reduce bulk I’ll press them open. Just depends. Thanks!
I always pressed to one side because the quilt police years ago told me to. now I do so because I do think the seam is stronger but if its bulky I press open without hesitation. nancyb
I press to one side so the seams will nest.
I press toward the darkest fabric. Some exceptions are many seams and no seams, press away from many seams toward no seam. Lots of seams meeting and I will press open. I do not press open all the time, because I feel that the seam is not as strong and may be pulled apart during use. If your quilting is very small and close together, it probably doesn’t matter, but I tend to quilt in large motifs. In the end, do what makes you a happy quilter.
I press to one side because it makes the seam stronger and it is easier to quilt ‘in-the-ditch’. I don’t like pressing open because it is harder to match seams.
Totally depends on how much bulk and how many cross seams. If it is little smaller then 2inch, I press open. If I am going to cut this a lot as in split pinwheels or 9 patches I press open, but if it is a simple 9 patch I don’t.
I press to one side unless there are a lot of seams and then I press open.
I usually press to the side so I can ‘lock’ the seams together to get perfect points/joins/seams. however, on some blocks I open the seams and press if there is a lot of bulk at intersections.
I press to the side … because I always burn my fingers trying to hold the seams open.
I am a beginner quilter so I press to one side. Usually that’s what the directions tell me to do and I’m still following directions very carefully, I wouldn’t want to mess up!
Love the “clarice”. I have been collecting photos of this pottery to do the same type of quilt. Would love to know which fabric line has the Cliff color ways.
I press to one side when I have to match seams. I will press open if I have several points coming together.
I piece all my seams open. I like the look of a smooth top
Like so many others, I was taught to press to one side but occasionally it is necessary to open the seams for a neat appearance.
I press to one side (mostly to the dark side) because it seems to be a stronger hold and doesn’t show under the light side. I love joining seams that way and how it feels so smooth when you have the material in the right spot.
I press to one side, because my teacher told me 🙂 And when I press open it seems you see the stitches. And the seems are stronger.
I try to press to the dark, but when things get too bulky, I improvise and hope for the best.
I press on one side (dark) unless I’m making ex: pinwheel I press one part to one side then the other side opposite to open the center seams so it lays flat…
I only press open if I’m trying to reduce bulk. Otherwise I press to the side and normally toward the darker color. When you press open I feel you take a greater risk of exposing the theads. Thanks for the awesome contest this week. Love the sponsors, quilts and giveaway !
I press open if it makes the seams lie flatter. It also keeps for more even wear with two layers of fabric on each side of the seam.
I press my seams to one side, the darker side, so I don’t have shadowing.
I press my seams towards the dark side, because it seems to be a popular way to do it!
I press my seams to one side. The quilt is stronger and will last longer.
I press my seams wide open. But I’m new… 🙂
I was taught to press seams to one side and so far it has worked great for me. I like that I can match the seams better this way. There are times I will press seams open, such as doing a miniture quilt or one with lots of seams meeting at a single point.
To one side. That way your squares will “nest” and the quilt will be stronger overall.
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