Christmas Table Runners

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  • Total submissions: 29
  • Total countries: 5
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 15

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Aussie Christmas Aussie Christmas
By: Melanie,

I needed a runner to fit my very long table so I adapted a tried and tested one with an “Aussie” stitchery in the middle.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 12"

Bargello Christmas Runner Bargello Christmas Runner
By: Rosemary,
Massachusetts, USA

I saw this pattern and I just had to make it! Of course, it’s taken a while for me to actually get to it and finish it! I started this in September and am happy to enjoy it for the Christmas season. I embroidered on each ornament and made the ribbons 3-D. Original pattern by Ann Lauer.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 20"

Blue Christmas Blue Christmas
By: Maria Cherry,
North Carolina, USA

One year I wanted to decorate for Christmas in blue, so I decided I needed a new table runner. It is paper pieced.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 31"

Christmas Christmas
By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 32"

Christmas Diamonds Table Runner Christmas Diamonds Table Runner
By: Melissa,
Washington, USA

I made this for a swap I was in this year. I love simple lines and simple quilting, I think it can really make the fabrics pop. I wanted to use traditional Christmas colors and have it be very classically simple.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 16"

Christmas Hot Dish Christmas Hot Dish
By: Patricia L.,
Georgia, USA

This tablerunner is made from batiks using the Minnesota Hot Dish pattern.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 43"

Christmas Ribbons Christmas Ribbons
By: Judy Brennan,
Kansas, USA

Quilted and machine embroidered Christmas table runner. Used metallic threads and fabrics. Took 2 years to make 8 of these as gifts for friends – note the 7 borders! Embroidery by Zundt Designs – 3 medallion squares in center. This was a challenge not only for 1 but also for 7 more.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 26"

Christmas Spicy Spiral Runner Christmas Spicy Spiral Runner
By: Carol Kussart,
Illinois, USA

I love making these spiral table runners. The pattern is from School House Quilts and uses a 9 degree ruler. The finished design is always amazing and they are loved by the receiver too. This one was given to my sister-in-law.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 22"

Christmas spiral runner Christmas spiral runner
By: Lee Franklin,
Florida, USA

Made this in a guild class. Fun!

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 42"

Dancing Snowballs Table Topper Dancing Snowballs Table Topper
By: KC,
Texas, USA

My first-ever quilting adventure, made up of remnants from my Christmas square dance dresses, eventually got gifted to one of my twin daughters, so I had to make another one, for the other twin. And thus began my journey into the wonderful world that is quilting.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Double Diamond Christmas Runner Double Diamond Christmas Runner
By: Linette Greene,
Montana, USA

I had fun playing with these modern Christmas fabrics in nontraditional colors. I used the Double Diamond ruler to make this playful runner. I love the pinks and greens and the retro design of the fabric, and the double diamond runner is a blast to use.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 18"

Feather Runner Feather Runner
By: Joy Voltenburg,
Illinois, USA

This was a test of thread and fabric. I’d received a cone of Glide thread from the manufacturer and was asked to give feedback on how it performed. I used a crepe-backed satin fabric – using the shiny side up on the top and the crepe side down on the back. The thread performed wonderfully.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 15"

Frosty Frosty
By: Cheryl B,
Wisconsin, USA

My scrappy snowman is made of white felt, bits of ribbon and fabric, buttons and beads. He’s got a carrot-orange nose and 2 eyes made out of coal (black beads). Sorry, no corn-cob pipe!

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 10"

Holiday Baskets Holiday Baskets
By: Gail Jackson,
Georgia, USA

This table runner was made for a friend at my church in 2012. She won it at our church annual Mardi Gras silent auction.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 45"

Holiday Buffet Table Runner Holiday Buffet Table Runner
By: Kathy Fey,
Texas, USA

4 years ago I began a BOM for a Christmas tree quilt. Life got in the way. Last year I made a tree skirt from the blocks completed and this year a table runner!

Quilt size: width: 60″" height: 12″"

By: Sheila Banks,
New Mexico, USA

I wanted a table topper and found this pattern but changed it to suit my tastes. I put the holly and berries on 2 contrasting gold fabrics in the center of the quilt and framed it with 4 colors: green, gold print, red and black. It is hand pieced, appliqued and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Home for the Holidays Home for the Holidays
By: DianeU.,
Ontario, Canada

Christmas Table Runner – I took a workshop from my teacher/friend – used mostly scraps. The border print is a very deep red.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 36"

Lively & Quick Lively & Quick
By: Sheila Walker,
Maryland, USA

Lively & Quick is a My Lazy Daisy original kit. Applique, rickrack, on S’Noel fabric line. This was made as part of my trunk show, but will be on my coffee table for Christmas.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 20"

Log Cabin Runner Log Cabin Runner
By: Turid Bakken,

I love log cabin, and can’t stop sewing those blocks. This is a runner I made for a friend for Christmas.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 40"

Modern Holiday Runner Modern Holiday Runner
By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada

Modern Christmas runner made using scraps left from a lap quilt. The front features red, gray and white prints – Holiday Frost by Jan Shade Beach for Henry Glass & Co. The binding and backing are both made with Holiday Sparkle by Nina Seven for Wilmington Prints and the binding features a red flange

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 49"

Ornaments for Leslie Ornaments for Leslie
By: Kate D,
Ontario, Canada

This is a runner I made for a very good friend. The ornaments fabric is not as bright as it seems, but it is sparkly. FIrst time I tried to make a runner and was very pleased with the result. It was her Christmas present last year.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 60"

Radiant Runner Radiant Runner
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

A pattern from Black-Eyed Susan Designs that was a gift from a friend after she met Susan in Western Canada. The batik fabrics are raw edge and fused onto the background and this was one of my first attempts at free-motion quilting.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 32"

Reindeer table runner Reindeer table runner
By: Abyuilt,

My favorite table runner for Christmas. A friend of mine has designed it and I got at kit from her as a christmas present some years ago.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 30"

Santa Suprise Santa Suprise
By: Eileen,
Minnesota, USA

I’ve made this twice, once as a shop sample, then for a customer when she saw the sample. It’s fusible applique, machine buttonhole stitch on the raw edges. I used a straight stitch for quilting the background and in the trees and stars. The border is a curved line, with a point in the corners.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 14"

Santa's Delight Santa’s Delight
By: Cleary K,
Florida, USA

I made this table runner at a workshop my friend was having. All the fabrics are scraps from my stash and I fussy cut the Santa’s for it. I have it on my computer table during the holiday season.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 11.5"

Stars All Around Stars All Around
By: Marie,
Ontario, Canada

I saw a photo of this runner quite a while ago and just kept a copy on the back burner for when I would have time to make it. When I was working on Christmas log cabin placemats I use the scraps for the small red & cream blocks and it came together nicely. Hoping it’s finished before Santa arrives!

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 48"

Tunde's Table Tunde’s Table
By: Patricia Moffitt,
Alaska, USA

I made this for my Sister-in-law who only had a purchased plastic runner. She was thrilled and won’t let anyone set any dishes on it!

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 50"

Velvet Runner Velvet Runner
By: Tiffany Bohland,
Wisconsin, USA

This table runner was made for my mother in law. It was my first time working with velvet – and it was a struggle but I love the finished product!

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 64"

Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland
By: Winter Wonderland,
Oregon, USA

This pattern is from the December 2010 issue of Quilter’s World magazine. I only learned to quilt in 2008, and this quilt presented me with some new challenges, not the least of which was making a template for the Christmas tree. It was also my first use of Angelina fibers and hot fix crystals.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 21"

103 responses to “Christmas Table Runners”

  1. C4G Avatar

    I love those Mexican wedding cookies. OM nom nom nom! I only bake about a half dozen for myself.

  2. Anya Avatar

    I make a family cookie called Nuthorns. As a family, we usually make about 150 cookies each year.

  3. Helen Bazinet Avatar
    Helen Bazinet

    Some of my favorite cookies are the shortbreads, simple to make and so easy to eat, at my age now I usually buy them.

  4. Cleary Kipe Avatar

    Mine is gingerbread and haven’t quite got the recipe down well enough yet to be edible lol so after a dozen I give up.

  5. Pam Avatar

    I love cookie cutter sugar cookies with frosting and sparkles, and I make about 4 dozen. Thanks for the great giveaway! The patterns look luscious!

  6. Rosemary Avatar

    My mom makes these great tri-colored cookies with chocolate between each color. I usually make about 4 dozen assorted cookies.

  7. Karen Schultz Avatar
    Karen Schultz

    My favorite Christmas cookie is the old fashioned sugar cookie decorated with lots of buttercream icing and cinnamon “reds” and other goodies on top! The more piled on there, the better! When I make them, I usually do one batch only as my sister makes a lot of them otherwise. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    I make Snickerdoodles and soft molasses raisin cookie. It a rough guess but I imagine I end up make at least 10 dozen of them.

  9. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    Spritz cookies are my favorite and probably make 15 dozen. But they’re small cookies. You can’t eat just one.

  10. Heather P Avatar
    Heather P

    the favorite around our house is One we call “frogs” it is a no bake chocolate drop with coconut and oatmeal…. they never stay around long..

  11. Lyn Avatar

    I love 7 layer shortbread cookies (alternating layers of vanilla and chocolate shortbread).

  12. Diane Avatar

    My favorite are German Almond Crescent Cookies. I don’t make any but I usually get some! Thanks.

  13. Ray J Avatar
    Ray J

    My favorite Christmas cookie is Mexican Tea Cakes. Oh my, they are little so I make 4 to 6 dozen – and I share.

    It was very hard to vote this week. So many lovely runners!!

  14. Lee Avatar

    I love gingerbread and I make about 10 dozen – for my family and extended family! thank you!
    I love so many of the pretty runners ! lovely!

  15. Maribeth Avatar

    My favorite is thumbprints. I make at least a few dozen with different kinds of jam.

  16. Judy Brennan Avatar
    Judy Brennan

    I love decorated sugar cookies. It’s a tradition for all of us to sit around the kitchen table, frosting and decorating cookies … and making a HUGE mess. Could almost bring out the hose to get all the sugar off the table and floor. SO much fun. Will probably make 5-6 dozen this year.

  17. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    Tea cakes, I usually make 3 dozen, thanks

  18. Betsy Avatar

    My favorite are oatmeal wreath cookies with green cream cheese frosting and red hot dots for decor. We make three dozens. One for each child and us.

  19. Carey Avatar

    My favorite cookies are sugar cookies with frosting. I make about 7 dozen

  20. Delaine Avatar

    I love mince meat cookies. I make about 6 dozen each of 3 kinds of cookies every year (I give them as stocking stuffers to all of my family.

  21. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    Our family can’t resist Thumbprint cookies with raspberry jam. I usually make about 6-7 dozen.

  22. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    It isn’t Christmas without Spritz cookies for my family. In all there are about 10 dozen made.

  23. Suzanne Avatar

    Shortbread is my all time favorite cookies for the Christmas season. I make 6 dozen each year.

  24. linda Avatar

    Favorite holiday cookie is shortbread.

  25. Eileen Keane Avatar
    Eileen Keane

    My favorites are Oreo Truffles. They’re not exactly Christmas cookies, except it’s the only time of year I make them.
    The recipe makes about 4 dozen.

  26. kbo Avatar

    My favorite cookie to bake and eat are chocolate shortbread cookies, triangle cut and decorated to look like ice cream cones. I usually make 2 dozen.

  27. Sheila Avatar

    what a generous prize, good luck to all entrants, some lovely Festive runners

  28. Sheila Avatar

    forgot to say my favourite cookies are gingerbread /honey spiced biscuits and my recipe makes about 8-10 dozen depending on the shapes cut from the dough

  29. marjorie Avatar

    Great runners for Christmas! My favorite cookies are the ones someone bakes for me!

  30. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    My favorite is Pecan Butterscotch Chip & I make about 9 dozen (3 batches). Thanks for the great giveaway.

  31. Heather Avatar

    Elfin shortbread bites, they are shortbread with coloured sprinkles (the tiny dots) mixed in and then cut 1/2 inch square. That way you can eat a handful and not feel guilty.

  32. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    I love Thumbprints!!! Why am I hungry after reading all the responses??!!

  33. Bergere Avatar

    White choc chip….with pecans!!!! As many as I can!! Great to dip them partially in choc.

  34. Evie C Avatar
    Evie C

    Peppernuts-a tiny anise-flavored crunchy spice cookie. The recipe makes 1 1/2 gallon-I’ve never counted them in dozens.

  35. quiltzyx/sue Avatar

    My favorite is gingerbread cookies! To be honest, I haven’t baked any for a long time – my oven doesn’t know what temperature it’s supposed to stay at!

  36. Terry Avatar

    My favorite (at Christmas and year round) are Snickerdoodlesโ€ฆI’ve made eight far ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Teri powers Avatar
    Teri powers

    My favorite are called candy canes. It is a butter cookie that has almond flavoring and topped with crushed candy canes

  38. Kelly Avatar

    I love Whipped Shortbread! I used to make them twice before Christmas and usually 6 dozen each time. Now a days I don’t bake as no one is really eating baked goods anymore.

  39. Christine M Avatar

    The Day Dream quilt is so striking! I love making almond bread (can I class that as a cookie?). I usually make three loaves which then are sliced into lots of almond bread. I’m not sure how many I get from a loaf.

  40. Vera Avatar

    My fav are local cookies. I would translate it as vanilla rolls. They are tiny and yummy.

  41. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I really love truffles, and I make around a dozen dozens a year. They always seem to disappear. Thanks for the chance!

  42. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    Bull’s Eye cookies….peanut butter with chocolate. I usually only make a dozen because they get eaten so fast before being able to give any away.

  43. Jo Avatar

    Beacon Hill cookies are my favorite for Christmas! I usually
    make at least 6 dozen

  44. Judy Avatar

    Shortbread! I make dozens and dozens every year, for family and to give to friends in pretty Christmas tins.

  45. Becca Avatar

    Whatโ€™s your favourite Christmas cookie and how many dozen do you make each year? I think cookies should be made year round. Don’t save them up until the holidays! A cookie can make someone smile. My favorite is the peanut butter cookie. It is more of an everyday cookie than a holiday cookie, but it is my favorite.

  46. Helen S. Avatar
    Helen S.

    Love the runners!
    I make an Italian anise cookie whose recipe came from a neighbor decades ago! The recipe makes a 3/4 brown paper sackful of cookies!

  47. Tina Freudenberger Avatar
    Tina Freudenberger

    Those runners have definitely inspired me! My favorite cookie is springerle made with anise. Since I’m about the only one that eats it, I only make a few dozen.

  48. Patty Avatar

    Peanut butter and jelly thumb print cookies and too many to count all year round!

  49. Carol B Avatar
    Carol B

    Pecan biscotti – it is a favorite for both my family and my work cookie exchange, so I usually make at least 10 doz.

  50. Kathy M Boice Avatar
    Kathy M Boice

    My favorite Christmas cookie is cut out cookies decorated with sprinkles. I usually make 5 dozen at least. Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone!

  51. Susan the farm quilter Avatar
    Susan the farm quilter

    I love the cut-out sugar/butter cookies. I usually make 5-10 dozen. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  52. Emily Breclaw Avatar

    My favorite Christmas cookies are my mom’s chocolate sugar cookies. I usually make about 24 dozen cookies all told in the Christmas season. Lovely table runners!

  53. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    We make a LOT of different varieties each year (all totaled it’s probably upwards of 20-25 dozen) but my favorite is spritz. ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. melissa @ missouri mel Avatar

    My great aunt’s ginger snaps. Not many because I’m limited with a toaster oven since my regular oven is out of commission at the moment.

  55. Piroska Avatar

    My favourite Christmas cookie to make is Chocolate Shortbread. I make about 10 dozen.

  56. Judy Avatar

    My favorite Christmas cookie is shortbread and make anywhere from 3-6 dozen depending on how many people we will be having over during the holidays.

  57. usairdoll Avatar

    I don’t really have a favorite Christmas cookie. My peanut butter cookies are always a hit so those are what I make. Will probably be making 10-12 dozen before the minth is done. Awesome giveaway!

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  58. Cheryl B Avatar
    Cheryl B

    My favorite Christmas cookie is the sour cream sugar cookie recipe that my Grandma used to make and my Mom makes. They’re extra delicious because they’re cutouts frosted and decorated to the hilt!

  59. LINDA Avatar

    HI, My favorite Christmas cookies is a butter cookie with almond flavoring in both the dough+the icing. I’ll do some in cut-out shapes and some in about one inch balls rolled in chopped pecans or powdered sugar.

  60. Frances S. Avatar
    Frances S.

    My favorite cookies are date pin whirl cookies. I make a 4 – 6 dozen and mail some out to family members that live in different cities.

  61. Dana Strauch Avatar
    Dana Strauch

    Shortbread. Depends on how busy I get but try to make at least 6 dozen.

  62. Gunda Avatar

    Vanille Kipferl and I can make a ton of it an they never last ๐Ÿ˜‰

  63. Bette Avatar

    It was really hard to choose just four this month. There were so many wonderful quilts to choose from. My favorite Christmas cookie is a German cookie. Since I’m a “cookie monster”, I try to avoid making cookies.

  64. Patty Avatar

    My favorite cookies are cut out sugar cookies. I love using the tree cookie cutter because the trees are so much fun to decorate.

  65. Patty Avatar

    My favorite cookies are cut out sugar cookies. I love using the tree cookie cutter because the trees are so much fun to decorate.

  66. LeeAnna Paylor Avatar

    Sugar cookies, any time of the year!! Or shortbread. I seldom bake these days, because I’ll eat them all.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  67. Kristi Avatar

    Butter cookies with frosting and sprinkles are my favorites. However, I don’t care to bake so I do not make any cookies for the holidays ๐Ÿ™ (Saves on the waistline, too.)

  68. Beth T. Avatar
    Beth T.

    My mom’s sugar cookies are my favorite holiday cookie, both because they are delicious and because they are made with Mom’s recipe. I make about five dozen and then deliver them to all the people in our little town who make our lives better during the year.

  69. Kaelyn Avatar

    I love Caribbean Lime Coolers and Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip (mint chocolate chips in a chocolate cookies) oh so tasty! I usually make several dozen of each, take some to work, and send some with my husband for his coworkers. Thank you for the give away!

  70. Annmarie Avatar

    Frosted, cut out sugar cookies are my Christmas time favorite! They are all my friends & sister’s favorites too. Only they don’t like making them. I DO!!! So I end up making around 20 dozen each year & giving them away!

  71. bobbie campbell Avatar
    bobbie campbell

    Our family fav is a hand shaped candy cane,2 color,flavored peppermint and rolled in crushed candy canes after baking. Only make 1 batch -timely recipe.

  72. Katy(LethargicLass) Avatar

    I love butter ball cookies and normally would make about 4 dozen

  73. DebV Avatar

    I am not the cookie maker, just the eater of all the wonderful ones out there. My favorites are the peanut butter blossoms with the Hershey kisses in the middle.

  74. Vanessa Avatar

    I make a variety of Christmas cookies each year so it’s hard to choose my favorite!!! Peanut blossoms are probably my most popular ones and I make about 10-12 dozen of those cookies alone. Thank you again for the giveaway!!

  75. Kathy Avatar

    I make several kinds, but my favorites are the spritz cookies and the Scotch shortbread, oh, and the decorated sugar cookies. I probably make 8 dozen cookies, but I make lots of candy. Don’t you love Christmas goodies!

  76. Allison D Avatar
    Allison D

    I really like chocolate crinkles but don’t get to make them every year. I make a double batch when I do, so several dozen.

  77. Deb Avatar

    Plain old Chocolate Chip or M&M cookies are our favorites throughout the year, but to be honest, we’re really not a cookie-making family at Christmas. We tend to opt for a cake or pies or brownies.

  78. Donnacnd Avatar

    I don’t bake cookies any more. ๐Ÿ™ I had to gluten-free and it’s too expensive now. When I did used to bake, I made 20 loaves of cranberry-orange bread every year. Those were happy food days!

  79. Pam N. Avatar
    Pam N.

    Years ago I found a recipe for cranberry pecan cookies in a holiday cookbook – it always gets raves! The recipe makes about 4 1/2 dozen; I usually make one or two batches.

  80. QuiltinGram Avatar

    Make my Mom’s shortbread…about 6 dozen. But cutting back as don’t do as much entertaining now!

  81. Judith Avatar

    Spritz several dozen

  82. Nancy Kindlund Avatar
    Nancy Kindlund

    Not sure I have one favorite, but I like to bake several kinds, then I box them up & share with friends wherever we go! It would not seem like Christmas to me if I didn’t bake!

  83. Chris Avatar

    Sugar cookies, I don’t want to know how many dozens I bake.

  84. Kelly Richardson Avatar

    Not a favorite cookie but cake…I make 15 to 20 full size sour cream pound cakes every year. I don’t bake them any other time of the year…

  85. Ranju Gandhi Avatar
    Ranju Gandhi

    Chocolate Bread is my favourite.

  86. judith Avatar

    My favourites are:- Shortbread, spice biscuits and madeleines. I make too many to be sensible! ๐Ÿ™‚

  87. Susan Avatar

    My favorite Christmas cookies are sugar cookies and no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies. I usually make several dozen of each.

  88. Hanke Avatar

    My favorite is one with chocolate.

  89. Debra Avatar

    My favorite are shortbread cookies. I make plain, ginger and and brown sugar shortbread. I usually make about 4 dozen cookies. They are so good. I have not tried them yet but apparently you can also make savoury shortbreads like cheese, rosemary and lemon. Yum

  90. Sheila M Ivany Avatar
    Sheila M Ivany

    My favourite cookie are rum balls. I will not be making them this year due to moving soon. Thank you for a chance to win. Happy Quilting:) Email
    Merry Christmas

  91. Lise Avatar

    My favorite cookie is thumprint cookies, I usually make 6 or dozens and have to make at least 1 doz with peanut butter for son all the rest with homemade Jams ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Carol Avatar

    Spritz cookies are my favorite, peanut blossoms my 2nd choice. I don’t make many anymore but used to make dozens.

  93. Suzanne McFadden Avatar
    Suzanne McFadden

    Gosh, can I list more than one? I love Russian tea cakes. My mom made them every year and I will make a couple dozen this year for our Christmas Open House. I also have a great cookie recipe made from a pkg. of dried mincemeat and a shortbread-type recipe. To die for! Going to make several dozen of those too.

  94. D Foster Avatar
    D Foster

    My absolute favorite is a brown butter cookie that is shaped using a spoon. Melt in your mouth yummy.

  95. Nancy Avatar

    I have a sour cream sugar cookie recipe I like and make 3 dozen.

  96. Sue in MI Avatar
    Sue in MI

    I too have a sour cream sugar cookie recipe that bakes up thick and semi-soft. Have made them for over 30 yrs and it is the only cut out recipe I like.

  97. Shelley Clarke Avatar

    i like the gingerbread cookies i make some for my family and friends this year i am thinking og making them into cake pops cookies i dont know how many because they are eaten before i can count lol

  98. Mary Ortman Avatar
    Mary Ortman

    My 4 daughters, 5 grandkids and I bake over 30 dozen and split them between us. My favorite is the Fudge Puddles, peanut butter with chocolate filling. Yummy!

  99. Jen B Avatar
    Jen B

    I make 1 batch of shortbread (about 2 dozen biscuits) on christmas eve. That’s it, with all the chocolate and sweets for presents on the day any more wouldn’t get eaten.

  100. Dena G. Avatar

    Favorites are sugar cookies so thin you can see through them! How many I make? ZERO I can’t cook (Grandma made them…RIP)

  101. Mystica Avatar

    We do not have this tradition but we do Yule Log, Christmas Cake and Breudher (a dutch origin cross between a bread and cake!). I love reading about the cookie bakathons though!

  102. Chantal L Avatar
    Chantal L

    For some (funny) reason, the page is not downloading properly and doesn’t let me vote. All I can see is the results after 324 voters. I would have voted for Winter Wonderland too, because it is so different and it can stay on the table the entire winter. Thanks.

  103. Barbara Avatar

    Still waiting for the winners to be announced. Should I just give up?

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