Christmas In July

Today, the block I designed for the Christmas in July Block-A-Thon, hosted by Free Spirit Fabrics, is now available. It’s a simple 6″ block that I called Bull’s Eye. You can view the photo tutorial on the Free Spirit Fabrics’ blog or download a PDF version here.


Upload your completed block to the Flickr group.



Free Spirit Fabrics is giving away a Kaffe Classics 6″ Charm Pack to one of my lucky blog readers. You don’t have to complete the block to enter. Instead answer the following question in the comments below. I’ll randomly pick one winner next Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

Question: Do you prefer working with small or large block units? For example, I’m working on a 5×5 grid design, which has 25 units to complete the block. Would you prefer working with 2″ or 3″ finished units, resulting in a completed block that is 10″ or 15″.

Block-A-Thon Designers

Below is the schedule and list of the talented designers participating in the Block-A-Thon. All tutorials are posted on the Free Spirit Fabrics’ blog.

67 responses to “My Block for the Christmas in July Block-A-Thon and a Give-Away”

  1. Linda Duncan Avatar

    That’s a hard question! I love making 2″ PSQ blocks but I also like to make blocks using 5 or 8″ cuts and get done faster! Thanks for the giveaway. I like your block!

  2. Nancy Avatar

    I prefer to work with 3″ blocks because I am able to work with the squaring of the units–larger than 2″ pieces, but I know the ruler markings better for these than 5″ pieces.

  3. Jean Avatar

    If you had asked me a year ago I would have said larger, but more and more I like smaller.

  4. Sallie Avatar

    I prefer 3″ finished units. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Su Avatar

    I have come to love the smaller blocks, enjoy squaring them up to make the larger unit…..and then putting larger units together!

  6. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    I like working with 3″ finished units. I bought a large 20″ square ruler, so I can square up those large blocks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Melissa Avatar

    I can’t say, my intro to quilting has been your BQA. I do enjoy the large blocks, but have yet to do anything small.

  8. Gene Black Avatar

    I generally prefer larger block units.

  9. carrie p. Avatar

    I have been following all the blocks being made. I thought I would make them but time just got away from me. It has been fun to watch.
    I think I like working with smaller units that I can square up and put them together afterwards.
    thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    I started out with larger blocks to learn to quilt. I have just now started to work with smaller units and find it nice to be able to square them up without using my big rulers. They seem to go quicker.

  11. Geraldine Avatar

    I have really only worked with small blocks. But . . . . for my Sons Wildlife quilt, the blocks will be finished at 20 inches. I am looking forward to starting it.

  12. Gill Avatar

    I like the smaller units!

  13. jan hill Avatar
    jan hill

    I like the 3/4 in units and to be able to build a pretty block.have a good quilting.

  14. jan hill Avatar
    jan hill

    Love the pieced surprise of a first block

  15. Joan E Smith Avatar

    I prefer small intricate blocks; but some designs are better suited to large pieces that are great because they provide space to showcase fantastic quilt stitching.

  16. Jo Avatar

    I like small, but not too small. I did a miniature lone star a few years ago that had pieces of 1/2″ and I found that testing. I think probably about 2 or 3″ would be my choice. Thanks.

  17. pam Avatar

    Love the block and what I really love is the PDF!!!
    Love to have somethign to take to the cutting table and sewing machine!

  18. MarciaW Avatar

    My square up ruler is 12.5 inches max for an unfinished block. So, it would be easier to have the 10 inch so wouldn’t need to buy a difficult to find 15 inch square up ruler. But, I prefer to work with the 3 inch units because I sew larger pieces more accurately.
    Weighing both sides will choose 3 inch units resulting in 15 inch block.

  19. jean Avatar

    I like all sizes, but find myself using 2″ or 3″ finished pieces most of the time. I like the detail you can have using the larger grids…such as 5×5 or 6×6.
    Thanks for the chance to win. These look so pretty!

  20. Jennie P. Avatar
    Jennie P.

    For sure larger block units for me. The smaller and more in quantity, the easier it is to make mistakes.

  21. Ana Earl Avatar
    Ana Earl

    I prefer 3″ units ! Beautiful fabric give away!

  22. Mary Avatar

    I love the details of working with small blocks, but it is nice to have the bigger ones when you need to get a quilt done in a hurry.

  23. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    10 inches is about the biggest block I make, I love smaller blocks. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the fun!

  24. Diane. Conner Avatar
    Diane. Conner

    I like small block units

  25. Marianne Avatar

    I was a devotee of Dear Jane for many years, so I would have said smaller. But since then, I seem to be working on larger and larger blocks. 18″ seems nice to me!

  26. Halena Avatar

    I am a fan of smaller blocks but not so much of the blocks under 1 inch.

  27. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    I like working with bigger pieces because I find my blocks come out closer to the right size that way. But I also like making small blocks with lots of pieces, which is the opposite of what I said first! ๐Ÿ˜›

  28. Jo Avatar

    Smaller blocks for me, but i do love hw quickly a quilt comes together with larger blocks.
    Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com

  29. Missy Avatar

    I’m still a newbie at quilting, so I like bigger blocks.

  30. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    I like the bigger blocks; but, am trying to work with smaller. Thanks for a chance to win.

  31. Carmen Avatar

    I’m still working with larger blocks because I’m a beginner and scared of not having my corners meet, but I love small block designs.

  32. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    2 inch blocks do just fine … actually 2 1/2 inch blox are better; i can use jelly rolls.

  33. Deb Avatar

    I think I like the larger blocks better. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. cityquilter grace Avatar
    cityquilter grace

    i would say prefer the smaller, gives the pieces more variety and more zing, esp if using those wow kaffe fassett fabrics!

  35. Nann Avatar

    I prefer 2″ units for 10″ blocks.

  36. Ramona Avatar

    I prefer the 3″ units. I’ve worked with a 2.5″ HST quilt and all the small pieces drove me a little crazy.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. Sandi Avatar

    I like either size but lately I’ve been working with small size. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I prefer 3″ and 15″ blocks. It is easier to work with the larger sizes.

  39. usairdoll Avatar

    Hmmm, that is a good question. I think when I first started sewing I usually sewed with 12″ blocks. I’ve come to enjoy sewing with different size blocks. I love to try different things and patterns. How do I know if I like it or not, if I don’t give it a try. hehe.

    Thank you and Free Spirit for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  40. Deborah Avatar

    Difficult question…I think it depends on the design. If it is one I am enjoying making, I might not mind the small size. Otherwise, I do like the fact that bigger sizes finish faster.

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  41. Judy Avatar

    I like both it just depends on what I am making but I do find the larger blocks are easier to work with.

  42. Mary Avatar

    I prefer larger blocks. (Easier for the old eyes to see LOL.)

  43. Cassandra Avatar

    I like your Bullseye!

    I prefer bigger blocks. I’m still too new of a quilter to be anything but intimidated at small pieces!

  44. Evelyn Avatar

    While I generally prefer the larger blocks, either size will do for me.

  45. VickiT Avatar

    I really haven’t got a preference either way about the size as long as they aren’t overly complicated. I’m not sure enough of myself yet to do something that’s tiny however.

  46. cynthia Avatar

    I like small–more cutting, more sewing–the things I love to do!

  47. Jen Johnson Avatar
    Jen Johnson

    I love the sense of accomplishment a finish with small blocks gives, but sometimes whipping together 9 big blocks and having a completed quilt top is definately the way to go!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  48. Hilachas Avatar

    I prefer working with larger pieces although I’m planning on a start on a 2 1/2 square postage stamp quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  49. Heather Avatar

    I’m new to all this quilting stuff so I don’t know yet whether I prefer large or small blocks.

  50. Kathi B Avatar
    Kathi B

    I’m sort of new to quilting and am sticking with the slightly larger blocks for now…10-12″ blocks. As I improve my skills, I hope to work on a smaller scale.

  51. Cokie K Avatar
    Cokie K

    I am open to anything. So far my smallest block has been 8 1/2 inches. Will try just about any pattern, I have only been quilting for about a year. My teacher is awesome and I have learned a whole, whole bunch from all the blogs I follow. Thanks for being one of them. I read your blog every day on Google Reader.

  52. Kristine Avatar

    I enjoy working with anything. However, I do find that smaller blocks allow a bit more creativity with colors and designs. That is a fun challenge. The bigger blocks can be a challenge if I mix it with little blocks to give it a whole new look.

  53. Lisa Avatar

    I am new to quilting and I have been trying all different size blocks. I like the big blocks because they translate into a quilt quicker, but some of the smaller blocks I have made are just so cute!

  54. Valerie Avatar

    It depends. Often, I like larger pieces for larger blocks: easier to handle and fewer blocks to complete. More, smaller blocks can give a quilt richness and depth.

  55. Gunilla Avatar

    I think I would choose a larger block, making the quilt come together faster! And having more room for mistakes also. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  56. LJ Avatar

    I’m still new to quilting so larger is usually better for me.

  57. Jeanell Avatar

    I like the 3″ size blocks to work with.

  58. Melissa Avatar

    I like 3 x 3 blocks. I am not big on rectangles at all but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to them ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely block!

  59. Katy Avatar

    I’m a new sewer and quilter so larger works for me. I would love to be able to work with smaller ones. Opens the door to so many more fun blocks!

  60. M Avatar

    I prefer larger ones, but it all depends on the design. I dont quilt though:P

  61. Adelle Avatar

    I like the larger blocks – love to get things done a bit quicker so I can start my next project sooner ๐Ÿ™‚

  62. Kim @ Quilty Doodads Avatar

    It depends….I tend to enjoy making blocks that finish at 12 inches. That preference is largely based on the fact that those are the measurements many patterns tend to follow. I recently made a finished 8 inch block for the first time, but it was part of a swap so I didn’t attach it to a larger project. I’m open to trying new things to see what works best.

  63. patty Avatar

    I like working with larger blocks. They are easier for me to get finished. I also like using 2 1/2 inch squares. I want to make a charm quilt with the squares I am collecting.

  64. Bj Avatar

    I like blocks that finish up at 12″ but I’m open to pieces as small as 1″ to construct the block, my requirements are color, lots and lots of color, the more different colors the better and if every block is different, that’s a bonus, oh scrappy one am I ๐Ÿ™‚

  65. Linda Avatar


  66. isa13 Avatar

    I like all blocks, but I prefer small ones, maybe because I am used to work in centimeters (I am french). I have made some 12 ” blocks for international swaps and it was a pleasure too.

  67. Joanne Schlichting Avatar
    Joanne Schlichting

    The smaller the better. I started with large blocks and have worked down to mini blocks.

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