July will be Charity Quilting Month here at the Quilting Gallery. This will be an opportunity to feature the many wonderful charities and organizations out there where quilts and quilters are involved. We are a very generous community. My hope is to have a charity to post about every other day during the month of July, but if I get more submissions, all the better.
Are you a charity organization and want to be featured here?
I’ve created a series of questions below that you can use as a template in preparing your submission. Send me your submission along with any photos or logos you would like used in the post. Please don’t just send me a URL, I don’t have time to do the research myself. Feel free to skip questions that are not appropriate and add ones that are more applicable to your particular group.
- Describe your organization or group.
- Did any one person or event inspire the creation of the charity quilt group/organization?
- Geographic location of your organization or group (i.e. world-wide, country-wide, or city/state/province only).
- If applicable, how many chapters are there world-wide or country-wide?
- If applicable, how many charity quilts have been donated?
- Are there any special yearly events, such as a quilt-a-thon?
- How many volunteers are involved?
- How can one volunteer, donate or get involved?
- Submit photos of finished quilts (maximum of 4).
- Submit logo or other branding for use in the blog post.
- Web site address?
- Other contact information.
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I reserve the right to edit any submissions; however, I’ll be sure contact you if I’ve changed anything significant.
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