Challenge Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 39
  • Total countries: 7
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 19

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

By: Becky Johnson,
Oregon, USA

I created this quilt as part of a Tula Pink (fabric designer) challenge. We had to create a project that used her fabric or one of her patterns. It was the perfect opportunity to create a quilt from a pattern that was only in my mind, and to finally cut into my “Birds and Bees” fabric stash!

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 82"

64 Reasons I love You 64 Reasons I love You
By: Kerrie,
Georgia, USA

My Father in Law is always talking about being on the right side. He calls it the plus side (He’s a Preacher). That was my inspiration. All the colors intercept until they meet and make that colors plus. I decided to call it 64 reasons I Love You because there are 64 squares.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 90"

All About Me - Piecemakers' Challenge All About Me – Piecemakers’ Challenge
By: “Bert” Klimas,
Washington, USA

Our guild challenge was themed All About Me. No rules other than to use the supplied small floral fabric. Techniques learned were faux piped binding and printing on fabric. I printed names of places I’ve lived, family members, pets that have owned me, hobbies, and placed my avatar in the center.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"

Athenas Puzzle Athenas Puzzle
By: Jean Romack,
Wisconsin, USA

Pattern Athena’s Puzzle by Janine Burke. All of the fabrics in this quilt came from Australia. I have a friend there that I met through a social network for sewers www,Connected Threadz. Long story short I emailed her a few of my original patterns and she sent me gorgeous fabrics from Australia.

Quilt size: width: 98" height: 110"

Brown Star Brown Star
By: Claire Alexander,
Oregon, USA

The challenge was to draw two crayons and then using those colors plus a background, make a quilt of any size. I pulled a dark brown and a burgundy sort of color. I pulled every fabric that related to the two colors and started to design.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 60"

Bubblegum Square Dance Bubblegum Square Dance
By: Emma at Quilties,
Iowa, USA

My entry for Project Quilting 4:1 Square in a Square. I had these two yummy pink and brown stripe fabrics that when pieced diagonally in hourglass blocks make many squares in the square. Then I chose a few good coordinating solid squares, squares with cutouts and started the squares dancing!

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"

Cat Tails Cat Tails
By: Sandie,
Florida, USA

This was a quilt challenge I did at my favorite quilt shop, Country Crossroads, that was also an exchange. We had to use 2 colors plus an accent color. The pattern was a Billie Lauder mystery quilt called, “Twisted Tails”. Quilting was done by Bob Provencher at Country Crossroads.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

City of Bridges City of Bridges
By: Melissa,
Pennsylvania, USA

This quilt was made for the MQG Madrona Road Challenge. My guild decided on a “Roads & Bridges” theme (based on the Madrona Road story) so I went with an abstract suspension bridge design. I had a basic framework design and improvised based on the amount of fabric I had in each color.

Quilt size: width: 40.5" height: 46.5"

Dazzling Diamonds Dazzling Diamonds
By: Jen @ A Quilting Jewel,
Massachusetts, USA

I designed this paper pieced quilt for a challenge my guild – The Boston Modern Quilt Guild – held. We had to create a mini quilt in the colors of QuiltCon. I designed, pieced and quilted this mini quilt.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Farmer's Daughter Sampler Quilt Farmer’s Daughter Sampler Quilt
By: Starwood Quilter,
Colorado, USA

In 2010, I challenged myself to make appropriately-named quilt blocks to go with entries in my grandmother’s 400-page diary that she wrote in 1916, the year she turned 21. My completed quilt has 140 blocks in sizes ranging from 6″ square up to 12″ square. It was free-style quilted by Jane Heroux.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 115"

Galaxies Converge Galaxies Converge
By: PersimonDreams,
Wisconsin, USA

Inspired by the Project QUILTING challenge, ‘Stars Over America.’ I took the challenge literally and created a converged galaxie quilt using printed fabrics and hand-dyed fabrics. Appliqueing stars and planets to blend the piece and adding angelina fibers to complete the look.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Garden Party Garden Party
By: Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts,
Utah, USA

I designed and made this quilt for my guild challenge. The requirement was that there had to be at least four snail trail blocks and there are exactly that. The quilt now hangs in my guest room.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"

Happy Times Happy Times
By: Lia*s Handmades,

This was my entry for the 3rd Project Quilting Challenge, Season 3, called “Tool Times”, February 2012.

I called this ‘Happy Times’ and used sewing tools for the challenge theme because sewing helps me totally zone out and makes me happy.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 55"

Hundertwasser Inspired Hundertwasser Inspired
By: Dianna,
United Kingdom

In the summer of last year the London Modern Quilt Guild challenge was to create a quilt inspired by a piece of art. I was inspired by Hundertwasser as I think his use of colour and unique work really catches your eye. My mum also quilts and she thought it fabulous so I gave it to her for Xmas.

Quilt size: width: 38″" height: 29″"

It ain't necessarily so It ain’t necessarily so
By: Margareta Vovk Calic,

This supposed to be my first caleidoscope quilt. Through the process it came to be somthing quiet different from my first plan. And such changes of plans are what I like the most when I am making quilts.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 80"

It's a small, small world It’s a small, small world
By: WebGurl,
Ontario, Canada

Theme of the challenge was: It’s a small world. I had seen a photo of a leaf-cutter ant, and was so impressed with the size of the leaves they were carrying compared to their body size. In fact there are 3 sizes: the largest defend the nest against intruders, while the smallest work inside the nest.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 17"

Log Cabin Broken Star Log Cabin Broken Star
By: Lavonna ZWB,
Oregon, USA

I usually prefer to hand quilt everything, however my DH challenged me with finishing my UFOs, so I needed a faster option. I have machine quilted it in “sections” – those sections making one giant log cabin design on the back of the quilt. It is still in process at 100″ – finished size to be 120″.

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 100"

Maelstrom Maelstrom
By: Another Jennifer,
Wisconsin, USA

I made this quilt for the ProjectQUILTING challenge with the theme squares in squares. I used recycled jeans for the pieced side.

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 44"

March Winds March Winds
By: Cindy,
Maryland, USA

My guild challenged the members to use the “guild block” which is a red, black, and yellow block. I was a new quilter and not good at points, so I decided to make an art quilt where I could make the block become a kite in the sky. The chickens have seed beads to eat so they don’t get hungry.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Marcia Squared Marcia Squared
By: Marcia,
Wisconsin, USA

Quilted Tablecloth created for the Project Quilting Season Four Challenge ONE — Square in a Square.
I chose to use different sizes of squares in the centers of my blocks to create an offset look to the blocks and I offset my rows too. I love creating quilts with blue fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 46"

My February Fantasy My February Fantasy
By: Jo,
Ohio, USA

I made this for a guild challenge to create our own version of Sun Kissed Blossoms from May 2011 QNM. The quilts will be displayed at our April 2013 show. Participants swapped flowers. Mine are fused, then machine stitched with invisible thread. I used perle cotton for big stitch hand quilting.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 32"

Mysterie 2 Mysterie 2
By: Aliza,

My first finished quilt ever, was a mystery quilt I joined in. My neighbour loved it so much, I had to make this one for her. Second time around I struggled so much, I almost chucked it out. If you look close, you can spot the mistake…

Quilt size: width: 61" height: 74"

old man and the sea old man and the sea
By: janine green,
United Kingdom

I made this mini quilt for the Colour My World Challenge with M-R at Quilt Matters last November. November’s colour was blue. The fish uses drunkards path blocks and the fisherman has tiny knitted clothes.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Opening Opening
By: Fiber Artist Journey,
Washington, USA

Our small art quilt group was challenged with making a quilt to represent the word “Opening”. My favorite flower, the Stargazer lily, immediately came to mind. This piece is completely freehand machine embroidered, then machine quilted with trapunto to make the flower stand out.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 10"

Pear Blossom Pear Blossom
By: Jan F,
Illinois, USA

We were to blindly choose two crayons and make a quilt using those colors and have the quilt represent a season. My colors were white and pale/spring green. My season is spring. This is the first quilt that I did any beading on. It is my own design.

Quilt size: width: 20″" height: 16″"

Picture Day Picture Day
By: Karen@BBQuilts,
Ontario, Canada

I belong to a Fat Quarters of the Month club. I challenged myself to use each month’s offering of 10 coordinating FQs in a series of modern quilt designs. For this quilt I chose a design by Elizabeth Hartman called Picture Day. I used the FQs along with Essex linen in Ivory in this two sided design.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Pieces of the Past Pieces of the Past
By: Everythingquilts,
Kentucky, USA

A true scrappy. I was asked to make a quilt for an over sized king with a thick mattress. She asked for one with lots of pieces with a larger secondary pattern. Her words were “old fashion with a modern twist done in dark colors”. This is made entirely of scraps, hence the name. more pics on blog.

Quilt size: width: 125" height: 110"

Rainbow (MaggieB) Rainbow (MaggieB)
By: MaggieB,
North Carolina, USA

I have always wanted to quilt, and this is my first attempt. My daughter who lives several states away from me asked for a quilt of these colors. It is made with fat quarters and jelly roll strips and it is a quilt as you go. I hope you like it.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 48"

Rainbow quilt (Turid Bakken) Rainbow quilt (Turid Bakken)
By: Turid Bakken,

We got a challange from Ellison Lane Quilts to use all our scraps to make log cabin blocks for a quilt. This is what I came out with. There were a lot of other beautiful quilts too.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 56"

Rose Trellis Rose Trellis
By: Pam in KC,
Missouri, USA

I participated in an “ugly” fabric challenge. The roses were cut from the challenge fabric, then machine appliqued onto the quilt top with invisible thread.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 24"

Signature Baby Quilt Signature Baby Quilt
By: Jenny,
Iowa, USA

These blocks were made by my MIL and had guests at my baby shower sign them. I pieced and quilted the rest in time for my son’s first birthday! I just love it!

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"

By: Linda Douglas,
Montana, USA

“Spring Flowers” is a square Wall Hanging designed for my pale yellow painted bedroom. It was indeed a ‘personal challenge’! As a beginning quilter, I designed and machine pieced it, not realizing that a one inch flying geese border would be a bit difficult for a learner! Fun but a real CHALLENGE!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Square Roots Square Roots
By: WaggonsWest,
Missouri, USA

Project Quilting Season 4 Challenge: Squares. Made from inherited blocks and yardage. The square in a square pattern is like an infinity mirror: past and future reflected together. The traditional feather quilting is a nod to the skill of those quilters under whose quilt frame I used to play.

Quilt size: width: 21" height: 21"

the elegance of flowers the elegance of flowers
By: Jeri McKay,
Florida, USA

a guild challenge called Lovely Bones where you work from suggestions in 4 stages. I did not care the end result so I covered my green lady in flowers.

Quilt size: width: 18″" height: 42″"

The House That Jack Built The House That Jack Built
By: Debra Wick,
New York, USA

My quilting guild challenge was to make something that has a man’s tie in it. I designed this small cotton and wool quilt using 1-inch strips, which included the ties, into a large log cabin block. The border was enhanced by a wool log house, gathered “tie” flowers, and wool embroidered flowers.

Quilt size: width: 25.5" height: 25.5"

Turning 60 Turning 60
By: Debbie Clarke,
South Carolina, USA

In 2009, our guild challenge was to create a quilt that shared a memory. Based on a table runner design from a magazine, this quilt shares my life memories. I included 60 machine appliqued leaves with words of affirmation and things I love along the stems of the vine and around each leaf.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 70"

Wonky Gypsy Squares Wonky Gypsy Squares
By: Lynn Provencher,
Florida, USA

I made this quilt for Project Quilting-Season 4. We had one week to “make and finish” anything quilted – the theme being Square in a Square. The blocks were made using charm squares. I made it for my Mom…she LOVES Pink! Visit my blog for a quickie tutorial (Jan 13th post).

Quilt size: width: 21" height: 21"

Zig Zag Scrappy Zig Zag Scrappy
By: Lisa England,
Kentucky, USA

Made for Project QUILTING, Season 3, Challenge 6: Ziggin & a Zaggin
For this challenge I drew up a block that was a cross between a zig zag and a french braid. If the blocks are set side by side they make a nice neat zig zag. Turning every other block upside down makes this interesting pattern.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 64"

Zig Zag Twist Zig Zag Twist
By: Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

Made for Project Quilting in March 2012 where we had to make a Zig Zag quilt. I used multi-colored batik fabrics on a black background then “framed” the layout with multi-colored fabric mosaics. I then “framed” that by couching multi-colored yarn.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 25.5"

57 responses to “Challenge Quilts”

  1. Lea Avatar

    Is it really possible to stick to a resolution? As soon as I decided not to add to my stash this year I get a Joanns gift certificate! Well, I caved!

  2. Cheryl Hartzog Avatar

    Oh my Goodness, so many wonderful quilts this week! How can we choose only 4 !

  3. rachelle Avatar

    well my new years resolution is going great. i have learned several new skills and have 2 quilts cut out and bagged to sew together. you see i am a new quilter and my goal was to learn the proper way of cutting, my biggest fear, so i want to focus on practicing that for a few patterns so i get comfortable with what i have to do then i will proceed with putting them together.

  4. Lia Avatar

    so far I am sticking with them, the only thing that stopped me last week, was me getting sick. 🙂

  5. Debi Rodriguez Avatar

    This was a great challenge challenge. 🙂 I’m doing well with my resolution. I resolved to be the best person I can be. I figured it would be hard to break a resolution like that.

  6. Lisa McGriff Avatar
    Lisa McGriff

    I’m getting there!! Should make good progress this weekend!

  7. Lynette Avatar

    Well, as I didn’t make any official New Year’s Resolutions, I’m doing GREAT!! hehehehe Actually, I’m doing really well on my goal to cut down a lot more UFOs this year. 2013’s going to be a good one.

  8. Tammy Avatar

    This year, I want to try to make more quilts! I have one almost completed, and it’s still January!

  9. Christine M Avatar

    I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions although I would like to try to get more sewing done this year. Perhaps that counts as one!

  10. Katy(LethargicLass) Avatar

    how am I doing with my resolutions eh? Not so hot LOL! But I still have eleven and a bit months left LOL!

  11. Patti Avatar


  12. Michelle G Avatar
    Michelle G

    I am sliding sideways a bit. I have kept to my resolution not to each sugary sweets in the afternoon up until Jan 16 then the last two days I gave into the craving. I hope to get back on the wagon tomorrow.

  13. Stella Nemeth Avatar

    My only resolution was to get moving and get quilting again, and that has happened. I’ve finished one quilted project that was fits and starts all of last year. I’ve got another to the free motion quilting stage. And I’m actually working on the quilting for a third.

  14. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    It is going to be close if I meet my first resolution by the end of January —- I still have a couple weeks left so I might just make it 🙂

  15. Lori Avatar

    If I made a resolution, I’d know I wouldn’t keep it. But was hoping to have a great deal of “finishes” after the first of the year, and it is happening.

  16. Nancy Avatar

    I have been working on prioritizing my UFO’s. One done and working on the next.

  17. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I’ve voted, but it’s really difficult, all quilts are gorgeous!

    New year’s resolutions are new year’s frustrations. 01/01 is a worse starting point than any other day of the year, maybe because it’s so symbolic.
    I started my New Year’s Resolution before Christmas, to stick to my cleaning plan and don’t let household chores heap up, and it works pretty well so far – my OCD is satisfied… 🙂

  18. Lizzie Avatar

    I love looking at all of theses entries! I think I forgot to comment the last time I voted…….

  19. Elizabeth Avatar

    I am trying to keep my New Year’s resolution to finish more UFOs than I start and I am doing okay. I added borders today to finish up one and another UFO is a WIP. Although I took a class Wednesday that will be awhile before it gets anymore work done on it.
    I enjoyed the variety of show and tell for the challenges.

  20. sheila Avatar

    Beautiful entries for this challenge, hard to choose a favorite , thanks for making this possible.

  21. Dea Avatar

    Luckily I stopped making resolutions years ago, so no pressure here LOL.

    Gorgeous quilts! It was hard to decide which one to choose.
    Dutch hugs

  22. Carol Hupp Avatar
    Carol Hupp

    I am trying to live each day with happiness and joy. I try to give my best to who ever I meet. I am a substitute teacher for a public school district. I have trying days and glorious days but I try to give the best I have each day and find joy in the faces of the many children and teachers that I meet. Sewing and quilting engage my creative self and bring me peace and help me enjoy life.

  23. Roine Oquist Avatar

    Some very beautiful quilts. Several were a great inspiration. I may have to go thru my quilts to see if I have something to enter in the future.

  24. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    i am retired but have 24 grandkids and 7 great grands and they keep me hopping making baby quilt. loving life

  25. Maria do Carmo Avatar
    Maria do Carmo

    Decidi que este ano seria organizada em tudo na minha vida,e até agora estou conseguindo.Casa arrumada e limpa,horário de costura rendendo bem etc…Acho que vou dar conta.Obrigada pelo convite.

  26. Marjorie Nath Avatar
    Marjorie Nath

    I’m not doing as good as I hoped for but I AM quilting which is my main resolution for this year. I’ve just returned to quilting after 25+ years of being away and just reading peoples blogs and looking at patterns and materials makes me a very happy person.

  27. connie Avatar

    For 2013, I want to finish more quilts than I did in 2013. It shouldn’t be hard since I onle finished 3 last year. 🙂 How am I doing? Well…..My Avante went to the ER last week. I’m hoping to get it back soon so I can start on my stash of quilt tops. Wish me luck.

  28. Malia Avatar

    My resolution? More quilting, of course! I actually finished the top of a mystery quilt I did for New Year’s Day, (it did take 3 days, though), and am working on a BOM at my LQS… I’m also working on several other projects, like finishing up some projects I stopped half-way through.

  29. Sandra Bassett Avatar
    Sandra Bassett

    My resolution did not make it past the 1st week of January. It was “don’t buy any more fabric until I finished at least to WIPs”. Oh well!

  30. Anne-Mette Avatar

    I decided not to make too many resolutions. The most important resolution is to remember to be happy for each and every little step forward on my WISPs (I like this better than UFOs) and I am happy :-).

  31. Linda Peterson Avatar
    Linda Peterson

    My resolution was to get more accomplished this year. Especially in organizing everything, including my sewing, quilting and craft supplies. It’s coming along very slowly. I need to put more effort into it.

  32. Yvonne Avatar

    Always love the log cabins. Such a good basic block that you can do so much with. Uses up the stash!

  33. Sheila Avatar

    I am doing better than I anticipated and enjoying the new year!!!

  34. Billie K Avatar

    No resolutions here…..grin.

  35. Doreen Hammond Avatar
    Doreen Hammond

    Love these quilts!

  36. Jeneta Avatar

    My resolution was to not buy any more fabric. I’m not doing so well with that!!!

  37. Diane U. Avatar
    Diane U.

    I am spending the first 3 months of my new year’s resolution in sunny Florida. My husband and I decided to cut back on the sweets and high carbs and we are doing very well. Rather than reward myself in food; I reward myself in fabric; I already have a full drawer of new fabrics to add to my stash when I get home. Hurray!!!!

  38. Carla Avatar

    My resolution was to run 1 mile a day and create with my heart instead of my head. So far I’m about 7 miles short of my goal of running. Sewing with my heart has worked so far, but I need to finish those projects in my head from last year……

  39. Kathy A Avatar
    Kathy A

    I I’ve given up on resolutions. I just try to improve on the year before. It was sooooo hard to pick just 4 quilts.

  40. Sandhya Avatar

    I don’t make resolutions. I try to complete whatever I am doing and keep doing it. Be they be my hobbies, craft, chores or voluntary work.

  41. Mary Avatar

    I am doing great. I got an elliptical machine, and am still using it faithfully!

  42. susana Avatar

    Tengo que limpiar y estoy aquí en la computadora…

  43. SARA Avatar

    I really didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions other than to work on my UFOs and so far I am doing rather well…

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  44. Janice Humphrey Avatar
    Janice Humphrey

    I planned to work on quilts or quilting space at least two hours a minimum of three days a week. I have done at least three hours every other day and loving it.

  45. Djoekie Avatar

    prachtige quilts en erg moeilijk kiezen
    Ga werken aan de circle of live van Jaqueline de jonge

  46. Lis Martion Avatar
    Lis Martion

    If I make resolutions, I don’t usually stick to them.
    But..this time I am.
    That resolution is to give up smoking. So far so good.

  47. Grace Shafer Avatar
    Grace Shafer

    Very inspiring to see such beautiful quilts. Makes me feel very lazy because I don’t made as many as I wish I’d get done!

  48. hafza Avatar

    My resolution for 2013 is to finished some of my UFOs and control myself from making more new quilt… as for January I only start with only one new quilt and working on finishing three UFOs….:)

  49. Leena Avatar

    My New Year resolutions, on the quilting front aren’t going great. Somehow, the mojo seems to be missing…need some impetus to get going 🙁

  50. Margareta Avatar

    My new year resolution is to make some new quilts and maybe begin to write a book about quilting in slovene language, we don t have any so far

  51. Edna Kidd Avatar
    Edna Kidd

    Hoping to make more quilts this year, love all the eye candy..

  52. Cindy Avatar

    I am doing great this year with resolution of practicing a positive attitude, with as much humility as possible. 🙂 (So much talent, vision, and commitment shown with the quilts!)

  53. Pam Avatar

    I didn’t really make any definite resolutions………but I do want to get more quilting projects done & I finished my 1st one for the year today!

  54. Karen shively Avatar

    I have made a resolution to cut back on my promises to others and give myself more time to accomplish my goals. So far so good!

  55. Maggie Boucher Avatar
    Maggie Boucher

    have they posted the winners yet

  56. ane Avatar

    Son unos trabajos preciosos

  57. Barbara woods Avatar
    Barbara woods

    didn’t make any so I wouldn’t break any

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