This year, OLFA is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the rotary cutter. Can you remember quilting without the rotary cutter? I’ve always used one and can’t imagine having to cut everything by scissors. That would be tedious and boring. I’ve only created one pattern that needed to be cut by hand and vowed never again.

To help celebrate, OLFA asked me if I’d like to design a block for their celebratory quilt. Here is my original design, CUT.


I’m really happy with how it turned out. There were only two requirements: the block had to finish at 6″ square and include some yellow. You might recognize the fabrics from my Delightful Stars quilt.


Accuracy is key as some of the pieces are only 1″ wide when cut and the squares are cut at 1.5″. It’s small, so you only need a tiny amount of fabric too.


Free Tutorial

I know you’ll want to make CUT too, so I’ve created a free tutorial. It’s super easy to follow and this block goes together very quickly. Download the tutorial here.

OLFA Give-Away

OLFA has generously offered a couple of gifts for one of my lucky readers to win. Inlcuded is a small self-healing cutting mat, perfect for paper piecing or squaring up blocks at your machine, and a 28mm rotary cutter that makes cutting curves a breeze.

To enter the give-away, leave a comment below answering: “What are your weekend sewing plans?”. I’ll choose one random winner next Wednesday, July 30th. The winner will be notified via email.



Congratulations to the winner, #15 Nicole. An email has been sent to her. Thanks everyone for participating.



583 responses to “Celebrating the Rotary Cutter – Free Tutorial and Give-Away”

  1. Cindy Lucas Avatar
    Cindy Lucas

    Working on a cool red black grey quilt for a frown using one of the blocks from Michelle’s block library!

  2. Brenda Cawlfield Avatar
    Brenda Cawlfield

    I don’t have either of these items. I use the 45 MM cutter and a mat for use in my regular quilting. Having these at my sewing machine would sure save some walking. Using this cutter for curves would save same cutting time. Olga is the best.

  3. Alison Saunders Avatar
    Alison Saunders

    I will be working on quilting my lion, giraffe and zebra quilts for a set of triplets first birthday and on a lime green/hot pink pinwheel and Irish chain splint 9 patch. Goal is to get all the quilting done and then bind them and 2 others next week as I return to work soon and we are moving in 10 days.

    I know this is a long list but it has to get done before the move. Oh, did I mention that I need to pack. New sewing room in 11 days.

  4. Mary Avatar

    I love your block! I can’t believe you got all that into a 6-inch block.
    Sunday evening is my granddaughter’s birthday party, and this weekend I will be frantically working to get her quilt made. She is having a tractor themed party and I am making six big tractor blocks for the quilt plus two for pillows for her and her big sister. Wish me luck!

  5. Helen murphy Avatar
    Helen murphy

    Will finish a rag quilt to be donated to a local event. Will begin my nieces signature quilt for her wedding.

  6. carol broughton Avatar
    carol broughton

    Finishing my beautiful drunkard’s path quilt made from gorgeous blue and green batik fabrics!

  7. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    I’m prepping some hand sewing projects- quilting, binding, hexies and such for a road trip!

  8. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I will be organizing an out of control sewing space.

  9. Pat Bindi Avatar
    Pat Bindi

    Just got my sewing room finished. Now going to start the delightful stars blocks. Can’t wait to get started.

  10. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    No sewing, going to the lake with grandkids.

  11. jo Avatar

    I will be working on some pep at the beach with the grandson

  12. Cheryl Avatar

    I have a sew-in with one of my guilds, and I’ll be working on at least 2 different projects during that time. Church on Sunday morning.

  13. Evie H Avatar
    Evie H

    I’ll be finishing the binding on my niece’s T-shirt quilt. Would love a new cutter!

  14. joy smith Avatar
    joy smith

    I will be finishing my son’s quilt and starting a baby quilt.

  15. Nicole Avatar

    Sewing plans are to finish appliqueing the silk double wedding ring wall hanging I’m making, and also going to some quilt shops in a different city while I’m visiting my sister and her new baby!

    I like your block a lot.

  16. Linda W Avatar
    Linda W

    I am working on free motion quilting my Lone Star Sampler this weekend.

  17. Tina Short Avatar
    Tina Short

    I’m finishing off a Linus Quilt and hopefully quilting a baby quilt, time permitting.

  18. Diana swindle Avatar
    Diana swindle

    I will be taking a break from my delightful stars to make curtains and a quilt for my grand daughter. She wants frozen. So I will be putting a Elsa figure I am making onto a quilt top, my own design. It will be interesting and fun! Anything for my Piper!!! She is 2!

  19. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    I am going to play with some scraps and orphan blocks. Hoping to make some charity quilts for kids!

  20. Carol Enright Avatar
    Carol Enright

    I am going to finish a binding on a baby quilt and get another quilt started. I am behind 3 baby quilts so I need to keep working steady which is sometimes hard with it being summer and a lot of travels going on. Would love to win the Olfa cutter. Thanks for the give aways.

  21. Celine Avatar

    I plan to finish a mystery quilt.

  22. Delaine Avatar

    I plan to work on a quilted Dresden tablecloth that I am making. Thanks!

  23. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    I am in the planning stages for making two baby quilts!! Those are always such fun, especially choosing the fabrics!!

  24. Heather Avatar

    I have 2 Prairie Women quilts to get quilted. The first one is loaded onto the longarm frame and the second still needs a backing pieced before I can go any further. Thanks Mishka and Olfa!!!

  25. Mary Grass Avatar
    Mary Grass

    My head is spinning with all the sewing I have planned for this weekend……….finish a purse I started, finish a charity quilt that is 2/3 finished and start my Guild Challenge project using my OLFA rotary cutter!!!
    Thanks so much.

  26. Denise Avatar

    I will be working on three table runners that will be Christmas gifts. I also have a quilt for my dog that I want to start, two block of the month blocks that I’m behind on, and a UFO king sized bed quilt that needs borders put on (to make it king-sized, you know).

  27. Roberta Johnson Avatar
    Roberta Johnson

    I’m starting the quilting on a scrap quilt today. I would like to finish it this weekend. Thanks for the give away.

  28. LINDA Avatar


  29. Carolyn Avatar

    I’m going to start a scrap throw pillow top and incorporate some faux piping!
    Thank you for the chance 🙂

  30. Deb G. in VA Avatar
    Deb G. in VA

    I’m working on some EPP hexies and canning tomatoes!

  31. Janet Frank Avatar
    Janet Frank

    I’m finishing the quilting on a pineapple star mini quilt. Love Olfa cutters!

  32. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    hope to get some quilting done on a quilt. thanks

  33. Kerri Avatar

    My weekend sewing plans include finishing off some roman blinds for a friend completing the Delightful stars block for this week and working on my Paper pieced quilt!!! Lots to do sew little time!

  34. connie barnett Avatar
    connie barnett

    going to “scrap club” and sew with the girls tomorrow

  35. Pauline Avatar

    This weekend I plan on making a quilt for a
    young 9 – teenage boy to donate to my local women’s shelter before the end of July. Using masculine fabrics and a random design with minimal quilting.

  36. Frances Avatar

    Working on a baby quilt for an August baby. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  37. Becky Preston Avatar
    Becky Preston

    The latest Delightful stars block, or something similar, then cutting for OhMyGosh and a new baby quilt. Bought a Frog and Toad panel and need to ge inspired.

  38. bobbie campbell Avatar
    bobbie campbell

    Working on FMQ for 2 NICU quilts and 1 Christmas lap quilt. Here’s thanking you for all your wonderful patterns-am doing the Delightful Stars and did the A4A QAL last year.

  39. Toni Anne Avatar
    Toni Anne

    This weekend I hope to put together my log cabin blocks. It was made using a quilt tutorial from Jenny at Missouri Star, I can’t wait to put it all together. ;->

  40. Karen Dumont Avatar
    Karen Dumont

    …after installing new windows in my sewing area, I will be putting everything back they way it should be, doing a good cleanup for “stray sawdust”, then getting down to business…a new cutter and small mat would be great on my desk where I sew….
    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  41. Lee Ann Lenfest Avatar

    I plan to continue working on completing my crafting/sewing studio! Thank you for a chance to win!

  42. Fred Avatar

    This weekend I plan to continue my current project, a quilt with pieced perspective… a lot of craps to cut!

  43. Callie Cuddy Avatar
    Callie Cuddy

    Starting on a pattern to make pot holders to sell.

  44. Cindie Hayward Avatar
    Cindie Hayward

    Working on 2 bricks and stepping stones for my granddaughters…cutting,sewing one in pink & the other in purples..

  45. Liz Avatar

    Learning all about my new machine and finishing the quilt for the new baby that has already arrived.

  46. Barb Casper Avatar
    Barb Casper

    I plan on starting some of my Row by Row experience rows. Been having a ball collecting them, but now it’s time to sew!

  47. carla bynum Avatar

    Hi!!!! Cute cut block!!!! So tiny!!!! I will be working on a Crazy Block first!!!! Then to get started back on other blocks!!! All will be fun!!!! Thanks for the fun give away!!!!

  48. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I’m working on a patchwork of the cross!

  49. Becky Collis Avatar
    Becky Collis

    I’ll be working on piecing a baby quilt and quilting my mystery quilt on my LA!

  50. Deborah DeBerry Avatar
    Deborah DeBerry

    I want to put the 16 1/2″ blocks together to finish a quilt I have had cut for about 3 years. The pattern is one by Monique Dillard called “Red Hots” from Feb. 2010 American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. reds and creams. I could really use the small size rotary cutter on a BOM I have had forever using Marti Michell templates. Please, please, pick me. Have a great weekend!!!

  51. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    I will be catching up on my blocks for the Delightful Stars….and I will even post my picts. to prove it!! 😉

  52. Suzanne E. Avatar
    Suzanne E.

    I am camping in the Boston area with my husband and friends and seeing the local sights! Enjoying this area of the country!!! But on Monday, I will be back working on my Delightful Star blocks! Thanks for the opportunity to win this give away!! 🙂

  53. Margaret Parks Avatar
    Margaret Parks

    My plans this weekend include going to the Maine State Quilt Show. Its always a great show and Pine Tree Quilt Guild always does a great job.

  54. Afton Warrick Avatar

    I’m finishing up the quilting on a southwestern medallion.

  55. Kathryn L Knox Avatar
    Kathryn L Knox

    Working on nephew’s quilt for Christmas.

  56. Annette Hosmann Avatar
    Annette Hosmann

    Making a messenger bag and planning more blocks for Delightful Stars.

  57. Ellen Avatar

    I am taking a class to make a Christmas tree/family tree. Then will start some more Christmas quilting gifts.

  58. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    We’ve plans to visit two great nieces in August.
    I’ve just made two messenger style bags to bring them as presents.
    Thet are ages 4 and 6 and we’ll be meeting them for the first time.
    They know me from the quilts I sent to them about 2 years ago.
    We’re all so excited !!!

  59. Ginny Kramer Avatar
    Ginny Kramer

    I will working on a sea shell quilt.

  60. Brita Avatar

    I’ll be quilting a gorgeous top for a friend, and hope to FINISH!!!

  61. Libby Avatar

    I would like to cut out more fabric for my granddaughters quilt.

  62. Julie Smillie Avatar
    Julie Smillie

    I just learned to long arm today. So I will be sewing the binding on my very first longarmed by ME quilt 😀

  63. Letty Avatar

    I’m going to make a Tinker Tote!

  64. Brenda Van Dyke Avatar
    Brenda Van Dyke

    I am going to quilt a wall hanging to donate to the local hospice for their yearly Men Who Cook fundraiser.

  65. Jill McLauchlin Avatar
    Jill McLauchlin

    I plan to work on a couple of UFO’s and to start CUTTING out my DS, I thank God for the rotary cutter cause if I had to cut quilt fabric with scissors like I did fabric when I was in Home Ec I would cry and would not quilt! 🙂

  66. Diane Avatar

    I am going to finish a replacement quilt I made for a wedding gift. My hubby liked the original quilt I made so I decided to keep it and make a different one as the gift.

  67. Alexandra Liboiron Avatar

    I will be doing Mishka’s Breezy begginer’s bloc 8 with my Olfa 45mm rotary cutter. Maybe able to do bloc number 9 too. Read information on how to baste, sandwich and quilt !

    If I then have time, I will try to fix my daughters first blankies, the binding has worn out.

    I want for myself to do that tanktop in that beautiful blue fabric I bought ages ago. I saw the pattern in the volume 6 SewItAll magazine

  68. Martha Kerns Avatar
    Martha Kerns

    Beautiful Block.

  69. Darlee Byron Avatar

    Hand-stitching the binding on an appliqued scrappy quilt with colorful tulips. And finishing the binding on a mini quilt for a free tutorial.

    I was a sewer before rotary tools were invented; so have no experience with the old ways, and glad I missed that stage. Thanks Olfa, I love you!!

  70. Shirley Garvin Avatar
    Shirley Garvin

    Starting a baby quilt for a new little one that was born today…

  71. LindaKay Pardee Avatar
    LindaKay Pardee

    Hubbys out of town housework is done and I will catching up on my delightful Stars and I have designed and started laying out another quillt. Happy Quilting everyone and Good Luck!

  72. Pamela Avatar

    I think I’m going to work on the wedding quilt I promised my daughter three years ago! Finally found a pattern I like, so it’s time to get this project going.

  73. Kimberly Simmons Avatar
    Kimberly Simmons

    just working on delightful stars blocks and now have this cool CUT block to do sometime in the future. thanks Michele. please enter me in the contest. Kimberly Happy Stitching.

  74. Francesca Avatar

    I will be learn to free motion quilt at my Modern Meet up class.

  75. MaryT Avatar

    I am having fun working on a Dresden wedding quilt for a dear friend. But I really NEED to have a garage sale. LOL!

  76. Mary D Avatar
    Mary D

    I got a family reunion this weekend so my only sew plans are to finish the charity pillowcases I started.

  77. Goldene Avatar

    Finishing up my ‘Spinning out of control’ quilt top!

  78. Chris Avatar

    I have 120 7 in Granny Squares ready to go together for a King Sized quilt. Now I just need sashing and borders.

  79. Sue Avatar

    I’ve been cutting out the pieces for a quiltalong I’m doing at the moment.

  80. Debbie H Avatar
    Debbie H

    Sadly, I work all weekend, so Monday will be my sewing day. Thanks


    Working on a special project: teaching my daughter to quilt!!!

  82. Jenna O Avatar
    Jenna O

    I´m planning to make a quilt for my friends baby 🙂

  83. Melanie Avatar

    Secret Santa Sewing is on the list for me plus a random act of kindness – not sure yet which I’ll start first ..

  84. Paula K. Avatar
    Paula K.

    I will be making a small table topper to be ready for my hand quilting class in August.
    Sincerely, Paula K.

  85. Dorian Avatar

    What a great little block! I am currently working on a quilt for my 16yo dd.

  86. Nancy Avatar

    I am going to be hand quilting my quilt that I started this year.

  87. Betsy Avatar

    I am hoping to make some headbands and start a valance for my 1 st grandsons nursery

  88. Maxine Avatar

    Working on cutting fabric for a quilt for my sister in law. also going to try and get some FMQ done on a quilt for my niece in law.

  89. Meghan Avatar

    I am planning on working on my summertime mug rugs today and hopefully finishing them. Sunday is set aside for catching up on Pat Sloan’s Globetrotting blocks for May and June.

  90. Sandra Timmons Avatar
    Sandra Timmons

    I am working on a Dottie quilt. I have big dots and little dots. So, it looks like I will be alternating the dots to make a quilt for me. I love Olfa. My quilting life would not be what it is now with the cutting mat and rotary cutter at my fingertips every day. Thank you for the free block tutorial and the change to win those Olfa goodies.

    Sandi Timmons

  91. Quilting Tangent Avatar
    Quilting Tangent

    Figuring out fabric, drawing and cutting out pieces for the edge of my quilt top.

  92. Lin Marsh Avatar

    This week end I will be catching up on the quilting I put off late this week. Always playing catch-up.

  93. Jo Jenson Avatar
    Jo Jenson

    I’m just going to try and sew something small as I’m not very well at the moment. So I think I’ll make the cute strawberry pincushion from the free kit in Quilt Now magazine.

  94. C Metivier Avatar
    C Metivier

    This weekend I am calculating block sizes and fabric requirements for a quilt I saw online that did not offer a pattern.

  95. kathy Avatar

    I’m thinking about making a quilt for my sister as a comfort quilt because she is losing her husband to cancer. I plan on looking through my patterns today for just the right one for her.

  96. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    This weekend, am workin’ on finishin’ up a Baby Quilt, for Shower next month. : ) And cutting Applique pieces for a Wallhanging….if I pregress along at good pace! giggle….

  97. Judy Avatar

    Actually, I have no plans to sew. I need to clean up my sewing room so I can hopefully get started on a Christmas quilt next week.

  98. mammafairy Avatar

    perhaps this is an opt out… but I want to sort my guddle of a sewing room out! and find the next half finished project out to get on with!I know it is in there somewhere!

  99. Joan Hirte Avatar
    Joan Hirte

    I just got a new machine, (my dream machine) so I will be spending the weekend getting acquainted.

  100. Susan Solberg Avatar
    Susan Solberg

    I will be finishing up some embroidery mug rugs and starting a new project.

  101. mary horan Avatar
    mary horan

    willl; be sewing between times that i do for my hubby..he just starting chemo

  102. Paula Marshall Avatar
    Paula Marshall

    Want to sew all weekend every weekend but may have to wait until I retire in 2 an one half years from now

  103. Isabelle Mason Avatar
    Isabelle Mason

    Will be working on a quilt to donate to a vetern in a local vetern’s home.

  104. Carol Rittel Avatar
    Carol Rittel

    HI, I am going to finish a small apliqued quilt for a 8 year old boy. I am baby sitting him this summer and I am going to help him make a pillow case to go with it.

  105. Kristi Avatar

    I started a Buggy Barn pattern and hope to work on that this weekend. Thanks for the giveaway!

  106. Debbie C Avatar
    Debbie C

    I will be organizing my supplies due to a major downsizing.

  107. Tabitha Keener Avatar
    Tabitha Keener

    My plans are to work on two quilt tops and have both finished in the next few days! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  108. FLOR CHAVARRIA Avatar

    I am finishing a quilt top with my 8 y/o grand daughter. She has pieced the whole top. I did the cutting with my OLFA cutter/matt

  109. Michele BaDour Avatar
    Michele BaDour

    Sewing with my sisters & Mom! It’s a weekly Sewturday thing 🙂

  110. Karrie Smith Avatar
    Karrie Smith

    I floated on a turtle raft in the pool for most of Saturday and I may do it again on Sunday 🙂

  111. Lynn Avatar

    I have two kids quilts I am working on. Both Bargello. One in bright colors and the other pink/ purple. Fun time!

  112. Lee Hendry Avatar
    Lee Hendry

    My sewing plans for the weekend is to finish a appliqué wall hanging and start a vintage crazy patch while trying to find space between 3 sleeping cats.

  113. Kim Perez Avatar
    Kim Perez

    My machine had to go in for service/cleaning on Saturday…so no sewing. today’s plan is playing with Parker’s Crumb quilt blocks and my batik scrap bin 🙂

  114. Teresa McClain Avatar
    Teresa McClain

    Finishing my barn quilt top

  115. Teresa Stanulis Avatar

    I’ve been working on making baby bibs from Ann Kelle fabrics. They are so much fun to work on. I finished a large quilt recently and needed something quick and satisfying for a change!

  116. Rhona Avatar

    Putting the binding on a quilt, tablerunner and a mini quilt today,then there all done.

  117. Julie B Avatar
    Julie B

    I am working on a Kimono quilt. If I get quilters block, I have several UFO’s I need to finish.

  118. Pam Avatar

    I plan to work on a new purse and cat blocks.

  119. Ellie S Avatar
    Ellie S

    Today I am rearranging my kitchen to give me a sewing nook. Now I have a whole wall I will felt so I can finally play with fabrics and arrange designs for my quilt projects. I will also have room for better lighting, cutting and storage and I took over the kitchen table! Soooo excited and happy!! Doing the happy dance!!

  120. Pre Avatar

    Been sewing some little Christmas ornaments this weekend!

  121. Annmarie Avatar

    I haven’t been doing much sewing – beautiful summer here in northern Wisconsin – too nice to be indoors! However, I have spent quite a bit of time sitting on the deck embroidering some blocks I plan to use in a quilt. Very relaxing………

  122. Karen Thurn Avatar
    Karen Thurn

    Family plans this past weekend. However, this coming weekend I’m doing a state quilt hop visiting lots of quilting shops with my daughter and talking quilting all day for three days. OLFA is the best!!! When I think of cutting fabric, I use no other product. kthurn@bektel.com

  123. Debbie Avatar

    Well, Michele, since it’s after the weekend, I can tell you that I did mostly knitting. But, I did print out the Block Lotto instructions to make some blocks sometime this week! Happy birthday to Olfa!

  124. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    I sew during the week because I work on the weekends. The shifts are long and I don’t have time to have fun sewing on weekend days.

  125. Ms Lottie Avatar

    This weekend I’m retreating!! I have a two day class and a bunch of great ladies. And, best of all, the cooking is done for us!

  126. Brenda Howard Avatar
    Brenda Howard

    I will be setting up my sewing area I just moved and now have the space cleared for my sewing area. YEAH

  127. Debbie Avatar

    I worked on a quilt I am making.

  128. Erin Simmons Avatar
    Erin Simmons

    I plan on re organizing my sewing closet. I have 4 quilts I’m working on right now and my stuff has become a bit messy!

  129. Karen Creek Avatar
    Karen Creek

    Getting ready for a quilt road trip next week with a good friend!!!! FUN!!!!

  130. Margie Young Avatar
    Margie Young

    I will be working on using some of my scraps making a string border to go on a scrappy quilt.

  131. Mary Gail Avatar
    Mary Gail

    I am just learning to sew.

  132. Jocelyn reilly Avatar
    Jocelyn reilly

    I will be starting my Christmas presents ☺

  133. cynthia byrnes Avatar
    cynthia byrnes

    since i watch my almost 10mo. old grandaughter during the week,, i will prbly play catch up on rest and cleaning 🙂

  134. jennifer patterson Avatar
    jennifer patterson

    This weekend I will be quilting and binding a baby quilt.

  135. Paula Bates Avatar
    Paula Bates

    Cutting out a log cabin quilt so went fabric shopping

  136. Sandii Easthope Avatar
    Sandii Easthope

    My weekend sewing plans are to finish piecing the 2 quilts I have on the go along with the summer blankets that will go to a hospital in Pendembu, Sierra Leone.

  137. Cindy Lucas Avatar
    Cindy Lucas

    sewing blocks for a quilt.

  138. Sue Ellen Howland Avatar
    Sue Ellen Howland

    My plans are to finish quilting one lap size quilt and hopefully get another started.

  139. Akita Woodford Avatar
    Akita Woodford

    I will be making a graduation quilt for a friend!

  140. Cindy Lucas Avatar
    Cindy Lucas

    6 blocks to go then sashing, binding etc

  141. jennifer patterson Avatar
    jennifer patterson

    This weekend I’ll be finishing a baby girl quilt started a while ago with quilting and binding.

  142. Sharon Avatar

    Working on a quilt for my granddaughter.

  143. Vicki Cameron Avatar
    Vicki Cameron

    On Saturday I’m planning to start my Farmers Wife blocks using the paper piecing techniques I’ve learnt while doing the Delightful Stars quilt along. And on Sunday I’m going on a road trip to visit our grandchildren and measure some windows to make curtains for my granddaughter’s lounge room.

  144. Priyanka Modi Avatar
    Priyanka Modi

    I will be sewing quilted covers for floor cushions.

  145. Linda Simpson Avatar
    Linda Simpson

    Sew on a baby quilt then start another quilt.

  146. KdBrown Avatar

    I have to work this weekend…at the quilt shop!

  147. Sheri Avatar

    I will be working on my Fall Log Cabin, my favorite colors. and time of the year

  148. cathi schlosser Avatar
    cathi schlosser

    Working on a quilt for my first Grandchild.

  149. Linda Bailey Avatar
    Linda Bailey

    I will be getting back to piecing your star quilt… life got in the way and I am only on block six. Hopefully I will get caught up .

  150. linda Avatar

    I have 3 quilts that are ready to bind. I’m committed to finish them before working on any other project.

  151. teresa Avatar

    I’m working on a new quilt top and have two free motion quilts to do, so am never bored.

  152. Elise Klink Avatar
    Elise Klink

    Picked up some backing fabric to get some quilt tops finished!

  153. Sue Thompson Avatar
    Sue Thompson

    Binding a batman quilt and doing a BOM square

  154. Ellie S Avatar
    Ellie S

    Got my sewing area claimed and assembled finally!. This weekend I will begin cutting and peicing two quilts. Happy happy happy!!! 🙂

  155. Sue Avatar

    Quilting a I spy quilt for charity.

  156. Cindi Davidson Avatar
    Cindi Davidson

    I will be finishing up projects to donate to the relay for life – fight against cancer this weekend

  157. Kathy J Thomas Avatar
    Kathy J Thomas

    Not sure….have many PHD’s……and need to clean and organize!

  158. Carol Mixon Avatar
    Carol Mixon

    Have many UFO’s I need to get started on.

  159. Anne Avatar

    Starting a bubble quilt!!!

  160. zerlene woodward Avatar
    zerlene woodward

    I work each day on some type of sewing&cutting project! That cutter would come in handy! July 30. 2014 6:36am

  161. Morgan Paul Avatar
    Morgan Paul

    I will be “upcycling” this weekend. It is odd using a new term to make clothes for a child out of larger items that are no longer worn. It used to be just creating new things from old.

  162. Denise Kellett Avatar
    Denise Kellett

    I will be working on a Halloween costume for my granddaughter and binding a tshirt quilt.

  163. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    My plan was to finish a firefighter themed quilt for a friend’s grandbaby diagnosed with some kind of cancer. I finished it and it has made its way to Utah!

  164. Karen Avatar

    This weekend I will be working on my embroidery quilt.

  165. sharon metzger Avatar
    sharon metzger

    I have to finish piecing my snowman collector quilt top and then start on a baby playmat quilt.

  166. Lana Avatar

    Love making totes and bags….plan to finish the one I am currently working on.

  167. Pat Young Avatar
    Pat Young

    I plan to work on a lap size quilt.

  168. Ronda A Avatar

    I’ll be working on quilts for Christmas gifts and putting a Project Linus quilt on the frame. Happy Wednesday.

  169. Janet Irvine Avatar
    Janet Irvine

    Thank you! A wonderful giveaway

  170. Evelyn Smith Avatar
    Evelyn Smith

    Plan to work on cutting out new appliqué projects

  171. phyllis highlen Avatar
    phyllis highlen

    will be making quilts in different purples. the one i have been useing is 14yrs old and i need another one. thanks

  172. Helen M McNaught Avatar
    Helen M McNaught

    Quilting my kitty cat quilt and making sleeping bags for my little great-niece’s dolls.

  173. Sue C Avatar
    Sue C

    I’m working on a Snakes & Ladders game quilt for my grandson.

  174. Roberta Avatar

    I am working on two table runners that will be Christmas gifts.

  175. Pauline Gudas Avatar
    Pauline Gudas

    My weekend plans are getting my sister’s birthday quilt done by the time of the party on Saturday night!! Yeeks I better get busy!

  176. Debbie Avatar

    Will begin working on 2 T-shirt quilts; an Alabama one for my son and an Auburn one for my daughter. Just in time for football season!

  177. Jayne Griffith Avatar

    I will be working on a hanging makeup bag this weekend.

  178. janyce thiemann Avatar
    janyce thiemann


  179. Violet Avatar

    I spent the weekend playing in my quilt program and then I machine stitched some panels for a quilt for my bed.

  180. Lola Bryant Avatar
    Lola Bryant

    Would love to win. I use Olfa products and am always very satisfied with them. Best on the market.

  181. Donna Purchase Avatar
    Donna Purchase

    Finishing a princess quilt for my granddaughter’s first birthday!

  182. Roz Barrett Avatar
    Roz Barrett

    Going to finish binding on one quilt and I several blocks to do for a couple of BOM clubs! Can’t wait!

  183. Lisa Payne Avatar
    Lisa Payne

    I plan on working on our oversized king size quilt that have our wedding colors all throughout it. They are purples and silvers and black. I have cut the strips into several different lengths and just created a very wild quilt for hubby and I. I always do some quilting every few days. And if we have a stay at home weekend, then hubby watches horror movies and I quilt in the other room. lol I dont like horror movies.

  184. Lola Bryant Avatar
    Lola Bryant

    OOps, should have read before leaving comment. I was so excited about the chance to win! I plan to finish up blocks for June and July on two BOM’s I am working on. This past weekend, I cut the pieces for the 4 blocks out.

  185. Kate Avatar

    I plan on working on my mugrugs – it’s a long weekend, so maybe I’ll get some blocks cut out for my next large project as well.

    OH – and I remember cutting with cardboard templates and scizzors……shudder.

  186. Deb snyder Avatar
    Deb snyder

    Quilting on a twister quilt and piecing another.

  187. Mary martin Avatar
    Mary martin

    I want to do a rag quilt.

  188. Teena Silverio Avatar
    Teena Silverio

    I will be finishing three wall sized quilts for a lady at work.

  189. Cathy Avatar

    This weekend I’m going to finish a quilt for my brother-in-law’s retirement

  190. Flicsha Allen Avatar
    Flicsha Allen

    I all ways have 2 or 3 projects going.
    I have 2 round disappearing 4 patch place mats to do and a baby quilt that my DS Kelsey needs for a baby gift.
    I have 2 quilt bindings to hand finish and some burp clothes to make.
    I think my weekend is full.

  191. arilea Avatar

    I am going to finish a Rag Quilt for a friend who is going through Chemo treatments……

  192. Marilyn Avatar

    Pillow Cases And Grocery bags

  193. Gloria Strader Avatar
    Gloria Strader

    I’m working on a crib quilt for a friend this weekend.

  194. Kelly Faulconer Avatar
    Kelly Faulconer

    This weekend I will try to bind a stained glass quilt that I have been working on. But we have the local fair to attend Saturday. I want to see the quilts that were judged. And we want to see the agriculture side of things. We may even bring more chickens home if they have some baby chicks for sale this year. 🙂

  195. Beverly Ondarcho Avatar
    Beverly Ondarcho

    I am working on a baby quilt that requires lots of triangles and I sure could use a new cutting wheel! The fabric is Winnie the pooh so I am trying to make certain cutouts for each center of the blocks. Wish me luck!

  196. Ingridib Avatar

    I will cut fabric to a quilt as you go. Bedspred. I have to use some fabric of mine, and recist buying new. And i need a new rolling knife. If i am lucky i can pay the sending cost myself

  197. María rojas Avatar
    María rojas

    I Will try to do a bag for my accesories

  198. Becky Harris-Ross Avatar
    Becky Harris-Ross

    I am going to make my first puff (bubble) quilt in shades of purple, blue and hot pink…I plan to arrange the colored puffs in diagonal rows…wish me luck!

  199. Vicki Mannion Avatar
    Vicki Mannion

    I’m taking a basic machine quilting class and getting ready to sandwich and quilt my latest throw.

  200. Barb Chard Avatar
    Barb Chard

    I am making some wraps for premmie babies, hemming them with fancy stitching & bright coloured cottons

  201. Carla Wendt Avatar
    Carla Wendt

    I will finhsh a wall hanging and cut squares for a new one.

  202. Jeanette Krebs Avatar
    Jeanette Krebs

    Determined to finish my husband’s tshirt quilt.

  203. Lisa Hodge Avatar
    Lisa Hodge

    I am working on a pile of UFO’s

  204. Jackie McKenzie Avatar
    Jackie McKenzie

    I will finish my next block in a block of the month program.

  205. Sandy Lawson Avatar
    Sandy Lawson

    Working on a black and white sampler – free wheeling it!

  206. sharon Ruest Avatar
    sharon Ruest

    I am planning to finish 12 mug rugs that are Christmas gifts! unless I think of someone that I missed,lol

  207. Lynne Vann Avatar
    Lynne Vann

    My weekend sewing plan includes re-organizing my newly painted sewing room/office and starting the tear down on a wedding gown remake for an October wedding!!!

  208. Maria Avatar

    I’ll be finishing a couple of UFOs. Will be at my local quilt shop for a BOTM gathering. Life is good!

  209. Jan Avatar

    I will straighten up my project boxes so I can find the tools I need to work on my runner.

  210. Donna Avatar

    New to quilting and working on a rag quilt for my grandson!

  211. Debbie Avatar

    I’m working on my nephew’s quilt that is his high school graduation present. One more row to go and then the borders. I’m doing a disappearing nine patch in blues, greys and a pop of red.

  212. Suzie White Avatar
    Suzie White

    Trying out the walking foot on my new Pfaff and machine quilting for the first time some hexigon coasters.

  213. Elvira Avatar

    Working with my son Quilt using a Locomotive Panel as theme

  214. Londa Kreienkamp Avatar
    Londa Kreienkamp

    Trying to finish handpiecing my quilt top

  215. Jeannie Tillotson Avatar

    I will be starting my Delightful Stars quilt along…..can’t wait

  216. Jean Avatar

    Hand work in the car while we travel to pick up the grands for a 2 week visit.

  217. Barbara Corbitt Avatar
    Barbara Corbitt

    I will be finishing a quilt for the pediactric burn unit.

  218. Rita Avatar

    I hope to make up some patriotic strattas a for our sew in on Tuesday .

  219. Alvina Avatar

    Finishing an embroidery piece that goes into a quilt wall hanging!

  220. Jennifer Kirchmann Avatar
    Jennifer Kirchmann

    I am cutting 2 1/2 inch squares to make a scrap quilt. I am finishing the quilting on a gift for my friend beforehand.

  221. Rosa-Mary Lippincott McCoy Avatar
    Rosa-Mary Lippincott McCoy

    I am working on a preprinted wall hanging and hope to finish the hand quilting this week end. Also, this I will not finish is an old yo yo quilt…..king size my husband purchased at a yard sale as an old rag . It is like trying to put a puzzle back together. I replace the yo yo s that are too worn to keep but use fabric as close as possible to replace. All quilters have on going un finished projects.

  222. Kathy Avatar

    I’m working on a “color” challenge. It is a wall hanging of paper pieced blocks…

  223. Jenn Vallimont Avatar
    Jenn Vallimont

    Working on some porch pillows!

  224. Jenn Avatar

    I’m working on finishing the custom Elsa dress for my 2-year-old! She’s so excited – even walking around with the sleeves on that are NOT yet attached to the dress!

  225. Joyce Miller Avatar
    Joyce Miller

    I am working on a new twin size quilt for my grandaughter. Hopefully, I can finish it over the weekend.

  226. Denise Lewis Avatar
    Denise Lewis

    I hope to get another quilt on the Longarm machine. We just got new Hardwood floors and the house has been a mess. Love the NEW floors!

  227. Vikki barker Avatar
    Vikki barker

    Sewing a baby quilt this weekend.

  228. Lisa Avatar

    I’m going to make some quilted oven mitts and a handbag!

  229. Julie Chadwick Avatar
    Julie Chadwick

    I’m going to be working on one of the 8quilt classes I am taking every month. I’m going to be working on circle of mystery. In batiks

  230. Linda Pritt Avatar
    Linda Pritt

    I am starting my first quilt of valor this weekend.

  231. connie barnett Avatar
    connie barnett

    Going to a fabric sale on Sat, then sewing and sewing and more sewing.

  232. Betül Dolu Avatar

    I am working on a pillow for one of my friends.

  233. kimberly hicks Avatar
    kimberly hicks

    I will be with my dtr helping her recuperate from surgery.

  234. Kim Leachman Avatar

    Hoping to get some sewing but my college son comes home for a couple of weeks so……

  235. Ana Ma Yoshie Ogasawara Avatar
    Ana Ma Yoshie Ogasawara

    Quero terminar meus trabalhos inacabados de patchwork e depois vou querer enveredar num 2° trabalho grande.O primeiro foi uma colcha….sendo quiltada…..
    E usar meu cortador Olfa novinho, que minha filha está trazendo p mim…….Bom demais , o cortador que trava automaticamente. …Vivaaaaaaaa

  236. Emily Pavelek Avatar
    Emily Pavelek

    Finally quilting a queen size quilt for daughter and SIL!

  237. Rhonda Best Avatar
    Rhonda Best

    This weekend we just finished up some swap blocks.

  238. Donna Pauling Avatar
    Donna Pauling

    My plans for the weekend??? Carve out some quilting time! My hubby is recovering from emergency surgery on July 3rd and my world has been topsy turvey ever since. He is on the mend now and I need to sew!!!! Thanks to Olfa for the opportunity to win these great tools.

  239. Kay Avatar

    Practice, Practice. I am working on Christmas Gifts.

  240. Anita Lindgreen Avatar
    Anita Lindgreen

    I will be cleaning and emptying my Quilting room, its going to get a face lift….. I’m getting sick just knowing that its going to Packed Down for some days…… Major Quilting withdrawls….

  241. Shirley Jones Avatar
    Shirley Jones

    I will finish up the three baby quilts I have started!!

  242. Nancy Miller Avatar

    I plan on finish quilting the quilt on my frame this weekend!

  243. Cynthia andrews Avatar
    Cynthia andrews

    I am finishing up my quilting tray baskets (4 of them). I love them, they were a challenge at first but after the first two i decided on two more!!!

  244. Sue Perez Avatar
    Sue Perez

    Working on a Wedding Shower Quilt this weekend. Wedding is in September. Better get a move on….

  245. SANDRA BUNCH Avatar

    I am currently cutting pieces for all of my blocks to start my next quilt top 🙂 Rotary cutters are a blessing 🙂

  246. Wendy Avatar

    Work on paper peice project I just learned

  247. Diana Allen Avatar
    Diana Allen

    I have a couple of coin purses to finish up, and some binding to to whip stitch down.

  248. sonja reynolds Avatar
    sonja reynolds

    I am working on a bookcase quilt for my son. We are making it have all his favorite things from harry potter’s sorting hat to Doctor who’s tardis along with a mt dew can. we are also putting all his favorite books in it. the applique will take for ever but when he leaves for college it will be a little bit of home.

  249. Michele Etter Avatar
    Michele Etter

    I’m working on a quilt a valor for a friend who is turning 90! The quilt looks like an American flag! I can’t wait to give it to him!!

  250. Kathy B Avatar
    Kathy B

    Shopping to see if I can find coordinating fabric for a baby quilt for my daughter who is having boy number 3 in October!

  251. Brenda Gill Avatar
    Brenda Gill

    I’m going to pin the quilt top I just finished for my grandson, then work on a baby quilt I need to get done.

  252. Sherry Carr Avatar
    Sherry Carr

    Last weekend I attended a 3 day quilt retreat in Ankeny Iowa. This weekend I intend to put boarders on the 2 ropes I finished at the retreat and work on my periwinkle paper pieced quilt I began about a month ago. Happy quilting everyone. 🙂

  253. Pam Atkins Avatar
    Pam Atkins

    I’ll be working on a miniaturd hexie quilt.

  254. Bonnie Clemons Avatar
    Bonnie Clemons

    I hope to practice FMQ and work on mr grandson’s Lego quilt.

  255. Pat Niesen Avatar
    Pat Niesen

    I will be quilting…

  256. Shannon Haas Avatar
    Shannon Haas

    I’m going to practice my free motion quilting this weekend.

  257. Joni Keskey Avatar
    Joni Keskey

    If I don’t get them done today, I’ll be finishing my mug rugs for the Summer Swap.

  258. Lynne Laino Avatar
    Lynne Laino

    Cutting tumblers for I-Spy kids quilts!

  259. Veronica Hope Avatar
    Veronica Hope

    I’m going to finish a sports themed quilt for my great nephew who was born last week! Wow! I have a great nephew now. . . can’t believe how fast time flies but it’s been so much fun sitting behind my Confidence Quilter.

  260. Jodi Avatar

    I am working on a quilt for a special 4 year old. It has sail boats zooming across the water.

  261. Katherine Gardner Avatar
    Katherine Gardner

    I am planning on catching up on some block of the month patterns. It us supposed to be rainy all weekend here so a good weekend for staying in and sewing!

  262. kay holm Avatar

    finishing a couple of projects so i can start a couple of new ones

  263. Libby Staub Avatar
    Libby Staub

    I am going to finish a quilt and start on 2 more. Have 4 birthday presents and 2 king size Christmas presents to get done this year. yay.

  264. Donna Hagerman Avatar
    Donna Hagerman

    I’ll be putting the binding on two quilts and starting Barbie quilts for my granddaughters for Christmas. I will also be awaiting your weekly emails.

  265. Becky N Avatar
    Becky N

    Practicing with Freddy (my longarm).

  266. joan Avatar

    I’m going to bind a quilt and hopefully will get my next one cut.

  267. Kay Avatar

    I am attending a family reunion but am taking my “hexies” to work on as we sit and visit. I am beginning my first…and maybe last….hand stitched Grandmother’s Garden. Luck wishes welcome…

  268. Kama Avatar

    Hi! Thanks for a chance to win. I hope to get time to work on my son’s quilt this weekend. I try to make a quilt for all my nieces and nephews and kids when they are born. He just recently turned one so I’m a little behind!!

  269. Angie Praytor Avatar
    Angie Praytor

    Im going to start a baby quilt and and other items for my new grandbaby coming in Nov. So excited!!!!

  270. Linda Duncan Avatar

    This weekend we will be traveling so I’ve got quilt shops circled on the map! I love OLFA products! Thanks for the giveaway.

  271. rosemarie benson Avatar
    rosemarie benson

    My plan is to look around for a new sewing machine. Mine was stolen. I am looking for a Janome 220E on sale. Then I would like to make my grandchildren new pillow cases, and pencil cases.Can’t imagine cutting without my Olfa rotary cutters or rulers.

  272. Crystal Mills Avatar
    Crystal Mills

    I’m spending my freetime ( weekends) working on Christmas gifts!

  273. Carol Vickers Avatar
    Carol Vickers

    Working on a wall hanging for my daughter’s new office.

  274. Janeen Banta Avatar
    Janeen Banta

    I am making a baby quilt and pillow for my girlfriend’s granddaughter. I am a beginner quilter so I am not real fast yet but I am getting there.

  275. Linda Rensing Avatar
    Linda Rensing

    Working on donations – table runners and baby quilts for our church bazaar in Nov.

  276. Ann Horn Avatar
    Ann Horn

    I am going to quilt an old family quilt top that my great-great aunt never got to finish.

  277. sue barnes Avatar
    sue barnes

    I have three quilts already cut (with my Olfa cutter) that I sm making for my grand daughters gifts for xmas. So excited

  278. Kiska Stevens Avatar
    Kiska Stevens

    My weekend sewing plans consist of finishing a few paper pieced blocks for our guilds raffle quilt, finishing a baby quilt for my supervisor as he and his wife just had a baby girl and if I get that done, I have several other projects in progress. I like to keep busy!

  279. Vivien Tan Avatar

    I’m going to be starting on my Christmas wall quilt, using my Olfa rotary cutter to cut up fabrics of course!

  280. Emily Avatar

    I am working on a pattern called Dizzy geese, making a queen size. Hoping to get most of the geese done this weekend and start putting blocks together.

  281. Karen Avatar

    I’m working on finishing two quilts – one for a little boy and one for a little girl, won’t know till Saturday if I will have a grandson or grandaughter at the end of this year. Baby shower is at the end of August and I wanted to have one made for each.

  282. June Frey Avatar
    June Frey

    I really need to finish machine quilting a twin size quilt for a dear sweet girl who is going off to college.

  283. Zedda T Avatar
    Zedda T

    I need to work on dresses for a wedding. I’d rather quilt 🙁

  284. Dena Avatar

    I am quilting a Hunter Star baby quilt. Hopefully I will finish it too!

  285. Brenda Jordan Avatar
    Brenda Jordan

    I hope to get a small quilt for my sofa finished so I can quilt it on my longarm. I use my Olfa rotary cutter for everything!

  286. Julie Cochran Avatar
    Julie Cochran

    I am organizing my space and precutting for unknown projects. Thanks for the giveaway!

  287. bonnie Avatar

    I am going to work on piecing a quilt called mysterious.

  288. Diane Avatar

    I will be finishing a photo quilt top that I’m making for a friend’s first grand child.

  289. Pala Avatar

    My weekend sewing plans are: Cutting some jellyroll for new quilt and I will also do some hand-quilting. Thanks for this opportunity.

  290. Rachel Avatar

    I will be finishing my first quilt top. As a newbie it has bee both fun and frustrating 🙂

  291. Gemma Roberts Avatar
    Gemma Roberts

    I’m going to catch up with my quilting bee blocks as I’ve fallen a little behind, due to morning sickness

  292. Jane-Marie Hardy Avatar
    Jane-Marie Hardy

    I plan to start a log cabin quilt in yellows oranges reds and scarlet to got over the double bed. I have yet to complete a full quilt on my own so wish me luck.

  293. Sheryl Avatar

    I will be working on a red and white quilt for a guild challenge. It’s due Sept. 15th and I just finished gathering the fabric yesterday!! Time to get sewing!!

  294. Tonya Yarbrough Avatar
    Tonya Yarbrough

    I’m working on a memory quilt for a friend made from her grandmother’s pajamas.

  295. Sue Darling Avatar
    Sue Darling

    Working on a quilt top for my granddaughter, Madeline, called ” Shadowed Daisy” ! Loving it. It is hand appliqué…and very time consuming. When it is done I can get started on my aiming for accuracy project! Can’t wait!

  296. Kathleen Yerkey Avatar
    Kathleen Yerkey

    I am spending my time cutting out bags! The rotary cutter is a big time saver for these patterns! Don’t think I could do it without my “olfa”!

  297. Jackie Abel Avatar
    Jackie Abel

    Finish a long promised dress for my 22 yr-old niece.

  298. Justine Arrasate Lloyd Avatar
    Justine Arrasate Lloyd

    My weekend sewing plans include a lovely little Autumn table stand quilt!! I dearly LOVE decorating my little country home for Autumn!!

  299. Chris Schwanke Avatar
    Chris Schwanke

    Will be working on my pink & grey baby quilt

  300. Robin Zachman Avatar
    Robin Zachman

    My weekend plans consist of going on a shop hop in mn.

  301. Dianna Avatar

    I will finish my log cabin quilt, then I’m going to make this cute little cut pattern of yours, thank you so much.

  302. Ellen lasseter Avatar

    I am going to finish the borders on a client quilt and deliver it to be long armed. Then I will be free to work on a project that my daughter has requested!

  303. Lucy Avatar

    I plan to be finishing off a couple of cushions, and then hopefully starting another project….

  304. Terri C Avatar
    Terri C

    I will be finishing a t-shirt quilt for a young man to take to collage. Wish me luck his shirts are special to him!

  305. Carole Avatar

    I will finish some table runners I have been working on.

  306. Kimee Doherty Avatar

    My plans this weekend is to finish the block of the months that I am behind on, about 3 of them 🙂

  307. Sandy y Avatar
    Sandy y

    I’m working on a halloween quilt.

  308. Alison Robinson Avatar
    Alison Robinson

    Cutting pieces for an upcoming serger class.

  309. marge judge Avatar
    marge judge

    I’m working on an applique quilted wall hanging, 4 blocks with chickens on them.

  310. Tammala F Avatar
    Tammala F

    I will be spending the weekend with friends. After a Josh Turner concert and other activities, in the evening I will be working on hand quilting the paper pieced heart wall quilt I made.

  311. Patty M Avatar
    Patty M

    Trying to finish my hexi tablecloth and four matching chair covers!

  312. Julie Peterson Avatar
    Julie Peterson

    I know it’s still summer and I do not wish it to go by quickly but I am working on a Autumn leaves quilts. I just love the colors in the fall.

  313. Michelle Smith Avatar
    Michelle Smith

    I will be making school clothes for my kids

  314. Jamie Avatar

    This weekend I worked on some hand work since I was traveling.

  315. Jennifer Schifano Thomas Avatar

    This weekend I’m planning on binding a quilt and fusing and piecing a small wall hNFINF.

  316. Anne Doiron Avatar
    Anne Doiron

    Finish my baby quilt

  317. Jennifer Schifano Thomas Avatar

    This weekend I’m planning on binding a quilt and fusing and piecing a small wall hanging.

  318. Chris Avatar

    Finish binding several QOVs. Present two others to a Viet Vet and an OIF Vet.

  319. Janis Blanchette Avatar
    Janis Blanchette

    Getting ready for our bi-annual quilt show. Sewing a fractured 9 patch.

  320. Susan Burhans Avatar
    Susan Burhans

    I’ll be continuing to try to teach myself hand quilting, with a book on it and a sunflower table decoration piece that I put together before I hit the road in our RV. I thought our road trip was the perfect opportunity to learn/practice hand quilting.

  321. Carole Blackburn Avatar
    Carole Blackburn

    I’m working on a portrait quilt.

  322. Sharon Fortenberry Avatar

    I will be posting to ebay and website and packing orders. Then I will be cutting jelly rolls – lots and lots of them. I never have time to rest. It is constant go, go go. I’m sure you know how that goes.
    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter your contest.
    Happy quilting everyone!

  323. Marla Avatar

    I am going to continue putting blocks together for my latest project, and try to find backing for a Grandmother’s Flower Garden that my 87 year old Ma hand pieced in the late 40s… So she and I can hand quilt it… I have two tops that she never finished… Better late than never!!

  324. Joyce Long Avatar
    Joyce Long

    I will practice my machine quilting. I am not very good, I keep getting stitches to the outisde of my regular stitch line. I think it looks like railroad tracks without the other rail but someone told me I go do fast.

  325. Kay Avatar

    Sewing plans are to work on a UFO here… haven’t decided which one yet!!

  326. Geraldine Avatar

    I will be finishing on a wonky Log cabin quilt, in the works for quite some time.

  327. Emerine Johnston Avatar
    Emerine Johnston

    I will be working on my moms quilt, using 4 applications. Embroidery, appliqué, cross stitching and quilting. This is also my first my first quilt.

  328. Pat Allen Avatar
    Pat Allen

    This weekend I will sewing a table runner for a swap. This Olfa prize would be awesome to receive… and it is my birthday on the 31st!

  329. Kathy Avatar

    Hope to continue working on my paperpieced double wedding ring made of 30’s reproduction prints.

  330. Margaret Avatar

    Off to the eye doctor and then I am going to start and finish the quilt on my longarm. This is my first custom piece for a customer.

  331. deann Avatar

    im planning on working on some quilts this weekend like some baby for showers and a scrappy for me when im laying down have 3 fracture in my back so i had to find domething i could fo that was easy for me so i decided to start making quilts since there not much i can do like i use to

  332. mary weston Avatar
    mary weston

    I will be working on a baby quilt..something with bright colors

  333. Leona Avatar

    I plan to work on some blocks of the month…since just about all the sewing supplies are back in VA..including my rotary cutters…lol

  334. Lonna Smith Avatar
    Lonna Smith

    This weekend i plan on finishing a t shirt quilt for a coworker.

  335. Lois Oberg Avatar
    Lois Oberg

    I will be finishing the border blocks for my version of our quilt guild series quilt. It is the Pam Bono BOM from her website

  336. Pamela Avatar

    Colorado Shop Hop!! Two days 10 shops with the “girls”!!

  337. kathryn oneida Avatar
    kathryn oneida

    I will be at our local Basque event. We have sewn matching potholders/towels, quilted pillows , placemats and table runners. Should be an awesome day

  338. Carolee Logan Avatar
    Carolee Logan

    I;m heading up to a quilt retreat so I’m hoping to finish a twin quilt top and start another Tessalation top.

  339. Brenda Avatar

    I will be sewing with 2-3 friends in my home. We get together so we can motivate each other to finish something! LOL!

  340. Shirley Clark Avatar

    I will be working on some I Spy quilts for my grands to give them for Christmas!

  341. Joycelyn Moody Avatar
    Joycelyn Moody

    Hoping to bind a double wedding ring quilt so I will have it ready for my daughter’s wedding.

  342. Juli Avatar

    Finishing adding border to a college quilt for a friend!!

  343. Judy Boots Avatar
    Judy Boots

    I need to finish binding a quilt for my grandson. We have company coming and our local town celebration so I will be lucky to get that far!

  344. Teresa Edwards Avatar
    Teresa Edwards

    Working on a string quilt.

  345. Patricia Ojeda Avatar
    Patricia Ojeda

    I will be adding a border to a UFO I have had in my sewing room for a long time! Need to finish it up! Thanks for the give away!

  346. Crystal Austin Avatar
    Crystal Austin

    Hopefully finish cutting my 2.5″ squares, so I can sew♡ I am trying to get my scrap fabric gone. Lol! So I can go buy more of course:)

  347. KATERINA Dovinou Avatar
    KATERINA Dovinou

    Next weekend i plan to do nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  348. Stacie Brugger Avatar
    Stacie Brugger

    I’m finishing up a “Rag Quilt” for my oldest son. He is 40 years old. Lol….

  349. Janet Avatar

    I hope to be catching up with my Delightful Stars blocks!

  350. Billie Avatar

    Working on two mystery quilts and some Birthday blocks 🙂

  351. Peggy Dunning Avatar

    This weekend i will be working on my challenge rail fence quilt for StashBuilders Quilt Guild which is due in October! Wouldn’t it be a hoot if i finished it before the last minute?

  352. kris Avatar

    This weekend is finishing up a couple things and going to the county fair. The quilt entries start on Monday so I must be ready and will be helping out at the fair.

  353. Konnie Osborne Avatar
    Konnie Osborne

    Just finished rotary cutting my sons wedding quilt yesterday…with a dull blade. Miserable!

  354. Cheryl Watson Avatar
    Cheryl Watson

    I plan to catch up on the Deep in the Heart of Texas QAL!

  355. Lynn J Kingsbury Avatar
    Lynn J Kingsbury

    Designing and cutting wedding quilt for niece.

  356. Valerie Avatar

    Working on a BOM that I’m two years behind on! lol. Plan to get it finished!

  357. Josie Garcia Avatar
    Josie Garcia

    Have to finish three baby quilts.Great grand son will come into this world next week.

  358. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    Finishing 2 quilts

  359. Cynthia Lynn Avatar
    Cynthia Lynn

    Ivy is coming this weekend, and she called me to tell me that she wants to get back to the pinwheels quilt we had started on so long ago. She wants it ready for Autumn. This is the first quilt that she has done most of her own rotary cutting on.

  360. Lenella Avatar

    Helping my bff Pea (for two peas in a pod) cut out tee-shirt blocks for a child’s baby quilt. It is always fun to quilt with someone else! 🙂

  361. Tracy Bowick Avatar
    Tracy Bowick

    This weekend we are going camping so I am going to bring my take along project of hand sewn hexies.

  362. Anita Stephenson Avatar
    Anita Stephenson

    This weekend consists of quilting and making a camera strap for a friend.

  363. Michelle Throndsen Avatar
    Michelle Throndsen

    Im gonna get a quilted duffle weekend bag done!!!

  364. Nancy T Given Avatar
    Nancy T Given

    Working on a quilt for my daughter that is moving away for university… thank goodness for my rotary cutter!!!

  365. Debra E. Spradling Avatar
    Debra E. Spradling

    I will be cleaning my quilt closet out and organizing the unfinished quilt projects I have and putting them in order of “how many I can get finished this weekend”. Because I’m looking forward to starting a new quilt project using my new Olfa rotary cutter and self healing cutting mat! LOL LOL
    How’s that for wishful thinking?

  366. Marybeth Schwerdt Avatar
    Marybeth Schwerdt

    My weekend plan is to lock myself in my sewing room with no phone and no tv. I plan on keeping the computer in case I need to look up a pattern or place an order on line. I will sew until I have to come out on Monday morning to go to work. Hope the family can find the fridge and fend for themselves. Momma’s sewing.

  367. Lissette Pallais Avatar
    Lissette Pallais

    Shopping for colors/fabric for my next project!

  368. Patty Gal Avatar
    Patty Gal

    I’m going to get out a Christmas this weekend and start on it. Hopefully it will be finished in time this year!

  369. Judy Offen Avatar
    Judy Offen

    I will be finishing a baby quilt top and working on blocks for upcoming quilt classes!

  370. Robbin Newlin Avatar
    Robbin Newlin

    This weekend I will be working on three quilts with my two best friends(my daughters) I had to borrow sewing machines….LOL

  371. Susan Avatar

    Plan to work on a bom that I recently (ok so not so recently joined) and haven’t progressed beyond purchasing my fabric!

  372. Barbara Smith Avatar
    Barbara Smith

    Going to work on a quilt for a friend of mine who is turning 60 in October

  373. Lyn Sellers Avatar
    Lyn Sellers

    I will be putting the binding on my Grand-daughters “going away to college” quilt. !!!

  374. Jane Waite Avatar
    Jane Waite

    Unfortunately no sewing plans as I will be working the entire weekend. I will continue working on an advent calendar for my grandsons on my days off.

  375. Carlotta Melvin Avatar
    Carlotta Melvin

    This weekend I hope to work on my Grandson’s quilt.

  376. Sandra Avatar

    I will be quilting my McKenna Ryan quilt. As soon as I fix the borders that I put on in the wrong order…sigh

  377. Tina Lugibihl Avatar
    Tina Lugibihl

    I will be finishing cancer quilts to be given to cancer patients.

  378. Brenda charron Avatar
    Brenda charron

    For the next two weeks I’ll be quilting a quilt for one of my granddaughters. Then I’ll be cutting the fabric for one of my grandson’s quilt. Sew much to do, sew little time!

  379. Gail Avatar

    My plans are to finish up the camo quilt I am doing, then construct the top for the Taz quilt that is waiting.

  380. Lori Rocheleau Avatar
    Lori Rocheleau

    I will be dreaming about cutting and sewing all weekend as the next couple of weeks I am laid up as I am having surgery on my wrist ( at least maybe I will be able to cut fabric once again) A new Olfa cutter would be fantastic!!!

  381. Laurie Koch Avatar
    Laurie Koch

    I am hoping to finish my granddaughters wonder bumpers for her crib and finish my philanthropy quilts

  382. berit dalby Avatar
    berit dalby

    my sewing plans for the week end is to finish up celtic solstice from quiltville, and print out the booklet from aiming for accuracy, to figure out whivh blocks i’m still missing. I also need to make progress on the summer mug rugs swap.

  383. Mickey Peters Avatar
    Mickey Peters

    This weekend I plan complete my challenge rail fence quilt for StashBuilders Quilt Guild which is due in October. I also plan to work on another quilt that to me resembles window panes. Keeping with my 2014 goal of completing one old project and one new project at a time.

  384. Roxanne Punko Avatar
    Roxanne Punko

    This weekend I will be working on a memory quilt for my sister who lost her first born shortly after birth.

  385. Jeannie Acton Avatar
    Jeannie Acton

    Quilts for Mozambique and a dress for my granddaughter. Fun fun fun

  386. Sarah S. Avatar
    Sarah S.

    I will be working on UFO’s. Sew many projects started. Sew little time.

  387. Barb mosticone Avatar
    Barb mosticone

    Oh how I need a NEW mat would love to win this

  388. Cheri Benson Avatar
    Cheri Benson

    Trying to finish QOV……….and then home extension county fair items.

  389. Maureen Avatar

    I’m making a new tea pot cozy.

  390. Dorrie Province Avatar
    Dorrie Province

    Finishing a quilt for our local show.

  391. Angela Wallis Avatar
    Angela Wallis

    I am making a dress for a little girl in a Latvian orphanage and getting it ready for her to receive in the post as a surprise.

  392. Kathy Avatar

    This weekend I will be finishing the quilting of my first quilt in 7 years– it is for my oldest granddaughter for Christmas.. I must admit I was a bit rusty and this is the first machine quilted project for me– I used to hand quilt– but my trusty rotary cutter helped me tremendously in getting things put together. Looking forward to next project – tree skirt for my Christmas tree.

  393. Sallye Coco Avatar
    Sallye Coco

    I will be finishing curtains and some baby stuff for my daughter who is expecting her first child – is due in 2 weeks. Hope I finish in time.

  394. Barbie Smith Avatar
    Barbie Smith

    I’m going to finish my little sisters birthday quilt.

  395. Linette Greene Avatar
    Linette Greene

    I so hope to do SOME sewing this weekend. Between unexpectedly gaining a 2 1/2 year old child full time, and gardening, my machine is collecting dust. I need to make my cousin a pair of slippers I owe her! And I am also going to a quilt show.

  396. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    My plans for the weekend are to hand quilt one of the “Granddaddy’s Grandbabies” quilt. This is number 8 of 9. Well…I thought it was 9. I was told yesterday by my brother that early next year there will be a #10!!!!! One more Granddaddy’s shirts quilts to make. Thank you, Michele!

  397. Sher Stiles Avatar
    Sher Stiles

    I’ll be sewing a baby quilt for a friend that we just found out is pregnant. Love Olfa cutters and mats, they make the job so much easier. Thanks for the chance to win.

  398. Zandra Avatar

    I’m going to practice sewing 1/4 inch lines, and try my earnest for accuracy when cutting.

  399. dianne Avatar

    burp cloths for 2 babies due:)!

  400. Bev Walter Avatar
    Bev Walter

    Great quilting plans for the weekend! Going to the BOM that is almost completed. Then home to add boarders to two quilts, get them ready to quilt and off I go. Hope this have these wrapped up by the next weekend. That way I won’t feel guilty when I start current my next project! 🙂

  401. Kathy Perry Avatar
    Kathy Perry

    I will be cutting material for a quilt.

  402. Sandy Herrs Avatar
    Sandy Herrs

    Quilting some baby quilts

  403. Lisa Wilson Avatar
    Lisa Wilson

    Finishing some UFO’s and ordering MORE fabric!

  404. Margie Avatar

    Starting Christmas gifts!

  405. Bellezza Squillace Avatar
    Bellezza Squillace

    I am starting to machine quilt a gift that goes out on thanksgiving weekend, so have lots to do

  406. donna cochran Avatar
    donna cochran

    I be cutting 2 1/2 strips to finish quilt I started 15 yrs ago!!!

  407. Elizabeth Nix Avatar
    Elizabeth Nix

    Working on a BOM from my local quilt shop with HSTs from a quilt kit in between sections (9 different fabrics, 16 squares per fabric) to keep the HSTs from getting too boring. Quilting a small wallhanging for a friend of my daughter’s mother who has been diagnosed again with cancer.

  408. Shirley Avatar

    Just finished a quilt today and I’m retired so one day is the same as the other, I should have all my fabric cut by Friday so I should be sewing my blocks together for a Quilt of Valor, love Red, White and blue quilts.

  409. Debbie Smith Avatar
    Debbie Smith

    Cutting fabric for a baby quilt for neighbors new baby

  410. Rosemary Komonyi Avatar
    Rosemary Komonyi

    I am determined to finish at least one of my UFOs!

  411. Lori Avatar

    I am starting and completing a quilt challenge that was assigned 6 months ago, but now is due this week! Wish me luck to get it done!

  412. Janny Wanny Avatar
    Janny Wanny

    Hopefully binding a quilt to enter in the fair next week.

  413. Nancy Akanni Avatar
    Nancy Akanni

    Finishing a Tumbler quilt with marine corps fabric for my great son in law.
    Not to mention he’s a great father and husband!!

  414. Margene Cook Avatar
    Margene Cook

    I have 2 projects going. First I’m helping a friend recover cushions for her niece’s nursery and second I’m working on quilting a throw.

  415. Tammy Broughton Avatar
    Tammy Broughton

    I could sure use a small one for my applique work. thank you..

  416. Linda Johnson Avatar
    Linda Johnson

    I am cutting batting squares to make a Cathedral Window Baby Play mat with pieced circles from a technique swap. Quilting small quilt.

  417. Linda Johnson Avatar
    Linda Johnson

    Correction: I am cutting batting circles to make a Cathedral Window Baby Play mat with pieced circles from a technique swap. Quilting small quilt.

  418. Sara K Avatar
    Sara K

    I’ll either start cutting for a retirement quilt for one of my best friends or continue sewing on the quilt I promised my aunt 2 years ago.

  419. maryanne Avatar

    Shopping for quilting fabric for a new project.

  420. Carol Maynard Avatar

    Model Train Show with the hubby on Saturday (a good wifey must support hubby’s hobby also) and ALL day sewing on my new long-arm for Sunday!! Practice, practice, practice!!!

  421. Sheryll Capes Avatar
    Sheryll Capes

    Taking a class with a new curved ruler.

  422. Debbie VanOrnum Avatar
    Debbie VanOrnum

    I will be working on my quilt in progress

  423. Carey Avatar

    Having friends over to sew.

  424. Cheryl Ahrens Avatar
    Cheryl Ahrens

    I need to finish off the binding on a couple of small quilts and then work on several UFO’s.

  425. Dorisjean Avatar

    I am going to start a quilt for my nephew and his wife to celebrate 30 years of wedded bliss!!!

  426. Beti Avatar

    I will sew covers for tablets.

  427. Kathy Godbout Avatar
    Kathy Godbout

    I am hand appliquéing a baby quilt and machine quilting another quilt for a little girl. I am also recovering from gastric bypass surgery.

  428. Robbie Avatar

    working on my forget-me-not bag And working on a Christmas quilt for my mother-in-law

  429. Brandy Barger Avatar
    Brandy Barger

    Sorting and petting my pretty fabrics into new tubs 🙂

  430. Kris B Avatar
    Kris B

    I have a baby quilt to finish quilting and sew the binding and a birthday prensent to finish sewing. Have two more baby quilts to start!

  431. Barb Y Avatar
    Barb Y

    I love Olfa products. Now that I am no longer working I can sew, sew, sew the day away.!

  432. Bonnie Bertsch Avatar
    Bonnie Bertsch

    Working on borders for my sunbonnet sue quilt

  433. Cathy Tassie Avatar
    Cathy Tassie

    I will be working on my great-nephew’s wedding quilt!

  434. Jerri Sweeney Avatar
    Jerri Sweeney

    Saturday I have a 6d Premier software class for my Husqvarna Viking embroidery software. When I get home I am going to spend the rest if Saturday and Sunday working on the duvet cover I promised to make for my brother. It is the Yellow Brick Road pattern using batiks that he chose. I have been working on it for over a year. It was interupted by my surgery and many cutting mistakes were made initially. Should not use a rotary cutter when you are still not with the program after surgery…the 9 1/2″ blocks had to become 8 1/2″! But that’s the advantage of a forgiving pattern, a good ruler and a sharp rotary cutter! Now to put it all together for the guy who took such good care of me when I needed it post-op!

  435. Diane wood Avatar
    Diane wood

    I will be finishing the binding in a quinceanaro quilt for my friend. And sandwiching and quilting a baby quilt for my cousins baby.

  436. Teresa F Shaw Avatar
    Teresa F Shaw

    I’m working on a Mariner’s Compass using winter batiks.

  437. Rhonda McCormick Avatar
    Rhonda McCormick

    Working on tee-shirt quilts!

  438. Linda Dunton Avatar
    Linda Dunton

    Working on 2 baby quilts for my future grandnephew twins that are due in October.

  439. gail milner Avatar
    gail milner

    I wil be tackling the border on my veterans lap quilts and learning a little mor applique.

  440. Candy Long Avatar
    Candy Long

    Christmas in July!! I have begun my Christmas sewing — LOTS of handmade gifts from this little elf 🙂

  441. Debbie Lancaster Avatar
    Debbie Lancaster

    I am finishing up a quilt for a friend who has cancer…..everyone in our church congregation signed it…I’ll be done by Friday and I won’t be sewing this weekend because my son and his family are moving back to town…I’ll be getting to see my grandson Olly everyday …I am one happy Nana. But I would love to have a new Olfa rotary cutter, I think Olfa makes the best mats as well….thanxs for having a contest…

  442. Frieda Grischkowsky Avatar
    Frieda Grischkowsky

    This week end, I will continue working on my Hoop Sisters quilt “Jacobean Journey”.

  443. Beth Bishop Avatar
    Beth Bishop

    I’m planning a shower gift and gift bags all in Owl quilting designs for my daughter’s wedding shower at the end of August. And kicking myself for not starting earlier!

  444. Mary Walker Avatar
    Mary Walker

    Making a Mei Tai for my granddaughter with a quilt block center!

  445. Emily Buchanan Avatar
    Emily Buchanan

    I will hopefully finish piecing a quilt top together that I started awhile ago

  446. Elma Lutman Avatar
    Elma Lutman

    I get the whole weekend to myself. I will be cutting and piecing a quilt for my husband. I’m hoping it’ll be done for Christmas. Very seldom do I get a whole weekend to myself so I’ll be making the most out of it. 🙂

  447. Michele Peckham Avatar
    Michele Peckham

    Working on hexagons and wish I could use my cutter more.
    How is Charlie? Hope to see him at AQS in Grand Rapids, Mi

  448. Linda Clinkenbeard Avatar
    Linda Clinkenbeard

    I will be playing with the fabrics and pattern for my granddaughter’s grad quilt for next year. Time to get started!

  449. Thunder Avatar

    Hungry caterpillar quilt . Up next in line. 🙂

  450. Gwenyvarca Avatar

    Cleaning up my Sewing room and Cutting up fabric scraps for a crazy quilt… Wooot

  451. Donna Joy Avatar
    Donna Joy

    I am just going into the sewing room to tidy so that I can get started on a baby car seat cover. Thanks for giveaway.

  452. Renee Avatar

    I am working on my double wedding ring quilt.

  453. Goldene Avatar

    Starting on a couple of quilts for 2 boys for Christmas.

  454. Xanthi Spyrou Avatar
    Xanthi Spyrou

    It was my birthday on the 24 th…

  455. Nola Allen Avatar
    Nola Allen

    This weekend I am perusing patterns & ideas for projects to do over the long winter. This is one of my favorite things to do while hiding from the heat.

  456. eileen Avatar

    I am working on a baby quilt for a coworker

  457. Betty spence Avatar
    Betty spence

    This weekend i am hoping to finish this quilt top that is trying to give me trouble.

  458. barbara kuhlmann Avatar
    barbara kuhlmann

    making 300 triangle blocks for a new quilt i am working on

  459. Rhonda O'Neal Avatar
    Rhonda O’Neal

    I’ll be working on 2 grandbabies quilt who are due 16 and 17 Sep!!

  460. Jessica Avatar

    I’m hoping to work on an art quilt for our state fair.

  461. Carin Aschan Avatar

    I need to get started on a bag for my daughter!

  462. Lisa Jackson Avatar
    Lisa Jackson

    Working on making a bag this weekend!

  463. ale balanzario Avatar

    I will be working on my next embroidery Christmas project

  464. Nancy Post Avatar
    Nancy Post

    I am going to be working on a baby quilt for a little boy that will soon arrive.

  465. Nancy Post Avatar
    Nancy Post

    I will be working on a baby quilt for a little boy that will arrive soon.

  466. Brenda Tate Avatar
    Brenda Tate

    I’m working on receiving blankets for my very first great grandbaby, Sophia Rose, who is due in late October.

  467. наталья Avatar

    На выходные буду дошивать внучке одеяло! Сегодня и вчера с утра до ночи собирала,а на выходные хочу закончить.

  468. наталья Avatar

    По вашему проекту начну догонять вас после 4 августа.Ткани батик заказала в США и к 4 августа они прилетят в Украину.Буду вас догонять.Правда у меня еще нет ткани для фона.

  469. Vikki Avatar

    I will be finishing some blocks for a block exchange I entered.

  470. Terry Moore Avatar
    Terry Moore

    I will be making patchwork western style curtains for my living room. .

  471. Linda Avatar

    Working on a baby quilt

  472. S Avatar

    I’ll be quilting my grandson’s blue and white quilt

  473. Liz Regan Avatar
    Liz Regan

    I’m completing a quilted bedspread order and taking my sewing to a table top sale. Hope they like the design….they left it up to me to decide, so long as it had purple

  474. Marye Albritton Avatar
    Marye Albritton

    I am in the process of moving back into my sewing room for my son to move back in briefly. SO…..I’m organizing and drooling to get back to work on the Delightful Stars.

  475. Donna Miller Avatar
    Donna Miller

    This weekend I am going to assemble my embroidered Jacobean quilt top and send it out for quilting. Have to plan the boarders and the fabric strips between the embroidered panels. Alittle scary for a newish quilter but that is my goal for this weekend. A challenge makes you learn more. 🙂

  476. Debra Lambert Avatar
    Debra Lambert

    I am cleaning my sewing room to get ready for the new project.

  477. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I am doing a quilting workshop this weekend and plan to get one quilt well started and another one spray basted so that I can quilt it. It will be a terrific weekend. I love the Olfa cutters best..

  478. Vinola McLeod Avatar
    Vinola McLeod

    Work on UFO’s.

  479. Debra Press Avatar
    Debra Press

    I am looking for a pattern to start on my granddaughters quilts

  480. Dottie Campbell Avatar
    Dottie Campbell

    Hoping to start a quilt for grand daughter that is due in December. Working 50 plus hours a week makes it difficult to have time. ….bit it will be done by arrival date.

  481. Wendy Scott Avatar
    Wendy Scott

    I will be sewing baby onsies and finger puppets.

  482. tane ashley Avatar
    tane ashley

    making my first g/b quilt due in feb

  483. Jeanette Wesson Avatar
    Jeanette Wesson

    I’m going to start a quit top.

  484. Quibi Avatar

    I would love to finish my binding of the snowmanquilt….

  485. Tiffani Irwin Avatar
    Tiffani Irwin

    I will be working on finishing a quilt for my husband. His alma mater is University of Oklahoma and I’ve promised him an OU quilt before the first game on Sept 2.

  486. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    I’m making a pair of pajamas for my grandson.

  487. Gerry Sullivan Avatar
    Gerry Sullivan

    love Olfa!!!!!!

  488. Beth Zollo Avatar
    Beth Zollo

    Love to set aside three hours this weekend to quilt a pink quilt for a friend battling breast cancer. Though she need a comfy warm quilt for chemo days…

  489. Caroline susans Avatar
    Caroline susans

    I’m hoping to make a little cushion for my granddaughters play table and chair and a tote shopping bag for me xx

  490. Carol wincott Avatar
    Carol wincott

    I have just retired, so will be able to do plenty of quilting. This weekend I will be trying to finish off some UFO.

  491. Cheryl ramiez Avatar
    Cheryl ramiez

    I couldn’t quilt or live without my rotary cutters!

  492. Kim M Avatar

    I’m going to work on finishing the quilt top for the first quilt I plan to keep for myself!

  493. Tina Gilligan Avatar
    Tina Gilligan

    I am hopping to get a job sewing, I am meeting with the person on Friday, so crossing my fingers, I will be sewing this weekend

  494. Betty Sazama Avatar
    Betty Sazama

    I am putting together a signature quilt from the 2014 Navy reunion for the USS SEMMES

  495. Jeri Pearse: Avatar
    Jeri Pearse:

    Am working on 4 Baby blankets at once. Love to have so many choices. what a blessing to be a Quilter. Thank you for the give away. have a very Blessed day today and always.

  496. Sharon Horne Avatar
    Sharon Horne

    Hopefully I will be finishing a table topper.

  497. Melissa Soto Avatar
    Melissa Soto

    I love Olfa and it is the only cutters I buy. I would love to win this as I am working on 5 different Christmas gifts right now. It would be a godsend. Thanks.

  498. Flavia de Morais Avatar

    I plan to finish the top of my very first patchwork bed cover quilt for my new home in a smaller city – Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil.

  499. Robin Sdano Avatar
    Robin Sdano

    I will be working on a quilt top for my son’s girlfriend, a Christmas gift.

  500. Sally Henderson Avatar
    Sally Henderson

    I will be finishing a border on my Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt.

  501. Wendy Burkhouse Avatar
    Wendy Burkhouse

    I am going to take apart a few completed squares that I am not happy with..then hopefully finish this baby quilt before the baby is born!

  502. Nora Lilly Avatar
    Nora Lilly

    I will be using a bias binder to get a quilt ready for a friend in Florida.

  503. Greta Avatar

    I “intend” to get 1 quilt top cut out for a relaxed evening of piecing and another top ripped apart to put it back together right. Yeah… I am turning off the phone.

  504. Stacey Avatar

    Starting a new crazy quilt. In the foraging and gathering design state lol. Thanks for the chance to win!

  505. Jennifer Palma Avatar
    Jennifer Palma

    I plan to work on a couple UFOs and making nursing covers for my daughter who is 35 weeks pregnant. Have to start my new granddaughter’s first quilt from Mamaw!!

  506. frances phillips Avatar
    frances phillips

    Hoping to get started on my cathedral window quilt.

  507. Paulette Johnson Avatar
    Paulette Johnson

    Going to finish a Christmas quilt for my Mom!!!

  508. Marjie Wingler Avatar
    Marjie Wingler

    I am working on a pinwheel wall hanging for my mom’s birthday. I am finishing up the binding now. I did it in a variety of batiks and have had a lot of fun making it.

  509. Rose Harris Avatar
    Rose Harris

    This weekend I am handquilting an heirloom quilt for someone. It is so old and beautiful I love quilting it.

  510. Regina Beard Avatar

    This weekend, I am working on a t-shirt quilt made from some worn shirts from the high school I work at AND, hopefully, finish a pillow I’m crocheting. ✂️

  511. Barbara pointer Avatar
    Barbara pointer

    I am a late starter–I want to get started on the Delightful Stars blocks

  512. Sue Cannon Avatar
    Sue Cannon

    I’m finishing up some quilt projects

  513. Vicki Gore Avatar
    Vicki Gore

    I plan to finish my labyrinth quilt this weekend. If i do that and have extra time, I’ll finish a purse I have started.

  514. Janet Avatar

    I plan on finishing a quilt for our King bed. It is a Stack and Whack.

  515. Judy Duffy Avatar
    Judy Duffy

    I’ll be quilting up a storm, making some new one-of-a-kind tote bags and lap quilts

  516. Donna Avatar

    I plan on starting one of seven quilts I am making for Christmas gifts. I love to play around with the different colors of fabric

  517. Margaret Hayes Avatar
    Margaret Hayes

    I am vacationing on Beaver Island, Michigan, but my niece is going to her first year in college and her college quilt isn’t done. So I packed up my machine and already cut pieces, and brought it all to the island. My sister-in-law and I are going to make her quilt on the back deck looking out over Paradise Bay!

  518. Jeanne Meddaugh Avatar

    I’ll be working on my Prairie Rose botm.

  519. Jackie Mulkey Avatar
    Jackie Mulkey

    Get the binding on my bow tie quilt!

  520. Shirley Hawkins Avatar
    Shirley Hawkins

    I am going to work on a quilt I am making for my own bed.

  521. Michael Gray Avatar
    Michael Gray

    Thanks for the opertunety. You never can tell. Thanks.

  522. Kathy M Boice Avatar
    Kathy M Boice

    My weekend plans are to cut out and sew a “Take 5” quilt for my Grandson.

  523. Rae Penn Avatar
    Rae Penn

    I hope to work on my son’s graduation quilt .

  524. Carole Taylor Avatar
    Carole Taylor

    I’m hoping to use this weekend to cut out several begin some birthday quilts for our grandchildren. As well as to start cutting out a Christmas wall quilt.

  525. Janice Hillmam Avatar
    Janice Hillmam

    Finish quilting my 1st quilt.

  526. Bettie Smith Avatar
    Bettie Smith

    Teach the August row of Seasons in a Row quilt and sew more pinwheels for my scrappy quilt.

  527. Sharon Ziegler Avatar
    Sharon Ziegler

    I would love rto do more work on my cathedral window quilt, all done by hand.

  528. Sharon Ziegler Avatar
    Sharon Ziegler

    Work on my cathedral window quilt I AM DOING ALL by hand.

  529. Sue Cannon Avatar
    Sue Cannon

    Work on quilt projects this weekend.

  530. Linda L McNeill Avatar
    Linda L McNeill

    Adding a border to a baby quilt cause the baby us now a toddler. At least I’ll be able to say I finished one of my UFOs.

  531. Diane Miller Avatar
    Diane Miller

    I am excited to get back to quilting. I have been in Alaska for 2 months for vacation. I didn’t get to do any quilting but I did check out all the quilt shops and brought back lots of fabric. Ready to start on my Northwest Indian quilt. Been wanting to do this one for several years but not enough of the right fabric. I now have all the fabric and really neat designs to make my next quilt. Sewing machine get ready cause here I come.

  532. Patti Richmond Avatar
    Patti Richmond

    Plan to get my boarder laid out for my New York Beauty quilt.

  533. Jean Brittingham Avatar
    Jean Brittingham

    I’ll be putting one quilt on the longarm and cutting the dashing and cornerstones for a T-Shirt quilt.

  534. Elzbieta Piotrowski Avatar
    Elzbieta Piotrowski

    Continue working on my 2 BOMS so I can catch up to the current month!

  535. Elizabeth Avatar

    Working on finishing dinasaur baby quilt for grandson, and a butterfly quilt for a baby girl. All should be done. Blessings to the winner!

  536. Patty Swatzell Avatar
    Patty Swatzell

    My weekend sewing plans are to work on an UFO that is about 3 years in the making.

  537. Ralene Chavers Avatar
    Ralene Chavers

    I planning to start a charity quilt. I can not wait.

  538. Mary Ann Packard Avatar
    Mary Ann Packard

    Finishing a scrap quilt. And helping my daughter learn to make a quilt…..

  539. Mary Pellerin Avatar
    Mary Pellerin

    Working on finishing a purse that was started a few years ago.

  540. Jean Avatar

    I plan on getting a couple more quilt tops quilted that have been completed for more that a year.

  541. Jennifer Mitchell Avatar
    Jennifer Mitchell

    I will be working on a t-shirt quilt. My 23 year old nephew passed away in May, two months before he was to be married. I am making the quilt (from his shirts) for his fiancée.

  542. Lori Chvojka Avatar
    Lori Chvojka

    I plan on going Shop Hopping for more MI Row by Row rows!!! I have 32 but would like about 50!!

  543. Janette Avatar

    I will be binding a quilt and working on U.F.O.’s!

  544. Cathy McGuire Avatar
    Cathy McGuire

    I will be working on my Wizard of Oz quilt. It’s going to be awesome.

  545. Sharon Avatar

    I plan on machine quilting a blog tour quilt from Intrepid Thread.

  546. Mary Buchanan Avatar
    Mary Buchanan

    I will be quilting some placemats and a table center mat for Halloween for the great-grand children!

  547. Mary Buchanan Avatar
    Mary Buchanan

    Sewing and Quilting

  548. Sandy Yarbrough Avatar
    Sandy Yarbrough

    Hoping to finish my remaining 4 rows from my row by row experience quilt.

    I sew want to finish and be the first to turn in my quilt at one of the closest shops to me.

  549. Marcia Bilbrey Avatar

    This weekend, I’m going to my friend’s house to sew with her and another friend. It has been a long time since we’ve gotten together! I’m going to either arrange quilt blocks or I’m going to start a new quilt. Either way, I’m going to have fun!

  550. Jean Smith Avatar
    Jean Smith

    I plan on finishing the binding on my Aiming for Accuracy quilt. Then if I have enough time start the machine quilting on my granddaughters quilt.

  551. Kathy Smith Avatar
    Kathy Smith

    I will be finishing up several table runners!

  552. Jodi Haskell Avatar
    Jodi Haskell

    Working on the Delightful Stars!

  553. Dona C Martinsen Avatar
    Dona C Martinsen

    I will be setting up and using my new Juki 2200 long arm

  554. Jan Taylor Avatar
    Jan Taylor

    I’m working on a baby quilt.

  555. Glynn Martin Avatar
    Glynn Martin

    I am working on a baby quilt for my great-great niece who has her 1st birthday next month. Got to get it finished!

  556. Leslie little Avatar
    Leslie little

    I am finishing up an embroidery project and starting on a new quilt for my youngest boy!!!!

  557. Florence Daly Avatar
    Florence Daly

    I am working on my scrap system. Cutting all of my scraps into usable sizes, not only this weekend but till New Years eve.

  558. Shelley Slocum Avatar
    Shelley Slocum

    I’m working on a flag quilt. Would live to win this prize package!!!

  559. WyoDi Avatar

    cleaning my sewing room so I can work on a project -(

  560. Lorraine Cavanagh Avatar
    Lorraine Cavanagh

    I am going to finish designing and constructing a lap top bag for uni students…………Am using my cutter of course………… Would love to win this wonderful “Olfa” prize , congratulations on your 35 years of supplying us with a great product………

  561. Sandra Atterbury Avatar
    Sandra Atterbury

    I will be working on my king size quilt!

  562. Dalene Whitehead Avatar
    Dalene Whitehead

    I will be working on a Cross wall hanging for my church. Then I will be working on a scrapy quilt. I love my quilting time.

  563. Susan Palmer Avatar
    Susan Palmer

    Working on finishing a quilt for first grandchild who is arriving soon..August 18 or so !

  564. Jenelle Boxberger Avatar
    Jenelle Boxberger

    I will be quilting a friends quilt.

  565. Theresa Shorten Avatar
    Theresa Shorten

    Have a donation quilt to finish. It will be for a little girl and given to the Emmanuel Burn Center in Portland, OR.

  566. Sheyla Rodrigues Avatar
    Sheyla Rodrigues

    I Will be quilting a baba quilt

  567. Bev. Avatar

    Going to a quilting weekend with girlfriends

  568. Karen simpson Avatar
    Karen simpson

    I am finishing a veterans quilt, a disappearing hourglass baby quilt and a curved log cabin quilt.

  569. Martha Liddy Avatar
    Martha Liddy

    I HOPE to finish a Christmas tree skirt I started two years ago !

  570. Ilene Dixon Avatar
    Ilene Dixon

    I will be finishing up a baby quilt for my new greatgrandaughter.

  571. Tammy Taylor Avatar
    Tammy Taylor

    I will piecing a crayon quilt top using only scraps from my stash. It’s very challenging for me to do a scrappy quilt because I like order and symmetry in my quilts.

  572. Dorothy Meaux Avatar
    Dorothy Meaux

    Not sure. May work on a pink quilt

  573. Cheri Davis Avatar
    Cheri Davis

    I plan to start a pre-cut quilt package, the first project since all my quilting supplies were packed away while attending grad school, about 10 years ago.

  574. Mel hayes Avatar
    Mel hayes

    Entering ur free giveaway, thank u

  575. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    Finish my mug rugs!

  576. arasi Avatar

    I will finish up the baby soft ball for my friend.

  577. Debbie Avatar

    I have to cut up several yards of material for some swaps and finish up a purse and table runner. I already need new blades! It’s going to be a fun weekend 🙂

  578. Linda M Enslow Avatar
    Linda M Enslow

    I just had cataract surgery so quilting this month is out of the question (2nd eye in 2 weeks). I will be organizing my quilt studio this weekend.

  579. Jessica Hansen Avatar

    My plans for sewing for the month are only involving embroidery, but then again there is a stash busting giveaway going on that I might have to make something for…

  580. Vickie Cooley Avatar
    Vickie Cooley

    I will put sashing and borders on a story book quilt.

  581. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    Hi! I’m going to be working on a cute baby quilt. I think your “cut” block is really cute and so appropriate for this celebration.

  582. Judth Vosburgh Avatar
    Judth Vosburgh

    I love your starlight!

  583. ivy gabbard Avatar
    ivy gabbard

    Staying home this weekend, an sewing a quilt top. i could use new cutter

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