Here is a great video by Eleanor Burns where she shows how to make her crazy quilt and strip stockings. It’s a great way to use up scraps and have fun experimenting with the various stitches on your machine. Here’s a link to the free Quilt in a Day patterns page, you’ll have to scroll…
From thejaxcollection are two great videos explaining how to do Traditional English Hexagon Patchwork created by Jackie Wills. There are other videos by thejaxcollection worth checking out, including Part 3 that shows how to remove the paper backings from the hexagons.
I came across these three video tutorials created by Sharon Schamber where she shows using Elmer’s School Glue for attaching binding to a quilt. It sure looks easy when she does it. Yesterday afternoon, I picked up some of the glue, we’ll see how well this works out. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
While trying to solve a Binding mess I created yesterday, I found some useful tips and techniques. Continuous Quilt-Binding by Heather Bailey Ending Double-fold binding Binding Tips by Bonnie Hunter Quiltsmart 101: Completing Your Quilt Here’s a good video from All People Quilt.