Category: Videos

  • Here is a great video by Eleanor Burns where she shows how to make her crazy quilt and strip stockings. It’s a great way to use up scraps and have fun experimenting with the various stitches on your machine. Here’s a link to the free Quilt in a Day patterns page, you’ll have to scroll…

  • From thejaxcollection are two great videos explaining how to do Traditional English Hexagon Patchwork created by Jackie Wills. There are other videos by thejaxcollection worth checking out, including Part 3 that shows how to remove the paper backings from the hexagons.

  • I came across these three video tutorials created by Sharon Schamber where she shows using Elmer’s School Glue for attaching binding to a quilt. It sure looks easy when she does it. Yesterday afternoon, I picked up some of the glue, we’ll see how well this works out. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

  • While trying to solve a Binding mess I created yesterday, I found some useful tips and techniques. Continuous Quilt-Binding by Heather Bailey Ending Double-fold binding Binding Tips by Bonnie Hunter Quiltsmart 101: Completing Your Quilt Here’s a good video from All People Quilt.