Welcome everyone to our first official lesson for the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along (A4AQAL).
For this week’s post, I’m sharing three tips to improve your quilting accuracy and the cutting instructions for the background/contrast fabric.
Want a chance to win 15 yards of free fabric PLUS participate in an exciting holiday-themed quilt-along? Find out from our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop.
Lately, I’ve been working on my Diagonals Quilt. These blocks, while lots of fun, really are time-consuming. However, I can finally see the end of the tunnel.
The time has finally come to put our quilt blocks together. I’ll be sharing how to assemble the straight layout, while Pat Sloan has put together an excellent tutorial for those that are doing the on-point layout.
Here’s the tutorial for Block 12 of our Beginner’s Quilt-Along (QAL). Just one block left, and then we’ll start putting the quilt top together.
Here’s Block 11 of our Beginner’s Quilt-Along (QAL). This week, we learn how to make quarter square triangles.
Here’s Block 10 of our Beginner’s Quilt-Along (QAL). This week I’m sharing another tool I like for squaring up HSTs and a few other tutorials too.
Here’s Block 6 of our Beginner’s Quilt-Along called The Calico Puzzle.I’m also sharing one of my favourite tools for making half square and quarter square triangles from June Tailor.
Here’s Block 5 of our Beginner’s Quilt-Along. This block is most commonly known as the Friendship Star. I’m also sharing several video lessons for beginners and product recommendations to prevent rulers from slipping.