Category: Quilting Events

  • Exploring the colours red and white at Wellington County Museum & Archives November 14, 2009 – February 21, 2010 Wellington County Museum & Archives 0536 Wellington Road 18 R.R.1, Fergus, ON N1M 2W3 On display November 14, 2009 is Wellington County Museum & Archives’ newest exhibit, Winter in Red and White. The vibrant colour…

  • I hope everyone had a wonderful time participating in Pat Sloan’s The Edge Blog Hop last weekend. I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. Lucky quilter Angela won the set of all 10 rulers. Congrats Angela! If your local quilt shop does not have the rulers yet, and you want to purchase them, you can visit Pat’s…

  • Imagine … 80,000 glorious blooms 16 gigantic gardens 16 super-sized murals 32 juried designs 7 welcoming communities If you’re near Elkhart County in Northern Indiana this summer or early fall, you must take part in the Quilt Gardens Tour. I had hoped to go see this in person, but doesn’t look like I’ll make it…

  • Since its establishment in 1994, the Massachusetts Quilt Documentation Project (MassQuilts) has documented over 6,000 quilts originating or currently owned in this state. This summer, many historically significant or esthetically appealing quilts documented by MassQuilts will be on display at the New England Quilt Museum in an exhibit entitled, Massachusetts Quilts: Our Common Wealth. The…

  • November 15, 2008 – March 1, 2009 Wellington County Museum & Archives RR#1 Fergus, Ontario (Canada) N1M 2W3 0536 County Road 18 Township of Centre Wellington Opening Reception: Friday, November 14, 2008 Discover the beauty and art of quilting in Wellington County. The Grand Quilt Guild of Fergus showcases their most recent work at Wellington…