Category: My Quilting Journey

  • I returned home to Canada late last night. An uneventful drive home from Lancaster. I stopped at another quilt shop on the way home, and the GPS took me through winding roads and mountains to get me to the highway. It was gorgeous even though I was getting a little frustrated wanting to reach the…

  • Judy’s just posted her latest FREE stash busting project. She’ll post the next steps every few days. Isn’t it gorgeous! I love it. The idea is to use up stash, so you can make room for more pretty fabrics. Be sure to check out the no waste flying geese tutorial [PDF file]. I haven’t tried…

  • Check out the gorgeous hats I made for Judy and I to wear at Market. All they need is a little bit of ribbon added so they can be tied under our chin. I’m sure we’ll be a great hit. Ok seriously, these are candy dishes, made from another of Geta Grama’s fabulous tutorials, Quilted…

  • There are days/weeks when time just seems to move way too quickly. I’ve been working on preparations for attending Spring Market next month and a new version of this web site, which I think you’re going to *love*. It’s cleaner, easier to navigate and COLOURFUL! I had hoped to get it ready for this weekend,…

  • I’m really glad I’m not participating in Judy’s Stash Busting exercise, as I’d be high into the negatives this week. Here are the pretty fabrics I needed to complete projects for Spring Market, that I’ll be attending as an exhibitor. You’ll have to wait until May to see the finished pieces .. I want it…

  • Just checking out the new Quilter’s Home magazine web site, and came across this point, in the article 23 secrets for stress-free quilting. 8. Needling All needle points aren’t the same, girls. Use sharp, denim, or topstitch needles, which will cleanly perforate the fibers (rather than just moving them over to find the hole in…

  • Hi all, I decided to take a week off from blogging to let everyone get caught up reading the fabulous guest blogger posts from February. If you’re interested in being a guest blogger, please read the guidelines, then send me an email. In case you missed it in my newsletter, I’ve been accepted as a…

  • I realized as I’m writing my newsletter to go out later tonight (or tomorrow), that I haven’t posted photos of the Christmas quilts I made for my family. Oops! Here they are. I made each of my nieces a quilt. Dora for Lucy and Elmo for baby Alice. While these aren’t great works of art,…

  • We had our first charity quilting sew-a-thon day last Sunday. Eight of us gathered at Lois and Lisa’s house for an afternoon of sewing fun. Three of the ladies had never sewn before. For one reason or another, they have a strong desire to learn and support Victoria’s Quilts with their efforts. They each finished…

  • Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a nice holiday … I sure did. Here’s the latest report on the Charms for Charity Contest. If you would like to participate, the final contest drawing will be held January 31st. With the holidays over, the mail seems to be moving a lot quicker, so there’s…