I’m really excited to have been asked to participate in the Winter Wonderland Sew-Along, hosted by our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop.
Just about every mail day for the past 6, or so, weeks has brought me at least one, often several, colourful quilt blocks from my Aiming for Accuracy II quilt-along participants.
Earlier this month, I asked my Aiming for Accuracy II quilt-along participants if they would send me a 5″ finished block to use in the backing of my quilt. See the gorgeous blocks I’ve received so far.
Have you ever made a Churn Dash quilt block? Perhaps in a sampler quilt? It’s an unassuming block that, as a quilting teacher, has great potential as a learning opportunity for quilters of all experience levels.
Hello!! Anybody out there?? Yes, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. Several months in fact. A far longer break than I ever intended, but ya know, life sometimes gets in the way. Let’s get caught up!
Let’s just say it’s been FUN *sarcasm*. What started out as a very simple problem, escalated considerably. I won’t bore you with the exact details. Since mid-November, the server has had numerous failures, some of them full outages, and others just components. I had to make the decision to move to another provider and hire…
Our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop have a fun series they’ve been sharing, called the Classic & Vintage Series. The idea is to freshen up an old block with new fabrics. They are providing free downloads for the featured block pattern and a step-by-step video showing how to complete each block.
Earlier this week, the Quilting Gallery turned 7!! To help celebrate, our friends at Aurifil have generously donated The Perfect Box of Neutrals.
Playing catch-up with the latest lessons from our Delightful Stars Quilt-Along.
I am thrilled to be the August Aurifil Designer of the Month. I chose to make my block in honour of my Nana.