Category: My Quilting Journey

  • Here are the quilts I made for my nieces and introducing Sasha, my new toy!

  • How I use Evernote to organize my quilting life. An article published in the December issue of The Quilt Life with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims.

  • I am very fortunate to be participating in a row robin with 7 other wonderful ladies from around the world. I’ve completed my first row and received a lovely flower row from Anita.

  • I love when the postman knocks on my door with a squishy package!

  • Candle Mats

    Here’s what I made for the candle mat swap, along with three others that I made, and the lovely one I received from Sharon.

  • Here’s my entry for SewCalGal’s Christmas Quilt Show 2010. Several years ago I participated in a Christmas paper-piecing exchange. Each person was responsible for completing 12 blocks, 11 of which were then sent to a coordinator, who in turn sent you back 11 blocks that others completed. My block is the Christmas ornament, third row…

  • Here’s my entry for Amy’s Blogger’s Quilt Festival. I made this Springtime Chubby Chicks quilt for my folks earlier this year to celebrate them moving into a new house. The pattern is from Black Mountain Quilts, the green chick fabric is from Pat Sloan’s Nikki line and the chicks are assorted 1930’s scraps. The chicks…

  • I have been working on scrappy blocks for a new queen-sized bed quilt for myself. I started with 320 paper templates, cut at 5″ from an old phone book. Testing the layout of 16 squares (trimmed to 4.75″) on the design wall. Need 20 of these blocks that are 17.5″ unfinished. Auditioning the 20 blocks…

  • I adore hand-dyed fabrics, so much so that I’ve even been dyeing my own fabrics this summer (blog posts to come soon!!). When I heard that Melissa was selling what was left from her fabric dyeing business, I couldn’t believe it. She had indicated she was looking for someone local to purchase the lot. I…

  • Not much stitching going on here this week, but I did manage to finish six applique posy needle cases. One I will mail to my swap partner later today and a couple others to friends.